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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Neighbours from Hell
Imagine if we get a mega strain in future that has like a 50% mortality rate or something? How crazy it would be. I’d like to think this would wise us up to future pandemics and worse ones, but it won’t. Just like everything else, once this is over we will go back to not giving a shit and be unprepared again.

If every country totally locked down for a couple weeks back when this all first started this shit would’ve been contained by now. Say it’s not economically feasible all you want, but this shit is destroying the global economy as it is. When these things happen no one wants to bite the bullet and accept that until there’s an outbreak that lost contain.


Imagine if we get a mega strain in future that has like a 50% mortality rate or something? How crazy it would be. I’d like to think this would wise us up to future pandemics and worse ones, but it won’t. Just like everything else, once this is over we will go back to not giving a shit and be unprepared again.

If every country totally locked down for a couple weeks back when this all first started this shit would’ve been contained by now. Say it’s not economically feasible all you want, but this shit is destroying the global economy as it is. When these things happen no one wants to bite the bullet and accept that until there’s an outbreak that lost contain.
Vice has a documentary on bananas that talks of a strain destroying most crops, as a similar one did decades back. We never learn.


Someone just liked this post of mine from just under a month (and over 100 pages) back:

What's all this "only Asians dies from (or gets infected by) the virus" theorising all about?

I would hazard t guess that 99.9% of the people resident in China are, unsurprisingly, Asian. Of the 0.1% who aren't, the vast majority are likely in the 18-50 years old age range (so largely outside of the "danger" demographic) and almost all of them live in places other than Wuhan (plus the one's who were resident in Wuhan were all evacuated pretty quickly).

If you check the stats on the BNO site, they show that 58k out of 70k known infections are in Hubei province (which includes Wuhan), as are 1696 of the 1770 total recorded deaths so far. Most other provinces in China have fewer than a few hundred confirmed cases each, and many of those provinces are larger than most European countries. From these stats, maybe we should conclude that Chinese people not from Hubei also by and large have the same immunity to the virus as white folks do :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Look, as a white guy living in China, I would like these theories to be true, but it's very unlikely that they are.

Remember those halcyon days just 3 or 4 weeks back when some believed that this was a disease which only affected Asians? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

This thread, and the coronavirus thing in general, has been a wild ride! From bat soup memes, to bio weapon conspiracy theories, to suspicious Wuhan smoke/crematorium clouds, to Aussies fighting over toilet paper, to the Iranian and Italian outbreaks, and now Tom Hanks getting infected. Strap in everyone, this ride is just getting started. Meanwhile in China everyone is now watching the rest of the world like:


Keep washing your hands, refrain from touching your face, wear a mask if you have one and only go outside if you really need to. One of the advantages of living in China is that the authoritarian government can get everybody in line. Those of you currently living in Europe and the US etc have to protect yourselves from stupid people as well as the virus. Remember, although maybe more than "just the flu", it's well in the same ball park in terms of how dangerous it is. Try watching a few Black Death documentaries on Youtube. I'm not joking, it seriously helped put things in perspective when I first got locked down in China. If you have any vulnerable family or neighbours, maybe offer to help with the shopping etc.

If you do experience an Italian or Chinese style lockdown, then take the opportunity to put a dent in your game/book/movie backlog. Keep safe everyone. Trust me, the time passes faster than you think it will.


Unconfirmed Member
To be fair, it is the citizens who are suffering, not the old political and religious leaders. They will get all the resources they need to survive while the citizens die.

If your time's up your time's up - if it gets you bad enough no amount of money will fix that. Disease is pretty socialist in that regard.


In the USA (in the Medical Center of the University of Nebraska in Omaha) and China, the phase 3 study for the active substance remdesivir and the coronavirus has now begun. In Asia, two further studies with a total of 1,000 COVID-19 patients will be started simultaneously, in which the drug will be administered intravenously in a dose similar to that in the USA. These tests are designed to determine whether the drug is effective in both severe and moderate disease progressions and whether treatment must be continued for five or ten days. In Germany, the drug has already been requested for one case and special approval has been requested. In the meantime, however, the 80-year-old patient feels better after the administration of an HIV drug, so that the drug may not be used here.

Phase 3 clinical trials are the final step before the final regulatory approval of a treatment. They are designed to confirm that a drug is both safe and effective by extending its reach to a larger pool of patients. If all goes well, the death rate and the number of critical cases could drop drastically in just a few weeks.
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Does anyone think that the rest of the world could sue the Wuhan local government for economic losses resulting from this? I don't suppose there is any precedent?
I mean, even if they did it'd probably run into the same problems companies have trying to sue for copyright infringement. Chinese courts tend to favor Chinese citizens over foreigners in pretty much all cases.
I wonder if he could afford the health care though, you know, being one of the richest people on earth...

Throwing money at respiratory failure does nothing.

Does anyone think that the rest of the world could sue the Wuhan local government for economic losses resulting from this? I don't suppose there is any precedent?

American Natives would be banking it from Europeans and White Americans for generations if you want to go that route. 90% wiped out by disease. And good luck suing your biggest investor and goods producer.
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5 mins away from calling out. There was a confirmed case of a construction working having the virus at 55 Hudson yards. I work at 15 Hudson yards.

I’ve been aware of this since reports in December and been lingering in this thread since the beginning. Gloves at work; ocd kicking in full blast for awhile.

sure I have n95 masks on me but...

The “just the flu bro” retards should be fucking smacked. It’s because of dumbasses like that this shit spreads so effortlessly. fucking morons



The declared now "State of Emergency" in Tessin, where the first corona case of Switzerland happened. All stores are closed.

They think about putting the whole coutry under emergency.

Iam glad that we already stocked up food and other stuff before everything went crazy.
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Unconfirmed Member

So the British government wants herd immunity and suddenly we're eugenicists (because one special advisor hire turned out to be a nut and was promptly gotten rid of).. what is wrong with people? It's on the same level as the mob that attacked a paediatrician thinking the word meant paedophile.



So the British government wants herd immunity and suddenly we're eugenicists (because one special advisor hire turned out to be a nut and was promptly gotten rid of).. what is wrong with people? It's on the same level as the mob that attacked a paediatrician thinking the word meant paedophile.

I missed it, but apparently there was some kind of fake news about "taking it on the chin" being spread by the FBPE crowd a few days back, deliberately taking a Boris quote out of context.


Unconfirmed Member
I missed it, but apparently there was some kind of fake news about "taking it on the chin" being spread by the FBPE crowd a few days back, deliberately taking a Boris quote out of context.
Ah that explains why that phrase keeps popping up. Morons, all of them.


Does anyone think that the rest of the world could sue the Wuhan local government for economic losses resulting from this? I don't suppose there is any precedent?
No, they had months of warning and didn't act, they aren't any better


The rest of the world is more likely to nuke China... A lawsuit ... lol ...

I’m sorry... they need to be punished in some form however. I mean they imprisoned the doctor who tried to tell the truth!

China is a fucking problem. Communist paradise eh? Filled with disease and pollution. Communist paradise eh? A nation that has a monopoly on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals... communist paradise?

fuck China!
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When the shoe is on the other food, and you go from pointing fingers and making memes to shitting yourself, you deserve the karma. You had 2 months advance warning, you did nothing. Time to show how its supposed to be done, or it's time to suffer your sorry fate. Pick one.
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First death in Austria, Vienna.


Edit: I'm a EMT in Austria, a country where we supposedely have the most ICU beds per capita. However we don't have enough personnel.
I live in a city with 50.000+ citizens, 22 ICU beds for the whole city, + 10 more are "planned".

All I can say is...two weeks. Be prepared.
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People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Metro Manila might be in lockdown soon. In 5 mins we will have a state of the nation address.


Yea, decided to stay home and smoke a shit ton of weed and flood social media with IG posts tagging Hudson yards as a site of outbreak. De Blasio is such a limp wristed pile of shit. Hiding reports to not affect a few days of nyc commerce. Fucking piece of shit. I fully intend on causing panic and having Hudson yards work shut down with a bit of propaganda.
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Gold Member
:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:


I have to admit, if that were my son I would be a bit conflicted as to whether to praise or to punish. Also, are kebabs in the UK really £9 now? And that's in Leeds, not poncy London!

Kid has a bright future I'd say.

The rest of the world is more likely to nuke China... A lawsuit ... lol ...

I’m sorry... they need to be punished in some form however. I mean they imprisoned the doctor who tried to tell the truth!

China is a fucking problem. Communist paradise eh? Filled with disease and pollution. Communist paradise eh? A nation that has a monopoly on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals... communist paradise?

fuck China!

I have to also question the WHO in all of this as well. The fact that they've waited so long to declare this a pandemic is negligent. They were first informed of this back in December 2019 and didn't act in a timely nor appropriate manner.


Always good to have a little perspective. When my son's baseball season gets cancelled I can't wait to explain to him that retarded members of the media, world governments, and video game message boards are at fault.

Covid-19 is not nearly as scary as human stupidity and power mad governments.
Oh, the irony. Genuinely feel sorry for your son that he has a dumb fuck for a father.



The declared now "State of Emergency" in Tessin, where the first corona case of Switzerland happened. All stores are closed.

They think about putting the whole coutry under emergency.

Iam glad that we already stocked up food and other stuff before everything went crazy.

According to the BAG we're close for it on the national level as well.

Edit: Ah, thats the article you posted. My bad.
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I have to also question the WHO in all of this as well. The fact that they've waited so long to declare this a pandemic is negligent. They were first informed of this back in December 2019 and didn't act in a timely nor appropriate manner.

I don't agree with that. The WHO has repeatedly called on countries to do more and to take China, and in some cases later South Korea, as a model. They have repeatedly said that the measures taken by these countries may seem extreme, but are necessary. And now, a few weeks later, it is precisely these countries that have stopped the crisis for the time being. Italy will certainly follow and other countries will follow at some point, but the price will be much higher. The models and statistics clearly show that even a single day later, without extreme measures, can make a huge difference in terms of the spread of the virus.
  • Thoughtful
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First death in Austria, Vienna.


Edit: I'm a EMT in Austria, a country where we supposedely have the most ICU beds per capita. However we don't have enough personnel.
I live in a city with 50.000+ citizens, 22 ICU beds for the whole city, + 10 more are "planned".

All I can say is...two weeks. Be prepared.
Austria is at least taking some measures before the situation is out of control. Perhaps not enough but it shows a willingness to act. And Basti hat die Brennerroute geschlossen lewl


According to the BAG we're close for it on the national level as well.

Edit: Ah, thats the article you posted. My bad.

Be happy. Together with Italy, you are one of the few countries that will experience exponentially less negative effects and deaths than most other countries.
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I'm working from home and went to the two closest stores to me, all pasta and bread gone, not much milk left.

We are stocked up for a good 4 or 5 weeks comfortably but i cant shake the feeling i need to buy more, we havent panic shopped but built this up over the last two weeks

Basically worst case plan is below
Breakfast - porridge
Lunch - pasta with meats or veggies
Rice - plov (russian dish of rice with meats/sauce)

We have 5 big buckets of potatos plus basically 12 tins each of peas, corn, beans, soups, mushrooms, peaches, pineapple etc

Our two freezers are filled with chicken breasts, pork cuts, minced meats a couple loafs of bread and frozen vegetables, dumplings etc

24 1L long life milks, 6L of cooking oil (also washing liquids and multiple bathroom supplies like toothpaste shampoos gels etc)

6kg of flour, salt etc for bread making

48 jars of baby food

16 boxes of formula

14 boxes of diapers

I will probably step out this afternoon and buy up a heap more tins of food, pasta etc i dont think i will feel okay until the basement is FULL with food and supplies
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Gold Member
I don't agree with that. The WHO has repeatedly called on countries to do more and to take China, and in some cases later South Korea, as a model. They have repeatedly said that the measures taken by these countries may seem extreme, but are necessary. And now, a few weeks later, it is precisely these countries that have stopped the crisis for the time being. Italy will certainly follow and other countries will follow at some point, but the price will be much higher. The models and statistics clearly show that even a single day later, without extreme measures, can make a huge difference in terms of the spread of the virus.

Fair enough. I just wonder if there's not more they could have done, whether it's though framing this as a pandemic earlier in order to kickstart everyone into action or whether it's through enforcement or stricter advisory (although I don't know how much authority they have in these areas without there being a whole host of red tape).

Ultimately I guess it's on individual countries to make the correct calls.


Gold Member


Unfortunately we need the American workforce now. It’s all hands on deck. We need medical supplies and our own medicine supplies. It’s time to crush the Chinese economy and take back the industries that were stolen.

Massive societal change incoming.

fuck China! It’s the cancer of the world.
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So, the Spanish Equality Minister (Yes, we have an Equality Minister...) has got the bug, and her husband, the VP, is currently quarantined.

Source (in Spanish)



(Front and center, the Equality Minister herself)
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