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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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My guy said to have a little perspective,

Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377 Got my Flu shoot early
Abortions 8,254,800 the fuck you get these numbers? But no ain't at risk to die from that, mom made her choice.
HIV 326,523 Unless someone has been fucking my Real Doll(tm) I'm good here too
Malaria 190,527 I have Sickle Cell so been there done that
Alcohol 485,816 I'll just convert to Islam, I'm good.

From my perspective only one thing can worry me my guy.



Gold Member
You guys are all nuts. The whole world has gone mad. All panicking like sheep practically begging for tyrants to institute martial law.

The way the world is reacting would be appropriate if this were a modern day black plague with the potential to kill 30% of the population. This isn't anywhere near the universe of that. 80%+ have little/no symptoms. Only the elderly are dying, and though unfortunate not even that many of them in the scheme of things. Why are we shutting down the world economy. This is absolute madness.

This year, thus far:

Deaths By:
Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377
Abortions 8,254,800
HIV 326,523
Malaria 190,527
Alcohol 485,816

Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.

Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.

If you look at Chinas numbers and say 3000 die out of every 80,000 infected people.

Now keep in mind we have over 7.7 billion people on this planet or 7,800,000,000 now let’s divide that by 80,000 to represent one group of 3,000 dead that’s 97500 now let’s multiply that by 3000.

If everyone on this planet got infected then the figure is over 2.9 billion deaths given the current standings.

We aren’t at those numbers you compared with because only a handful are infected in comparison.

Edit: Make that 292.5 million deaths.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
If you look at Chinas numbers and say 3000 die out of every 80,000 infected people.

Now keep in mind we have over 7.7 billion people on this planet or 7,800,000,000 now let’s divide that by 80,000 to represent one group of 3,000 dead that’s 97500 now let’s multiply that by 3000.

If everyone on this planet got infected then the figure is over 2.9 billion deaths given the current standings.

We aren’t at those numbers you compared with because only a handful are infected in comparison.

3000/80000 is a 3.75% mortality rate.

3.75% of 7.8 billion is 292.5 million.


My guy said to have a little perspective,

Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377 Got my Flu shoot early
Abortions 8,254,800 the fuck you get these numbers? But no ain't at risk to die from that, mom made her choice.
HIV 326,523 Unless someone has been fucking my Real Doll(tm) I'm good here too
Malaria 190,527 I have Sickle Cell so been there done that
Alcohol 485,816 I'll just convert to Islam, I'm good.

From my perspective only one thing can worry me my guy.
Your obsession with this virus is extremely unhealthy. Most likely far more unhealthy than actually contracting it. Get a hold of yourself, and stop encouring others to panic. The hysterical and irrational panic is more dangerous than the virus. And flu shots don't do jack shit. Maybe they will actually make you more susceptible even: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubm...1ekV7Is3Cew6ZIlMzrEDthPrTAGMBDD5obwoKVW48JrBo

And those statistics are from worldmeters. I didn't make up squat.
Your obsession with this virus is extremely unhealthy. Most likely far more unhealthy than actually contracting it. Get a hold of yourself, and stop encouring others to panic. The hysterical and irrational panic is more dangerous than the virus. And flu shots don't do jack shit. Maybe they will actually make you more susceptible even: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubm...1ekV7Is3Cew6ZIlMzrEDthPrTAGMBDD5obwoKVW48JrBo

And those statistics are from worldmeters. I didn't make up squat.

No one here is panicking. We're keeping up to date and trying to align ourselves as best as possible with the ever changing info.

You're just the next in a long line of people popping in saying this is just the flu bro and it's all overblown. Come back next week and we'll see how it's going. If you're right and it's nothing, I'll happily eat crow.
Your obsession with this virus is extremely unhealthy. Most likely far more unhealthy than actually contracting it. Get a hold of yourself, and stop encouring others to panic. The hysterical and irrational panic is more dangerous than the virus. And flu shots don't do jack shit. Maybe they will actually make you more susceptible even: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubm...1ekV7Is3Cew6ZIlMzrEDthPrTAGMBDD5obwoKVW48JrBo

And those statistics are from worldmeters. I didn't make up squat.

too much armchair psychology mumbo jumbo, my guy
my yearly flu shoot is required due to experience.
I have a very good memory of ICUs so yes I am a bit obsessed with survival and self-preservation no worries tho I got this


Come back next week and we'll see how it's going. If you're right and it's nothing, I'll happily eat crow.
Depends on what your idea of "nothing" is. I guarantee is vastly different from mine. It's not even the flu, bro. The flu is probably worse. These gaudy death rates don't consider all the asymptomatic or barely symptomatic people walking around. Let's talk once it eclipses the seasonal flu's seasonlong death toll. Maybe then I'll start to even entertain the idea that this is not nothing.
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Neighbours from Hell
Sam Harris' latest pod with the expert from Johns Hopkins made me freak out a little bit less than I have been.

He still kept it very serious, but at the same time, pulled back a little from the doomsday scenarios.

If anyone is panicking, give it a listen.


My guy said to have a little perspective,

Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377 Got my Flu shoot early
Abortions 8,254,800 the fuck you get these numbers? But no ain't at risk to die from that, mom made her choice.
HIV 326,523 Unless someone has been fucking my Real Doll(tm) I'm good here too
Malaria 190,527 I have Sickle Cell so been there done that
Alcohol 485,816 I'll just convert to Islam, I'm good.

From my perspective only one thing can worry me my guy.
What is a real doll(tm)?
Depends on what your idea of "nothing" is. I guarantee is vastly different from mine. It's not even the flu, bro. The flu is probably worse. These gaudy death rates don't consider all the asymptomatic or barely symptomatic people walking around. Let's talk once it eclipses the seasonal flu's seasonlong death toll. Maybe then I'll start to even entertain the idea that this is not nothing.



Gold Member
You guys are all nuts. The whole world has gone mad. All panicking like sheep practically begging for tyrants to institute martial law.

The way the world is reacting would be appropriate if this were a modern day black plague with the potential to kill 30% of the population. This isn't anywhere near the universe of that. 80%+ have little/no symptoms. Only the elderly are dying, and though unfortunate not even that many of them in the scheme of things. Why are we shutting down the world economy. This is absolute madness.

This year, thus far:

Deaths By:
Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377
Abortions 8,254,800
HIV 326,523
Malaria 190,527
Alcohol 485,816

Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.

Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
THIS is the nightmare future we fear. Not just getting sick but being unable to get help.

Yep. He mentions that people aren't even being attended to when they go into cardiac arrest, and that patients over 65 or with comorbidities are left to die without treatment. That's the main issue with corona: the mortality rate is low if you can get proper ICU care, but a high percentage of patients need ICU care and it will easily overwhelm hospitals in outbreak conditions.
Yep. He mentions that people aren't even being attended to when they go into cardiac arrest, and that patients over 65 or with comorbidities are left to die without treatment. That's the main issue with corona: the mortality rate is low if you can get proper ICU care, but a high percentage of patients need ICU care and it will easily overwhelm hospitals in outbreak conditions.

Here's another good thread on their posted rules going forward..

It's battlefield triage now. Save who you can save and don't waste time on low % cases. Insane that it's happening in a modern western medical system. No reason it can't happen anywhere else.

This also probably explains why all the casualties are over 50 so far in Italy. They're prioritizing the young/healthy.
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While I understand people dismissing this because of the numbers vs regular flu, they do realise that it isn't replacing the bog-standard flu right? Another infectious disease being added to the pot isn't going to help already overstretched health departments. If even Trump is worried, maybe it is time to start paying attention.
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Depends on what your idea of "nothing" is. I guarantee is vastly different from mine. It's not even the flu, bro. The flu is probably worse. These gaudy death rates don't consider all the asymptomatic or barely symptomatic people walking around. Let's talk once it eclipses the seasonal flu's seasonlong death toll. Maybe then I'll start to even entertain the idea that this is not nothing.
Here ia some ⚘⚘and a 🐎 to make you feel better.


It's like a Flesh Light(tm) with arms and legs
Your knowledge in sex toys is extraordinary and insightful.
Please, share your experiences with fellow gaffers in the time of need. Its only a matter of time before they have to self isolate but that doesnt mean they have to give up their needs.

Go on. We are listening.


On one hand it's good I'm unemployed so I don't have to be around ppl daily, but on the other hand it's gonna be much harder to actually get a job.
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Yep. He mentions that people aren't even being attended to when they go into cardiac arrest, and that patients over 65 or with comorbidities are left to die without treatment. That's the main issue with corona: the mortality rate is low if you can get proper ICU care, but a high percentage of patients need ICU care and it will easily overwhelm hospitals in outbreak conditions.

This is the most worrisome part of this, as we lock things down. If sick people start flooding my hospital where I get my normal routine care to stay on top of my existing condition it might put me at risk to die from something else because my hospital is now overwhelmed.

I have to go get my port flushed once per month, very simple trip takes at max an hour. You cannot leave a port alone without clearing it often or it might get infected. That infection can kill you.

It is the numbers, not only how severly sick these folks get but how many rush to the hospitals and block care to those who depend on these hospitals to continue fighting against something else. Also how long before we burnout all of the staff or worse how much of the staff will get infected. Things could go bad, there is plenty of reason for concern.


I work at Nissan currently, and it hasn’t affected our plant much yet..but I’m fearful that production will stall once they get confirmed cases at the plant: already had an employee quarantine because he was around someone who had it.


You're free to panic like an idiot over nothing. I will not be doing that. It'll be annoying when all the other irrational idiots panicking starts to inconvenience me though. It hasn't happened yet, but it's coming.
Is this really necessary? Can you contribute something positive about the situation after a very eventful day? Global pandemic canceling e3 fuckin tom hanks infected?
You are number 100 who comes in here and tells everyone off .

But for the record i do agree with you that the draconian measures are not just about the virus, more of a perfect excuse to test the publics compliance and maybe reorganize the world as we know it .
Killing off the elderly...major major benefit to the establishment.


Gold Member
You're free to panic like an idiot over nothing. I will not be doing that. It'll be annoying when all the other irrational idiots panicking starts to inconvenience me though. It hasn't happened yet, but it's coming.

Who said I'm panicking?

There's a huge spectrum of varying levels of reaction that people can have to this situation as it's developing, it's not binary. For some reason you're failing to comprehend that among a whole host of other things.

There's plenty of well sourced information available at your fingertips but instead you have chosen the path of ignorance. I nor anybody else in this thread can help you, but I hope at some point you will see sense so that you don't end up contributing to what is already a bad situation.
Your knowledge in sex toys is extraordinary and insightful.
Please, share your experiences with fellow gaffers in the time of need. Its only a matter of time before they have to self isolate but that doesnt mean they have to give up their needs.

Go on. We are listening.

Start with TENGA EGGs(tm) and work your way up. But enough of that we are going Off Topic.

I'll get back to updates

California confirms two more coronavirus cases
California confirmed two new coronavirus cases on Wednesday -- one in Ventura County, and one in Riverside County, both close to Los Angeles.

That brings the state’s total to 138 cases and four deaths.

Ventura County case: The patient had traveled to Italy and was a presumptive positive case, meaning they had tested positive in public health labs. The patient remains under home quarantine in Ventura County. This is the county’s second case.

Riverside County case: There are no details available about the patient, except that this is the second locally-acquired case. The county has five cases in total.
I don't know guys, I got a realllllllllllly bad feeling about this.

It's not just about Corona either, Corona may be just the beginning, the threat isn't just some external thing like a virus it's what we're capable of doing to ourselves.

Put simply there's too much hate going around in the modern world for it to not end poorly for mankind.

There's just been a bad vibe I've been feeling this whole year.
i saw an article earlier today about an MIT scientist or some shit talking about the corona virus and he said the corona virus was some hoax or something to manipulate markets or something

i can't find that article now


You guys are all nuts. The whole world has gone mad. All panicking like sheep practically begging for tyrants to institute martial law.

The way the world is reacting would be appropriate if this were a modern day black plague with the potential to kill 30% of the population. This isn't anywhere near the universe of that. 80%+ have little/no symptoms. Only the elderly are dying, and though unfortunate not even that many of them in the scheme of things. Why are we shutting down the world economy. This is absolute madness.

This year, thus far:

Deaths By:
Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377
Abortions 8,254,800
HIV 326,523
Malaria 190,527
Alcohol 485,816

Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.

Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.

Yep, preparing for a virus that has a chance of killing someone close to pretty much everyone is no big deal.

What is a real doll(tm)?

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