Smiles and Cries
like what?
I don't get it what am I looking for? Seems like normal spoiled orange baby Trump?
We should give this dude a crown though, make him King already. Kings don't have to work this hard.
like what?
So this week has been fun. What do we think next week will bring?
First time I've ever seen Donald not act like Donald, actually has me a bit scared
Animal Crossing New Horizons, a deserted island get away without COVID19
So this week has been fun. What do we think next week will bring?
Olympics. Global pandemic announcement has made the cancellation all the more easier.
I'm naming my island Wuhan and having a bat resident move in. PM for my friend code if any Gaffers want to join in
like what?
What the fuck. Is everyone in Italy infected? How could so many be leaving the country infected?
Probably right.
No, thats the number of total recorded cases: healed + currently ill + 125,599 is the number of coronavirus case or "ill"/"sick"
this will trigger re
My guy is sloppy, pure sloppy mind, that had no information at all, he got too much wrong for anyone to work with had to stop when he said no blacks infected just because it will trigger RE does not mean we should all swallow this![]()
Because of the positive result, the game was postponed with the NBA later announcing that they were suspending the season."A preliminary positive result came back right before tip-off of the Utah Jazz-Oklahoma City game," the team statement said. "Subsequently, the decision was correctly made by the NBA to postpone the game. When it was determined that the individual would be tested, we immediately informed the league office. The health and safety of our players, our organization, those throughout our league, and all those potentially impacted by this situation are paramount in our discussions."
Animal Crossing will keep me off the streets lmaoAnimal Crossing New Horizons, a deserted island getaway without COVID19
Wait until we test everyone in contact with those.................90% of Brazilians suspects and infected was in Italy in vacation, work etc...
I am sure that money of his will make his private health insurance do the best they can to pay for all his needs.Tom hanks is old AND diabetic. Sadly his fate is probably sealed. I hope he comes through, he's such a good actor.
Yeah, not sure what I was watching, and checked out around that point too. Uh, the Italians? Oh right, everyone knows they are just Chinese people that settled in the Mediterranean lmao.
I am sure that money of his will make his private health insurance do the best they can to pay for all his needs.
I love Tom Hanks, but I also loved Steve Jobs guess who was richer and decided not to trust in Medical Science.
You never know with high profile people, when they are sick they tend to make very poor choices. They spend a lot of money but make wrong choices.
this bullshit has infected a shit ton of people and i would have thought it would have blown over by now
e3 is cancelled, nba venues are cancelled
why aren't businesses shutting down? why isn't everything shutting down?
seems to me we're in a situation where you shut yourself in with a months worth of rations and just watch the news until it's over
people are going to work and shopping like it's whatever and panicking at the same time
Tom Hanks...jesus..why him...please let him survive...
What would you guys recommend in this situation?
A relative of mine was diagnosed with epilepsy. They had their license stripped for 6 months(standard procedure) and get it back if they're 6 month symptom free. They are currently 4 months symptom free.
So they've been taking public transportation to work. They no longer want to with the virus. Carpooling isn't an option. Uber? Maybe a little better than public trans, but still risky.
So right now they're deciding between risking driving with a suspended license or risking public transportation and catching the virus, spreading it to others and family.
What choice do you think is best?
What I don't get is what shutting down most of society even achieves realistically.
My understanding is that we either need to develop a vaccine or the number of people who catch it and recover from it need to reach critical mass to develop herd immunity. This is a huge issue right now because neither of those things have happened and a vaccine is a long ways out. I understand the idea of social distancing as a way offset the burden on medical care facilities that would otherwise be overwhelmed if everyone just caught the disease all at once, but surely we can't just go shutting everything down and completely avoiding people. If even a couple of individuals still carried it after an arbitrary amount of time, wouldn't the panic just start all over again?
Look at how many old people have died when they had the whole focus of hospitals taking care of them.
The Hankster is 63, and hopefully doesn't have anything preexisting but it seems like if this thing wants you dead, you don't make it, regardless of effort or bank account.
Yeah, it's tough. The seizures were mild and never frequent. I was actually in a car with them months ago when they had one and they drove through it. But if you play with fire.... then again taking public trans right now is playing with fire and what if they contract the virus and spread it to others who die? No easy answer.Gah I don't know. I guess try and risk it? They can't work from home? If they have an incident while driving and kill someone you'll feel shitty.
What would you guys recommend in this situation?
A relative of mine was diagnosed with epilepsy. They had their license stripped for 6 months(standard procedure) and get it back if they're 6 month symptom free. They are currently 4 months symptom free.
So they've been taking public transportation to work. They no longer want to with the virus. Carpooling isn't an option. Uber? Maybe a little better than public trans, but still risky.
So right now they're deciding between risking driving with a suspended license or risking public transportation and catching the virus, spreading it to others and family.
What choice do you think is best?
I am sure that money of his will make his private health insurance do the best they can to pay for all his needs.
If literally everyone got locked down and the only infected people couldn't infect anyone else.. The virus dies out. Simple as that. It's not going to stick around on surfaces for weeks and there is no native animal transmission that we know of here.
They’re in their 60s with breathing problems. That’s why they’re concerned. They can’t Stay home from work unless the boss gives the ok. I’m hoping that happens soon I don’t want anything spreading among my family.get mask, gloves, sanitizer and take the bus. Don't break the law just because of the fear of a virus that is barely deadly to people below 60. Unless your relative is 80 years old with heart problems but then they should be staying home. Actually if they are young and healthy then getting it with mild to no sypmtoms and passing is probably best because then they would be immune I think.
Hopefully he has a responsible in his adult in his life that can explain that these precautions are necessary to prevent a far worse catastrophe.Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.
Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.
You guys are all nuts. The whole world has gone mad. All panicking like sheep practically begging for tyrants to institute martial law.
The way the world is reacting would be appropriate if this were a modern day black plague with the potential to kill 30% of the population. This isn't anywhere near the universe of that. 80%+ have little/no symptoms. Only the elderly are dying, and though unfortunate not even that many of them in the scheme of things. Why are we shutting down the world economy. This is absolute madness.
Why this Draconian Response to COVID-19? | The Daily Economy
Are we really ready to imprison the world, wreck financial markets, destroy countless jobs, and massively disrupt life as we know it, all to forestall some
This year, thus far:
Deaths By:
Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377
Abortions 8,254,800
HIV 326,523
Malaria 190,527
Alcohol 485,816
Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.
Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.
Yeah but how many of those alcohol deaths were from Corona, huh?You guys are all nuts. The whole world has gone mad. All panicking like sheep practically begging for tyrants to institute martial law.
The way the world is reacting would be appropriate if this were a modern day black plague with the potential to kill 30% of the population. This isn't anywhere near the universe of that. 80%+ have little/no symptoms. Only the elderly are dying, and though unfortunate not even that many of them in the scheme of things. Why are we shutting down the world economy. This is absolute madness.
Why this Draconian Response to COVID-19? | The Daily Economy
Are we really ready to imprison the world, wreck financial markets, destroy countless jobs, and massively disrupt life as we know it, all to forestall some
This year, thus far:
Deaths By:
Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377
Abortions 8,254,800
HIV 326,523
Malaria 190,527
Alcohol 485,816
Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.
Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.
But wouldn't that require like a complete and total guaranteed shut down (basically impossible) for at least a month or be sure? It just doesn't seem feasible. It would need to be damn near 100% elimination or else it would just start up again, no?