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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Jeez, if you're gonna post that at least make sure you write the word if before the sentence.

You do mean if, don't you...?

Oh yes i meant if.
Though it almost certain he is positive. Having dinner with an infected or even close proximity, this virus has such evil payload, chances it is already festering inside Trump throat
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Rodent Whores
This "immunity herd" stuff (eg UK) I hear about seems like a huge gamble. There are no guarantees it will work. We have no knowledge of how long immunity will last after recovery, or the mutation rate of the virus. And there are already reports of different strains of covid-19. I feel like this could backfire.

Well, with something this complex there of course aren't going to be any guarantees, but generally and historically speaking, this is how most diseases operate.
I'm from Paraguay but my girlfriend had a serious case of the flu in early January, she did a few tests to see if it was dengue and it wasn't. We had thousands of dengue cases around here around that time. A week later my aunt had the same case. Epic flu, no dengue.

I thought about a few times and it does makes sense... What else could have been then? I slept next to her for that week and it was awful to witness. I did not have any symptoms.
This would create unnecessary antagonism between the community. It's better for those features to remain private.
I had this exact thing. Crackling sounds in my lungs too which I've never had before. Took a full 4 weeks to fully shift.
Yeah, did last about 4 weeks as well. Know quite a few people who had that.

Maybe this is why the UK isn't panicing. Maybe we had Corona, or something very similar, hit us in December at the same time that the Chinese had it.

At my work, at least 25% of people were off at a time, rolling over 3 weeks including Christmas. Everybody felt achy and shitty at some point. Some (the older lot) had coughs that they couldn't shift and tight chests. Those with coughs were put on 4 weeks of strong anti-biotics.

The Dr's told them it was an unusual flu-like virus, that was stronger than the seasonal flu. Not saying the Dr's were in cahoots in a conspiracy, it just sounded like they were even surprised by it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Maybe this is why the UK isn't panicing. Maybe we had Corona, or something very similar, hit us in December at the same time that the Chinese had it.

At my work, at least 25% of people were off at a time, rolling over 3 weeks including Christmas. Everybody felt achy and shitty at some point. Some (the older lot) had coughs that they couldn't shift and tight chests. Those with coughs were put on 4 weeks of strong anti-biotics.

The Dr's told them it was an unusual flu-like virus, that was stronger than the seasonal flu. Not saying the Dr's were in cahoots in a conspiracy, it just sounded like they were even surprised by it.

If everyone in the UK got corona, you would know it. The hospitals would’ve been massively overloaded.


Gold Member
We had a few schools close in my area because of flu outbreaks this year. It is actually pretty common to have a few close every year because of normal flu
Bit off-topic briefly.
Is this image true? If it is, holy shit, I never knew lol

Not true.

You can own a .177 or .22 Air Rifle with a license (you didn't used to need one)
You can own a shotgun if you own X amount of Acres of land.
You can't own any replica pistol that is a blank firing pistol
All toy guns and airsoft pistols must be painted bright orange


but what was Germany doing the last month/month and a half to keep their deaths so low? They have the sixth most cases in the world, 5th outside of China but their deaths are way down on the list.

Oh, now I got what you meant.
My take is... rather pessimistic.

S.Korea, with MASSIVE number of tests and formidable health services, achieved slightly below 1% mortality rate.
Germany, on the other hand, is still in "steep climbing" mode, with many yet untested infected running around loose.

It's just... it takes time for people to start dying en mass, while you are this early in epidemic.
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Rodent Whores
Maybe this is why the UK isn't panicing. Maybe we had Corona, or something very similar, hit us in December at the same time that the Chinese had it.

At my work, at least 25% of people were off at a time, rolling over 3 weeks including Christmas. Everybody felt achy and shitty at some point. Some (the older lot) had coughs that they couldn't shift and tight chests. Those with coughs were put on 4 weeks of strong anti-biotics.

The Dr's told them it was an unusual flu-like virus, that was stronger than the seasonal flu. Not saying the Dr's were in cahoots in a conspiracy, it just sounded like they were even surprised by it.
That is a normal phenomenon within the realm of possibiliity for what the flu does from time to time. No reason to think that we actually were exposed to COVID19 a lot earlier than currently estimated until there is enough evidence to warrant that conclusion.

If we could find old blood samples and test them for COVID19 antibodies, then I might be convinced.


Unconfirmed Member
In terms of "we let people die and save money in more ways than one" or "we develop immunity"?
No, because there's 0 guarantee the latter is real.

Good thing you know more than the top medical brains in the UK. Perhaps you should apply for a job with the WHO. On a less sarcastic note - I'm willing to trust them on this as it seems a sensible plan. You're free to piss and moan.




Oh, now I got what you meant.
My take is... rather pessimistic.

S.Korea, with MASSIVE number of tests and formidable health services, achieved slightly below 1% mortality rate.
Germany, on the other hand, is still in "steep climbing" mode, with many yet untested infected running around loose.

It's just... it takes time for people to start dying en mass, while you are this early in epidemic.

Check out SK numbers. only 2 deaths for people under 40. 8 deaths total for people under 60. 0 deaths for people 20-30 and that makes up 28.5% of the cases, the biggest group. That group with 0 deaths has more cases than the age groups that accounted for 90% of the deaths.

If Germany is keeping it away from old people you will be fine. The problem for NOW with this virus is when it gets to old people because its very deadly. 98% of deaths in Italy are over 60 years old. Also pretty everyone who died in Italy had some sort of underlying condition.

Cases will probably go up, but the death rate depends on how many old people get it.

1 caveat which is since this virus is new we do not know the long term effects of it on recovered people. that will take time. There are stories of honeycombing and permanent damage on the lungs but we will need more scientific research into this. Thats why I said the problem NOW with the virus. And any Virus we do not have a vaccine for is BAD. We in no way shape or form should be allowing rogue viruses with no vaccines to run across the globe. But if you examine the numbers the focus needs to be on the old. And whatever Germany did seems to have worked because their death numbers are insanely low for the amount of cases they have. If/When Germany releases demo's I bet we see mostly in 50 and below with very few old people infected.


The UK is taking absolutely the right approach for two big reasons.
1. Our approach is not dependent on the existence or otherwise of a vaccine. Other approaches simply won't work if a vaccine is not delivered sufficiently quickly.
2. Our approach will leave us in far better shape for the next pandemic, and yes I believe there will be one.

The UK is playing the long game and leaving the panicking to others.

It seems I'm missing something about UK approach.
How is it different from what countries with similar number of infected are doing, bar the "close schools" bit?


I'm trying to follow this as closely as I can, but I don't remember reading anything about steps Italy took to contain when it first popped up. Did Italy fail to act in the beginning or is it just that bad over there because of the aged population and connection to Wuhan?


Cases will probably go up, but the death rate depends on how many old people get it.
Fair enough, but note that if people got infected just in the recent few days (figure tripled over 3 days), not much could be said about mortality rate just yet.


I'm trying to follow this as closely as I can, but I don't remember reading anything about steps Italy took to contain when it first popped up. Did Italy fail to act in the beginning or is it just that bad over there because of the aged population and connection to Wuhan?
I was told that, on top of not acting early enough, medical personal didn't handle it right and got a number of doctors infected.
The source is "some colleague said so", so take it with a grain of salt.

Correct isolation requires low pressure rooms (so that virus doesn't escape), which isn't that widespread in normal clinics (bar the ones specializing on infectious diseases)


Rodent Whores
Yes? I'm not sure what you're not getting.
What I'm saying is that it's not as huge a gamble as you think it is. It's a reasonable approach based on known knowns and history. "what if it mutates rapidly", "what if there are multiple strains", and "what if people don't maintain immunity" are points that are still only speculation and not proven. Historically speaking, these "what ifs" are exceptions to the rule.
If everyone in the UK got corona, you would know it. The hospitals would’ve been massively overloaded.

I'm not saying it was Corona. Going by what we're being told about staying at home and riding it out, that's what the vast majority do around here anyway. I can't speak for the rest of England but 90% of the working population wouldn't blink twice at a serious case of flu. At worst it would be a few days off sick, a few days moaning of being ill and drinking tea like it was going out of fashion.

That is a normal phenomenon within the realm of possibiliity for what the flu does from time to time. No reason to think that we actually were exposed to COVID19 a lot earlier than currently estimated until there is enough evidence to warrant that conclusion.

If we could find old blood samples and test them for COVID19 antibodies, then I might be convinced.

No disagreeing with what you're saying. Have you seen the blood samples of the 21 that have died in the U.K.? Did they die because of Corona, or did they die while infected with Corona?


UK wants to adapt "hend immunity“ to speed-run the infection of 60%-80% total population so they could achieve "immunity".
Total madness and craziest social experience conducted in modern history I eyewitness. Imagine if China/U.S government does it, it would be equally FEMA Death camp and genocide.

The man in the California also wrote this useful article;


Count of Concision
It's been known for a long time now.

Is this true? I’ve read conflicting info. Droplets which can stay airborne until gravity makes them fall (6-10 feet dispersal or X seconds) are one thing, but aerosolization is another. Is there any official documentation (CDC, WHO, Korean/Italian authorities) which states that this can be aerosolized?

My job just closed all global offices and allowed everyone to work from home for at least the next few weeks, so I’m not too concerned for myself, but my parents and wife are at greater risk (the latter due to commuting in NYC via train and the former due to age/immunodeficiency). So whether it’s aerosolized is important to know, because then they’ll need to wear the N95 masks when in public in addition to avoiding unnecessary social contact.


Fair enough, but note that if people got infected just in the recent few days (figure tripled over 3 days), not much could be said about mortality rate just yet.

I agree on that we have to see how the numbers shake out, but I am having confidence in Germany that they won't all of a sudden see a huge spike. They will have more deaths but I don't see the gap in rates closing. You guys have done something correct.

Again the numbers don't lie. We see it from wherever we have data. People under 50 are not really dying from this. We still need to eradicate it because we do not know the long term effects. But the real danger is to those aged above 60. Especially 70 and above.


Rodent Whores
Neither am I. Which is a shame because I feel like it's a question worth asking and worth answering. Is the death toll being inflated by false numbers or is it lower than it really is?
Beats me. We're still gathering as much information as we can. As long as there's a bottleneck in actual testing we really don't know what the true numbers of infected are. We can keep track of deaths since that's pretty obvious, of course, but different countries have different standards of recording and classification, so that could contribute to information discrepancies.


Someone with a time machine correct me if I am wrong but didn't Italy report 250 dead yesterday?

So 175 if thats the total update is a decline.

They still have a shit ton of cases but thats probably because more people are being tested. Focusing on the deaths IMO is a more key indicator.

The real answer about this lockdown will be if they can continue to contain 75% of it in that one city. If they can keep it there and prevent nationwide spread their efforts though late will not be for nothing.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Nah he has not even tested positive yet.

If USA hits Italy numbers they can push back or cancel the elections. Trump is doing fine, the media panic makes him look good.

To delay or cancel elections, it requires congressional act, and even then it HAS to take place by December 14th. Beyond that it would take editing the constitution which would require majority vote by BOTH the House and Congress, which won't happen.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Is this true? I’ve read conflicting info. Droplets which can stay airborne until gravity makes them fall (6-10 feet dispersal or X seconds) are one thing, but aerosolization is another. Is there any official documentation (CDC, WHO, Korean/Italian authorities) which states that this can be aerosolized?

My job just closed all global offices and allowed everyone to work from home for at least the next few weeks, so I’m not too concerned for myself, but my parents and wife are at greater risk (the latter due to commuting in NYC via train and the former due to age/immunodeficiency). So whether it’s aerosolized is important to know, because then they’ll need to wear the N95 masks when in public in addition to avoiding unnecessary social contact.

Here’s the preliminary study:

Experts have been recommending n95 masks. The CDC, surgeon general, etc. have been telling the public not to buy them since there’s a shortage for health care professionals.
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Neo Member
Someone with a time machine correct me if I am wrong but didn't Italy report 250 dead yesterday?

So 175 if thats the total update is a decline.

They still have a shit ton of cases but thats probably because more people are being tested. Focusing on the deaths IMO is a more key indicator.

The real answer about this lockdown will be if they can continue to contain 75% of it in that one city. If they can keep it there and prevent nationwide spread their efforts though late will not be for nothing.

175 is added to the total of 1441 deaths.

But yes, 250 deaths yesterday.
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Rodent Whores
Is there any way to see a graph of concurrent Steam players that goes further back than 24 hours? I want to see if there are significant upticks in activity due to the quarantine.



175 is new deaths. Total 1441.

175 is added to the total of 1441 deaths.

yes I know. I mean yesterday new deaths was 250. So today its 175. decrease of 75 New deaths. fewer people died today than yesterday?

Of course I might have my numbers wrong or there will be a second Italy update?


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Is this true? I’ve read conflicting info. Droplets which can stay airborne until gravity makes them fall (6-10 feet dispersal or X seconds) are one thing, but aerosolization is another. Is there any official documentation (CDC, WHO, Korean/Italian authorities) which states that this can be aerosolized?

My job just closed all global offices and allowed everyone to work from home for at least the next few weeks, so I’m not too concerned for myself, but my parents and wife are at greater risk (the latter due to commuting in NYC via train and the former due to age/immunodeficiency). So whether it’s aerosolized is important to know, because then they’ll need to wear the N95 masks when in public in addition to avoiding unnecessary social contact.

Aerosolization just means the bacteria can attach to air molecules and be carried. It's effectively the same thing as what you'd listed. The weight of the virus while attached to the air causes it to drop at around 10 ft. Think of it like a feather. It's very existence means that if you drop it it'll fall to the ground, but if you blow on it (in this case, your breath being the air molecules) it'll go a few more feet but will still ultimate succumb to gravity and hit the ground.


Unconfirmed Member
yes I know. I mean yesterday new deaths was 250. So today its 175. decrease of 75 New deaths. fewer people died today than yesterday?

Of course I might have my numbers wrong or there will be a second Italy update?
Italy tends to be a single count. Spain seems to have multiple figures per day.
To delay or cancel elections, it requires congressional act, and even then it HAS to take place by December 14th. Beyond that it would take editing the constitution which would require majority vote by BOTH the House and Congress, which won't happen.

Okay fine you win, why do you guys take shit and run with it, I said my fanfic is better than Facebook's y'all don't have to react to it like I wrote the Bible lol. I just said my prediction is more real than the other bullshit.

In any case we already had one Primary pushed back I forget which state atm, but even so if the worst comes we will just have a low turn out on election day in November. Maybe next time we will be voting online. Changes will happen.


Count of Concision
Aerosolization just means the bacteria can attach to air molecules and be carried. It's effectively the same thing as what you'd listed. The weight of the virus while attached to the air causes it to drop at around 10 ft. Think of it like a feather. It's very existence means that if you drop it it'll fall to the ground, but if you blow on it (in this case, your breath being the air molecules) it'll go a few more feet but will still ultimate succumb to gravity and hit the ground.

Thanks. I’m aware that the difference between aerosolization and airborne droplets is ultimately just a matter of degree, since as you said everything will succumb to gravity eventually, but that difference does have implications for a transmissibility since aerosolized particles can travel much further. So to my mind it’s a fairly important distinction, especially since I live in an urban area.
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