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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Trump is right, I say trust your doctor. Dr. Fauci is playing with his face during this whole conference.

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Oh, by the way. Since you uncouth savages haven't discovered the bidet yet, I suggest you to stock up on toilet paper.

(And masks and hand sanitizer, they're gonna be EXPENSIVE soon)
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told ya it was a set up

Trump says he'll "most likely" get tested for coronavirus
Push by reporters on why he hasn't been tested for coronavirus after coming in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus, President Trump said, "I didn't say I wasn't going to be tested."

He followed up that "most likely" he'll get tested but didn't say when.

More on this: Fabio Wajngarten, the press secretary for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday.

Trump was in close physical proximity with the Wajngarten Saturday night in Florida, two people familiar tell CNN. The Brazilian press secretary attended the dinner Trump hosted at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, took a photo with the President and later stood feet away from Trump as he spoke during Kimberly Guilfoyle's birthday, the sources said.

they are going to keep at this level of crap for weeks


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
The death rate of the virus is currently 3.68%. And most of those are either old or sick, or both. Why are people panicking so much? Even if you're affected, the risk of dying is super low.

Because healthy people have people in their lives that fall into the "in danger" category. For instance, if I caught it and gave it to my dad he could die. So I'm keeping my distance.
Is it possible to have a virus that has 100% death rates? I guess I could Google that... Is Covid-19 deadly as a virus, compared to what it could be?


...hate me...
The death rate of the virus is currently 3.68%. And most of those are either old or sick, or both. Why are people panicking so much? Even if you're affected, the risk of dying is super low.
-Caring about the elderly
-Not wanting to help sustaining a disease that overloads our health systems capacities - you'll want to visit the hospital for something else and you're SOL
-3.68% is kinda high for a disease that spreads at this pace
-Viral pneumonia is fucking scary anyway


Well I heard that’s not the car case in The Netherlands , not sure if it’s confirmed , but here they say most are under 50 on the icu. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit, we hardy see the people who are sick . You need the public calm
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Is it possible to have a virus that has 100% death rates? I guess I could Google that... Is Covid-19 deadly as a virus, compared to what it could be?

Anything above a certain level of lethality isn't all that dangerous, as anyone who gets it is going to die so fast that they won't transmit to that many other people. Anthrax is somewhere around 50% mortality even today, but as it's not easily spread and kills quickly, it's not that dangerous to a population.


-Caring about the elderly
-Not wanting to help sustaining a disease that overloads our health systems capacities - you'll want to visit the hospital for something else and you're SOL
-3.68% is kinda high for a disease that spreads at this pace
-Viral pneumonia is fucking scary anyway
Thousands of old and sick people die of the flu every year, just saying. I know this is worse than a normal flu, but it's no ebola or even close to that.


The death rate of the virus is currently 3.68%. And most of those are either old or sick, or both. Why are people panicking so much? Even if you're affected, the risk of dying is super low.
3.68% isn't low. Assuming a 3.68% mortality rate from the coronavirus, and 50% of the US population becoming infected, that means about 6 million Americans could die.
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I read your links.

1. Info Wars, per the usual, twist everything to fit their narrative. Gates has been talking pandemics for YEARS because of his malaria outreach showed him personally how we aren't prepared to fight outbreaks of things we already know exist. And it wasn't even 3 months ago, the simulation in question was run 2 years ago!

2. The simulation in question wasn't even Coronavirus, it was a pandemic stemming from China in general because we've had so many things unleashed from China like SARS, Bird and Swine Flu that it only made sense that the "next big disease" would more than likely come from them.

Here's an article from 2018 that people are contributing to "He said it 3 months ago!"

3. If you and everyone else who reacted to your post read the actual patent you'd see it's related to work on vaccines for known forms of Coronavirus and even using it to attack other diseases. What we have is something new based off pigs + bats, here's a list of the Coronavirus vaccines they were working on listed in the patent, please show me where the Chiroptera and Sus (pigs) are listed on what they were working on? I'll save you some time, they aren't.

  • Alpha
    • Canine coronavirus (CCoV)
    • Feline coronavirus (FeCoV)
    • Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)
    • Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV)
    • Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV)
    • Human Coronavirus NL63 (NL or New Haven)
  • Beta
    • Bovine coronavirus (BCoV)
    • Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV)—Common in SE Asia and Micronesia
    • Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)
    • Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)
    • Porcine haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV)
    • Rat coronavirus (Roy). Rat Coronavirus is quite prevalent in Eastern Australia where, as of March/April 2008, it has been found among native and feral rodent colonies.
    • (No common name as of yet) (HCoV-HKU1)
    • Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
    • Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
  • Gamma
    • Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV)
    • Turkey coronavirus (Bluecomb disease virus)
    • Pheasant coronavirus
    • Guinea fowl coronavirus
  • Delta
    • Bulbul coronavirus (BuCoV)
    • Thrush coronavirus (ThCoV)
    • Munia coronavirus (MuCoV)
    • Porcine coronavirus (PorCov) HKU15
This shit is scary enough without conspiracies and fear mongering and I wish there was more applied critical thinking in this thread because it's reaching ridiculous levels of confirmation bias here. Granted, I'm stocked up for best and worse case scenario I feel like this is getting a little nuts, even for me.
Try harder comrade.
Covid19 is a bioweapon.
3% also becomes lower when everyone is tested

Or it becomes higher because of proper cause of death being recorded. We have no idea how many deaths that are covid 19 may be being falsely attributed to the flu. The bottom line is we don't have accurate numbers and the government doesn't want us panicked so they probably are manipulating the stats any way they can.


Is it possible to have a virus that has 100% death rates? I guess I could Google that... Is Covid-19 deadly as a virus, compared to what it could be?

Russia probably knows the answer to your question. They have some islands they tested biological weapons on that they still won't step foot on.


You don't seem to get it.

Look at Italy. Their hospitals are over capacity and can't treat the disease. Morgues and mortuary services can't collect bodies fast enough. This isn't the fucking flu, bro.

Chill out - no one's saying the measurable mortality rate isn't going up. There's an immeasurable aspect which overinflates the actual value. What cannot be measured is non-zero.


Is it possible to have a virus that has 100% death rates? I guess I could Google that... Is Covid-19 deadly as a virus, compared to what it could be?

Most people with SARS became ill within 2-10 days after exposure. The death rate was nearly 10%, but could increase to over 50% in adults older than 60.

To date, there have been nearly 2,500 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS with a death rate of about 34%.

The swine flu, or influenza A (H1N1) virus caused the 2009 global pandemic. An estimated 151,000-575,000 people worldwide died from the H1N1 virus in 2009. Of those, there were an estimated 12,400 deaths in the U.S. The estimated global death rate was very low at 0.02%. This strain continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus each year, but can be prevented with a flu vaccine.

Lower death rate tehan MERS and SARS, but it spreads a lot quicker.

Its not deadly, espcially to young people, but the problem is it spreads very easily and stays on surfaces for a long time.
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