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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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...hate me...
Amazing how our governments don't have the kind of scientific advising that would put the breaks to this the earliest possible and avoid a lot more pain in the future. We aren't nearly as advanced a society as we think we are.

Unfortunately we are ruled by greed and they couldn't take the quick and unexpected hit to economy, so with the wait and see approach they will take a hit that's multiple times larger and perpetuate in time.

Meanwhile China is becoming one of the best places to be in order to avoid catching the virus lol.

China fucked us royally in the ass on this one with their unsafe practices but then the WHO with their kiddy gloves handling of this and our governments with their greed looked at that opening and finished the job.



The declared now "State of Emergency" in Tessin, where the first corona case of Switzerland happened. All stores are closed.

They think about putting the whole coutry under emergency.

Iam glad that we already stocked up food and other stuff before everything went crazy.

Update on this: Apparently now the BAG doesn't want to know anything about it and leaves it to the individual kantone.

Spineless cowards.


Seems like schools and universities will be closed in entire Europe soon. Almost every country is following suite right now


Gold Member

Shit just got real for a whole bunch of people.

The irony is that despite the FIA as an organisation being full of old people, they are a bunch of just the flu bros because the money comes first to them.

I expect more teams to follow suit if they don't postpone the beginning of the season or do it behind closed doors. But the latter would force them to pull their finger out and allow F1 TV to be broadcast globally so....


Amazing how the Dutch government Hides behind or Dutch CDC, making all the wrong decisions, do they think they know better than WHO, which battles all kinds of nasty viruses, including Ebola, if they tell you to run you run.

Just saying.
I was going through the thread randomly to see how it all started and look at some of the memes and I noticed this post.


I stand by it.

Is any one else so confident as to put their account on the line?

Ebola killed thousands in a month. This has nudged a few old people off of the planet and given a few the sniffles.

Hey, I could be totally wrong! But you know what? The disgusting condescension shown by those in this thread and many other threads, against people who aren't willing to cry and panic about doomsday, is ERA levels of sickening. I haven't seen this level of bullying, witch-hunt and hatred since 2016 on GAF.


Amazing how the Dutch government Hides behind or Dutch CDC, making all the wrong decisions, do they think they know better than WHO, which battles all kinds of nasty viruses, including Ebola, if they tell you to run you run.

Just saying.
The same WHO that's in China's pocket or a special European organization also called WHO.


And Portugal. We had our health minister give a conference last night to say if all schools were to be shut down, but "nah, not yet, one day at a time".
Well at least that's something. Switzerland on the other hand pretends "that everything is fine". The borders with Italy are free to come and go and schools and universities are open because "oh no if the children go home then their parents will not be able to work". Money first > health second.
Well at least that's something. Switzerland on the other hand pretends "that everything is fine". The borders with Italy are free to come and go and schools and universities are open because "oh no if the children go home then their parents will not be able to work". Money first > health second.
Yeah, I read yesterday (think it was you, not sure) about how the trains came and went to Italy without any kind of control. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
We're close to 100 cases (78, will probably reach 100 tomorrow, 2 days tops) and i'm baffled they don't close everything, can't imagine how a Swiss feels, having over 500 and seeing them doing nothing.


But a bought incubator / ventilator will ... with money.

Wrong. This Tom Hanks thing is a temporary benefit because there's no way he will be allowed to die.

We do have answers to this virus - they are just very rare and very expensive.

He will receive every treatment. He will recover.


Guess how many gaffers will receive this care?


Hanks will live. You will die.

If the virus destroys your lungs, there's no treatment for that. You can try a lung transplant, but who is even going to risk that in a heavily infected coronavirus patient? Severe lung damage can, and will kill you.

You can believe this if you want, but if the virus infection is severe and swift enough, it doesn't matter how much money you have. You can have treatment, and still die.

Esp in older people. I'm not saying it's a 100 percent chance ANYONE will die. The risk however, is there for EVERYONE. Don't fool yourselves into thinking anyone is above this situation.
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I stand by it.

Is any one else so confident as to put their account on the line?

Ebola killed thousands in a month. This has nudged a few old people off of the planet and given a few the sniffles.

Hey, I could be totally wrong! But you know what? The disgusting condescension shown by those in this thread and many other threads, against people who aren't willing to cry and panic about doomsday, is ERA levels of sickening. I haven't seen this level of bullying, witch-hunt and hatred since 2016 on GAF.

The thing is, both camps are right. Should we be careful and change some habits or pause them? Yes.
Should we panic and be afraid. No, certainly not.

But comparing numbers from Ebola to COVID-19 is pointless because the context is missing. At the end of the year, and depending on the measures taken by the individual governments, it is quite possible that COVID-19 will claim by far the most fatalities of all viruses this year. More than Ebola in the last 40 years combined, in any case. This is not an exaggeration, but according to previous models it is the expected course. Anyone can look into it and read about it. It is not difficult.
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If the virus destroys your lungs, there's no treatment for that. You can try a lung transplant, but who is even going to risk that in a heavily infected coronavirus patient? Severe lung damage can, and will kill you.

You can believe this if you want, but if the virus infection is severe and swift enough, it doesn't matter how much money you have. You can have treatment, and still die.

Esp in older people. I'm not saying it's a 100 percent chance ANYONE will die. The risk however, is there for EVERYONE. Don't fool yourselves into thinking anyone is above this situation.
At least they have those machines to buy , so chance .... we common folk , don’t .


not tag worthy
If this is just the flu. But a more mutated version. Still take precautions. The flu can still mess you up. Wash your hands use tissues etc. Be safe.
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The Dutch government has been an absolute disgrace handling the situation. But then again, it has always been about the economy instead of people. Instead of acting proactively, they have been acting reactively. I've been following Dr. John Campbell for weeks now.

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Esp in older people. I'm not saying it's a 100 percent chance ANYONE will die. The risk however, is there for EVERYONE. Don't fool yourselves into thinking anyone is above this situation.
yeah it is pretty silly to think "he's rich he can just buy his way out of not dying!". rich people die all the time. God doesn't take checks
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
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At least they have those machines to buy , so chance .... we common folk , don’t .

I'm not saying they don't, but complications arise and shit happens. You can have every treatment imaginable and something can still go wrong and put an end to your life, with any disease or virus.

Money isn't some magical guarantee that you will live forever or survive every calamity.
Hey, I could be totally wrong! But you know what? The disgusting condescension shown by those in this thread and many other threads, against people who aren't willing to cry and panic about doomsday, is ERA levels of sickening. I haven't seen this level of bullying, witch-hunt and hatred since 2016 on GAF.

Going forth I think anyone who goes "this is ERA level" just means the poster is wrong and can't argue their point anymore so they got to go to the lowest level possible. Not just specific to this thread, it's becoming a trend across GAF

You aren't being bullied, there are no witch hunts going on. People are still coming into this thread trying to ignore the severity of the situation while countries enforce quarantines and lockdowns because justthefluers seem to think governments make their decisions by watching the nightly news. If people want to come in here, call posters idiots and retards (all which has happened within the last few pages/days) then the other posters are going to call them out on it as the situation continues to get worse
Going forth I think anyone who goes "this is ERA level" just means the poster is wrong and can't argue their point anymore so they got to go to the lowest level possible. Not just specific to this thread, it's becoming a trend across GAF

You aren't being bullied, there are no witch hunts going on. People are still coming into this thread trying to ignore the severity of the situation while countries enforce quarantines and lockdowns because justthefluers seem to think governments make their decisions by watching the nightly news. If people want to come in here, call posters idiots and retards (all which has happened within the last few pages/days) then the other posters are going to call them out on it as the situation continues to get worse

I don't mind being wrong 🤷‍♂️

If other users are using the ERA thing because they've spit their dummy out, that's on them. There is evidence in the Corona threads of "if you don't panic like we are, then you are a dummy stupid poo-head tin-foil hatter", or words to those effects. Luckily, there are some who are level-headed
Apparently the UK government is going to announce a closure for all schools & Universitys.

What pisses me off the most about this is that this should've been done 2, maybe 3 weeks ago & not now, now that it's escalated. We've had the fortune of having a slight headstart compared to China to prepare for this & our government has just had this, "mmm well let's wait see" attitude.

Surely if it's not safe to go to school, then it should not be safe to go to work or the tube or anywhere for that matter? Money & economy is a hell of motivator compared to the vitality of the population.


Some rumours that the British Conservative Government might not shut schools or major events due to it potentially affecting the NHS (which is only undercut due to the Conservative Government)

Where the fuck is the point of switching to the Delay phase then?
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To be morbidly honest, I think we are just delaying it.

This will be as common as regular flu in years to come.



Poor Guyana had no chance.
Apparently the UK government is going to announce a closure for all schools & Universitys.

What pisses me off the most about this is that this should've been done 2, maybe 3 weeks ago & not now, now that it's escalated. We've had the fortune of having a slight headstart compared to China to prepare for this & our government has just had this, "mmm well let's wait see" attitude.

Surely if it's not safe to go to school, then it should not be safe to go to work or the tube or anywhere for that matter? Money & economy is a hell of motivator compared to the vitality of the population.

I was listening to some 'experts' on radio four talk about this last night. They reckon gov't is right and acting on bets advice. Basically, whilst a lock down is likely to happen you have to time it right because you can't lock down indefinitely, otherwise things start to fall apart and you get even bigger problems. And if you do it too early, you might preempt the peak. And if you do it too late, you fucked up also. There will be a magic number in the modelling that will trigger the more serious measures, like school closures. Also if they do it from next week, that's two weeks until the holidays.
ABC news Australia is saying 20% of NSW (1.5 million) is likely to become infected with Corona. I work with the public in Sydney. Im almost certain to get it - unless I quit my job.
I hope the Chinese authorities shoot on site anyone they catch eating bats in the future :mad:
South Africa reports first case of local transmission
From CNN’s David McKenzie in Johannesburg

South Africa has confirmed its first case of local transmission of coronavirus, after a 32-year-old man came into contact with a Chinese businessman.

Until now, all other cases in the country have been patients who had traveled abroad, South Africa's Health Ministry said Thursday.
It brings the total number of confirmed cases in the country to 17.



Gold Member
I am glad the Europe travel ban happened this week, I was supposed to go to Poland next week and would have been stranded.


Gold Member

Corona virus testing is free in my state, even if it wasn't, my insurance waves all copays and cost related to it, so nothing out of pocket either way

It also doesn't help if you get tested, then catch it on the way home or a week later.
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Gold Member
Everything, including schools and preschools, was closed here where I live (north-west Norway) today. Also service type of shops, hairdressers etc will be closed. Arrangements over a certain size is banned. Workplaces where home office is a possibility are planning to tell their staff to stay home. Businesses are talking about kicking out their workers because they will eventually go bankrupt if this will be a lengthy thing.. Airports may be closed they say, cruise ships will not be allowed to go into the harbors etc etc.. I have a flight next week, I've already cancelled it, no way I'm exposing myself to that right now..

I think the reality of all of this will hit some people quite hard mentally, it's a huge change in everyday life.. I even saw the start of empty shelves in the stores today, albeit people did not look panic'ed at all (I saw mostly "we're in this together" kind of smiles), just slightly extra hasty..

I for one am trying to stay as calm and positive as possible. This is definitely not "the end of the world" even though there's a great deal of mental pull to think that way.
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