I swear to god. Corona (the beer company) has to include a mask in every sixpack. Perfect marketing.
The fact that theyve lost revenue just goes to show how stupid the human race is.
I swear to god. Corona (the beer company) has to include a mask in every sixpack. Perfect marketing.
I dont understand.
Because people think this is 'just the flu' instead of mass-pneumoniaBewilders me why this stuff makes the news. These people had pneumonia. Pneumonia causes lung damage. It's been doing that for millenia. We often discharge people still on oxygen after they've been treated. Some take weeks to wean off it, others never do. There is nothing novel about the novel coronavirus causing lung damage.
For anybody a little confused by the UK government's approach:
So, in short the governments policy seems to be:
- try to achieve 60% + infection rate in order to achieve "herd immunity", so avoiding experiencing repeated waves of re-infections, resulting in a constant lockdown...release...lockdown...release cycle
- try to maintain a nice steady flow of infections so as not to strain the medical system, taking measures to slow things down (closing schools, larger events etc) only when necessary.
- try to prevent vulnerable groups (eg the elderly) getting infected. You want kids and adults spreading it between themselves, eventually making up the vast bulk of the 60% required
It's a ballsy, and risky, strategy. I wonder if Germany is pursuing something similar, given Merkel's 70% infected remark earlier this week?
"Most encouraging, it's way too clever for Boris Johnson to have had any role in developing"
Alrighty then, professor. The UK actually have a plan, whereas Europe are just shutting everything down and will probably end up shooting people in the street. France is especially clumsy on this issue.
It is risky but I can see where they are coming from, given NHS...For anybody a little confused by the UK government's approach:
So, in short the governments policy seems to be:
- try to achieve 60% + infection rate in order to achieve "herd immunity", so avoiding experiencing repeated waves of re-infections, resulting in a constant lockdown...release...lockdown...release cycle
- try to maintain a nice steady flow of infections so as not to strain the medical system, taking measures to slow things down (closing schools, larger events etc) only when necessary.
- try to prevent vulnerable groups (eg the elderly) getting infected. You want kids and adults spreading it between themselves, eventually making up the vast bulk of the 60% required
It's a ballsy, and risky, strategy. I wonder if Germany is pursuing something similar, given Merkel's 70% infected remark earlier this week?
[UPDATE] ‘Corona medicine based on Dutch antibody will be there within six months’
Dutch scientists from the Erasmus MC and Utrecht University have found the antibody to the corona virus.innovationorigins.com
I'm sorry but the strategy doesn't make any sense. They are not going to achieve herd immunity without sacrificing a lot of at risk people.For anybody a little confused by the UK government's approach:
So, in short the governments policy seems to be:
- try to achieve 60% + infection rate in order to achieve "herd immunity", so avoiding experiencing repeated waves of re-infections, resulting in a constant lockdown...release...lockdown...release cycle
- try to maintain a nice steady flow of infections so as not to strain the medical system, taking measures to slow things down (closing schools, larger events etc) only when necessary.
- try to prevent vulnerable groups (eg the elderly) getting infected. You want kids and adults spreading it between themselves, eventually making up the vast bulk of the 60% required
It's a ballsy, and risky, strategy. I wonder if Germany is pursuing something similar, given Merkel's 70% infected remark earlier this week?
"Most encouraging, it's way too clever for Boris Johnson to have had any role in developing"
Alrighty then, professor. The UK actually have a plan, whereas Europe are just shutting everything down and will probably end up shooting people in the street. France is especially clumsy on this issue.
15 tweets to get to the point. Surprised he hasn't killed himself because he shares his name with Donald Trump.
I know he is saying he agrees with the UK's approach, but his main point is he doesn't like Boris.
It's a ballsy, and risky, strategy. I wonder if Germany is pursuing something similar, given Merkel's 70% infected remark earlier this week?
I'm sorry but the strategy doesn't make any sense. They are not going to achieve herd immunity without sacrificing a lot of at risk people.
As soon as a lot of people start dying they will start doing lockdowns, I guarantee it.
I dont understand.
Both Germany and France are following the same strategy, only with different routes ; but that's the reason there's no full lockout like in Italy or China. It's actually the safest strategy in the end, since even if you manage to stop the propagation of the virus by isolating people, as long as there is no herd immunity the epidemy can start again in a few weeks.
Which aren’t necessarily permanently damaged but might take 6+’months to further repair.I can't find the exact quote again, but the expert on Sam Harris's podcast #191 seemed to think this applied mostly to people who'd needed serious medical intervention (breathing machines etc). I.e. the disease and/or pneumonia steamrolled their lungs, and their lungs were left in a bad state as a result. So it probably doesn't apply to everyone who gets the virus, mercifully. He said this was a common after-effect of people whose lungs are are damaged by illness in general, not just for CV.
The fact that theyve lost revenue just goes to show how stupid the human race is.
Consumers don't want to be reminded of the current events when drinking to escape.
I read somewhere you’re not likely to have a runny nose with this.My girlfriend has been working in chinatown this week. While the place I work at has been dead due to the coronavirus, chinatown is apparently thriving. She has been busy all week with endless customers. I picked her up from the train station last night and she had the chills, a runny nose and passed out immediately after getting in the car. Hopefully it's just a cold or the flu but I left her in the bedroom last night and slept on the couch.
Let's see what happens tonight. I'm quarantining her ass if she is any worse.
Lol, first chinese chinese girlfriend?? Lol!!! you have NOOooooo idea.It's textbook "My first Chinese girlfriend" thinking.
She's "hot"? post pics then. (You wont)
She's giving you attention because a) She wants to make a sale. b) She's bored and your more interesting than anyone she's working with.
She's also talking with any number of other foreign guys thinking exactly just like you are.
I read somewhere you’re not likely to have a runny nose with this.
Oh yeah, if no older member of the Royal family or dies of this....then there is def a cure.
Those mother fuckers have lived through every world pandemic despite the amount of people theyre exposed to.
Didn't some of them recently escape to Canada? Insider knowledge? False flag?
Yeah but that was only the ginger and the mocha.
Maybe inbreeding is the cure. Pornhub had the answer all along.Oh yeah, if no older member of the Royal family or dies of this....then there is def a cure.
Those mother fuckers have lived through every world pandemic despite the amount of people theyre exposed to.
Hmmm, good point, I forget, the Chinese have targeted the elderly with this weapon /s
Symptoms of coronavirus disease
The most common symptoms are a high temperature, a cough and difficulty breathing. These symptoms can vary in their severity. It is also possible for complications to arise, such as pneumonia. Some people who have developed the disease have also experienced problems affecting digestion or eye complaints (conjunctivitis).
Spread from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
Immediate signs and symptoms of VX exposure
- All the nerve agents cause their toxic effects by preventing the proper operation of an enzyme that acts as the body’s “off switch” for glands and muscles. Without an “off switch,” the glands and muscles are constantly being stimulated. They may tire and no longer be able to sustain breathing function.
- VX is the least volatile of the nerve agents, which means that it is the slowest to evaporate from a liquid into a vapor. Therefore, VX is persistent in the environment. Under average weather conditions, VX can last for days on objects that it has come in contact with. Under very cold conditions, VX can last for months.
- Because it evaporates so slowly, VX can be a long-term threat as well as a short-term threat. Surfaces contaminated with VX should therefore be considered a long-term hazard.
- People may not know they were exposed to VX because it has no odor.
- People exposed to a low or moderate dose of VX by inhalation, ingestion (swallowing), or skin absorption may experience some or all of the following symptoms within seconds to hours of exposure:
- Abnormally low or high blood pressure
- Blurred vision
- Chest tightness
- Confusion
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Drooling and excessive sweating
- Drowsiness
- Eye pain
- Headache
- Increased urination
- Nausea, vomiting, and/or abdominal pain
- Rapid breathing
- Runny nose
- Slow or fast heart rate
- Small, pinpoint pupils
- Watery eyes
- Weakness
UK Bros
Were any of you/your family/your work colleagues, struck down by a really shitty flu in December?
This is not a conspiracy theory, but I do wonder if we have already had a bout of Corona? I remember a lot of people calling in sick, being really ill with sickness, diarrhoea and an extended cough in December. It was like the flu, but on steroids.
Some similarities between the two
Question. Does any one else feel burnt out on this virus/media coverage?
i‘ve been obsessed with it and the economy for this past week, but this afternoon I think I’ve reached my threshold and I don’t know if I can care anymore and will start to tune it out.
i need a fucking a cigarette
Please stop spreading bullshit.
I’m not a hoarder, so one trip to stock up and then I’ll do exactly that. I don’t have 7 days worth of food.
Anyway, UK guidance is basically just do nothing and kill off as many of your fellow citizens as possible. Who would have thought this far-right bunch of bastards would turn out to be the legion of doom?
Oh that’s right...anyone with a brain.
To be honest, I want this now, while I'm still young and healthy.
thats what i was thinking. why wont corona sempai notice me?To be honest, I want this now, while I'm still young and healthy.
thats what i was thinking. why wont corona sempai notice me?