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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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New Turquoise Jeep song title, 'Let me touch your face, like Corona'

Just kidding but I needed a music break


Okay back to the shitty mess

CDC director says there's not enough staff and equipment in public health labs
From CNN's Amanda Watts

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield testifies before a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention budget on Capitol Hill, on Tuesday, March 10. Andrew Harnik/AP
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield said state and local public health labs are underequipped and understaffed.

"The truth is we've not invested, we've underinvested in the public health labs," Redfield said at a House Appropriations hearing for the 2021 CDC budget.

“There's not enough equipment, there's not enough people, there's not enough internal capacity, there's no surge capacity,” Redfield added.

“Public health labs, we built the technology in those labs to monitor flu, that uses a certain equipment, which we call thermocycler, that equipment, maybe a good lab could do 300 tests a day. University of Washington can use these high machines, like New York is about to do, those machines can do thousands, and thousands and thousands,” Redfield said.
Redfield also said that 99% of the novel coronavirus cases recently confirmed were outside of China. According to the latest numbers from the World Health Organization, which were released on Monday, there were 3,948 new cases outside China and 45 new cases in China-- roughly 1%.

“The epicenter, the new China is Europe. And there’s a lot of people coming back and forth from Europe. We’re starting to see these communities and we are moving quickly to understand how address Europe,” Redfield said.

don't they have like a few billion to spend now?


Well it's a good thing the public health labs are the only labs in the US that can test. Be he doesn't tell you that, or it's a lede that's buried. It's all about putting forth a narrative to drive panic. In the US all private hospitals have labs and there are also commercial labs that are used by a lot of insurance companies.

If I were to go down the street to a doctor locally, they'd send the labs across the street to a LabCorp that they use. If I wanted to drive a little further to a better hospital, that hospital would use their on-site lab to test.

LabCorp is one of the shittiest companies in America, mind you. They scam the fuck out of their customers. They aren't BBB accredited. You trust them to do the right thing when it comes to national security?


Why wouldn't people WANT to find out that they were carrying a highly infectious and left threatening disease exactly? Seems like a Cunt move not to tbh, a bit like that French Air Steward dude in the 70s who knew he had AIDs, but decided to fuck his way through every bathhouse on both sides of the Atlantic regardless until he eventually expired. Sometimes I think people let this 'Freedom' thing get in the way of common sense and social responsibility.
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Here's the thing.

Let's assume China is truthful for this exercise, and they're magically cured and now IMPORTING cases from other places instead of having any internal cases. How did they get there? With a STRICT no quarters given lockdown. They were tracing people who left Wuhan via their phones and other means, they went to 11. It took a few weeks, locking down 700+ million people, but it appears to have worked.

South Korea was looking like another spot to explode, but they jumped on things fast and seriously and now, a couple weeks later, things look under control. Look at how many tests they ran. They were being proactive as FUCK. As of now, it appears to have worked for them.

Iran.. who the hell knows what is going on there.

What have our western nations done? We hem and haw and cancel a few big events (to much consternation) and mostly just making poor panic decisions (TP & water) and making fun of said panic decisions.

Italy is now completely locked down. Which country is next? How long until it IS here?

Is the media hyping this up for ratings? Of course. That's why I don't generally give a shit what CNN/MSNBC/FOXNEWS/etc says about this. They're usually days or hours behind in breaking news anyway, and they have to put their Anti-Trump or Pro-Trump spin on things first.

I follow the numbers. Are they perfect prognosticators of the future? Absolutely not. But we're not looking at a static event, we're looking at an event that's coming AT US.

Hur-dur-dur only 723 people in the US have it. There are like 327 million people in the US. That's such a tiny percentage! Don't worry, be happy! Hur-dur-dur!

Look at the number explosions in other places, and those other places (outside of China) are much, much smaller than the USA. While the USA has the benefit of being spread out a bit, it also means the virus can take hold in a lot of different places at the same time. How will quarantines work? Will CA state police be at the borders keeping out the evil Oregonians?

I, emphatically, 100% want this to be a wet fart that goes away fast. I want to go to E3, I want to sell my house, I have plans for 2020 and this is right fucking things up, but I am not sticking my head in the sand and justtheflubro'ing because somehow it makes me feel better about my poor preparedness.

IF you feel like this is no big deal and overblown and whatever.. come in here and back it up with facts, post more info about how South Korea and China are beating this thing, and how we've learned those lessons and are applying them abroad. We're (generally) posting facts and details about how this is continuing to spread, if you doubt those facts, back them up with counter facts, not stupid non sequiturs.


Why wouldn't people WANT to find out that they were carrying a highly infectious and left threatening disease exactly? Seems like a Cunt move not to tbh, a bit like that French Air Steward dude in the 70s who knew he had AIDs, but decided to fuck his way through every bathhouse on both sides of the Atlantic regardless until he eventually expired. Sometimes I think people let this 'Freedom' thing get in the way of common sense and social responsibility.

It isn't about freedom for those kind of people, freedom requires social responsibility. They desire power over others.


It isn't about freedom for those kind of people, freedom requires social responsibility. They desire power over others.

By those kinds of people, I assume you mean retards Right? 🤔


Fuk Dat, what about Ma Freedoms!!! Fucking Gorvnt Telling me what to do. Burn it down, burn it all down!!!. I'll infect every sonoabitch I want to. No National Guard is gonna stop me.

US public health labs have run 4,856 coronavirus tests, CDC says
From CNN's Amanda Watts

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield said 4,856 novel coronavirus tests have been run in public health labs across the United States.

Redfield said that number, which was last updated on Monday, does not include clinical labs or private labs.

So much for the 1 million promise lol

Which Doctor are you GAF?

The Chilled out one?

The one who looks up forums?

Or the one who says that we are all going to die?

Of course it is scary for older folk who are vulnerable but wanted to lighten the mood.

Jsut saw the post above me...so did Voldemort do it to Harry Potter?
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Careful there Citizen. I may have to mark you down for one of our future re-education Freedom camps, where you'll learn all about the problematic nature of freedom of speech and thought.

Call me a fool and a communist here, but if China wanted to get rid of Trump wouldn't it be a lot easier for them to just assassinate the man versus infect their own country with an uncontrollable virus and tank their own economy in the process? Or are we playing this entire scenario out using 24 Scriptwriting rules? In which case carry on.


They didn't infect themselves, but, they will use the opportunity as a way to undermine their current largest economic competitor. The USA

They dont care about their people, only their govt. They didnt engineer the virus but they're using the opportunity to undermine US economy. Trust me

Its like the old saying - never let a tragedy go to waste. Opportunism at its finest

They covered it up as long as they could. Once the bat was out of the bag, they are now happy to see our economy tank along with them.


Made sure to get my second major declared on paper so that when my university inevitably closes down I'll get two degrees instead of one!

(Think there is some policy where if the university has to cease operations for whatever reason degrees will be given to those who are within a small number of credits of obtaining them)


Lil’ Gobbie

I can't speak to the validity of those numbers, but I feel like no doctor would ever post this in their office...Even if this virus is "just like the flu", any medical professional knows the devastating consequences of the Influenza virus

Regardless, when they do come up with a vaccine, its a matter of time until we start to see "skeptical" antivaxers, presumably a lot of the same folks who are out there hoarding useless items right now
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Two weeks it looks like (for now).

cleaning service too?

I dunno man. I've seen South Korea focus on hot clusters and even they have a hard time with them but unless they are willing to push as hard as South Korea and lockdown and test heavy statewide this is just a PR stunt to me. It is just to show he tried. NYC his huge, NY State is even bigger.

this is not a time to test things out, and fail New York.

I guess only time will tell if this step helps


Hey, isn't this a good time to bring the right and the left together?
The right can agree with the left that air travel should be stopped, and the left can agree with the right that the borders should be closed, am I right?
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Let's assume China is truthful for this exercise, and they're magically cured and now IMPORTING cases from other places instead of having any internal cases. How did they get there? With a STRICT no quarters given lockdown. They were tracing people who left Wuhan via their phones and other means, they went to 11. It took a few weeks, locking down 700+ million people, but it appears to have worked.

This is one of the few bleak silver linings of a totalitarian government. It was said when the first few cases hit the US but containment here in the states was probably never a real option and I think that's playing itself out now. Especially considering that there is apparently a significant number of people that are crayon-eating levels of dumb and believe everything is fake news until their lord and savior say otherwise, despite the fact that he has repeatedly shown he doesn't know what the fuck hes even talking about when it comes to this shit. Asking if rolling out of Flu vaccination would make a dent in the problem, or bitching about letting AMERICANS off of those cruise ships because it would affect his infected numbers.


They didn't infect themselves, but, they will use the opportunity as a way to undermine their current largest economic competitor. The USA

They dont care about their people, only their govt. They didnt engineer the virus but they're using the opportunity to undermine US economy. Trust me

Its like the old saying - never let a tragedy go to waste. Opportunism at its finest

They covered it up as long as they could. Once the bat was out of the bag, they are now happy to see our economy tank along with them.

Who Exactly are They? 🤔

I know they silenced somerset somerset but was it the Fabians? Those filthy fuckers are behind everything.



This is one of the few bleak silver linings of a totalitarian government. It was said when the first few cases hit the US but containment here in the states was probably never a real option and I think that's playing itself out now. Especially considering that there is apparently a significant number of people that are crayon-eating levels of dumb and believe everything is fake news until their lord and savior say otherwise, despite the fact that he has repeatedly shown he doesn't know what the fuck hes even talking about when it comes to this shit. Asking if rolling out of Flu vaccination would make a dent in the problem, or bitching about letting AMERICANS off of those cruise ships because it would affect his infected numbers.
Yes , sadly that’s the down side of a democratic.
Why is Italy so bad? Or are they painting a more realistic picture of what the other countries look like?

Deaths is likely due to the aged population, since this hits them harder. Italy is (I guess) one of the oldest countries in Europe.

They also likely were the first ones to get caught unprepared. Other countries could be in for similar fates/numbers.


He paints a real difficult picture of what the challenges are to overcome for hospitals to even care for large numbers of people at one time.
The thing is I am not even sure they can stop it from getting to those numbers
Yes this video is very down to earth.
Too bad the thumbnail screams death to the world.
Everyone should watch it.
After ~1.800 yesterday i expected 2.000+. So 977 is okay and gives some hope that containment over there will start to work, especially after what they have announced yesterday. But for that we will have to wait at least another week. Death count due to age is awful.

Yes, the lowest new case # in 3 days or so, which hopefully is encouraging. Though deaths went down yesterday as well before jumping up. Hard to tell if there is a trend in either direction without more data.
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