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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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EU countries will peak at the end of March with 1,600 cases per 10,000 (=16% of the population)? That makes no sense, no way will we go that high in such a short time period.

Depending on the country we probably won't. It all depends on when a full lockdown is taking place and what measures have been taken so far.

Assumptions for the calculations are as follows, according to the site:
1. Countries delay lockdown untill they reach the same number of cases per 10'000 inhabitants as Italy (around 1 per 10'000)
2. Before lockdown, they grow daily at the average pre-lockdown intraday growth rates recorded in Italy (+40%)
3. From day of (expected) lock-down, we apply same daily rates recorded in post-lock-down in Italy (where available) or Hubei (where not available)

PS: Some good news. I think it was the italian minister of health who recently said that the lockdown was working and that they had virtually no more reinfections in the areas that were closed first one or two weeks ago. The rest of the country will need some more time before the measures will show results there as well.
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It is as if no one learnt anything from Wuhan.
Sadly I think we looked more into it than western countries and scientists...

I have been following it since January, I saw this coming from miles away.

My family’s side from my girlfriends side , laughed so hard at me and called it fear mongering. I only told them see that you can get your money back from that planned trip and be prepared...

I am not stupid , I have bachelors degree.

So that’s that.
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The Norwegian version of CDC estimates now that 2.2 million of Norway's 5.2 million will get the virus during the next couple of months. 22000 - 30000 will need hospitalization or other medical care. The outbreak is expected to last a year. Contraction of the virus in the population will not be seen until next (upcoming) autumn/winter.

2020 is a write off.

Stay safe!
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Ethiopia reports its first case of coronavirus
From CNN’s Bethlehem Feleke in Nairobi

Ethiopia has reported the first case of coronavirus in the country.
The patient is a 48-year-old Japanese citizen who traveled to Ethiopia from Burkina Faso on March 4, according to a statement published by minister of health Lia Tadesse. Tadesse says the patient is “currently isolated at our facility undergoing medical follow up” and is in stable condition.
The statement also said the government has allocated “additional budget for the prevention effort and mobilizing more resources,” has established quarantine and isolation centers, and is working to hire more staff.
“Since fear and panic are as dangerous as the disease itself, this first positive case in the country should not let us lower our guard but should propel us to redouble our effort to control the disease,” the statement said.
Sadly I think we looked more into it than western countries and scientists...

I have been following it since January, I saw this coming from miles away.

My family’s side from my girlfriends side , laughed so hard at me and called it fear mongering. I only told them see that you can get your money back from that planned trip and be prepared...

I am not stupid , I have bachelors degree.

So that’s that.

Yeah I feel like I'm in the same boat. I don't have no fancy degree or anything but I have a good head on my shoulders and others have said so. That's why it was so baffling to have people mocking me for prepping and "fear mongering" in the early days, when really I'm just trying to prepare people for the worst. Now slowly but surely they're starting to come around and reluctantly admitting they should have listened.

All my friends and family have never seen me react to a pandemic scare before so why they thought I was being manipulated by the media is just odd. I think it's a reverse case of cry wolf; they all bought into previous scares over the past decade so this one rolls around and they think "I'm not falling for that again!"


Don't think it's unreasonable to imagine that the bare minimum average for this thing will be 10,000 people per country.

Edit - I mean in the initial first wave we are experiencing now.
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Yeah I feel like I'm in the same boat. I don't have no fancy degree or anything but I have a good head on my shoulders and others have said so. That's why it was so baffling to have people mocking me for prepping and "fear mongering" in the early days, when really I'm just trying to prepare people for the worst. Now slowly but surely they're starting to come around and reluctantly admitting they should have listened.

All my friends and family have never seen me react to a pandemic scare before so why they thought I was being manipulated by the media is just odd. I think it's a reverse case of cry wolf; they all bought into previous scares over the past decade so this one rolls around and they think "I'm not falling for that again!"
Yup some have a talent to see if action is needed. Had mine all my life , and I have needed it do make tough decisions.


The evidence of that seems a bit flimsy. Not really confirmed or not confirmed at this point.
Yeah that’s what I meant, who says this Dutch / Uk strategy works ... they are gambling with lives ...

Lock it down idiots.

Lock down has proofed it works ..

Fuck financials just pay all the ministers, primes, less payment .
Take one for the team.
There is enough money and wealth in the world.
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So my company, Which is a global brand and market leader has issued a company wide address and has given staff the option to work from home So its not mandatory but at least they've gave people the choice,Which most of us sensible & non pathetic extroverts have taken them up on.

The company still wants productivuty & business to continue, But I'm pretty sure in a few weeks The UK is gonna peak quicker than people will react & people won't have a choice.

They're saying they're following government guidelines closely, Which I think is hilarious, waiting to do as your told by people who are slow and ignorant as it is. Look around you, look a cross Europe. Some countries were forced to take action while others are being preemptive expecting the worse.

The same thing will happen over here. Oh there's only 590 cases? That's managable...

Yeah, pretty sure Italy had that number at one point & then it erupted & now they've forced their hand.

The ignorance & naivety that this virus will be distinct towards Britain just because will be disastrous.


Unconfirmed Member
EU chief warns against unilateral travel bans
The EU has warned member states against imposing unilateral travel restrictions to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said "General travel bans are not seen as being the most effective by the World Health Organization."
Instead, she called for health screening at borders.
It comes as the Czech Republic joined neighbouring Slovakia in closing its borders to foreigners except those with a residence permit.


EU - caring more about dogma than people.
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The virus is man made.
5 years old.
Read the patent from the link I post.

In fact the patent is here.

We are being taken for a ride. The virus is not a week old, they knew about it over 5 years ago and already had a vaccine ready....

I read your links.

1. Info Wars, per the usual, twist everything to fit their narrative. Gates has been talking pandemics for YEARS because of his malaria outreach showed him personally how we aren't prepared to fight outbreaks of things we already know exist. And it wasn't even 3 months ago, the simulation in question was run 2 years ago!

2. The simulation in question wasn't even Coronavirus, it was a pandemic stemming from China in general because we've had so many things unleashed from China like SARS, Bird and Swine Flu that it only made sense that the "next big disease" would more than likely come from them.

Here's an article from 2018 that people are contributing to "He said it 3 months ago!"

3. If you and everyone else who reacted to your post read the actual patent you'd see it's related to work on vaccines for known forms of Coronavirus and even using it to attack other diseases. What we have is something new based off pigs + bats, here's a list of the Coronavirus vaccines they were working on listed in the patent, please show me where the Chiroptera and Sus (pigs) are listed on what they were working on? I'll save you some time, they aren't.

  • Alpha
    • Canine coronavirus (CCoV)
    • Feline coronavirus (FeCoV)
    • Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)
    • Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV)
    • Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV)
    • Human Coronavirus NL63 (NL or New Haven)
  • Beta
    • Bovine coronavirus (BCoV)
    • Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV)—Common in SE Asia and Micronesia
    • Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)
    • Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)
    • Porcine haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV)
    • Rat coronavirus (Roy). Rat Coronavirus is quite prevalent in Eastern Australia where, as of March/April 2008, it has been found among native and feral rodent colonies.
    • (No common name as of yet) (HCoV-HKU1)
    • Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
    • Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
  • Gamma
    • Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV)
    • Turkey coronavirus (Bluecomb disease virus)
    • Pheasant coronavirus
    • Guinea fowl coronavirus
  • Delta
    • Bulbul coronavirus (BuCoV)
    • Thrush coronavirus (ThCoV)
    • Munia coronavirus (MuCoV)
    • Porcine coronavirus (PorCov) HKU15
This shit is scary enough without conspiracies and fear mongering and I wish there was more applied critical thinking in this thread because it's reaching ridiculous levels of confirmation bias here. Granted, I'm stocked up for best and worse case scenario I feel like this is getting a little nuts, even for me.
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Holy shit . The Netherlands 190 new ones.

My prediction , 1000 by Sunday is feasible. Fuck me.

Governments hopes it flattens with our half baked measures...

Lock down bitches.

The weekend across Europe is gonna be bananas. Monday, worst case scenario off the top of my head, is that hospitals will be inundated. Either that, or mass spread is likely.

MSM won't have accurate figures over the weekend, so expect a gigantic spike on Monday followed by a social media mass panic.

Get your loo roll this weekend.
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And what of the economy though? The ramifications of a month lockdown will be huge. If it goes longer then ???

The economic implications of a failed healthcare system and hundreds of thousands of dead people are far worse than a month long lockdown.

No country can handle that without mass graves. Look at what is happening in Italy right now. You won't be able to get the corpses of your loved ones out of their homes.


The number of infected people is much higher. We'll never get true numbers.

It's laughable to think that all those countries around china have a handful of cases.


Gabriel Knight
I read your links.

1. Info Wars, per the usual, twist everything to fit their narrative. Gates has been talking pandemics for YEARS because of his malaria outreach showed him personally how we aren't prepared to fight outbreaks of things we already know exist. And it wasn't even 3 months ago, the simulation in question was run 2 years ago!

2. The simulation in question wasn't even Coronavirus, it was a pandemic stemming from China in general because we've had so many things unleashed from China like SARS, Bird and Swine Flu that it only made sense that the "next big disease" would more than likely come from them.

Here's an article from 2018 that people are contributing to "He said it 3 months ago!"

3. If you and everyone else who reacted to your post read the actual patent you'd see it's related to work on vaccines for know forms forms Coronavirus, what we have is something new based off pigs + bats, here's a list of the Coronavirus vaccines they were working on, please show me where the Chiroptera and Sus (pigs) are listed on what they were working on? I'll save you some time, they aren't.

  • Alpha
    • Canine coronavirus (CCoV)
    • Feline coronavirus (FeCoV)
    • Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)
    • Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV)
    • Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV)
    • Human Coronavirus NL63 (NL or New Haven)
  • Beta
    • Bovine coronavirus (BCoV)
    • Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV)—Common in SE Asia and Micronesia
    • Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)
    • Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)
    • Porcine haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV)
    • Rat coronavirus (Roy). Rat Coronavirus is quite prevalent in Eastern Australia where, as of March/April 2008, it has been found among native and feral rodent colonies.
    • (No common name as of yet) (HCoV-HKU1)
    • Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
    • Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
  • Gamma
    • Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV)
    • Turkey coronavirus (Bluecomb disease virus)
    • Pheasant coronavirus
    • Guinea fowl coronavirus
  • Delta
    • Bulbul coronavirus (BuCoV)
    • Thrush coronavirus (ThCoV)
    • Munia coronavirus (MuCoV)
    • Porcine coronavirus (PorCov) HKU15
This shit is scary enough without conspiracies and fear mongering and I wish there was more applied critical thinking in this thread because it's reaching ridiculous levels of confirmation bias here. Granted, I'm stocked up for best and worse case scenario this is getting a little nuts, even for me.
well if anything, this current crisis will open peoples eyes and the threat will be taken much more seriously


Man. Starting to feel a bit of worry. My wife came to visit me where I'm working and made it home last night which is good, she is out stocking up right now, I told her to get a couple weeks worth of stuff at a minimum and try to go back out next week to grab a bit more. My kid's school still hasn't canceled and at this point I'm not really sure I want him to go to school, lock down seems wise. I've reached out to management to see how I should proceed, company policy hasn't banned domestic travel but is discouraging it and I'm supposed to rotate home next week- not sure it's a good idea and if I did go home should I bother coming back? Luckily I do not go into an office but still...

It would suck to get stuck in this hotel room but I can deal with it. Just waiting on word from my manager before I head to the store to stock up a bit on food, if shit gets bad enough should I even go out to eat? I'm not worried about getting sick but mass panic is slightly worrisome, my wife said the grocery store was fucking insane and getting worse. Ordered some extra ammo *just in case*...


Finland is beating Sweden and Norway in spreading speed, awesome. There are like 15 (confirmed) cases in my city, so it's still not too bad.
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Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus
BY PETER SULLIVAN - 03/12/20 05:10 PM EDT

A top health official in Ohio estimated on Thursday that more than 100,000 people in the state have coronavirus, a shockingly high number that underscores the limited testing so far.

Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton said at a press conference alongside Gov. Mike DeWine ® that given that the virus is spreading in the community in Ohio, she estimates at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus.

"We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," Acton said. "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly."

She added that the slow rollout of testing means the state does not have good verified numbers to know for sure.

"Our delay in being able to test has delayed our understanding of the spread of this," Acton said.



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Gold Member
Italy here. Today I went shopping at a local supermarket. There were about 12 people in line, I had to wait less than 15 minutes to get in. People were respecting safety distance, some (staff included) were wearing masks. Took a little longer than usual but there was no trouble at all. My town (population circa 15,000) is pretty chill, even deserted at certain hours. People are behaving well here so far. But it’s still a long way till April 3rd.


People on blood pressure or diabetes medication may be at significantly higher risk of death from corona.

The expression of ACE2 is substantially increased in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, who are treated with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers (ARBs). Hypertension is also treated with ACE inhibitors and ARBs, which results in
an upregulation of ACE2. ACE2 can also be increased by thiazolidinediones and ibuprofen.

These data suggest that ACE2 expression is increased in diabetes and treatment with ACE inhibitors and ARBs increases ACE2 expression. Consequently, the increased expression of ACE2 would facilitate infection with COVID-19. We therefore hypothesise that diabetes and hypertension treatment with ACE2-stimulating drugs increases the risk of developing severe and fatal COVID-19

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My daughter's school district (Tigard-Tualatin School District) officially closed schools last night. The first in Oregon which was quickly followed by Lake Oswego Schools. Personally I am thankful for the move. She's old enough she can be home a lone for a couple hours a day the next couple of weeks.



Rage Against the Machine has postponed the first portion (3/26-5/20) of their reunion tour. Had tix to the first date, kinda glad tbh.


Well, there's talk about closing schools here in Wisconsin. Won't be good saying me and my bf both work in schools. HOWEVER, they said he'd still be getting paid since they would be doing online classes. I will not be getting paid though. And while I do think mine may still open a little longer (unless the CDC comes out with a statement saying they HAVE to close with the rest), it won't matter much. My bf makes a lot more than me, but I do pay electricity and internet and groceries. Which doesn't sound like much. But I'm already hurting from some surprise medical bills. Being out of work will hurt me a lot. So do you guys know of any online gigs I could do in the meantime that would help me bring in at least some income?
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