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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member
The death rate of the virus is currently 3.68%. And most of those are either old or sick, or both. Why are people panicking so much? Even if you're affected, the risk of dying is super low.

I gave up my job as an executive chef for hotels so work as a Director do Dining for a Healthcare Facility because I wanted to do something more meaningful with my life. If myself or any staff member comes into the building with this we are putting 90 lives at risk.

What do we do? We can shut the place down this is there home. I can’t Isolate myself because I’m scared to get it because I have to help my team feed them and make sure they are staying out of work if they are sick.

I guess my point is for a lot of people this goes beyond just themselves.


we are already 10K in for the day



What I would be watching is the case per million. Italy is insanity, and yesterday it was at 250, now its at 290!

USA is doing ok with 6.8, for NOW. I mean just look at Italies cases/million compared to that. 290 vs 6.8. holy shiite.
I gave up my job as an executive chef for hotels so work as a Director do Dining for a Healthcare Facility because I wanted to do something more meaningful with my life. If myself or any staff member comes into the building with this we are putting 90 lives at risk.

What do we do? We can shut the place down this is there home. I can’t Isolate myself because I’m scared to get it because I have to help my team feed them and make sure they are staying out of work if they are sick.

I guess my point is for a lot of people this goes beyond just themselves.

I guess you just have to do your best. Does the company have policies and procedures for times like these?




Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Took a peek at Twitter since I really don't use it anymore and lo and behold a lot of the trending is "Trump bad" usual bs and The Atlantic saying the "Trump presidency is over" over this pandemic.

Twitter bias still intact. Cripes I'm no fan of his but ffs.


I am vaguely concerned. Not for my personal health as I am a healthy 31 year old man, but all my family is older and some are in very poor health.

My mother and aunt both have the autoimmune disease hashimoto's disease.


...hate me...
Thousands of old and sick people die of the flu every year, just saying. I know this is worse than a normal flu, but it's no ebola or even close to that.
I don't know much about the ebola. But I mean, good that we don't have the ebola then? It doesn't mean that it's not bad just because there's worse.

Take a look at the hospitals around the world absolutely scrambling, doctors over exhausted and even dying, people asked to stay home because there's no beds for everyone, non-urgent appointments and surgeries cancelled, and take into consideration that this literally just started.


As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die. Dr. Lawler’s calculations: 480,000 deaths, which he said was conservative

By contrast, 20,000 to 50,000 people have died from flu-related illnesses this season according to CDC.

*Just* the flu.


How is it affecting people's workplaces? Any layoffs?
Our supply chains are kinda fucked, hiring is difficult (I can't even interview engineers onsite), hoping there won't be any firings.

From what I can tell, the service industry will get slammed hard, travel, and major sports and music events. The economic costs are going to be immense.


Because we cannot stop this, it isn't going away, and we currently have no vaccine. All we can do is delay and slow down the spread and work to mitigate the damage it does.
Of course we can. Reports from South Korea make it seem like the number of infected are going down, and in no way (not even remotely close) is half of their population infected.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Of course we can. Reports from South Korea make it seem like the number of infected are going down, and in no way (not even remotely close) is half of their population infected.

It's because they implemented social distancing policies. Seeing the benefits of social distancing is always going to be a bit delayed in the testing numbers, so that shows it going down, which is great of course, but as soon as they start lifting policies, people are going to spread the disease again. The only way to eliminate it now is for everyone to become immune either by recovering or through vaccine.

If you've got a good idea for stopping it, I'm sure the various health officials around the world would love to hear it.
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How is it affecting people's workplaces? Any layoffs?
Our supply chains are kinda fucked, hiring is difficult (I can't even interview engineers onsite), hoping there won't be any firings.

From what I can tell, the service industry will get slammed hard, travel, and major sports and music events. The economic costs are going to be immense.

I can tell you that we just closed schools up here in QC and this is going to wreck my workplace. Lots of parents/single parents that will have to chose between coming to work or watching their kids.

I expect the next 2 weeks to be low staffed.


Well, time will tell if they're full of shit or if it'll happen on that scale. I doubt it very much.
They are absolutely not "full of shit". It might happen, it might not. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't make them wrong. It's based on models, they don't just pluck the figures out of their ass.

Science is very often wrong, but it doesn't mean we forego the scientific method. Let's just hope they are wrong. And hope they continuing being wrong about stuff like this, but don't doubt the potential.
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It's because they implemented social distancing policies. Seeing the benefits of social distancing is always going to be a bit delayed in the testing numbers, so that shows it going down, which is great of course, but as soon as they start lifting policies, people are going to spread the disease again. The only way to eliminate it now is for everyone to become immune either by recovering or through vaccine.

If you've got a good idea for stopping it, I'm sure the various health officials around the world would love to hear it.
Why would they start spreading it again if they get rid of the virus in their bodies?


Of course we can. Reports from South Korea make it seem like the number of infected are going down, and in no way (not even remotely close) is half of their population infected.

South Korea is doing things that we are not, plus their culture is more tolerant of authoritarian measures to prevent the spread.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Why would they start spreading it again if they get rid of the virus in their bodies?

Because you're not going to eliminate it 100%. Social distancing won't be perfect for one thing. It's still going to spread (albeit it more slowly) while schools are closed and gatherings are banned/cancelled. Each new case resets the clock and once things go back to normal, the spread will speed up again. The hope is that it will be warmer and more difficult to spread by then, and a lot of people from the initial round will have recovered, so the hospitals will be less overwhelmed.
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The death rate of the virus is currently 3.68%. And most of those are either old or sick, or both. Why are people panicking so much? Even if you're affected, the risk of dying is super low.
If you disregard all the caveats surrounding that number and simply take it at face value it's absolutely not low. It's about 1 in 25. Would you do something that has a 1 in 25 chance to kill you? A one in five chance to hospitalise you for weeks, potentially with very drastic medical interventions. The 15-year survival rate of prostate cancer is 96%, so it's comparable. No big deal! Even if you put it into context, it's still not low.
They are absolutely not "full of shit". It might happen, it might not. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't make them wrong. It's based on models, they don't just pluck the figures out of their ass.

Science is very often wrong, but it doesn't mean we forego the scientific method. Let's just hope they are wrong. And hope they continuing being wrong about stuff like this, but don't doubt the potential.

Who was the GAFfer that had projections for China cases/deaths back in January/February? Their numbers were right on point. Maybe pulling that up as a reference might be an eye opener for all the posters just coming into the thread now who haven't been following this closely.


If you disregard all the caveats surrounding that number and simply take it at face value it's absolutely not low. It's about 1 in 25. Would you do something that has a 1 in 25 chance to kill you? A one in five chance to hospitalise you for weeks, potentially with very drastic medical interventions. The 15-year survival rate of prostate cancer is 96%, so it's comparable. No big deal! Even if you put it into context, it's still not low.



Because you're not going to eliminate it 100%. Social distancing won't be perfect for one thing. It's still going to spread (albeit it more slowly) while schools are closed and gatherings are banned/cancelled. Each new case resets the clock and once things go back to normal, the spread will speed up again. The hope is that it will be warmer and more difficult to spread by then, and a lot of people from the initial round will have recovered, so the hospitals will be less overwhelmed.
Why wouldn't it be gone? Do you think all viruses stay in the body forever?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Why wouldn't it be gone? Do you think all viruses stay in the body forever?

Because it's going to keep spreading and each time it spreads, life begins for it anew. We don't have herd immunity or a vaccine for it, so we just have to catch it and recover from it naturally for now.
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Because it's going to keep spreading and each time it spreads, life begins for it anew. We don't have herd immunity or a vaccine for it, so we just have to catch it and recover from it naturally for now.
Which is what people are doing when they stay away from each other.


Surprise, surprise, Trump lied again to boost the markets just before the close:
Statement from Verily: "We are developing a tool to help triage individuals for Covid-19 testing. Verily is in the early stages of development, and planning to roll testing out in the Bay Area, with the hope of expanding more broadly over time.



Well, time will tell if they're full of shit or if it'll happen on that scale. I doubt it very much.
Since we don't have a vaccine, the only way to stop the spread of this through herd immunity. For Covid-19, you need 60% of the population eventually to become infected to reduce the spread.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Which is what people are doing when they stay away from each other.

It's spread to just about every part of the globe now and I'm pretty sure to truly eliminate it, you would need the entire planet to engage in perfect social distancing measures (not coming into contact with anyone outside of the home) for probably like 20 days or so to be sure. I just cannot see that happening. People are still going to shops, and still working, etc. during even the most authoritarian shutdowns.
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Banning travel etc is all too late, said this before but we need to just deal with it now. Pretty much every country has a reported case and I suspect those without reported cases will still have infections whether knowingly or not. Awareness is now key, how to discover the symptoms, what to do if you think you have it, what self-isolation means, the definition of hygiene etc. We need to deal with it and become immune to it if possible. Ruining the worlds economy because you didnt react 6 weeks ago when you needed to, is not going to solve this problem. Admit you acted late, Governments of the world, and deal with the fall out now. Stop ruining the economy, stop putting companies out of business etc. I could just as easily get this virus on my weekly shop, as I could laying on a beach in Spain. I don't really care "how" I got it, whats more important is, I'm aware I can get it and I know what to do if that happens.
I mean, think about it.

World War 3 almost happened.

Coronavirus spreads gloablly like a wild fire.

Locusts are swarming East Africa.

Egypt is hit by a storm, a lightning bolt strikes the pyramid.

Demons are about to emerge from the underworld.

Thus starts Shin Megami Tensei V.
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That stuff is really out there among the Elite.

Trump fundraiser attendees notified fellow attendee has tested positive for coronavirus
From CNN's Betsy Klein

One of nearly 900 attendees at a Trump Victory fundraiser brunch last Sunday at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club has tested positive for coronavirus.

Trump Victory, the merged efforts between Trump’s re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee, informed attendees in an email Friday.

“We unfortunately write today to notify you that an attendee at the Trump Victory-sponsored event you attended at Mar-a-Lago on Sunday, March 8, has tested positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We do not know if the individual had the virus by the time of the event, but out of an abundance of caution, wanted to call this to your attention,” the letter said, encouraging supporters to contact their medical provider if they develop symptoms.

Trump participated in a photo line and gave a speech, per a source familiar with the event. Approximately 70-100 people participated in the photo line.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told CNN "there was no interaction" between the attendee who has tested positive and the President.

“Attendees had no direct interaction with the President at this event and the VP did not attend this event,” a Republican official reiterated.
Though it’s unknown if the person had the virus while they attended the brunch, it’s another example of the risks of exposure in large group settings. This week, the Trump campaign made the decision to cancel rallies and move other campaign events to a virtual forum for the foreseeable future as the outbreak progresses.


Sweden has stopped "wide testing" because of shortages in the test equipment. Risk groups and people working in health care are the only ones to be tested henceforth.
I think I am content preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.

A China or South Korea-like turnaround here would be great. I am just not sure if I see that being able to happen at the same time, all over America. It's been detected in 48/50 states, and realistically is probably already in all 50 states or will be soon. Some areas will be able to keep it under control, some will struggle. I hope no where gets to what is happening in Italy. I feel like at least at this point we're being more pro-active than Italy was, but not by a huge margin.

We really do need everyone to just chill at home with their families for 2-3 weeks. Pay everyone a stipend if they stick to the quarantine, whatever. It will let the majority of the mild cases burn out, leaving you with a few hotspots you can than focus all the resources on.

Do I think 175 million people will get this? God I hope not, but maybe. I think if they had done NOTHING, it was a serious possibility. That possibility lessens each time they enact new measures (Work from home, canceling school, etc).

Oh, cruising is finished for a month.

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