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Will warmer weather help fight the coronavirus? Singapore and Australia suggest maybe not
Analysis from CNN's James Griffiths

As the coronavirus began spreading around the world this year, one common refrain from skeptics was that it was just like the flu -- dangerous to sensitive groups but routine and not something to get into lockdown over.

We now know that assessment is wrong. At its lowest estimated fatality rate based on current data, Covid-19 is thought to kill some 1-2% of known patients, compared to around 0.1% for winter influenza, and it appears to be about as infectious as the flu, if not more so.

There is one area in which experts hope the virus will still behave like influenza, however, by tapering off in spring.

Warm weather slows the flu: Influenza thrives in cold and dry conditions, and behavioral differences in winter can also have an effect.
Nelson Michael, a leading US military medical researcher, predicted the coronavirus may behave like the flu and give us "less trouble as the weather warms up," but, he cautioned, it could come back when the weather gets cold again.

But warm countries around the world still have outbreaks. More than 100 cases have been confirmed in Singapore, where it's hot and muggy pretty much year round. Australia, Brazil and Argentina, all currently in the middle of summer, have also reported dozens of cases. And some of the worst hit areas around the world -- from Wuhan, where the virus was first detected, to Iran, Italy and South Korea -- are on more or less the same latitude, with similar temperatures and relative humidity

A variety of other factors also affect how this pandemic will play out, making influenza an inexact comparison -- for instance, the infectiousness of the virus and behaviors to reduce its spread.

"We are not dealing with a virus like influenza that behaves predictably every year," said Debra Chew, an assistant professor of medicine at Rutgers. New Jersey Medical School.

Read the full analysis here.

Bullet Club

Australia's home affairs minister has contracted the coronavirus

Australia's Minister for Home Affairs has confirmed that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
In a statement released today, minister Peter Dutton said that he woke up this morning "with a temperature and sore throat" and was "subsequently tested for COVID-19."

Dutton was advised by Queensland Health that his tests returned positive this afternoon.
Under the policy of Queensland Health, "anyone who tests positive is to be admitted into hospital and I have complied with their advice," Dutton said. He added that "I feel fine and will provide an update in due course."



Will warmer weather help fight the coronavirus? Singapore and Australia suggest maybe not
Analysis from CNN's James Griffiths

As the coronavirus began spreading around the world this year, one common refrain from skeptics was that it was just like the flu -- dangerous to sensitive groups but routine and not something to get into lockdown over.

We now know that assessment is wrong. At its lowest estimated fatality rate based on current data, Covid-19 is thought to kill some 1-2% of known patients, compared to around 0.1% for winter influenza, and it appears to be about as infectious as the flu, if not more so.

There is one area in which experts hope the virus will still behave like influenza, however, by tapering off in spring.

Warm weather slows the flu: Influenza thrives in cold and dry conditions, and behavioral differences in winter can also have an effect.
Nelson Michael, a leading US military medical researcher, predicted the coronavirus may behave like the flu and give us "less trouble as the weather warms up," but, he cautioned, it could come back when the weather gets cold again.

But warm countries around the world still have outbreaks. More than 100 cases have been confirmed in Singapore, where it's hot and muggy pretty much year round. Australia, Brazil and Argentina, all currently in the middle of summer, have also reported dozens of cases. And some of the worst hit areas around the world -- from Wuhan, where the virus was first detected, to Iran, Italy and South Korea -- are on more or less the same latitude, with similar temperatures and relative humidity

A variety of other factors also affect how this pandemic will play out, making influenza an inexact comparison -- for instance, the infectiousness of the virus and behaviors to reduce its spread.

"We are not dealing with a virus like influenza that behaves predictably every year," said Debra Chew, an assistant professor of medicine at Rutgers. New Jersey Medical School.

Read the full analysis here.

Another ridiculously researched article from CNN. Such articles are actually classic fake news or at least an example of lousy journalism.

The critical temperature for the virus starts at 25-30° (77-86 degrees Fahrenheit), at which the survival time of the virus decreases measurably. This is now well known. The shooting location of Tom Hanks' film falls into this grid only to a very limited extent, as it has rarely been so warm there.
Singapore is a city state with a high population density. The number of infections as of 29.02.2020 was 102 there. Spain, the USA, Germany, France etc. all had fewer infections at that time. As of today, Singapore has 187 infections. Spain 3.148, France 2.876, Germany 2.750 and the USA 1.762. And oh yes, there is also Italy. Italy had its first confirmed corona cases about a week later than Singapore. We all know how it went on.

Of course, this does not mean that the virus will go away as soon as the temperatures constantly reach 25 - 30°C, but the risk of infection will decrease. Hygiene, as something anyone can do, and besides social distancing and lockdowns, is and remains the most important personal factor to stop the spread of the virus.
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Another ridiculously researched article from CNN. Such articles are actually classic fake news or at least an example of lousy journalism.

The critical temperature for the virus starts at 25-30° (77-86 degrees Fahrenheit), at which the survival time of the virus decreases measurably. This is now well known. The shooting location of Tom Hanks' film falls into this grid only to a very limited extent, as it has rarely been so warm there.
Singapore is a city state with a high population density. The number of infections as of 29.02.2020 was 102 there. Spain, the USA, Germany, France etc. all had fewer infections at that time. As of today, Singapore has 187 infections. Spain 3.148, France 2.876, Germany 2.750 and the USA 1.762. And oh yes, there is also Italy. Italy had its first confirmed corona cases about a week later than Singapore. We all know how it went on.

Of course, this does not mean that the virus will go away as soon as the temperatures constantly reach 25 - 30°C, but the risk of infection will decrease. Hygiene is and remains the most important factor to stop the spread of the virus.
The most important factor is , minimize social contacts ... so quarantine and lock downs

What does hygiene help if you cough someone in the face?
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Still no one here on gaf with confirmed corona? :unsure:
I wrote about this earlier this week. I had a very strange case of fever that only lasted about two hours. It was very sudden and quite severe. It might have been the Coronavirus. Suffice to say I never experienced a fever so sudden which also vanished just as quickly in my life.
Meanwhile South East Asia countries managed to cull the virus quickly and decisively with minimal loss of life. Our laziness will cost us millions of lives.
I think in a lot of SEA it's unreported because there just isn't the testing capabilities and even if there were, the majority of people wouldn't be able to do anything if they contracted it anyway.
I have a gut feeling this will level off next week, turn into a nothingburger. I know my gut isn't as reliable as WHO, but whatever. I think this weekend will be critical, because the MSM won't be doing updates and will lose the fearmongering they've built up all week.

Then Monday, with less public interest, it will all blow over, and by this time next month, another shitstorm event will be headline news.

All this talk of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x 2 billion dead, daily, is highly unlikely, let's face it.


I have a gut feeling this will level off next week, turn into a nothingburger. I know my gut isn't as reliable as WHO, but whatever. I think this weekend will be critical, because the MSM won't be doing updates and will lose the fearmongering they've built up all week.

Then Monday, with less public interest, it will all blow over, and by this time next month, another shitstorm event will be headline news.

All this talk of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x 2 billion dead, daily, is highly unlikely, let's face it.

it’s already been two months with the China situation ... how is one week later going to be anything but ... worse?


I have a gut feeling this will level off next week, turn into a nothingburger. I know my gut isn't as reliable as WHO, but whatever. I think this weekend will be critical, because the MSM won't be doing updates and will lose the fearmongering they've built up all week.

Then Monday, with less public interest, it will all blow over, and by this time next month, another shitstorm event will be headline news.

All this talk of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x 2 billion dead, daily, is highly unlikely, let's face it.

Expand on "nothingburger".
What do you mean, that you can go watch your NBA playoffs with a full crowd, nobody gets infected, nobody needs intensive care, a few people need to stay home like they have a flu, and that's it?
Italy is in full lockdown and the numbers have anything but slowed down, and that doesn't factor in all the idiots who escaped down south to infect the rest of the country.
Expand on "nothingburger".
What do you mean, that you can go watch your NBA playoffs with a full crowd, nobody gets infected, nobody needs intensive care, a few people need to stay home like they have a flu, and that's it?
Italy is in full lockdown and the numbers have anything but slowed down, and that doesn't factor in all the idiots who escaped down south to infect the rest of the country.

But what about the numbers from the last virus outbreak, posted earlier in this thread. Millions died and nothing closed.

I'm doing my bit, I won't be going out. I think the British approach is most sensible and I hope they're right, that's all I'm saying.

By nothingburger, I mean media scare.
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it’s naive to treat it as a seasonal flu when it’s behavior is so much more different and we’re in the very early stages about learning anything about it. The fact that it‘s a death sentence for the elderly and anyone with health issues is monstrous. And it survives in warm climates!
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I have a gut feeling this will level off next week, turn into a nothingburger. I know my gut isn't as reliable as WHO, but whatever. I think this weekend will be critical, because the MSM won't be doing updates and will lose the fearmongering they've built up all week.

Then Monday, with less public interest, it will all blow over, and by this time next month, another shitstorm event will be headline news.

All this talk of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x 2 billion dead, daily, is highly unlikely, let's face it.

even then it would still be too late for my XFL :messenger_loudly_crying: :messenger_crying:


You know ... I always thought travelers, wealthy men and whore women who travel year-round to have random sex and spread disease were always the worst kind of waste of life on this planet... and I’m now far more sure that they are. And these fucktards are still going on with their travels abroad and across the country since they don’t have real jobs anyway. Congratulations to the whores that infected the entire planet just so they can have a gangbang in Brazil.
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not tag worthy
You know ... I always thought travelers, wealthy men and whore women who travel year-round to have random sex and spread disease were always the worst kind of waste of life on this planet... and I’m now far more sure that they are. And these fucktards are still going on with their travels abroad and across the country since they don’t have real jobs anyway. Congratulations to the shores that infected the entire planet.
Or they could secretly be spreading immunity by fucking it into people ?

joking aside I wonder how open the world will willing to be after this end of this pandemic ?


I think in a lot of SEA it's unreported because there just isn't the testing capabilities and even if there were, the majority of people wouldn't be able to do anything if they contracted it anyway.
I think there would be evidence of that. This virus is extremely deadly if untreated in some cases. I still think they managed to stop it.
I think there would be evidence of that. This virus is extremely deadly if untreated in some cases. I still think they managed to stop it.
Well I know where I am in SEA they don't have the testing kits available and people who have been here have been diagnosed positive and I'm in a relatively wealthy part of the world.


I have a cold... sniffles runny nose.

Am I terrified? Yes.

Im also furious at the dumbass savage co worker I had to perform mutiny on to get him removed from the job when he was sick. He returned the Monday after still coughing but seemingly better. He is riddled with pre-existing sicknesses anyway so the lack of concern angers me. Especially since I’ve been talking about this shit non-stop since January.

keep in mind... in midtown manhattan it is indeed spreading like wildfire and the executive director of the port authority has it and that’s a major travel hub for the subways and into jersey.

I’m very close to beating the fuck out of this guy because it’s possible his savagery and stupidity just caused me to murder my already ailing 82 year-old father and 72 y/o mother. If it does happen; I will indeed fuck him up.... and I don’t care

At this point, I totally expect a collapse of society. Food and water is important but so are weapons. And I say this seriously. The city has already changed quickly with street violence picking up. It is indeed fucking crazy out there already.

I’m mostly concerned that this virus will cripple governments and send us all into a war.

Mad Max times are upon us. Do what you can now. Stockpile food, drink and weapons.
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I have a cold... sniffles runny nose.

Am I terrified? Yes.

Im also furious at the dumbass savage co worker I had to perform mutiny on to get him removed from the job when he was sick. He returned the Monday after still coughing but seemingly better. He is riddled with pre-existing sicknesses anyway so the lack of concern angers me. Especially since I’ve been talking about this shit non-stop since January.

keep in mind... in midtown manhattan it is indeed spreading like wildfire and the executive director of the port authority has it and that’s a major travel hub for the subways and into jersey.

I’m very close to beating the fuck out of this guy because it’s possible his savagery and stupidity just caused me to murder my already ailing 82 year-old father and 72 y/o mother. If it does happen; I will indeed fuck him up.... and I don’t care

damn, I would be pissed too.


I have a gut feeling this will level off next week, turn into a nothingburger. I know my gut isn't as reliable as WHO, but whatever. I think this weekend will be critical, because the MSM won't be doing updates and will lose the fearmongering they've built up all week.

Then Monday, with less public interest, it will all blow over, and by this time next month, another shitstorm event will be headline news.

All this talk of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x 2 billion dead, daily, is highly unlikely, let's face it.

Here's what's going to happen, and you can quote me on it in 2-3 months.

Many, if not all, countries will gradually go into complete lockdown, similar to Italy. Those who react later will have a higher death rate and significantly more infected. Those who react sooner will have fewer problems.
In 1-4 weeks, which varies from country to country, the case numbers will change and start to go down. The active cases will decrease, because the number of recovered cases will exceed the number of new cases every day. This process will take 4 to 6 weeks, maybe more. The lockdowns will be gradually loosened depending on the region. Epicenters such as large cities etc. will have more restrictions for longer periods of time than more rural regions. There will also always be places and regions where regional lockdowns will be quickly re-established to prevent new epicenters from emerging.

If you need proof of this, look at China now, South Korea in a few days and Italy in about a week or two.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
UK bros, take this information as you will because it sounds like "my uncle works at Nintendo", but my girlfriend's best friend's mum is a PA for someone fairly high up in gov, and they're prepping for lockdown. It's a when, not an if.

Not exactly shocking news whatsoever considering lots of countries are doing it (and they should be), just be ready for schools/transport/large gatherings to be shut down very soon.


Unconfirmed Member
UK bros, take this information as you will because it sounds like "my uncle works at Nintendo", but my girlfriend's best friend's mum is a PA for someone fairly high up in gov, and they're prepping for lockdown. It's a when, not an if.

Not exactly shocking news whatsoever considering lots of countries are doing it (and they should be), just be ready for schools/transport/large gatherings to be shut down very soon.

I'd be more surprised if they weren't prepping for it, whether it's imminent or not, because it's 90% certain it'll come at some point (indeed Boris has implied as such - it's just a matter of timing).


UK bros, take this information as you will because it sounds like "my uncle works at Nintendo", but my girlfriend's best friend's mum is a PA for someone fairly high up in gov, and they're prepping for lockdown. It's a when, not an if.

Not exactly shocking news whatsoever considering lots of countries are doing it (and they should be), just be ready for schools/transport/large gatherings to be shut down very soon.

Almost every country will have a complete lockdown. There is simply no alternative. The sooner this happens, the better. Early lockdowns can and will massively limit the spread and lead to declining case numbers. If you live in a country that is on the verge of a complete lockout, you should be happy because it is the most effective tool we have.
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M. Crassus

I have a cold... sniffles runny nose.

Am I terrified? Yes.

Im also furious at the dumbass savage co worker I had to perform mutiny on to get him removed from the job when he was sick. He returned the Monday after still coughing but seemingly better. He is riddled with pre-existing sicknesses anyway so the lack of concern angers me. Especially since I’ve been talking about this shit non-stop since January.

keep in mind... in midtown manhattan it is indeed spreading like wildfire and the executive director of the port authority has it and that’s a major travel hub for the subways and into jersey.

I’m very close to beating the fuck out of this guy because it’s possible his savagery and stupidity just caused me to murder my already ailing 82 year-old father and 72 y/o mother. If it does happen; I will indeed fuck him up.... and I don’t care

At this point, I totally expect a collapse of society. Food and water is important but so are weapons. And I say this seriously. The city has already changed quickly with street violence picking up. It is indeed fucking crazy out there already.

I’m mostly concerned that this virus will cripple governments and send us all into a war.

Mad Max times are upon us. Do what you can now. Stockpile food, drink and weapons.

Sniffles/runny nose are not typical symptoms of Covid-19. It's fever and dry cough. You're most likely fine.
I wonder, so is Alex Jones one of the good guys now? Like, did the cops bust him on false charges just to tarnish his name at this time of controversy over where and how this started. Otherwise, Alex Jones is actually doing well on this issue so far.

I mean, there is solid evidence, at least to this Gaffer, that it was a bioweapon sponsored by Bill Gates. If required I will not post anymore in this thread with my bizarre opinions lol


My pseudo girlfriend has a fever and strep. I’ve been telling her to stay away from the gym, to stay away from everyone. I haven’t seen her in weeks and refused to see her these last two weeks due to my own ocd and paranoia, and I don’t feel like driving to jersey because jersey sucks, but I’m not fucking around. You sick? I’m inclined to believe it IS corona.

It’s our civic duty at the moment as healthy persons to not endanger others. Such is why lockdown is so important. Being young and ignorant in this instance is a danger to the rest of society.
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