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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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does anyone have any legitimate research about hospitlizatoin rates? demographic and sex breakdowns?

All I have is

which lists serious condition. But I don't think that is the number of people in the hospital.


Is there any way to see a graph of concurrent Steam players that goes further back than 24 hours? I want to see if there are significant upticks in activity due to the quarantine.


eddie bravo just posted this

A good preacher. Not a good educator, takes way too long to get pass the political bullshit to take in anything else he has to say. So he loses credibility very fast because he won't focus on the Science he claims to want to teach. He sounds like a guru more than anything else.

"I have 1,000 degrees, I must be right. But these politicians..."
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does anyone have any legitimate research about hospitlizatoin rates? demographic and sex breakdowns?

All I have is

which lists serious condition. But I don't think that is the number of people in the hospital.

The WHO database and local CDCs might make those things public but unless you know where to look we don't have access to that level of detailed info.
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Quick question Gaf and apologies since this virus and the data is new, my mom is 53 years old with diabetes, relatively healthy and always watches what she eats and no upper respiratory issues. Could she get through this without hospitalization if she contracts the virus?

I have a bad feeling for my father as he is 67 years with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a former smoker. Not sure if we would be able to get through it without hospitalization.
Ask a certified doctor. Why would you ask game players on a random forum?


Count of Concision
Here’s the preliminary study:

Experts have been recommending n95 masks. The CDC, surgeon general, etc. have been telling the public not to buy them since there’s a shortage for health care professionals.

Thanks. Fortunately I have about 30 N95 masks. Does anyone here know if they’re single use or can be reused assuming proper precautions are taken while storing/handling them? I’ve been meaning to look that up.


This is the current situation in Finland.
I live in the area with 14 cases.



checked in on the fam today, they are all doing good and hunkering down. the grandparents are opting to help watch the kids during the day. my brother just went through a divorce, meaning he is raising two kids by himself, while working, so we all have to pitch in. since i can work from home, i'm going to babysit a few days to help like a good uncle. ill bring over my Switch and PS4 Pro it will be an awesome party. my other brother has in-laws who just flew in from France. so they are staying at his house for who knows how long. she is an EMT and he is a little prepper so they are stocked up w lots of supplies & medical gear.

it is interesting to see how we react to society as the systems shut down. yesterday i went out to get groceries and visit a friend, i took the train and walked around a bit. i got a general feeling of panic or mistrust out in public. a more flagrant disregard for the rules. luckily we always have that core family structure. these fundamental bonds can do the heavy lifting when everything shuts down and we have to kind of watch over ourselves. all of this is really driving home the importance of family to me.
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Italy, in lockdown, numbers rise.
Czech Republic, in lockdown, numbers rise.
Slovakia, in lockdown, numbers rise.

You'd think that locking down a country that is infected with a virus, from other countries infected with the same virus, would help ... /sarcasm.

Too late, should've done all this weeks ago. Pointless now. Just wrecking peoples lives, businesses and the economy. Awareness and care for the old & vulnerable is what is required.
On a serious note, we need to talk about isolation.

A large percentage of the population, mainly non-gamers, are really going to struggle if they are confined to quarters. Most will go stir-crazy with cabin fever and it will have a long-term knock-on effect to their mental health.

If your friends, relatives, family or co-workers are isolating and aren't gamers, you should take it upon yourselves to keep them entertained. There's only so much TV you can watch or books you can read.

Set the tasks, kind of like fun, adult homework, get them to try a new hobby, painting, philately or woodwork. Do something, to stop their minds turning to mush or their relationships breaking down.

Isolation can do more damage than the virus itself.
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They're selling guns to buy toilet paper
they are investing in their personal safety if things get worse in the future. this is why Americans are so "gun-crazy". if police are admitting they won't answer non life threatening calls NOW, just imagine some group of people that have run out of supplies in a month, they try to rob when you are bringing groceries to your car. if you have a knife, gun, or taser then you are much safer in that situation. what if a group of people start pounding your door, wanting to break in, steal your shit and do you and yours harm. if you have a shotgun, you can take care of that life and family threatening situation real fast. in that situation, you would be shit out of luck, waiting 15 mins or so for the cops to arrive even if everything was working.
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Do the French smoke a lot?

Oui oui. They also suck on Baguettes, chew garlic, wear berets and ride around on push bikes.
they are investing in their personal safety. this is why Americans are so gun-crazy. if police are admitting they won't answer non life threatening calls NOW, just imagine some group of people that have run out of supplies in a month, they try to rob when you are bringing groceries to your car. if you have a knife, gun, or taser then you are much safer in that situation. what if a group of people start pounding your door, wanting to break in, steal your shit and do you harm. if you have a shotgun, you can take care of that life and family threatening situation real fast.

Fuck me, this is a strong-flu, not the end of the world. If America breaks down in to 'Escape from LA' over a few rolls of Arsewipe, then maybe it's for the best?


Our good friends the South Koreans

(since 3 January)
TotalConfirmed casesSuspected cases

DischargedIsolatedDeceasedBeing testedTested negative
As of 0:00
13 March
As of 0:00
14 March

Aren't France going a bit mental? Apparently they're closing all shops, cinemas, cafes. WTF?

All shops?

Overkill lol, society is going fucking bonkers.

This is really revealing itself to be a media scare like nothing ever before.
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Oui oui. They also suck on Baguettes, chew garlic, wear berets and ride around on push bikes.

Fuck me, this is a strong-flu, not the end of the world. If America breaks down in to 'Escape from LA' over a few rolls of Arsewipe, then maybe it's for the best?
our justice system is openly saying they won't respond to non life threatening calls. if you can't see why the police saying they won't come and save you unless you really need it may scare people into seeking out self-protection, you need to try to imagine what it would be like if someone did try to break into your house. it happens when there isn't mass panic. we have police departments signalling publicly that they aren't going to really be there for people who need them.

i am just explaining why there is an increase in gun sales. i don't think people are going to suddenly turn mad max and enter a new lawless apocalypse. but signs are heading that way, the police departments themselves are saying so, by giving themselves an out to not help people. so you can't blame people for taking precautions. more than likely these are already people who own a gun or so stocking up on ammo or whatnot.
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Highly doubtful that would translate to 1000s of infections. Thats about 500x the R0 of this disease.
Same sort of report came from hospitals here in The Netherlands, maybe the virus mutated?
Sounds more like irresponsible reporting. She later "clarified":
"more than 50% of these 300 serious cases are younger than 60. (Not in French ICUs in general)"
It feels like we got all our numbers early today.


Kinda afraid to check my local news though


Aren't France going a bit mental? Apparently they're closing all shops, cinemas, cafes. WTF?

All shops?

Overkill lol, society is going fucking bonkers.

Its because if you don't take drastic steps the media/social media etc will crucify you. No world leader can now step up and say anything counter to the narrative. We are basically all following China's lead on this. The country that lied about it and covered it up is the country people are modeling themselves on.

Why don't we check what has been going on in Taiwan and Germany the last 2 months. Taiwan has 50 cases and lets consider that technically they are China, and Germany has 8 deaths and out of 4200+ infected. But instead everyone thinks the solution is to follow China's Wuhan lockdown strategy. Wouldn't it be great if Taiwan could be part of the WHO, but fuckem they dare say they are the real China!
Is there something as overkill now? Better save than sorrow.

Sorrow? Indeed. Nobody wants to lose a loved one here. I'm not a flu-bro. But the panic is bizarre. Just imagine this before the internet - this would not be happening.

Britain is gonna get a one-two punch. Brexit one and dealing correctly with a regular virus two.

Anecdotally, I believe this to be a media scare. I live in Slovakia, a country that never leads in anything socially, and we closed our universities and schools way before anyone else: copying China, as cryptoadam cryptoadam is saying. That decision was taken out of panic, quite the opposite of the UK's rational approach. All foreign students have lost their place and been told to go home. We have about 40 cases. The country's boarders are shut, it's a twilight zone.
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Sounds more like irresponsible reporting. She later "clarified":
"more than 50% of these 300 serious cases are younger than 60. (Not in French ICUs in general)"

Well talk about irresponsible reporting.

So still no good numbers of how many under 50 are in ICU. Really deaths and ICU numbers are the most important because it will tell us how badly this can fuck up our hospitals.

I think we would also need a definition of serious, since they are serious but not in ICU's well we may have different definitions of serious then.


  • Spain declares national lockdown
  • France announces national lockdown
  • NYC confirms 1st coronavirus death
  • Trump says he was tested for Covid-19, White House expands travel ban to UK and Ireland
  • US death toll hits 50
  • Newly diagnosed cases jumped by +3,000 in Italy
  • De Blasio refuses to close schools
  • ireland reports 2nd death
  • India case total hits 84
  • White House virus task force delivers update
  • Airlines cancel flights to Spain
  • Apple closes stores outside Greater China
  • Washington State re-takes lead in US case total
  • Gaming Commission shuts down Mass. casinos


Thanks. Fortunately I have about 30 N95 masks. Does anyone here know if they’re single use or can be reused assuming proper precautions are taken while storing/handling them? I’ve been meaning to look that up.

Resuse obviously isn't ideal but if you have to I would put a used one in a plastic bag and leave it isolated for at least a week for any potential virus to die off.

I'd only bother using my N95 if I know I have to head into some crowds and can't maintain a good distance from others.


So here in France we go into lockdown for everything except bare necessities.
(Food, gas, hospitals ...)
I am supposed to go to a public hospital next week for a little surgery and tests 3 days minimum.
I have pulmonary problems since 2 years now.
I don’t know if they will postpone the surgery.
If they don’t , I don’t know if I should go there.

My wife works in one the labs of the hospital. She works in the organ transplant section, all their activities has stopped today and they will be reassigned for testing covid 19.
They made 680 test since the end of January, 169 came back positive.
My son works in geriatric hospital.

Whatever I do I’ll be exposed at one moment or another.

I really don’t know what to do next...
LIVE: Spain’s Sanchez holds press conference on state of emergency amid coronavirus outbreak

I don't know if this will have an English audio translation but I am very curious to Spain's next move because I think they are in some deep shit after that huge spike.

Stream should start in 20-30 minutes


Resuse obviously isn't ideal but if you have to I would put a used one in a plastic bag and leave it isolated for at least a week for any potential virus to die off.

I'd only bother using my N95 if I know I have to head into some crowds and can't maintain a good distance from others.
Honestly i would use painters mask with fillters you can change.
More protection plus it lasts longer.
Dissinfect the outside change fillters and done.
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Seattle mayor to halt residential evictions due to coronavirus
From CNN's Artemis Moshtaghian

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan signed an emergency order to halt residential evictions in order to prevent Seattle families from losing their homes as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, according to a statement released from the mayor’s office on Saturday.
The temporary moratorium goes into effect immediately for any residential eviction action related to the non-payment of rent, the statement reads.
“We have entered an unprecedented era for our city. Too many families are already struggling, and COVID-19 virus has disproportionately affected the communities who can least afford it. As we take steps to slow the spread of the virus across Seattle’s communities, a part of that response is to ensure that families are not displaced and forced into homelessness,” Durkan said.
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