Hawking Radiation
Jesus Fuck!! Mate this virus is going to grind the planet to a halt.Man this shit is EVERYWHERE holy fuck.
Jesus Fuck!! Mate this virus is going to grind the planet to a halt.Man this shit is EVERYWHERE holy fuck.
All travel and goods from Europe to the US suspended for 30 days. Not counting the UK.
Vice has a documentary on bananas that talks of a strain destroying most crops, as a similar one did decades back. We never learn.Imagine if we get a mega strain in future that has like a 50% mortality rate or something? How crazy it would be. I’d like to think this would wise us up to future pandemics and worse ones, but it won’t. Just like everything else, once this is over we will go back to not giving a shit and be unprepared again.
If every country totally locked down for a couple weeks back when this all first started this shit would’ve been contained by now. Say it’s not economically feasible all you want, but this shit is destroying the global economy as it is. When these things happen no one wants to bite the bullet and accept that until there’s an outbreak that lost contain.
What's all this "only Asians dies from (or gets infected by) the virus" theorising all about?
I would hazard t guess that 99.9% of the people resident in China are, unsurprisingly, Asian. Of the 0.1% who aren't, the vast majority are likely in the 18-50 years old age range (so largely outside of the "danger" demographic) and almost all of them live in places other than Wuhan (plus the one's who were resident in Wuhan were all evacuated pretty quickly).
If you check the stats on the BNO site, they show that 58k out of 70k known infections are in Hubei province (which includes Wuhan), as are 1696 of the 1770 total recorded deaths so far. Most other provinces in China have fewer than a few hundred confirmed cases each, and many of those provinces are larger than most European countries. From these stats, maybe we should conclude that Chinese people not from Hubei also by and large have the same immunity to the virus as white folks do
Look, as a white guy living in China, I would like these theories to be true, but it's very unlikely that they are.
To be fair, it is the citizens who are suffering, not the old political and religious leaders. They will get all the resources they need to survive while the citizens die.
I mean, even if they did it'd probably run into the same problems companies have trying to sue for copyright infringement. Chinese courts tend to favor Chinese citizens over foreigners in pretty much all cases.Does anyone think that the rest of the world could sue the Wuhan local government for economic losses resulting from this? I don't suppose there is any precedent?
On one hand it's good I'm unemployed so I don't have to be around ppl daily, but on the other hand it's gonna be much harder to actually get a job.
I wonder if he could afford the health care though, you know, being one of the richest people on earth...
Does anyone think that the rest of the world could sue the Wuhan local government for economic losses resulting from this? I don't suppose there is any precedent?
I'll bet you a months ban that this turns out to be no worse than Ebola. Ebola, apparently a disease so bad that they made a few end-of-the-world films out of it.
This is scare mongering at it's finest.
So the British government wants herd immunity and suddenly we're eugenicists (because one special advisor hire turned out to be a nut and was promptly gotten rid of).. what is wrong with people? It's on the same level as the mob that attacked a paediatrician thinking the word meant paedophile.
Ah that explains why that phrase keeps popping up. Morons, all of them.I missed it, but apparently there was some kind of fake news about "taking it on the chin" being spread by the FBPE crowd a few days back, deliberately taking a Boris quote out of context.
No, they had months of warning and didn't act, they aren't any betterDoes anyone think that the rest of the world could sue the Wuhan local government for economic losses resulting from this? I don't suppose there is any precedent?
I have to admit, if that were my son I would be a bit conflicted as to whether to praise or to punish. Also, are kebabs in the UK really £9 now? And that's in Leeds, not poncy London!
The rest of the world is more likely to nuke China... A lawsuit ... lol ...
I’m sorry... they need to be punished in some form however. I mean they imprisoned the doctor who tried to tell the truth!
China is a fucking problem. Communist paradise eh? Filled with disease and pollution. Communist paradise eh? A nation that has a monopoly on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals... communist paradise?
fuck China!
Oh, the irony. Genuinely feel sorry for your son that he has a dumb fuck for a father.Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.
Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.
Coronavirus: 858 Personen in der Schweiz laut BAG infiziert | Nau.ch
BAG-Chef Daniel Koch rechnet damit, dass der im Tessin angesetzte Notstand bald auch auf den Rest der Schweiz ausgeweitet wird. Wir informieren Sie im Ticker.www.nau.ch
The declared now "State of Emergency" in Tessin, where the first corona case of Switzerland happened. All stores are closed.
They think about putting the whole coutry under emergency.
Iam glad that we already stocked up food and other stuff before everything went crazy.
I have to also question the WHO in all of this as well. The fact that they've waited so long to declare this a pandemic is negligent. They were first informed of this back in December 2019 and didn't act in a timely nor appropriate manner.
Austria is at least taking some measures before the situation is out of control. Perhaps not enough but it shows a willingness to act. And Basti hat die Brennerroute geschlossen lewlFirst death in Austria, Vienna.
Edit: I'm a EMT in Austria, a country where we supposedely have the most ICU beds per capita. However we don't have enough personnel.
I live in a city with 50.000+ citizens, 22 ICU beds for the whole city, + 10 more are "planned".
All I can say is...two weeks. Be prepared.
According to the BAG we're close for it on the national level as well.
Edit: Ah, thats the article you posted. My bad.
I don't agree with that. The WHO has repeatedly called on countries to do more and to take China, and in some cases later South Korea, as a model. They have repeatedly said that the measures taken by these countries may seem extreme, but are necessary. And now, a few weeks later, it is precisely these countries that have stopped the crisis for the time being. Italy will certainly follow and other countries will follow at some point, but the price will be much higher. The models and statistics clearly show that even a single day later, without extreme measures, can make a huge difference in terms of the spread of the virus.
Have you ever made bread before? You need a whole lot more than just normal flour to make it more than balast in your stomach.6kg of flour, salt etc for bread making
Have you ever made bread before? You need a whole lot more than just normal flour to make it more than balast in your stomach.
That's good. Just make sure it isn't just white bread because that one has practically no nutritional value, white flour is just garbage.me no, my wife makes it regularly, as well as rye bread. She bought all that and stored it as needed, im honestly clueless with it but she knows
Official tweet from NBA
How one man's stupidity affected so many lives.
Desperate times require desperate solutionsHundreds of ravenous wild monkeys terrorise Thai city in search of food after coronavirus drives tourists away.
Thanks tourists. Make monkeys dependent on your handouts. Now monkeys out for blood.
Germany being Epic dicks:
German customs seize cargo of Chinese medical supplies headed for Switzerland
Hundreds of ravenous wild monkeys terrorise Thai city in search of food after coronavirus drives tourists away.
Thanks tourists. Make monkeys dependent on your handouts. Now monkeys out for blood.
Germany being Epic dicks:
German customs seize cargo of Chinese medical supplies headed for Switzerland
Hundreds of ravenous wild monkeys terrorise Thai city in search of food after coronavirus drives tourists away.
Thanks tourists. Make monkeys dependent on your handouts. Now monkeys out for blood.
Germany being Epic dicks:
German customs seize cargo of Chinese medical supplies headed for Switzerland
How one man's stupidity affected so many lives.