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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Watching this situation unfold is so surreal. Its like the whole world has almost come to a standstill.

Just skimming some domestic news makes it all seem like a plot from a derivative apocalyptic movie. I can only imagine the medical professionals and biochem, pharma engineers working around the clock to find answers.
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Minister warns that being black is no protection as Kenya records first coronavirus case

Kenya has confirmed its first case of coronavirus, prompting its health secretary to warn that being black is no protection against COVID-19.

Secretary of Health Mutahi Kagwe rejected rumors that “those with black skin cannot get coronavirus” at a news conference, adding that the patient was African.

The government said the patient was a 27-year-old woman who traveled from the United States through London on March 5. The case was identified on March 12 and the government said it had traced all those who had come into contact with her.

Kagwe told reporters the patient is “stable, her temperature has gone down to normal, she’s been eating -- but she can’t be released until the test comes back as negative.”

The government said in a statement that it was strengthening “measures to ensure no further transmission of the disease" in Kenya.

Kenya’s Secretary for Tourism, Najib Balala, said the country’s economy would be “hit badly,” and that the tourism sector would be the most affected.

Balala said the government has allocated 500 million Kenyan shillings ($4.8 million) for “PR and marketing post-coronavirus.”

Thanks Kenya
This company created coronavirus test kits in three weeks with the help of an AI-run super computer

Before there were any cases of novel coronavirus confirmed in South Korea, one of the country's biotech firms had begun preparing to make testing kits to identify the disease.

On January 16, Chun Jong-yoon, the chief executive and founder of molecular biotech company Seegene, told his team it was time to start focusing on coronavirus.

That was before the virus sweeping China had been named Covid-19 and four days ahead of South Korea confirming its first case.
"Even if nobody is asking us to, we are a molecular diagnosis company. We have to prepare in advance," he remembered thinking at the time.
Fast forward two months, and South Korea is among the world's worst affected countries, with nearly 8,000 people infected, according to the World Health Organization.

But one reason why South Korea might have a higher number of infections than other countries is its aggressive approach to testing.
While some nations have struggled to get enough test kits to diagnose suspected patients, South Korea has provided free and easy access to testing for anyone who a doctor deems needs it. To date, the country has tested more than 230,000 people.
Part of the reason it was able to do that is the availability of test kits developed by companies like Seegene.

Read the full story of how Seegene created its test kits here.

and that is how South Korea is kicking ass
Minister warns that being black is no protection as Kenya records first coronavirus case

Kenya has confirmed its first case of coronavirus, prompting its health secretary to warn that being black is no protection against COVID-19.

Secretary of Health Mutahi Kagwe rejected rumors that “those with black skin cannot get coronavirus” at a news conference, adding that the patient was African.

The government said the patient was a 27-year-old woman who traveled from the United States through London on March 5. The case was identified on March 12 and the government said it had traced all those who had come into contact with her.

Kagwe told reporters the patient is “stable, her temperature has gone down to normal, she’s been eating -- but she can’t be released until the test comes back as negative.”

The government said in a statement that it was strengthening “measures to ensure no further transmission of the disease" in Kenya.

Kenya’s Secretary for Tourism, Najib Balala, said the country’s economy would be “hit badly,” and that the tourism sector would be the most affected.

Balala said the government has allocated 500 million Kenyan shillings ($4.8 million) for “PR and marketing post-coronavirus.”

Thanks Kenya

If we can't believe the Kenyan Secretary of Health then who can we believe?!


Gold Member
Here's what's going to happen, and you can quote me on it in 2-3 months.

Many, if not all, countries will gradually go into complete lockdown, similar to Italy. Those who react later will have a higher death rate and significantly more infected. Those who react sooner will have fewer problems.
In 1-4 weeks, which varies from country to country, the case numbers will change and start to go down. The active cases will decrease, because the number of recovered cases will exceed the number of new cases every day. This process will take 4 to 6 weeks, maybe more. The lockdowns will be gradually loosened depending on the region. Epicenters such as large cities etc. will have more restrictions for longer periods of time than more rural regions. There will also always be places and regions where regional lockdowns will be quickly re-established to prevent new epicenters from emerging.

If you need proof of this, look at China now, South Korea in a few days and Italy in about a week or two.

And what of the economy though? The ramifications of a month lockdown will be huge. If it goes longer then ???


There are arguments both ways - like all serious matters there is no magic bullet solution (and I think that's the thing that freaks people out most with this in an age where there's always an app for that). Locking down travel in and out of the country is useful for instance if your country isn't infected and neighbouring countries are, but if the level is equal then it's not likely to be hugely useful. Locking things down internally is also of mixed benefit - yes you may reduce the impact of large crowds, people being at work, etc, but this isn't just about biology, it's also about human behaviour which is a tricky beast to predict, and one can reasonably assume unintended consequences would follow from any action, especially in relatively free societies that just can't do what China did. Grandparents getting sick looking after kids, NHS workers unable to go to work because they can't find anyone to look after their kids, people congregating in pubs instead of football stadiums to watch matches, etc.

I'm inclined to agree with the view that most of us are going to get it, whatever measures we take, and that herd immunity would be useful, especially as it will prepare us better for the next big pandemic (and yes in an interconnected global age they will happen more frequently unless we significantly row back on that). In many ways the best plan is the one that sees your country come out the other side stronger relative to other countries than it went in. For my money, Boris is therefore taking the right approach.
There is not , all the spreadsheets in the world and how to mitigate , flatten the curve and countries like mine who use this will also go in lock down, when you do , you flatten the curve, big time this will give you time .

If you don’t lock down early you have so much infections going on that health care can’t handle. China and South Korea are proof , just follow that, don’t be the western ass that thinks: nah we know it better.

But most are idiots , I’ll just watch it ... happen .. what do I know..

I can’t change it as I am not in the government.
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Watching this situation unfold is so surreal. Its like the whole world has almost come to a standstill.

Just skimming some domestic news makes it all seem like a plot from a derivative apocalyptic movie. I can only imagine the medical professionals and biochem, pharma engineers working around the clock to find answers.

I'm sure there's a mild mannered virologist with an attractive female assistant that saw all this coming and is in furious search of a cure with tackeling a traiterous plot right in the middle of an infection hotzone.


Haaaa, I can only make dumb jokes now. :messenger_frowning_
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Its inching closer day by day. University close to me just had 17 infections. All contracted it from Austria in a skiing trip. They had time to wander around university before getting symptoms. My sisters co-workers were at the same trip too and came to work normally. Now they all are at home seeing what comes of it. My sister included.

My goverment is doing jack shit to counter this. We just had our countrys health leaders do an info update on corona and how anyone shouldnt go to work when sick. And what you know the other guy was sweating piss and drippin from nose all over the microphone while telling everyone act responsibly.

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Its inching closer day by day. University close to me just had 17 infections. All contracted it from Austria in a skiing trip. They had time to wander around university before getting symptoms. My sisters co-workers were at the same trip too and came to work normally. Now they all are at home seeing what comes of it. My sister included.

My goverment is doing jack shit to counter this. We just had our countrys health leaders do an info update on corona and how anyone shouldnt go to work when sick. And what you know the other guy was sweating piss and drippin from nose all over the microphone while telling everyone act responsibly.


I hate to admit it but this is one of the times when I genuinely think male bravado can do one.

Why even bother turning up to do that when you're ill like that!
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damn these numbers are updating slower on the fastest tracker

I heard Brazil is over 130 cases.
Hopefully the vast majority of Kenyan's share that common sense.

Nothing against Kenya, I doubt this virus is going to miss one single country. Still I predict Kenya runs out of testing kits before they run out of cases. That is just the reality of things. I mean if Kenya tests better than the USA.

Can you imagine? Who is the shit holes nao..?


not tag worthy
I spoke to my boss. If I don’t feel well I’m not playing the hero and powering through.

anytime I cough now a work colleague keeps freaking out.

Not a cough because I’m Ill just a cough because allergies or something in throat.
See how I have to explain my self ?
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And what of the economy though? The ramifications of a month lockdown will be huge. If it goes longer then ???

Well, that's another matter, of course. But the economy will recover at some point, because supply and demand will return to more or less the same level after the end of the crisis. It will hurt. Some more, some less. But it will be okay.


There's a few cases in North Texas right now. I'm hoping everyone is doing their best to keep it from spreading, I'm not worried about me. My parents on the other hand.
Well, that's another matter, of course. But the economy will recover at some point, because supply and demand will return to more or less the same level after the end of the crisis. It will hurt. Some more, some less. But it will be okay.

I think the economy is going to go fucking nuts after this shit with record highs. All the back to school shopping alone it going to skyrocket everything.

but that is a while in the future, we just have to survive and endure the hurt


Here is a good link that forecasts the coming development of the countries. In terms of confirmed total cases per 10.000 inhabitants, Spain is today where Italy was 7 days ago. France, has a 9 days lag. Belgium and the Netherlands are today where Italy was 10 days ago, Germany has a 11 days lag. The USA have a 14 to 16 day lag.

The previous course of Italy is very similar to China and was to be expected. With the same containment measures as Italy, the peak for many EU countries will be the end of March, with about 1,600 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. After that, the active cases will decrease constantly until the end of April to ~10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. This is roughly the level of China one or two weeks ago.

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Here is a good link that forecasts the coming development of the countries. In terms of confirmed total cases per 10.000 inhabitants, Spain is today where Italy was 7 days ago. France, has a 9 days lag. Belgium and the Netherlands are today where Italy was 10 days ago, Germany has a 11 days lag. The USA have a 14 to 16 day lag.

The previous course of Italy is very similar to China and was to be expected. With the same containment measures as Italy, the peak for many EU countries will be the end of March, with about 1,600 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. After that, the active cases will decrease constantly until the end of April to ~10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. This is roughly the level of China one or two weeks ago.

EU countries will peak at the end of March with 1,600 cases per 10,000 (=16% of the population)? That makes no sense, no way will we go that high in such a short time period.


Started to get a cold. I knew I couldn't avoid getting one after all the people in office were sneezing and coughing for weeks. Asian people's concept of hygiene when it comes to colds and illnesses is pretty stupid to be honest. Barely anyone washing their hands, people just sneezing into into their hands (if they can even be bothered do that) and carrying on like it ain't no thang.

I'll be holed up in my apartment for the weekend at least.


Here is a good link that forecasts the coming development of the countries. In terms of confirmed total cases per 10.000 inhabitants, Spain is today where Italy was 7 days ago. France, has a 9 days lag. Belgium and the Netherlands are today where Italy was 10 days ago, Germany has a 11 days lag. The USA have a 14 to 16 day lag.

The previous course of Italy is very similar to China and was to be expected. With the same containment measures as Italy, the peak for many EU countries will be the end of March, with about 1,600 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. After that, the active cases will decrease constantly until the end of April to ~10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. This is roughly the level of China one or two weeks ago.

Unless you can contain , mitigate intervent. Outcome could be changed .

But I think lock down is the only thing that works. Close schools etc ...
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Here is a good link that forecasts the coming development of the countries. In terms of confirmed total cases per 10.000 inhabitants, Spain is today where Italy was 7 days ago. France, has a 9 days lag. Belgium and the Netherlands are today where Italy was 10 days ago, Germany has a 11 days lag. The USA have a 14 to 16 day lag.

The previous course of Italy is very similar to China and was to be expected. With the same containment measures as Italy, the peak for many EU countries will be the end of March, with about 1,600 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. After that, the active cases will decrease constantly until the end of April to ~10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. This is roughly the level of China one or two weeks ago.

Yeah, I'm going to have to revisit your 500k cases number from back in this thread.
I don't think we can stop the spread as much as I expected countries would step up.


My company is ok with people working from home. It's not mandatory though, as long as there is no case in the workforce the office remains open.
I'm not taking chances, as i might have no problems with the sickness, but if i'll get.my wife sick who will take care of the baby?


Here is a good link that forecasts the coming development of the countries. In terms of confirmed total cases per 10.000 inhabitants, Spain is today where Italy was 7 days ago. France, has a 9 days lag. Belgium and the Netherlands are today where Italy was 10 days ago, Germany has a 11 days lag. The USA have a 14 to 16 day lag.

The previous course of Italy is very similar to China and was to be expected. With the same containment measures as Italy, the peak for many EU countries will be the end of March, with about 1,600 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. After that, the active cases will decrease constantly until the end of April to ~10 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. This is roughly the level of China one or two weeks ago.

It is as if no one learnt anything from Wuhan.
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