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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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The guy on Rogan said smokers and the obese are also at higher risk of death. Everyone's just focusing on the elderly.

He said everything they've projected to occur back in January has come to fruition and he still projects it to make the rounds over the next 3-6 months and they project millions of infected in the states and potentially up to 480,000 deaths.

Not happening.

Just look at the actual numbers. I am not a its just the flu bro, but even China got it to 80K out of 1.3 Billion people. I doubt it gets past 50K.

Seems that if you get to about 1K things can spiral out of control but you can take harsh measures to bring it down to more normal levels. Italy, SK they are going to turn it around soon. Spain, France and Germany will probably have an upshot but peak. USA isn't close to peak either.

Iran/NK well they are fucked because they are denying it so far and you can't trust anything they say.

The bigger problem will be the economic, and political fall out. Just be prepared though if you are in the US or Western Europe for Italy type situation for a few weeks till this thing peeks and then working from there to pick up the pieces. But 500K dead and millions infected is way to hyperbolic.


Neighbours from Hell
Not happening.

Just look at the actual numbers. I am not a its just the flu bro, but even China got it to 80K out of 1.3 Billion people. I doubt it gets past 50K.

Seems that if you get to about 1K things can spiral out of control but you can take harsh measures to bring it down to more normal levels. Italy, SK they are going to turn it around soon. Spain, France and Germany will probably have an upshot but peak. USA isn't close to peak either.

Iran/NK well they are fucked because they are denying it so far and you can't trust anything they say.

The bigger problem will be the economic, and political fall out. Just be prepared though if you are in the US or Western Europe for Italy type situation for a few weeks till this thing peeks and then working from there to pick up the pieces. But 500K dead and millions infected is way to hyperbolic.

Well, he projects this thing to be around for another 6-12 months and it to have spikes once societies have to send people back to work for economic reasons, and he thinks there will be resurgences in cases after lull periods.
Not happening.

Just look at the actual numbers. I am not a its just the flu bro, but even China got it to 80K out of 1.3 Billion people. I doubt it gets past 50K.

Seems that if you get to about 1K things can spiral out of control but you can take harsh measures to bring it down to more normal levels. Italy, SK they are going to turn it around soon. Spain, France and Germany will probably have an upshot but peak. USA isn't close to peak either.

Iran/NK well they are fucked because they are denying it so far and you can't trust anything they say.

The bigger problem will be the economic, and political fall out. Just be prepared though if you are in the US or Western Europe for Italy type situation for a few weeks till this thing peeks and then working from there to pick up the pieces. But 500K dead and millions infected is way to hyperbolic.

Well that's the problem, you HAVE to do the draconian measures to keep it under control. I don't know if all countries will/can do this.


Pretty crazy how this virus is probably the worst possible thing that could happen to the Trump campaign leading into the election:

-The economy is the most important issue and it was booming under Trump. Now it has collapsed.
-Most of the TV and social media conglomerates are heavily biased against Trump, making it seem like he has little support. His rallies on the other hand show the support and level of enthusiasm is at an all-time high. Now those rallies will likely be either cancelled or at least heavily curbed.
-The virus primarily hurts those aged 60+, which is a huge Republican demographic. Even if they don't get sick, they'll be afraid to leave the house, thus decreasing turnout.
-The virus gives Joe Biden a good excuse to go into hiding so that he stops showing how senile he is.


The initial information I was given was that the virus was not airborne - the YouTube video from John Campbell claims that the Chinese are saying the virus, when a person coughs, can remain in the air for 30 minutes. How do we fact-check that?

I ask because one of my colleagues tested positive and he’s reclusive at work, to say the least. He has zero interactivity with people. He merely breathes the same air we do.
"airborne transmission is thought to have occurred from aerosolised respiratory secretions"
Did he wear a mask? I suppose if he has coughed in the open then a certain radius of air is going to contain contagious aerosols.

Hang in there mate!

For those curious where it was found:



I've gotta say I'm astounded that Turkey has reported nothing so far.

I have friends in Turkey. In hospitals they notify with the cause of death and they definitely already had a local death from the virus (ie turkey simply isn't reporting to the global audience). İstanbul is a major tourist hub there is no way in hell they don't have cases.

Not happening.

Just look at the actual numbers. I am not a its just the flu bro, but even China got it to 80K out of 1.3 Billion people. I doubt it gets past 50K.

Seems that if you get to about 1K things can spiral out of control but you can take harsh measures to bring it down to more normal levels. Italy, SK they are going to turn it around soon. Spain, France and Germany will probably have an upshot but peak. USA isn't close to peak either.

Iran/NK well they are fucked because they are denying it so far and you can't trust anything they say.

The bigger problem will be the economic, and political fall out. Just be prepared though if you are in the US or Western Europe for Italy type situation for a few weeks till this thing peeks and then working from there to pick up the pieces. But 500K dead and millions infected is way to hyperbolic.

China numbers are confirmed only by China. They don't let WHO verify anything. Data from China is about as useful as health tips from Trump.
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Someone feel free to correct me but my understanding of the general consensus is that its not aerosolized but you can definitely get it from spit particulates from someone coughing, sneezing, blowing their nose around you, etc. I'm not sure if this is still the current running theory though.

John Campbell, in the above posted YouTube video, says that an infected person in Wuhan got on a bus, and that thirty minutes after this person got off another person got on the same bus and was infected by the air.

As I said above, I was struggling to understand how one of my colleagues was infected - until I heard that.

Also, I can’t believe I’m about to post this, but I’m presently coming to grips with the fact that it’s likely I will soon have to get tested. I’m presently at home in self-lockdown. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues decided they had to return to work. I have SO MUCH respect for them. They weren’t, and aren’t, trained for this.

Please hope for them/us.
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Keep in mind getting COVID 19 isn't a death sentence, and if you aren't old odds are you get over it. Sure we don't know long term effects right now, but even in China 80% of cases are recovered. If basically no one in their 70's or below 20 got it probably wouldn't actually be a bad thing in the sense that there would be less deaths and also less need to put people in hospitals. I mean its still bad because the damage it does to the lungs and even young people might still need hospitalization. But if you removed everyone over 60 who has the virus what do you think the numbers would look like?

I am not a its just a flu bro guy. I know to get it to calm down you need to take china level efforts and then what is back to normal? Even now China isn't back to "normal". Is Normal living in your home almost 24 hours a day and walking around with a mask and sanitizer while hoarding TP?


I have friends in Turkey. In hospitals they notify with the cause of death and they definitely already had a local death from the virus (ie turkey simply isn't reporting to the global audience). İstanbul is a major tourist hub there is no way in hell they don't have cases.

China numbers are confirmed only by China. They don't let WHO verify anything. Data from China is about as useful as health tips from Trump.

We can look at SK and Italy then. And yes they lied to cover this shit up to start and fucked everyone. But now I don't think they are completely fabricating their numbers. I doubt they are hiding many deaths and infections now. Sure maybe a small % but I would mostly trust their numbers.

the only countries I can see breaking 100K are Iran and NK. Even Italy I think will hopefully get things under control at around 30K or so.
John Campbell, in the above posted YouTube video, says that an infected person in Wuhan got on a bus, and that thirty minutes after this person got off another person got on the same bus and was infected by the air.

As I said above, I was struggling to understand how one of my colleagues was infected - until I heard that.

Also, I can’t believe I’m about to post this, but I’m presently coming to grips with the fact that it’s likely I will soon have to get tested. I’m presently at home in self-lockdown. Unfortunately, many of my colleagues decided they had to return to work. I have SO MUCH respect for them. They weren’t, and aren’t, trained for this.

Please hope for them/us.

Let us know how it goes. I imagine at least a handful of people here will end up in the same boat at some point.


In college basketball related news (I'm a fan), the Ivy League has cancelled its conference basketball tournament (awarding the NCAA tourney auto-bid to the regular season champ). Also, the state of Ohio will now only hold sporting events without fans, which is where the "First Four" round of the NCAA tourney is held (Dayton, Ohio).



The problem in the U.S. is that a lot of people will ignore quarantine orders, just like the person that went to the Biogen conference and has infected everybody.


I wonder how the antivaxxers will feel about a vaccine.
Maybe one positive aspect of this is if they actually make an effective vaccine, and people get it through their thick skulls that vaccines work and don't cause autism (hugely false study debunked thousands of times), then maybe it will change the attitude towards vacccines, and we at least won't have idiot parents sending unvaccinated kids to schools getting measels and shit (more people getting seasonal flu vaccine would also be a plus). COVID19 might just be mother nature's way of slapping some sense into us as a species.
-The virus primarily hurts those aged 60+, which is a huge Republican demographic. Even if they don't get sick, they'll be afraid to leave the house, thus decreasing turnout.
-The virus gives Joe Biden a good excuse to go into hiding so that he stops showing how senile he is.
The campaigns might also not be suspended, and worse case the virus could infect some of the candidates.
But now I don't think they are completely fabricating their numbers. I doubt they are hiding many deaths and infections now. Sure maybe a small % but I would mostly trust their numbers.
AFAIK china did not do draconian lock down of all of china only some regions. Likelihood of it being contained to those regions with more than 5 million leaving quarantine zone upon announcement of quarantine, practically zero. Other areas of china probably have growing number of cases.

Keep in mind getting COVID 19 isn't a death sentence, and if you aren't old odds are you get over it. Sure we don't know long term effects right now, but even in China 80% of cases are recovered. If basically no one in their 70's or below 20 got it probably wouldn't actually be a bad thing in the sense that there would be less deaths and also less need to put people in hospitals. I mean its still bad because the damage it does to the lungs and even young people might still need hospitalization. But if you removed everyone over 60 who has the virus what do you think the numbers would look like?

I am not a its just a flu bro guy. I know to get it to calm down you need to take china level efforts and then what is back to normal? Even now China isn't back to "normal". Is Normal living in your home almost 24 hours a day and walking around with a mask and sanitizer while hoarding TP?
The problem is there are serious complications in 17-19% of cases, of those about 5% need ICU. There are only about 350k free hospital beds and 100k icu beds in the entire USA, iirc. If the doubling rate continues and it reaches millions infected it could overwhelm the healthcare system, and once people aren't being treated for serious complications or complications needing ICU the death rate could climb.

Also I've heard it can cause kidney damage, liver damage, lung damage, and not sure if true but heard the life support machinery might also cause brain damage.
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Why do I feel like this would have been all over the news for days if this was actually the case. This article was posted on 2/27



The vaccine/etc shit was all over the news last month, but quickly people realized while it's a start... the process still takes a year+ to come to fruition so all the people getting excited we're very premature.


Neighbours from Hell
Apparently a lot of people dying have overactive autoimmune responses to the virus as well. Not just weak immune systems.


Why do I feel like this would have been all over the news for days if this was actually the case. This article was posted on 2/27



Back on Feb 28th.

Jpost also has your article

I am sure I posted a few articles as well about this since they are talking about it being in poultry and I remember the 90 day number.

This still has to be tested and approved. So for now we don't even know if it works on humans. Lets hope that it does. I guess we will know in a few months.


Areas in Canada with confirmed cases as of March 10, 2020
Province or territoryConfirmed cases
British Columbia32
Total cases:79
Information on demographics, symptoms and outcomes is available for 65 confirmed cases.

Of these confirmed cases:

  • the onset of illnesses occurred between January 15 and March 4, 2020
  • 53% of ill individuals are female
  • 82% of ill individuals are over the age of 40
  • 13% of ill individuals have been hospitalized
  • 1 person has died of COVID-19
And I bet if you take out those Aged over 60 the % of hospitalized is probably pretty low. I wonder if they change the cut off to 50 whats the % change in people infected.


My county has thrown in the towel after ten cases and are moving towards mitigation. We are also only capable of testing 20 times per day. It looks like I was better off staying in China with this sort of response.

I'm also in an argument with my wife because sick relatives keep coming over to our house that is made up of me a 36 year old with type 1 diabetes, my wife whom is pregnant, and her mother who is over 60. Her niece got sent home for coughing so much she threw up, and they keep coming to our house.

Somehow im being a hypochondriac. "If you are so concerned why don't you self isolate, telework and ill bring you food." How about we don't constantly surround ourselves with sick people while a deadly virus that we are vulnerable to is circulating our community?

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If anyone's interested and can understand italian, those are our guidelines right now:


Oh by the way, "fun" side effect. My internet is so fucking slow since they've told us all to stay home. Bet you're gonna take it seriously now.


I have friends in Turkey. In hospitals they notify with the cause of death and they definitely already had a local death from the virus (ie turkey simply isn't reporting to the global audience). İstanbul is a major tourist hub there is no way in hell they don't have cases.

That's going to blow up in their face for sure. Are they taking any measures?


I wonder how the antivaxxers will feel about a vaccine.
Maybe one positive aspect of this is if they actually make an effective vaccine, and people get it through their thick skulls that vaccines work and don't cause autism (hugely false study debunked thousands of times), then maybe it will change the attitude towards vacccines, and we at least won't have idiot parents sending unvaccinated kids to schools getting measels and shit (more people getting seasonal flu vaccine would also be a plus). COVID19 might just be mother nature's way of slapping some sense into us as a species.

The anti vaxxers are a miniscule percentage of the population. It doesn't matter if they don't get it, they still benefit from herd immunity.


Neighbours from Hell
Is there a way we can bioengineer a deadly contagious virus that specifically targets bats, rats, mosquitos, ticks and just unleash it into the wild so we can get rid of these useless disease-carrying species that serve no purpose in this world other than to be a danger to us?
The anti vaxxers are a miniscule percentage of the population. It doesn't matter if they don't get it, they still benefit from herd immunity.
haven't kept up. What about the rumors of people who've gotten covid 19 being reinfected at a later date. If even those who got the virus can get it again, a vaccine might not be that effective.
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Asking if rolling out of Flu vaccination would make a dent in the problem, or bitching about letting AMERICANS off of those cruise ships because it would affect his infected numbers.

Why would you want more disease carriers running around?

That is how this got started in the first place - just a few weeks ago the media narrative was that "This was just the flu!" and "Why is mean racist Drumpf keeping the yellow people out?" That selfish hag and spoiled doctor on the cruise ship were whining about being prevented from spreading coronavirus.

We should have quarantined all travelers from the initial infection zones involuntarily.

Mr Li said the most frightening thing he witnessed was the death of a young family of four in the room just next door. The parents were in their 30s and the children aged three and four.

"I was terrified when I saw doctors running to perform CPR on them. I was very concerned my life would be ended like that," he said.

Wut.. I thought no kids were dying? Fake news?
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