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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Unconfirmed Member
It's summer here and I haven't had contact with anyone with a cold. Also, I work at a hotel with multiple people from all over the world.

Colds can happen in the summer and how do you know you've not had contact with anyone with a cold?
Colds can happen in the summer and how do you know you've not had contact with anyone with a cold?
Anyone with symptoms at least. But since I work in a hotel and have had Italians coming from Lombardy and yes, I had direct contact with them, I think it's prudent to check it, no?
We as a family have quarantined. I even told my House Cleaner to not come until further notice

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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The hospice pharmacy just delivered medication. I usually sign so I asked the delivery guy "don't I need to sign?" and he told me they're currently just delivering without signatures required due to the fact they don't want multiple people touching the same pen. Wow.


Yeah well I don't want to have the risk of spreading this to other, specially in a hotel. I will check if I'm still feeling this way tomorrow.
Sometimes i do a triple-sneeze in a row and i will continue to sneeze unless i drink water. I always had this,i think it's some type of allergy.I don't think it's something serious when you don't have any other serious symptom (like constant goughing or fever) But yeah if checking will make you feel better do it. Being stressed by keep thinking about it is worse.
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Really the US should be at Italy/Spain levels right now. With how many people and cargo come into the US the fact that this hasn't become a runaway train *YET* should be taken as a big positive. And only 40 deaths mainly driven by the one old age home.

We don’t test. Our numbers are fake
I think I've been Bolsano'd

Feel like shit today. Hopefully it's just a lack of sleep and the new diet kicking in. Even in the worst flu seasons (like December just gone) I only feel rough for an hour or two. I have a super-human immune system.

In other news, work is having a meeting on Monday, management only, to discuss our action plan over the next few weeks. Hopefully it's a 3 week shut down. I've got some projects I want to do around the house 🤞

Joe T.

The US media coverage of this pandemic is over the top fearmongering. I had NBC Nightly News on in the background when they brought up scenes from China showing people being dragged by their arms and feet into quarantine before leaving it with "Can that happen here?" Then they followed it up by mentioning Trump enacting the national emergency which "gave him extraordinary powers he could use to shut down communications and close bank accounts."



Those Norwegian bug chasers have pushed the country into #2 in terms of cases per capita. Not bad.

Nah but seriously I worry about them.



The founding fathers must be ashamed of these partisan clowns all because of the debate of
The administration has discussed whether the National Disaster Medical System reimbursement program, which is generally used in hurricanes and natural disasters, could be sued to pay hospitals and physicians for treating patients for the coronavirus.

The founding fathers must be ashamed of these partisan clowns all because of the debate of

The Government is a mistake, maybe the Coronavirus was sent to let everyone start new and get the old farts out.

The founding fathers must be ashamed of these partisan clowns all because of the debate of

both sides are full of shit. I hate this type of shit, so stuck in your agenda that you waste time trying to pass an emergency bill for this.


Sometimes i do a triple-sneeze in a row and i will continue to sneeze unless i drink water. I always had this,i think it's some type of allergy.I don't think it's something serious when you don't have any other serious symptom (like constant goughing or fever) But yeah if checking will make you feel better do it. Being stressed by keep thinking about it is worse.
Mild symptoms is one of the reason why this is spreading quick.


Took a peek at Twitter since I really don't use it anymore and lo and behold a lot of the trending is "Trump bad" usual bs and The Atlantic saying the "Trump presidency is over" over this pandemic.

Twitter bias still intact. Cripes I'm no fan of his but ffs.

Same. I felt he did a good job, and was reassured that he is cutting through red tape to tackle the problems ASAP. But JFC I wish he trusted someone enough to tell him to lay off the self congratulating. And for fucks sake will someone just tell him to say "no comment" or "I'm not sure at this time" instead of rambling?


Trump said it was a democratic hoax tho

Why a state of emergency over a hoax? Repubs come get your mans.
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Swapped the link with snopes. He didn't say directly Covid19 is a hoax, but he did say that they were using it "as a hoax" against him. You really can only let him off the hook if you think he's smart enough to know the difference. Which he is not.

I mean, they are. Weeks ago the media was calling the coronavirus overblown and felating Xinnie and WHO.

Democrats are even trying to call Bat-Ass Fever (or its accepted name, Wu Flu) "Trumpvirus". They are using it as a hoax.
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We don’t test. Our numbers are fake

Welp then I should suspect you would have a factor of way more than 41 dead. If you think that you are Italy/SK/Wuhan levels there should be way more dead and hospitalized. Keep in mind SK only had 4% positive rate, 96% of the people they tested didn't have COVID-19.

Either the death numbers should be way up if the case numbers are a lie, or the disease is not as deadly/serious as made out to be. You can't have fake numbers and fake deaths as well.

Don't get me wrong I am not against testing, when testing is available and people have symptoms test them. And I am sure there are people out there with it not tested, but I don't think there is some trove of infected people and yet no one is dying. All though TBH I hope thats the case because then this thing will be a bit of a nothingburger if the reality is you can't have 1000's or 100 of thousands walking around untested not in hospitals and not dying.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Trump said it was a democratic hoax tho

Why a state of emergency over a hoax? Repubs come get your mans.

It was poorly worded, but it's obvious that he was calling the Democrat's claims that his administration was handling it badly "a hoax" not that the Coronavirus itself was a Democratic hoax.

Here's a transcript:

Here's the relevant portion.

Donald Trump: (05:44)
We are stronger, we are better, but while we are building a great future, the radical left Democrats in Washington are trying to burn it all down. They have spent the last three years, and I can even go further than that, three years since the election, but we go before the election, working to erase your ballots and overthrow our democracy. But with your help, we have exposed the far left’s corruption and defeated their sinister schemes and let’s see what happens in the coming months. Let’s watch. Let’s just watch. Very dishonest people. Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

Donald Trump: (07:07)
One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was not a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We have 15 people in this massive country and because of the fact that we went early. We went early, we could have had a lot more than that. We’re doing great. Our country is doing so great. We are so unified. We are so unified. The Republican party has never ever been unified like it is now. There has never been a movement in the history of our country like we have now. Never been a movement. So a statistic that we want to talk about, go ahead. Say USA. It’s okay. USA. So a number that nobody heard of, that I heard of recently and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? 35,000, that’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000, it could be 27,000. They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die. And so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t and we are totally prepared. It doesn’t mean we won’t, but think of it. You hear 35 and 40,000 people and we’ve lost nobody and you wonder the press is in hysteria mode. CNN fake news and the camera just went off, the camera. The camera just went off. Turn it back on. Hey, by the way, hold it. Look at this, and honestly, all events are like this. It’s about us. It’s all about us. I wish they’d take the camera, show the arena please. They never do. They never do. They never do it. They never show the arena. You can hear it because when you hear it, that’s not 200 people. That’s not a hundred people. That’s thousands and thousands of people including people outside. You can hear it. They always show my face. See that face? They show my face. I want them to show the arena, not my face, right? How many have you been to? How many rallies have you gone?

The two bolded underlined parts are the connected portions in his usual stream of thought rambling he does at rallies.

Basically, "They are trying to politicize the Coronavirus situation. They are saying we are not doing very good in handling it and they have no idea. Their claims are just another hoax to try and take me down."
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Yeah well I don't want to have the risk of spreading this to other, specially in a hotel. I will check if I'm still feeling this way tomorrow.
Where do you live?
Most of the world is short on testing kits, and as long as you're feeling generally well going to a doctors office is only going to a) risk spread to others and b) increase the risk you may actually get the novel coronavirus if you don't already have it.

Call your doctors office first before you go (do not rely on 811) - make sure they have the kit and will test you for it. Most offices have set up phone triage, and are advising people to self isolate if they have cold like symptoms.
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I stopped at Kroger on the way home. I stopped to buy drink mixers, beer and an onion. Onions were sold out. Red, white, yellow and sweet. All gone. WTF.
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