You guys are all nuts. The whole world has gone mad. All panicking like sheep practically begging for tyrants to institute martial law.
The way the world is reacting would be appropriate if this were a modern day black plague with the potential to kill 30% of the population. This isn't anywhere near the universe of that. 80%+ have little/no symptoms. Only the elderly are dying, and though unfortunate not even that many of them in the scheme of things. Why are we shutting down the world economy. This is absolute madness.
Are we really ready to imprison the world, wreck financial markets, destroy countless jobs, and massively disrupt life as we know it, all to forestall some ...
This year, thus far:
Deaths By:
Covid-19 4,627
Flu 94,377
Abortions 8,254,800
HIV 326,523
Malaria 190,527
Alcohol 485,816
Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.
Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.