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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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yes details as visits to love hotels, sex therapy, etc. People are more afraid of being shamed than of the symptoms of the disease. Not only are people blaming others for giving them corona, but affairs and other private matters are coming to light, and people are being made pariahs in social media.

It is likely this is leading to many prefering not to get tested or treated and probably dying without such. That is unless draconian forced testing is being undertaken also.

I doubt it considiring that only 8 people under 60 died. I doubt many old people are going to love hotels. I actually bet people over 60 arent going anywhere.

You know who else has gps tracking? My uber eats driver.

SK did take measures but not comparable to what China did.

Our overlord just posted italy numbers. Pretty much all deaths arenl over 60.

Want to solve this? Quarantine OLD people and deaths probably plunge by 95% and hospilization by 97%.
Most people will catch it. Doesn't that match all of the information we've been told so far? I'd wager the true infection rates (instead of just "confirmed cases") are in the tens of millions worldwide, including people who already caught it and recovered without needing a doctor visit. Maybe I've already had it. I'll PM anyone that I quoted on GAF so that you can get tested too. Any posts above or below this one should get tested just in case. I'm sorry everyone. :lollipop_anxious_sweat:

The majority of infected are asymptomatic or only suffering mild symptoms so they never even bother going to the hospital. Both S. Korea, China, and the USA's medical forces affirm that the actual infection rate is quite low. Plus, a lot of false-positives are mixed in.

The goal all along should've been to reduce hospital strain, not necessarily to prevent the spread of infection.

I like cryptoadam cryptoadam 's idea. Quarantine old people so that they're not as easily exposed to the young'uns.



COVID-19 and Italy: what next?

Italy has had 12 462 confirmed cases according to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità as of March 11, and 827 deaths. Only China has recorded more deaths due to this COVID-19 outbreak. The mean age of those who died in Italy was 81 years and more than two-thirds of these patients had diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, or cancer, or were former smokers. It is therefore true that these patients had underlying health conditions, but it is also worth noting that they had acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia, needed respiratory support, and would not have died otherwise. Of the patients who died, 42·2% were aged 80–89 years, 32·4% were aged 70–79 years, 8·4% were aged 60–69 years, and 2·8% were aged 50–59 years (those aged >90 years made up 14·1%). The male to female ratio is 80% to 20% with an older median age for women (83·4 years for women vs 79·9 years for men).

n Italy, we have approximately 5200 beds in intensive care units. Of those, as of March 11, 1028 are already devoted to patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and in the near future this number will progressively increase to the point that thousands of beds will soon be occupied by patients with COVID-19. Given that the mortality of patients who are critically ill with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia is high and that the survival time of non-survivors is 1–2 weeks, the number of people infected in Italy will probably impose a major strain on critical care facilities in our hospitals, some of which do not have adequate resources or staff to deal with this emergency. In the Lombardy region, despite extraordinary efforts to restrict the movement of people at the expense of the Italian economy, we are dealing with an even greater fear—that the number of patients who present to the emergency room will become much greater than the system can cope with. The number of intensive care beds necessary to give the maximum number of patients the chance to be treated will reach several thousand, but the exact number is still a matter of discussion among experts. Health-care professionals have been working day and night since Feb 20, and in doing so around 20% (n=350) of them have become infected, and some have died. Lombardy is responding to the lack of beds for patients with COVID-19 by sending patients who need intensive care but are not infected with COVID-19 to hospitals outside of the region to contain the virus.

The number of patients admitted to intensive care units increased similarly in Italy, with an exponential trend up until March 8. The best fit of the data reported by the Italian Ministry for Health can be obtained using the same exponent that best fits the number of patients who are infected, as shown in figure 2A. The data available up until March 8 show that the trend in the number of patients who will need admission to intensive care units will increase substantially and relentlessly in the next few days. We can predict with quite a good degree of accuracy that this number will push the national health system to full capacity in a matter of days. Considering that the number of available beds in intensive care units in Italy is close to 5200, and assuming that half of these beds can be used for patients with COVID-19, the system will be at maximum capacity, according to this prediction, by March 14, 2020. This situation is difficult, given that the number of patients who will need to be admitted to the intensive care unit is predicted to further increase after that date, as shown in figure 2B.

At this point, the most important question is whether the increase in the number of patients who are infected and those requiring intensive care admittance will continue to rise exponentially and for how long. If the change in the slope of the curve does not take place soon, the clinical and social problems will take on unmanageable dimensions, which are expected to have catastrophic results. The only way we can make such predictions is by comparing the trends in the data collected in the Hubei region in China for COVID-19 infection with that for the Italian population. From the official report of the WHO–China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019, it is possible to derive the cumulative curve of the patients who are infected from the start of the data series. These data, as reported in figure 3, show that the initial phase of the infection outbreak followed the expected exponential trend, with the same exponent previously calculated for the number of Italian patients who were infected. Starting Jan 7, the cumulative number of patients who were infected started to diverge from the exponential trend 20 days later. If the Italian outbreak follows a similar trend to that in China, we can suggest that the number of newly infected patients might start to decrease within 3–4 days from March 11. Similarly, we can foresee that the cumulative curve of patients who are infected will peak 30 days later, with the maximum load for clinical facilities for the treatment of these patients foreseen for that period.



So they had almost no deaths for people under 50? And almost everyone who died had an underlying condition if i understand?

Quarantine old people and deaths plummet and you spare your hospital system.

This is a deadly virus if you are over 70 and dangerouse if you are over 60. But why did the world fall apart over something that is not deadly for people 40 and below? Cuz world leaders are in their 60s and 70s?

Any virus that we dont have a vaccine for is bad. A new one is bad. We dont want new unkown virsus. We need to study it and find a vaccine and try to contain it. But if you removed all people over 65 from this thing it makes the entire world look retarted the way they are reacting.


So they had almost no deaths for people under 50? And almost everyone who died had an underlying condition if i understand?

Quarantine old people and deaths plummet and you spare your hospital system.

This is a deadly virus if you are over 70 and dangerouse if you are over 60. But why did the world fall apart over something that is not deadly for people 40 and below? Cuz world leaders are in their 60s and 70s?

Any virus that we dont have a vaccine for is bad. A new one is bad. We dont want new unkown virsus. We need to study it and find a vaccine and try to contain it. But if you removed all people over 65 from this thing it makes the entire world look retarted the way they are reacting.
Here people under 50 are on the ICU, the Netherlands


Most people will catch it. Doesn't that match all of the information we've been told so far? I'd wager the true infection rates (instead of just "confirmed cases") are in the tens of millions worldwide, including people who already caught it and recovered without needing a doctor visit. Maybe I've already had it. I'll PM anyone that I quoted on GAF so that you can get tested too. Any posts above or below this one should get tested just in case. I'm sorry everyone. :lollipop_anxious_sweat:

The majority of infected are asymptomatic or only suffering mild symptoms so they never even bother going to the hospital. Both S. Korea, China, and the USA's medical forces affirm that the actual infection rate is quite low. Plus, a lot of false-positives are mixed in.

The goal all along should've been to reduce hospital strain, not necessarily to prevent the spread of infection.

I like cryptoadam cryptoadam 's idea. Quarantine old people so that they're not as easily exposed to the young'uns.

Remember SK said 96 % test came back negative. Thats also why these cases numbers provide no context.

Country A has 100 cases and Country B has 500 cases. You would think shit B is fucked.

Ok lets add new info A is 100 positive out of 500 tests. While B is 500 out of 100 000 tests. Now the cases number paints a different picture.

A new unknown virus is 100% bad. We dont want unchecked viruses running around. But the world clowned itself with its reaction. Protect old people because they are the only ones dying. I bet in wuhan it ravaged an old age home and sent them into a panic and the CCP being shit heads and the citizens not trusting the CCP led to this panic and no one thinking to just keep it away from old people.

Remove all people over 60 from the numbers and honestly it makes the world really sad for how its devolved and start fighting over wiping their ass.


Unconfirmed Member
UK Bros

Were any of you/your family/your work colleagues, struck down by a really shitty flu in December?

This is not a conspiracy theory, but I do wonder if we have already had a bout of Corona? I remember a lot of people calling in sick, being really ill with sickness, diarrhoea and an extended cough in December. It was like the flu, but on steroids.

I had this exact thing. Crackling sounds in my lungs too which I've never had before. Took a full 4 weeks to fully shift.


Here people under 50 are on the ICU, the Netherlands

How many ? How many under 40 ? Under 30?

If you keep it from the old you keep fewer people needing ICU and you prevent collapse of your health system.

91 % have mild symptoms do you really think that 90% of the dead are old that they dont make up the vast amount in ICU? That a large % of young people wind up in ICU but then recover?

I want to see demos for people in ICU but i have to imagine that it falls in line with the death rate or very close to it.


I hope anyone who hoards essentials and re-sells them at a markup gets the coronavirus themselves.

You can report them to the state attorney general's office. Nothing might come of it, but you never know ... the fines for gouging during a national emergency ate pretty stiff, and I doubt selling tp rolls at $20 a pop will cover them.


How many ? How many under 40 ? Under 30?

If you keep it from the old you keep fewer people needing ICU and you prevent collapse of your health system.

91 % have mild symptoms do you really think that 90% of the dead are old that they dont make up the vast amount in ICU? That a large % of young people wind up in ICU but then recover?

I want to see demos for people in ICU but i have to imagine that it falls in line with the death rate or very close to it.
Almost all of them , because old people they just let go... that’s how it’s gonna be.


Unconfirmed Member
I’m mostly pissed off that it’s probably going to delay free agency and the NFL draft. My wife has taken things pretty seriously and loaded up on groceries but mainly because she’s worried there won’t be shit left to buy when we actually need it. I just want things to get back to some semblance of normalcy because I just don’t care that much about all of this and I’m being forced too.

I've done the same, much to my wife's consternation. We've got about 2 month's supplies to keep us ticking over, assuming electricity and water hold up. Obviously if they don't then we've got some Mad Max shit going on and honestly I'm not sure an IT nerd is gonna cut it in that environment anyway so if that happens I'll just kiss my ass goodbye! Joking aside I have been weighing up acquiring some weapons, though that is tricky in the UK.


Almost all of them , because old people they just let go... that’s how it’s gonna be.

Well according to the numbers you have 45 serious/critical and only 955 cases. So your saying all 45 of those aren under 50 ?

Do you have actual numbers or this is ancdetodal?

Maybe netherlands is a special place where younger people are effected more.


Talking of differing strategies to ward off the virus, I think India is the one country that has this thing sorted:

On Saturday, a Hindu nationalist group that has ties with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, hosted a gathering where people drank cow urine, saying it could ward off the coronavirus.

Many Hindus consider the cow sacred and some drink cow urine believing it has medicinal properties. Experts have, however, repeatedly asserted that cow urine does not cure illnesses and there is no evidence that it can prevent coronavirus.

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A heatwave in 2003 killed a bunch of old people i guess we better cancel the sun and tank the economy.

If this thing has like a 98% recovery rate for people under 60 why did we close schools and sports games etc ?

We need to stop a new virus but i think we could of done so without this mass hysteria.


Well according to the numbers you have 45 serious/critical and only 955 cases. So your saying all 45 of those aren under 50 ?

Do you have actual numbers or this is ancdetodal?

Maybe netherlands is a special place where younger people are effected more.
Thats what they said , the hospitals. So can’t provide anything more .




Thats what they said , the hospitals. So can’t provide anything more .

Well i would like to see some actual data or articles because i am very interested in the demographics of this virus especially those needing to go to ICU. Thats a big missing piece for me now.

But look at data we have and take out people over 60. Paints a completly different picture of what we are dealing with.

A heatwave in 2003 killed a bunch of old people i guess we better cancel the sun and tank the economy.

If this thing has like a 98% recovery rate for people under 60 why did we close schools and sports games etc ?

We need to stop a new virus but i think we could of done so without this mass hysteria.

I did not think you were a member of this line of thinking? What brought this on?

Heatwave does kill old people. Even with my health issues I need to avoid heatwave problems just like I would need to avoid the flu or this virus.

The point is being able to 'avoid' having problems with heatwave.

So during a heatwave I have choices to make. Drink lots of water, stay in the shade, stay in a cool place, stay home.
If I do all that I am good to go no reason for concern because I did all I had to do to avoid the problem, and if my neighbors goes out in the sun, he or she cannot bring me heatwave death the next time I see them just by shaking hands.

very different thing.


Quick question Gaf and apologies since this virus and the data is new, my mom is 53 years old with diabetes, relatively healthy and always watches what she eats and no upper respiratory issues. Could she get through this without hospitalization if she contracts the virus?

I have a bad feeling for my father as he is 67 years with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a former smoker. Not sure if we would be able to get through it without hospitalization.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
What is real work? Curing cancer? Breaking boulders with a pickaxe?

Capital investment for a country-specific subsidiary of a global company. We make food that you or may not eat. Machines are needed to make food. I buy those machines.
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Quick question Gaf and apologies since this virus and the data is new, my mom is 53 years old with diabetes, relatively healthy and always watches what she eats and no upper respiratory issues. Could she get through this without hospitalization if she contracts the virus?

I have a bad feeling for my father as he is 67 years with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a former smoker. Not sure if we would be able to get through it without hospitalization.

Absolutely nobody knows, however if your mother is not overweight, then your father is the one at risk the most. Well, I would say even if your mother was in the obesity spectrum, your father would still be at risk the most.
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Absolutely nobody knows, however if your mother is not overweight, then your father is the one at risk the most. Well, I would say even if your mother was in the obesity spectrum, your father would still be at risk the most.

Thanks Paracelsus Paracelsus ! My mother's not overweight thankfully and she's also been taking a Vitamin C supplement daily and is very cautious. My father is the one that I'm most worried about.


I did not think you were a member of this line of thinking? What brought this on?

Heatwave does kill old people. Even with my health issues I need to avoid heatwave problems just like I would need to avoid the flu or this virus.

The point is being able to 'avoid' having problems with heatwave.

So during a heatwave I have choices to make. Drink lots of water, stay in the shade, stay in a cool place, stay home.
If I do all that I am good to go no reason for concern because I did all I had to do to avoid the problem, and if my neighbors goes out in the sun, he or she cannot bring me heatwave death the next time I see them just by shaking hands.

very different thing.

Look at the numbers. People under 60 are not dying from this.

I will say this. Any new virus is BAD. We do not 100% want new virsus that we have no vaccine for running unchecked. We should prevent its spread as much as possible.

But there is no reason to have tanked the world for something that is pretty harmless to people under 60 years old.

This virus is extremely dangerous to the elderly and we need to protect them. But i dont see why that required closing schools or going into lockdown.

My point about the heatwave is it killed alot of old people just like this virus. Put alot of em in the ICU just like this virus. But we didnt cancel the world or tell 30 year olds to stay home during the day while people were brawling in the streets foe sun screen.

This has become over blown and could have been handelded without tanking the world if we simply quarantined old people. Remove people over 60 from the numbers you post and you see a different picture.

Keep it away from the old you get almost no deaths and probably very few ICU and no society collapsing.


Unconfirmed Member
Talking of differing strategies to ward off the virus, I think India is the one country that has this thing sorted:

Taking the piss surely.


Thanks Paracelsus My mother's not overweight thankfully and she's also been taking a Vitamin C supplement daily and is very cautious. My father is the one that I'm most worried about.

The only thing you can do is quarantine everything around him, don't just go out to work and buy groceries and then hang close to him and share the facilities like it's nothing, clean everything properly, keep the right distance. Obviously measure your temperatures every few hours.


Unconfirmed Member
The uk will be banned to ented the US very soon.
Better do your travel asap.

The uk is fucking up with their wait and see approach.
They need to take action right away.

The UK is taking absolutely the right approach for two big reasons.
1. Our approach is not dependent on the existence or otherwise of a vaccine. Other approaches simply won't work if a vaccine is not delivered sufficiently quickly.
2. Our approach will leave us in far better shape for the next pandemic, and yes I believe there will be one.

The UK is playing the long game and leaving the panicking to others.


The UK is taking absolutely the right approach for two big reasons.
1. Our approach is not dependent on the existence or otherwise of a vaccine. Other approaches simply won't work if a vaccine is not delivered sufficiently quickly.
2. Our approach will leave us in far better shape for the next pandemic, and yes I believe there will be one.

The UK is playing the long game and leaving the panicking to others.

In terms of "we let people die and save money in more ways than one" or "we develop immunity"?
No, because there's 0 guarantee the latter is real.
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