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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member
Palpatine himself got Covid-19 and is on child support clinging to his dear life.


On that note, at this point now I wonder what will happen to big movies like Ghostbusters 3. I know I mentioned this before but things are really getting serious.

I also imagine Black Widow will suffer quite a bit. Out of all the MCU movies, I can't see people being that enthusiastic about it in the first place, but now with the Coronavirus....

I am still seeing black widow day one


Palpatine himself got Covid-19 and is on child support clinging to his dear life.


On that note, at this point now I wonder what will happen to big movies like Ghostbusters 3. I know I mentioned this before but things are really getting serious.

I also imagine Black Widow will suffer quite a bit. Out of all the MCU movies, I can't see people being that enthusiastic about it in the first place, but now with the Coronavirus....

If you have Corona you can watch via PPV LOL.

But seriouse I can see a studio trying streaming/PPV model for their movie. I mean what do they have to lose at this point. And I think the first one that does it will make big bank because you will have a ton of people do it because it will seem like you are virtue signlaing. Look at me spendin 50$ to watch Black Widow at home so I don't maybe spread COVID-19.

So if I was a studio I would offer my movie streaming/PPV and rake in the bucks.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
If you have Corona you can watch via PPV LOL.

But seriouse I can see a studio trying streaming/PPV model for their movie. I mean what do they have to lose at this point. And I think the first one that does it will make big bank because you will have a ton of people do it because it will seem like you are virtue signlaing. Look at me spendin 50$ to watch Black Widow at home so I don't maybe spread COVID-19.

So if I was a studio I would offer my movie streaming/PPV and rake in the bucks.
I think it was Morgan Freeman who once wanted to advocate for a model that allowed new theatrical releases to be available at home streaming.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
If you have Corona you can watch via PPV LOL.

But seriouse I can see a studio trying streaming/PPV model for their movie. I mean what do they have to lose at this point. And I think the first one that does it will make big bank because you will have a ton of people do it because it will seem like you are virtue signlaing. Look at me spendin 50$ to watch Black Widow at home so I don't maybe spread COVID-19.

So if I was a studio I would offer my movie streaming/PPV and rake in the bucks.

I had a moment of wishful thinking about this when I saw that the new Bond movie was being delayed. "why not just publish it to iTunes and let me buy it?" Then I realized because I'll see it in theaters AND buy it via iTunes anyway. Sony ain't going to give up my BO dollars even though it would be probably one of the consumer friendliest moves any company has taken during these dark times in entertainment.
Don't buy your tickets just yet. Good money is on Disney delaying their Q2 slate.
I had a moment of wishful thinking about this when I saw that the new Bond movie was being delayed. "why not just publish it to iTunes and let me buy it?" Then I realized because I'll see it in theaters AND buy it via iTunes anyway. Sony ain't going to give up my BO dollars even though it would be probably one of the consumer friendliest moves any company has taken during these dark times in entertainment.
They delay it, that may protect BO returns, but that also risks the movie leaking out too which could damage ticket sales.


Going back to my seasonal office job today. I get this feeling like the season could be cut short at any moment since the work involves youth sports on the west coast. If they get sent home so will I.

It was as I had feared. I got the talk today that much of our work was postponed until May and that I should expect the unexpected in terms of my employment in the coming weeks.

Hope to make what I can while I can with what's available. Wonder if I can get in on some of that Government relief.


Got threw 4 pages just for fun. Sorry for the quote notifications to everyone.

Birdflu, Swineflu, Norovirus, Coronavirus, it's all the same shit.

Chicken soup, a pint of orange juice a hot shower and a good nights sleep and you'll be fine.
Looking at a particular stat sheet for recent mortalities;

Details of the deceased, 15 out of 17 are above the age of 60, symptoms without treatment persist for 2-3weeks.

So only those with compromised immune systems subject to danger from common flu pneumonia (10,000+ deaths worldwide every month) need worry. So far the death rate is significantly less than 1% of infected. It may be much less than that if even more people are infected (very likely). This has been blown out of proportion, but its better to be safe than sorry. No telling what effect the virus has on other racial groups/populations abroad. The rat-borne plague later known as the Black death killed relatively few when it originated in China, but eliminated 50% of Caucasians in Europe. I support further quarantines.

What makes a new virus particularly dangerous is if (in certain groups) it sends your immune system into a self destructive feedback loop. Spanish Influenza predominantly killed only the youthful and healthiest for that reason. The stronger your immune system, the more likely you were to perish. So far we haven't seen signs of this here. In China at least this is like catching the flu. Very serious if you're a geriatric, otherwise, meh. But it could morph. :messenger_hushed:
25 dead now, 830 infected.
Shocking footage shows hospital in China flooded with hundreds of patients amid deadly coronavirus outbreak as leading expert warns the situation 'is already uncontrollable'

Shocking footage has purported to show hundreds of people filling a Chinese hospital to the brim amid an outbreak of a deadly new virus.

The coronavirus epidemic, which has killed 25 people and sickened more than 800, has led the authorities to quarantine at least 24 million people living in nine cities in China's Hubei Province before the Lunar New Year's Day on Saturday.

A leading Chinese virologist who helped tackle the SARS epidemic in Asia in 2003 has warned that the situation in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, 'is already uncontrollable'.

Another expert in the country feared that the worst was yet to come, claiming that the peak of the outbreak would be next month.

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province with a population of 11million, has been quarantined since yesterday.

The local government today said that the city was witnessing a surge in the number of its fever patients and that hospitals were running out of beds.

Authorities have reportedly ordered a state-run construction company to build a dedicated hospital in six days to treat patients diagnosed with coronavirus.

The emergency medical facility would be modelled on a centre built in Beijing in 2003 during the epidemic of SARS, the report said.

Unverified footage posted by a blogger on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter, appears to show the corridor and lobby of a hospital crammed with hundreds of mask-donning patients waiting to see the doctor.

Yang Gonghuan, the former deputy director of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, today told the press that the peak of the outbreak was yet to come.

Ms Yang predicted that the health crisis would worsen and the number of patients would spike in February.

The expert, who helped fought the SARS epidemic in 2003, made the comments to Chinese news outlet Jiemian, which is affiliated to the official Shanghai United Media Group.

Dr Guan Yi, whose team was among the first to identify the SARS virus 17 years ago, shared the concerns.

He confessed to Chinese media that the situation in Wuhan - where the virus originated - 'is already uncontrollable'.

He feared that the new virus could lead to an outbreak at least 10 times worse than the SARS pandemic, which killed 775 people and infected more than 8,000 worldwide.

'I have experienced so much and never felt scared. Most [viruses] are controllable, but this time I am scared,' Dr Guan told Chinese outlet Caixin.

The expert, who was in Wuhan this week, claimed he had to 'escape' from the city yesterday after noticing the 'jaw-droppingly' lack of preventative measures enforced by the local authorities.

At least nine cities in Hubei, with a combined population of 24 million, are now in lockdown. They include Wuhan, Huanggang, Ezhou, Zhijiang, Dangyang, Qianjiang, Chibi, Xiantao, Lichuan.

The number of cities is expected to rise.

The provincial market watchdog today acknowledged that the city was facing shortage of vegetables and the phenomenon was caused by panic buying.

Chen Zhuan, a representative from the Hubei Provincial Market Management Bureau, demanded all farmers' markets and supermarkets conduct price checks on their products and keep the food prices at a 'stable' level.

China's central government has also issued the province one billion yuan (£110million) as an emergency relief fund to help the local authorities tackle the alarming health crisis.

The province has also ordered all travel companies to halt its business and cancel all tour groups.

The World Health Organization is facing increasing pressure to declare the crisis a public health emergency, like it has done for Ebola and Zika in the past. Health chiefs will meet again later today to make a final verdict.
Posible cause of virus-spreading infection are from improper hygene of consuming contagious bats and snakes



The video is a bit misleading, It's Chinese new years eve in about 9 hours from now. Most privately owned shops and the wet markets will be naturally closed becuse people have left for thier hometowns or are at home with family for the celebrations tonight.
Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 5.42.24 AM.png

more here. It doesn't look like it is slowing down.
Ok, this is epic.



I'm just looking for an excuse to post Resident Evil memes
Death toll now at 41. I heard 15 people died in one day:
Coronavirus outbreak: China death toll rises to 41 as France and Australia confirm cases
Real time map of outbreak;

1965 infected, 41 dead.

2% kill rate which is a far cry from the 9.5% of SARS, but that figure is probably wrong; as no doubt thousands more are infected by now.
The US is experiencing a flu crisis at the moment. 6,000+ perished in latest flu season which is a record. Maybe focus on addressing that instead...

Well this is fun. Time to declare a global emergency

41 dead, 1200+ infected.

If this does turn out to be a very serious pandemic the first sign will be the Chinese propaganda going from "this is well under control, it's far worse in the West and look at how fast these emergency facilities are being built !" to "the spread of this virus is unnaturally fast, it must be a Western backed plot born from their desperation at China becoming so powerful"
I have an unrelated doctor's appointment tomorrow together with my 8 yo and my wife is pressuring me to wear a mask. I'm asthmatic and I'm going because of possible heart issues, but I feel a mask might be overkill maybe?

Im in Ireland btw


I have an unrelated doctor's appointment tomorrow together with my 8 yo and my wife is pressuring me to wear a mask. I'm asthmatic and I'm going because of possible heart issues, but I feel a mask might be overkill maybe?

Im in Ireland btw

a mask won’t stop you from getting the virus at all. (Unless it’s a sealed mask) it only helps to stop spreading it
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5 days ago, local transmission of the virus was confirmed in the Philippines. Now, we have 52 cases.

And Metro Manila is now on community quarantine

Lots of places here in the Philippines has also suspended classes. We also have very few test kits so this is a positive

This thread is moving way too fast now. I used to read new posts before sleeping in just 5 mins. Now it takes about 40 mins.


Switzerland is the country in Europe that is most undereacting. Schools are open and everything is as usual. They have a border with Italy but just don't care.


Switzerland is the country in Europe that is most undereacting. Schools are open and everything is as usual. They have a border with Italy but just don't care.

Swedens is still trying its best to beat Switzerland, we have taken 1 step though, no more gatherings with more than 500 people. Except in public venues.

We are also reporting shortages of protective gear for hospital staff, and stopped testing, because nobody bothered to order testkits during the 2 months we had, after we saw what was going on in China.

During todays press conference, the speaker kept picking her nose and then blew it, atleast she used a hankie, which she handed over to another person behind her, which gave it to another, who gave it to another.

Can't figure out if they are actually trying to look moronic, or just are clueless, regardless, it's like a dark comedy a this point.


Bruh. Semantics aside, name calling is beneath us all.

No it isn't.

He is spreading partisan FUD in a rather vicious manner without fact nor reason on his side. If any issue deserves closely monitoring fact vs. Fiction, it is this one, especially as we see hysteria and panic brewing. People need to calm down, be safe, and stop spreading lies.
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"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
No it isn't.

He is spreading partisan FUD in a rather viscous manner without fact nor reason on his side.

Swapped the link with snopes. He didn't say directly Covid19 is a hoax, but he did say that they were using it "as a hoax" against him. You really can only let him off the hook if you think he's smart enough to know the difference. Which he is not.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
So as you all know courtesy of Strife In a Teacup Strife In a Teacup that Sisolak has declared a state of emergency in Nevada, we're also having Flash Flooding now in Vegas too.

What a ride.

Also just heard about Disney parks closing.

This is surreal.


  • Scott Gottlieb says US can still avoid "Italy-like" outcome
  • Cuomo closes Broadway, bans all events in NY with over 500 ppl, reduces venue max capacity by 50%
  • NCAA cancels 'March Madness'
  • F1 Australia Grand Prix to be held without crowd
  • Trump Campaign tells employees to work from home through Monday
  • Maryland & Ohio cancel school
  • Dr. Fauci appears to endorse European travel ban
  • Spain, Italy ban short selling
  • Charles Barkley to self-quarantine
  • UK reports 2 more deaths
  • NYC declares state of emergency
  • Cali bans gatherings with more than 250 ppl
  • China sending a medical team and equipment to Italy
  • Arsenal Manager Mikel Arteta tests positive for Covid-19
  • Disney closes park in Anaheim
  • American Air confirms pilot tested positive for Covid-19
  • Italy closes Catholic churches
  • NBA player apologizes for making light of virus
  • Trudeau and wife to self-quarantine after wife reports flu-like symptoms
  • France death toll climbs to 61
  • Houston closes schools until end of the month
  • Spain death toll climbs to 86
  • Ohio bans gatherings with more than 100 ppl after confirming 5th case
  • Gabon, Ghana confirm first cases of the virus
  • PA. Gov. Tom Wolf shuts down much of Montgomery County
  • 2nd Utah Jazz player tests positive
  • Slovakia closes all borders, international airports
  • NJ cutting off nightclub liquor sales after 10pm
  • Deaths in Italy above 1,000
  • NHL "pauses" play
  • MLB will delay start to 2020 season by 2 weeks
  • Dr. Fauci says test shortage is major government 'failing'
  • Rick Scott 2nd Senator to self-quarantine over virus
  • Senate cancels recess, will stay open next week
  • Reporter claims Gobert was careless in the locker room
  • Premier league to hold emergency talks Friday as clubs push to suspend play
  • 2020 champions league tournament postponed until next year
  • US Major League soccer suspends play
  • Trump says we may need to extend travel ban
  • Reports claim once again that Merkel is ready to whip out the checkbook
  • Goldman asks workers in NY to work from home in 'staggered shifts'
  • EU officials condemned Trump's travel ban
  • Trump says 'markets are going to be fine'
  • Spain has approved a €2.8 billion rescue package
  • Olympic torch lit in front of just 100 spectators
  • La Liga suspends season after Real Madrid player tests positive
  • 3 F1 racers quarantined
  • Blackstone advises portfolio companies to draw down revolving credit lines
  • NHL rumored to be planning a league play suspension as playoffs begin
  • Passenger on JetBlue flight from NY to FLA tests positive for virus
  • Spanish cabinet being tested for coronavirus
  • Scandinavia begins shuttering schools
  • Iran reaches out to 3 million Iranians who may have been infected
  • Market participants wary of dissipating bond market liquidity
  • Global deaths pass 4,600


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Well, Coronabros like Clyde Lewis got us covered. Gonna be interesting to listen to his show tonight.



I have an unrelated doctor's appointment tomorrow together with my 8 yo and my wife is pressuring me to wear a mask. I'm asthmatic and I'm going because of possible heart issues, but I feel a mask might be overkill maybe?

Im in Ireland btw
Research suggests a 20-85% penetration for normal surgical masks so it at least stops something (15-80%). Also helps greatly in making you be conscious of not touching your own face which is one big risk if the place happens to be contaminated.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Not going to lie, I'm a bit scared. Not so much because of the virus but of the economic and social disruptions it's causing. I've never seen anything like this in my life. All this shutting down of everything and whatnot is worrying me.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
  • Scott Gottlieb says US can still avoid "Italy-like" outcome
  • Cuomo closes Broadway, bans all events in NY with over 500 ppl, reduces venue max capacity by 50%
  • NCAA cancels 'March Madness'
  • F1 Australia Grand Prix to be held without crowd
  • Trump Campaign tells employees to work from home through Monday
  • Maryland & Ohio cancel school
  • Dr. Fauci appears to endorse European travel ban
  • Spain, Italy ban short selling
  • Charles Barkley to self-quarantine
  • UK reports 2 more deaths
  • NYC declares state of emergency
  • Cali bans gatherings with more than 250 ppl
  • China sending a medical team and equipment to Italy
  • Arsenal Manager Mikel Arteta tests positive for Covid-19
  • Disney closes park in Anaheim
  • American Air confirms pilot tested positive for Covid-19
  • Italy closes Catholic churches
  • NBA player apologizes for making light of virus
  • Trudeau and wife to self-quarantine after wife reports flu-like symptoms
  • France death toll climbs to 61
  • Houston closes schools until end of the month
  • Spain death toll climbs to 86
  • Ohio bans gatherings with more than 100 ppl after confirming 5th case
  • Gabon, Ghana confirm first cases of the virus
  • PA. Gov. Tom Wolf shuts down much of Montgomery County
  • 2nd Utah Jazz player tests positive
  • Slovakia closes all borders, international airports
  • NJ cutting off nightclub liquor sales after 10pm
  • Deaths in Italy above 1,000
  • NHL "pauses" play
  • MLB will delay start to 2020 season by 2 weeks
  • Dr. Fauci says test shortage is major government 'failing'
  • Rick Scott 2nd Senator to self-quarantine over virus
  • Senate cancels recess, will stay open next week
  • Reporter claims Gobert was careless in the locker room
  • Premier league to hold emergency talks Friday as clubs push to suspend play
  • 2020 champions league tournament postponed until next year
  • US Major League soccer suspends play
  • Trump says we may need to extend travel ban
  • Reports claim once again that Merkel is ready to whip out the checkbook
  • Goldman asks workers in NY to work from home in 'staggered shifts'
  • EU officials condemned Trump's travel ban
  • Trump says 'markets are going to be fine'
  • Spain has approved a €2.8 billion rescue package
  • Olympic torch lit in front of just 100 spectators
  • La Liga suspends season after Real Madrid player tests positive
  • 3 F1 racers quarantined
  • Blackstone advises portfolio companies to draw down revolving credit lines
  • NHL rumored to be planning a league play suspension as playoffs begin
  • Passenger on JetBlue flight from NY to FLA tests positive for virus
  • Spanish cabinet being tested for coronavirus
  • Scandinavia begins shuttering schools
  • Iran reaches out to 3 million Iranians who may have been infected
  • Market participants wary of dissipating bond market liquidity
  • Global deaths pass 4,600

Thanks for punching these up. I've added a few of yours to this thread:
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