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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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and they haven't taken extreme draconian measure like China.
The South Korean government is publishing the movements of people before they were diagnosed with the virus — retracing their steps using tools such as GPS phone tracking, credit card records, surveillance video and old-fashioned personal interviews with patients.


People who got corona virus are being publicly shammed with their private lives being made public.

They better have other draconian measures like obligatory testing in every corner, or people will simply lie to avoid shame and the virus will go underground.


People who got corona virus are being publicly shammed with their private lives being made public.

They better have other draconian measures like obligatory testing in every corner, or people will simply lie to avoid shame and the virus will go underground.

Not really, this allows people to know if they may have come in contact with the virus on that persons route.

They aren't dragging people into vans or anything.

Either way their numbers don't lie. If the only thing you knew about the virus was from SK you would think its odd, and very dangerous to old people, but I don't think you would see it worth fighting for toilet paper over.
Hospitals here now don't allow father's in the room when the baby is born. Mother midwife and doctor only.

Father's are only allowed to see them 15 min before they go home


Dammit... I work at a supermarket and have seen first hand how effed up everything is.
My shift started at 9 am but I arrived at 8:30. At that time, almost all carts were in use,
multiple shelves were empty, and lines out the wazoo. We were already out of toilet paper ,and napkins/
paper towels were going quickly. It lasted my entire shift and then some. It was a fucking nightmare.
That’s what you get when countries down played this for 3 months , if they told 3 months ago this was not the flu and get some extra food and stuff every week with your regular shopping this wouldn’t happen ...

Honesty... but it seems hard for governments.

I did all my shopping the past month.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

COVID-19 and Italy: what next?

Italy has had 12 462 confirmed cases according to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità as of March 11, and 827 deaths. Only China has recorded more deaths due to this COVID-19 outbreak. The mean age of those who died in Italy was 81 years and more than two-thirds of these patients had diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or cancer, or were former smokers. It is therefore true that these patients had underlying health conditions, but it is also worth noting that they had acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia, needed respiratory support, and would not have died otherwise. Of the patients who died, 42·2% were aged 80–89 years, 32·4% were aged 70–79 years, 8·4% were aged 60–69 years, and 2·8% were aged 50–59 years (those aged >90 years made up 14·1%). The male to female ratio is 80% to 20% with an older median age for women (83·4 years for women vs 79·9 years for men).

n Italy, we have approximately 5200 beds in intensive care units. Of those, as of March 11, 1028 are already devoted to patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and in the near future this number will progressively increase to the point that thousands of beds will soon be occupied by patients with COVID-19. Given that the mortality of patients who are critically ill with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia is high and that the survival time of non-survivors is 1–2 weeks, the number of people infected in Italy will probably impose a major strain on critical care facilities in our hospitals, some of which do not have adequate resources or staff to deal with this emergency. In the Lombardy region, despite extraordinary efforts to restrict the movement of people at the expense of the Italian economy, we are dealing with an even greater fear—that the number of patients who present to the emergency room will become much greater than the system can cope with. The number of intensive care beds necessary to give the maximum number of patients the chance to be treated will reach several thousand, but the exact number is still a matter of discussion among experts. Health-care professionals have been working day and night since Feb 20, and in doing so around 20% (n=350) of them have become infected, and some have died. Lombardy is responding to the lack of beds for patients with COVID-19 by sending patients who need intensive care but are not infected with COVID-19 to hospitals outside of the region to contain the virus.

The number of patients admitted to intensive care units increased similarly in Italy, with an exponential trend up until March 8. The best fit of the data reported by the Italian Ministry for Health can be obtained using the same exponent that best fits the number of patients who are infected, as shown in figure 2A. The data available up until March 8 show that the trend in the number of patients who will need admission to intensive care units will increase substantially and relentlessly in the next few days. We can predict with quite a good degree of accuracy that this number will push the national health system to full capacity in a matter of days. Considering that the number of available beds in intensive care units in Italy is close to 5200, and assuming that half of these beds can be used for patients with COVID-19, the system will be at maximum capacity, according to this prediction, by March 14, 2020. This situation is difficult, given that the number of patients who will need to be admitted to the intensive care unit is predicted to further increase after that date, as shown in figure 2B.

At this point, the most important question is whether the increase in the number of patients who are infected and those requiring intensive care admittance will continue to rise exponentially and for how long. If the change in the slope of the curve does not take place soon, the clinical and social problems will take on unmanageable dimensions, which are expected to have catastrophic results. The only way we can make such predictions is by comparing the trends in the data collected in the Hubei region in China for COVID-19 infection with that for the Italian population. From the official report of the WHO–China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019, it is possible to derive the cumulative curve of the patients who are infected from the start of the data series. These data, as reported in figure 3, show that the initial phase of the infection outbreak followed the expected exponential trend, with the same exponent previously calculated for the number of Italian patients who were infected. Starting Jan 7, the cumulative number of patients who were infected started to diverge from the exponential trend 20 days later. If the Italian outbreak follows a similar trend to that in China, we can suggest that the number of newly infected patients might start to decrease within 3–4 days from March 11. Similarly, we can foresee that the cumulative curve of patients who are infected will peak 30 days later, with the maximum load for clinical facilities for the treatment of these patients foreseen for that period.


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Not really, this allows people to know if they may have come in contact with the virus on that persons route.

They aren't dragging people into vans or anything.

Either way their numbers don't lie. If the only thing you knew about the virus was from SK you would think its odd, and very dangerous to old people, but I don't think you would see it worth fighting for toilet paper over.
yes details as visits to love hotels, sex therapy, etc. People are more afraid of being shamed than of the symptoms of the disease. Not only are people blaming others for giving them corona, but affairs and other private matters are coming to light, and people are being made pariahs in social media.

It is likely this is leading to many prefering not to get tested or treated and probably dying without such. That is unless draconian forced testing is being undertaken also.



COVID-19 and Italy: what next?

Italy has had 12 462 confirmed cases according to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità as of March 11, and 827 deaths. Only China has recorded more deaths due to this COVID-19 outbreak. The mean age of those who died in Italy was 81 years and more than two-thirds of these patients had diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or cancer, or were former smokers. It is therefore true that these patients had underlying health conditions, but it is also worth noting that they had acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia, needed respiratory support, and would not have died otherwise. Of the patients who died, 42·2% were aged 80–89 years, 32·4% were aged 70–79 years, 8·4% were aged 60–69 years, and 2·8% were aged 50–59 years (those aged >90 years made up 14·1%). The male to female ratio is 80% to 20% with an older median age for women (83·4 years for women vs 79·9 years for men).

n Italy, we have approximately 5200 beds in intensive care units. Of those, as of March 11, 1028 are already devoted to patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and in the near future this number will progressively increase to the point that thousands of beds will soon be occupied by patients with COVID-19. Given that the mortality of patients who are critically ill with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia is high and that the survival time of non-survivors is 1–2 weeks, the number of people infected in Italy will probably impose a major strain on critical care facilities in our hospitals, some of which do not have adequate resources or staff to deal with this emergency. In the Lombardy region, despite extraordinary efforts to restrict the movement of people at the expense of the Italian economy, we are dealing with an even greater fear—that the number of patients who present to the emergency room will become much greater than the system can cope with. The number of intensive care beds necessary to give the maximum number of patients the chance to be treated will reach several thousand, but the exact number is still a matter of discussion among experts. Health-care professionals have been working day and night since Feb 20, and in doing so around 20% (n=350) of them have become infected, and some have died. Lombardy is responding to the lack of beds for patients with COVID-19 by sending patients who need intensive care but are not infected with COVID-19 to hospitals outside of the region to contain the virus.

The number of patients admitted to intensive care units increased similarly in Italy, with an exponential trend up until March 8. The best fit of the data reported by the Italian Ministry for Health can be obtained using the same exponent that best fits the number of patients who are infected, as shown in figure 2A. The data available up until March 8 show that the trend in the number of patients who will need admission to intensive care units will increase substantially and relentlessly in the next few days. We can predict with quite a good degree of accuracy that this number will push the national health system to full capacity in a matter of days. Considering that the number of available beds in intensive care units in Italy is close to 5200, and assuming that half of these beds can be used for patients with COVID-19, the system will be at maximum capacity, according to this prediction, by March 14, 2020. This situation is difficult, given that the number of patients who will need to be admitted to the intensive care unit is predicted to further increase after that date, as shown in figure 2B.

At this point, the most important question is whether the increase in the number of patients who are infected and those requiring intensive care admittance will continue to rise exponentially and for how long. If the change in the slope of the curve does not take place soon, the clinical and social problems will take on unmanageable dimensions, which are expected to have catastrophic results. The only way we can make such predictions is by comparing the trends in the data collected in the Hubei region in China for COVID-19 infection with that for the Italian population. From the official report of the WHO–China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019, it is possible to derive the cumulative curve of the patients who are infected from the start of the data series. These data, as reported in figure 3, show that the initial phase of the infection outbreak followed the expected exponential trend, with the same exponent previously calculated for the number of Italian patients who were infected. Starting Jan 7, the cumulative number of patients who were infected started to diverge from the exponential trend 20 days later. If the Italian outbreak follows a similar trend to that in China, we can suggest that the number of newly infected patients might start to decrease within 3–4 days from March 11. Similarly, we can foresee that the cumulative curve of patients who are infected will peak 30 days later, with the maximum load for clinical facilities for the treatment of these patients foreseen for that period.


My country, the Netherlands is almost exactly the Italian curve , yet we still have schools open ...

Another note we only have 1200 ICU spots . But also our population is 17 million. But here most on the ICU now are under 50, they have corona.

Weird heh, not just elderly.

And what’s weird, globally where are patiënt stories ? I hardly read one .. from the really sick.

What’s up with that?
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So if I am reading this correctly 8 out of 6235 people >60 died, which is a death rate of 1.2%
And 59 out of 1744 for <60, 3.8% death rate.

In the most infected group, 20-29, 0 people died. This is out of over 2200 infected people. Thats more than the 60 and above (21.8%) combined, which accounts for almost all the deaths. . only 2 people under 50 died.

This thing basically kills old people. The number 1 goal should be to keep it away from people over 50. No wonder many world leaders are shitting bricks they are the target age demographic.

I have to say looking at these numbers this is kinda silly right now. Yes its highly infectious, but if you are from a competent country like SK then this is really nothing. I mean we just cancelled NHL, TV, Movies, Wrestlemania, 11 Trillion dollars, AIRLINES, Cruiselines, and people are throwing down for toilet paper for something that attacks the elderly who are generally usually pretty confined and quarntined. Not to make light of old people and their deaths but not many of them are going to Football games or Wrestlemania or pretty much anywhere.

Not saying its just the flu bro, but SK is a model country in regards to this and they haven't taken extreme draconian measure like China. They controlled the situation and I would trust their numbers. If you are under 50 you aren't dying from this, or most likely even going to the hospital. You aren't a danger to others under 40. The biggest threat is spreading it to people 60 and above and overloading hospitals, which many countries cannot afford to do anyways.

But go buy your TP and beat someone up for some onions, you can wear it on your belt if it makes you feel better. We have top minds working on a vaccine and there comes a point where we will be able to inoculate ourselves from this. We actually would probably be better off sending all people under 40 to giant COVID parties and let them immunize themselves to it LOL.

This. (Can we still say that?)

Don't forget Formula 1 - half the fucking season canceled!!!

The only thing I'd object to is that you wouldn't be saying that if it killed your loved ones. Also, 60 is not an age you wished you were dying at and I'm sure people over 60 do get out a bit.

But your sentiments and plain truth, are my good sir, correct.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
My country, the Netherlands is almost exactly the Italian curve , yet we still have schools open ...

Not good. Seems the NL prime minister is operating with faulty info:

(Prime Minister Rutte believes that the schools should remain open, "children do not get sick and do not transfer Corona to adults" NPO1 at 6:30 PM, weekly conversation with the MP)


Not good. Seems the NL prime minister is operating with faulty info:

(Prime Minister Rutte believes that the schools should remain open, "children do not get sick and do not transfer Corona to adults" NPO1 at 6:30 PM, weekly conversation with the MP)

Nah, he is advised by scientists 👨‍🔬 🤪
Next week schools close , 2 weeks later Italy scenario unfolds.

2 weeks after that him crying on television.

3 weeks later government disbands.

That’s my curve.

And between it all, deaths.

These idiots think herd immunity will save. Right.

Only if the virus was spreading slower , which is not happening , and if the incubation time was shorter.

O well at least it seems the Dutch take matters in their own hands and schools are closing by them selves . Hopefully all are closed on Monday.

Sad times.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
First batch of discharged patients out of Hong Kong:

Some "recovered" patients are exhibiting 20-30% reduced lung function and can't walk briskly without gasping for air. Serious lung damage.

I can’t imagine the effect on smokers. Seriously, if this is not enough to make you stop smoking then I don’t what will.




not tag worthy
Am Im I right in thinking that the corona virus it leaves you in such a messed up statements some cases Like really fucked that you need medical help/assistance to recover.
in others you will be fine but because you don’t know what you have you continue on as normal going a lot your life slowly infecting everyone and that is going to cripple medical facilities because of this and that in fact it isn’t spreading like wild fire and is hard to spot with has a medium incubation period means that cases take a while to spot?

So makes perfect sense in regards to China as in it was just a case of the cold no biggie. People mix etc go on holiday suddenly someone dies. Now they have to look back and work out shit who else has this what are the symptoms etc. Mean while holidays are taking. It’s slowly spreading.

i get that it will in cases kill vulnerable people. What I mean is
if it was killing everyone and spreading so fast it would burn itself out after a while and be easy to track ?

but this is like a game of Where’s wally now. It’s like are you infected ?! While this goes on it is spreading in the background. Slowly spreading and infecting incubating then popping up arriving without being noticed and just wreaking havoc.

it’s not the amount of deaths this is going to bring that is freaking governments out rather the way it’s highly virulent but not easy to spot unless they can test it and stop it. It’s going to fuck society over due to lack of labour or staff etc. which will grind society to a halt developed world panics

Strain on hospitals trying to help patients but then other patients with illnesses need help too and people being dicks (panicking) and buying up toilet paper supplies etc.

That human stupidity/greed is going to be the main thing to spread faster than the virus?
yes I know people are going to die because of covid-19

But the way each country handles it is going to say a lot about the leader. Hopefully people wake up after this is over. Everyone clam your tits. Help put those that need help. Don’t be dicks be nice.

also while I have distracted you all with this wall of text. I’ve brought up toilet rolls and long life foods. and now handing them out Robin Hood style.

Actually you know what fuck it. If I have to quarantined off in the U.K. while my wife and kids are in France I’m gonna stay at my mums on my off day and buy up shit out of my own money and start distributing it to the elderly/ those in need in her town. Not for glory or some sense of duty but out of spite to the big companies and greedy ass fucks out there!!
haha Karen. When you are not being a pain in everyone’s ass you are not funny either
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mango drank

Some "recovered" patients are exhibiting 20-30% reduced lung function and can't walk briskly without gasping for air. Serious lung damage.

I can't find the exact quote again, but the expert on Sam Harris's podcast #191 seemed to think this applied mostly to people who'd needed serious medical intervention (breathing machines etc). I.e. the disease and/or pneumonia steamrolled their lungs, and their lungs were left in a bad state as a result. So it probably doesn't apply to everyone who gets the virus, mercifully. He said this was a common after-effect of people whose lungs are are damaged by illness in general, not just for CV.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I can't find the exact quote again, but the expert on Sam Harris's podcast #191 seemed to think this applied mostly to people who'd needed serious medical intervention (breathing machines etc). I.e. the disease and/or pneumonia steamrolled their lungs, and their lungs were left in a bad state as a result. So it probably doesn't apply to everyone who gets the virus, mercifully. He said this was a common after-effect of people whose lungs are are damaged by illness in general, not just for CV.

Makes sense, yeah.


It should be safe on a flight, well much safer than a train or bus! The air is conditioned and circulated bottom to top. Unless some one is coughing on you or is carrier and sat next to you, you should be fine.
First batch of discharged patients out of Hong Kong:

Some "recovered" patients are exhibiting 20-30% reduced lung function and can't walk briskly without gasping for air. Serious lung damage.
Apparently you can get permanent heart, lung and liver damage.
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Karma Jawa

Well I’m definitely ill, and it’s definitely flu-like symptoms. My cough has got worse and I’m having to blow my nose regularly. My eyes feel puffy and I feel very tired.

No way of knowing if it’s corona virus or just normal flu, as the UK won’t test for it. Luckily it’s the weekend so I can make a judgement call on Monday morning. I don’t actually feel too bad, but every now and then I get a random coughing fit.

My gut feeling is that it isn’t Corona. I feel like shit but I don’t feel like death.


Well I’m definitely ill, and it’s definitely flu-like symptoms. My cough has got worse and I’m having to blow my nose regularly. My eyes feel puffy and I feel very tired.

No way of knowing if it’s corona virus or just normal flu, as the UK won’t test for it. Luckily it’s the weekend so I can make a judgement call on Monday morning. I don’t actually feel too bad, but every now and then I get a random coughing fit.

My gut feeling is that it isn’t Corona. I feel like shit but I don’t feel like death.
Not everyone feels like death from corona ... just saying . But yes could also be cold.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Well I’m definitely ill, and it’s definitely flu-like symptoms. My cough has got worse and I’m having to blow my nose regularly. My eyes feel puffy and I feel very tired.

No way of knowing if it’s corona virus or just normal flu, as the UK won’t test for it. Luckily it’s the weekend so I can make a judgement call on Monday morning. I don’t actually feel too bad, but every now and then I get a random coughing fit.

My gut feeling is that it isn’t Corona. I feel like shit but I don’t feel like death.
You're probably alright but always good to be alert. We're thinking about you so keep going, brotha.


I can't find the exact quote again, but the expert on Sam Harris's podcast #191 seemed to think this applied mostly to people who'd needed serious medical intervention (breathing machines etc). I.e. the disease and/or pneumonia steamrolled their lungs, and their lungs were left in a bad state as a result. So it probably doesn't apply to everyone who gets the virus, mercifully. He said this was a common after-effect of people whose lungs are are damaged by illness in general, not just for CV.
Yeah, pneumonia does that to you, any kind of pneumonia really. It takes a good couple of months, sometimes years to fully recover your lung functionality. Luckily lungs are one of the few organs in our body that do regenerate.
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Karma Jawa

Not everyone feels like death from corona ... just saying . But yes could also be cold.

It’s definitely not a cold as the coughing fits are pretty violent, but at the moment they’re spread out. Right now I feel under the weather but generally fine. Breathing normally and not bunged up.

It’s early morning here in the UK, so I’m off to the local supermarket to stock up whilst there’s very few people about. Obviously I’ll go out of my way to avoid any contact, though I guess that’s not going to help the person at the checkout.


It’s definitely not a cold as the coughing fits are pretty violent, but at the moment they’re spread out. Right now I feel under the weather but generally fine. Breathing normally and not bunged up.

It’s early morning here in the UK, so I’m off to the local supermarket to stock up whilst there’s very few people about. Obviously I’ll go out of my way to avoid any contact, though I guess that’s not going to help the person at the checkout.
Most have mild symptoms if you not get any worse it’s okay. If you get pneumonia in most cases get fever, so take temperature etc..

If not just relax. Noting more we can do. Even with mild symptoms you won’t get tested and won’t get medicine .

Just help the body healing , eat drink , vitamine c and d. Etc and rest/sleep.

Don’t cough in his or her face, use your elbow.
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Well I’m definitely ill, and it’s definitely flu-like symptoms. My cough has got worse and I’m having to blow my nose regularly. My eyes feel puffy and I feel very tired.

No way of knowing if it’s corona virus or just normal flu, as the UK won’t test for it. Luckily it’s the weekend so I can make a judgement call on Monday morning. I don’t actually feel too bad, but every now and then I get a random coughing fit.

My gut feeling is that it isn’t Corona. I feel like shit but I don’t feel like death.

If it's a new cough what you actually do is STAY THE FUCK HOME FOR 7 DAYS as per the guidance given.

Karma Jawa

If it's a new cough what you actually do is STAY THE FUCK HOME FOR 7 DAYS as per the guidance given.

I’m not a hoarder, so one trip to stock up and then I’ll do exactly that. I don’t have 7 days worth of food.

Anyway, UK guidance is basically just do nothing and kill off as many of your fellow citizens as possible. Who would have thought this far-right bunch of bastards would turn out to be the legion of doom?

Oh that’s right...anyone with a brain.


It’s definitely not a cold as the coughing fits are pretty violent, but at the moment they’re spread out. Right now I feel under the weather but generally fine. Breathing normally and not bunged up.

I'm guessing you've never actually had flu - you're in for a bit of a shock if you ever do. You certainly won't be in any state to swan round the local Tescos.


I’m not a hoarder, so one trip to stock up and then I’ll do exactly that. I don’t have 7 days worth of food.

Anyway, UK guidance is basically just do nothing and kill off as many of your fellow citizens as possible. Who would have thought this far-right bunch of bastards would turn out to be the legion of doom?

Oh that’s right...anyone with a brain.

Ask a friend or family member to go for you.

The UK guidance is if you have a fever over 37.8 or a new continuous cough stay home.

The reason is not just to reduce the spread of Corona virus but to reduce the spread of all viruses, influenzas and colds to reduce the burden on the NHS.

The other thing the CMO said was that Corona is most contagious the 1st few days after the onset of symptoms so depending how new your symptoms are now is possibly the absolute worst time to go out.


Yea there's some weird shit going on.


The FEMA camp bros may have ended up being right /facepalm

RIP the constitution. It was fun while it lasted.

Eh, it seems to me given the clusterfuck that started this mess, there would need to be some high level intelligence discussions involving the DoD, President, CDC, etc regarding things like 'is this a man made bio weapon'? Even if they think it is unlikely, the discussion would still need to be had. And given this discussion implicates China, regardless of what it decided, it would need to be classified. We can't have media reporting that such things are under consideration, or let our media run tall tales about it. Even 'Trump Administration wonders if Corona virus is Chinese Bio Weapon' would cause chaos, and our media would weaponize it. The only answer there is keep anything like that classified.

I'm sure there are other examples that would provide good reason to keep secrecy for diplomatic reasons or to avoid undue panic.

Ivory Blood

Have we got any stats from Russia?
We have 22 or so confirmed cases, most of them from traveling to Italy, or China, I'm certain the real number is higher of course, but if there is a suspected case the response is nuclear - with people in protective gear arriving to your home.

The schools were mostly closed back in february, also large gatherings of people are banned and all that. Otherwise everything is going as usual, though everyone is definitely on edge - mass buying of groceries and avoiding other people are much more common now.


It'll be a few hours until the number of cases in the Philippines will be updated, but add 2 deaths for today.

So, out of the 64 cases currently known, 8 of those sadly passed away.


I’m not a hoarder, so one trip to stock up and then I’ll do exactly that. I don’t have 7 days worth of food.
Not pointing fingers but this is actually a good reason to hoard (or stockpile, rather), so you don't have to leave your house if / when it gets bad (which is also good for yourself).
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I know it's just me getting caught up now in all the hysteria but my mind has been spitting out all sorts of conspiracy theories. Like China staging the entire thing as a new form of world domination to meet the following objects:

1. How do we sustain our people.
2. How do we keep strengthening our economy
3 How do we weaken other countries

The answer is

1. Develop a virus that's highly contagious and has a high mortality rate.
2. Make it appear like an accident and use our world scattering population to spread the disease by launching it during the high trafficking Chinese New Year period
3. Ensure we are prepared for a quick lock down to contain it whilst we see it spread and destroy other countries who will not be prepared
4. At its worse when we have killed off a large number of the world's population which will free up resources to sustain our people as well as weakens armed forces let's release code green
5. Release the vaccine and sell this for trillions to boost the economy.
6. Begin world domination phase.

I reckon this shit has been in planning since the first corona virus outbreak in China which was an accident. Today this is them leveraging the first virus as a bio weapon but using covert forms of warfare to avoid suspicion.

Hmmm mmmm 🤔

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Canada has 176 confirmed cases as of yesterday and it just happens that one of those is Trudeau's wife. What are the odds of that? Seriously, they must have thousands and thousand of unaccounted cases at this point...
Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. She likely got it while visiting the U.K.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
First batch of discharged patients out of Hong Kong:

Some "recovered" patients are exhibiting 20-30% reduced lung function and can't walk briskly without gasping for air. Serious lung damage.
Bewilders me why this stuff makes the news. These people had pneumonia. Pneumonia causes lung damage. It's been doing that for millenia. We often discharge people still on oxygen after they've been treated. Some take weeks to wean off it, others never do. There is nothing novel about the novel coronavirus causing lung damage.
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Here we Go https://www.theguardian.com/world/l...085c6327bbfcb8#block-5e6c9e8a8f085c6327bbfcb8

Btw I tweeted WHO couple of days back if it’s possible to fine countries or other measures to let them take , China action.

Not that it helps , but it helped me. I also tweeted our prime minister with my plan 🤣🤪

But what they now are doing is complete imbecile.

Do your country immunization experiment with a other virus.

Looking at you UK and The Netherlands
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'Apart from being completely and utterly delicious, why is Manuka honey so expensive? ... 'It's actually theManuka pollen that gives Manuka Honey its powerful health-giving properties. Antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral Manuka honey can boost your immune system and even improve your gut health.

Taken from Wiki.

If it can boost your immune system, why isnt this product selling like toilet paper and hand sanitizer?

Edit: Eh, turns out it is.
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Karma Jawa

I'm guessing you've never actually had flu - you're in for a bit of a shock if you ever do. You certainly won't be in any state to swan round the local Tescos.

I’m guessing you’re either 12 years old or trying to appear edgy to compensate for your flaccid dick.

Grown adults are actually more than capable of going shopping in the early stages of the flu, unless you’re an utter pussy.


My girlfriend has been working in chinatown this week. While the place I work at has been dead due to the coronavirus, chinatown is apparently thriving. She has been busy all week with endless customers. I picked her up from the train station last night and she had the chills, a runny nose and passed out immediately after getting in the car. Hopefully it's just a cold or the flu but I left her in the bedroom last night and slept on the couch.

Let's see what happens tonight. I'm quarantining her ass if she is any worse.
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