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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Neighbours from Hell
Does anyone know if this virus could survive in a freezer? Have experts said anything about that?

Since I’m immune compromised I have to take extreme precautions and yesterday I bought some frozen foods from the supermarket and put it in the freezer and I’m not sure if the surface of the packaging could be contaminated, so I’m kinda worried about like pouring stuff out of the bags and having it touch the surface of the bags. I know that’s a little crazy, but whatever.
What kind of thinking is this , it not a fucking experiment in a class room , don’t care if your tactic works , in theory. There are proven examples China , SK and a couple of others. It’s human lives you are taking about , not numbers .

Lock down, curb the curve.
The bastions of telling the truth. Neither of these countries ever lie to make themselves look better, never.
Does anyone know if this virus could survive in a freezer? Have experts said anything about that?

Since I’m immune compromised I have to take extreme precautions and yesterday I bought some frozen foods from the supermarket and put it in the freezer and I’m not sure if the surface of the packaging could be contaminated, so I’m kinda worried about like pouring stuff out of the bags and having it touch the surface of the bags. I know that’s a little crazy, but whatever.

Just wash your hands before and after you'll be fine. Freezer I could not say it would be killed but heat yes.


Neighbours from Hell
Guys, i'm the farthest thing from a conspiracy theorist, but the contagious nature of this virus on top of the fact of WHERE and WHEN it started definitely raises an eyebrow o_ O
Some of the experts I heard put it in the same general class as the flu in terms of contagiousness, maybe slightly more contagious. I was actually surprised when they said that.

I thought about it more and if they’re right though it does kinda make sense. During flu season we don’t report live active cases of infections. If we did, it would probably be very similar. We only really track deaths during flu season and we don’t even really track those vigorously. This is certainly more deadly though.

I also remembered one time I went to see the orchestra play at one of the venues here a few years ago during that really bad flu season we had. And I remember being in this hall full of hundreds of people and I’m between sets, the entire fucking building started coughing and sneezing. No exaggeration. It was insane. Even a bunch in the orchestra were coughing and had tissues and hankies with them between movements to blow their nose and cough into.

So if you believe them, I don’t believe it’s more much contagious but it is more deadly.


Reading some of the texts from my brother who works in a supermarket in London. People are striping the shop bare.
Fighting over toilet paper.
When they tried to restrict sales the customers threatened to stab or shot the star. One manager was nearly head-butted.
He said how one customer wanted baby wipes not a few packs but the whole carton on the shelf. My brother took a few as he wanted to give them to people who needed them.
He did this by telling someone who wanted them to pay at the other till but not show anyone.

people need to stop this level of selfishness. If they acting this way now. No wonder governments worried they gonna overload things.

I can imagine these people showing up to a hospital. I need that respirator I don't have problems breathing now but I need all the ones you have in here. I don't give a fuck if that 80 year old lady is attached to it I want it... proceeds to throw 80 year old women out the window.

Maybe this was the plan all along distract everyone by having them go crazy for TP and sanatizer raiding grocery stores so they leave hospitals alone.


Isn't this what the UK is doing? They haven't shut anything down. They recommend protecting old people. The Prime Minister said "I think we should all be thinking about our elderly relatives... and everything we can do to protect them over the next few months."

Have we looked at how many young people have to be hospitalized because the whole point in shutting down everything is not to overwhelm the hospitals and flatten the curve.

I can't find any numbers for this and have been looking for it. The best we can do is go on assumptions. I mean lets take common sense. If 92% of mild symptoms how many need to be in a hospital if its mild? If 90% of the deaths are people over 50 I think its a safe assumption that hospitalization breaks down somewhat similar to that.

Its only my theory but just looking at the numbers I have to imagine most of the hospilization has to be for older people. I can't imagine all these people are recoving in mild condition but need to spend days in the hospital. Now of course since everyone thinks this is the end of the world everyone will want to go the hospital. And those TP hoarding fuckers are going to be the first in line banging they want the TEST now, and they want the respirator NOW and they don't care how many 80 year old ladies they have to throw out hospital windows to get theres.

If we could get demo's on young people in hospitals it would paint a clear picture and allow us to tackle this smartly without crashing the entire system. But I guess asking those questions some how turns you into a itsjusttheflubro.

Italy that is going crazy right now had 2 deaths of people under 40 and both had underlying conditions. (thats without todays numbers). I mean do we really think there are thousands of sick young italians in the hospital but aren't dying and only have mild symptoms?


Still months away, even if effective:


it could be helpful against future mutations though.

Apparently making vaccines from that particular antibody would be expensive as fyu
NBA player infected with coronavirus pledges $500K to arena employees and social services

Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert, who is infected with the coronavirus, is donating over $500,000 to Vivint Smart Home Arena hourly employees and coronavirus-related social services in Utah, Oklahoma City and his native France.
“I know there are countless ways that people have been impacted. These donations are a small token that reflect my appreciation and support for all those impacted and are the first of many steps I will take to try and make a positive difference, while continuing to learn more about COVID-19 and educate others," Gobert said in a statement.
Gobert was seen on video Monday playfully touching microphones and phones at a press conference two days before he found out he had tested positive for coronavirus.

COVID-19 hits home!

Well, sorta.

Baby mama #2 (yes there are many) told me that the school sent a note home that another parent at the school tested positive and that parent had been previously volunteering at the school. They wouldn't name the parent or kid or even what classes they'd volunteered in for privacy sake.

My ex also volunteers at the school so she doesn't know if she's been exposed or if our kid has been exposed or anything. Basically it's just wait and see time.

Well, Spain is in lockdown mode. Hard times ahead.

Today, everyone got out to their balcony to give a round of applause to the medical staff working tirelessly to help other people. Quite an emotional moment tbh.

eerie how similar to Wuhan that sounds. I would say looks but the only issue is China had more light pollution, the hell no lights in Spain?


Guys, i'm the farthest thing from a conspiracy theorist, but the contagious nature of this virus on top of the fact of WHERE and WHEN it started definitely raises an eyebrow o_ O
I know, right? The chances are that a pandemic would start in the country that has 1/5th of the world's population is like one in a thousand.
COVID-19 hits home!

Well, sorta.

Baby mama #2 (yes there are many) told me that the school sent a note home that another parent at the school tested positive and that parent had been previously volunteering at the school. They wouldn't name the parent or kid or even what classes they'd volunteered in for privacy sake.

My ex also volunteers at the school so she doesn't know if she's been exposed or if our kid has been exposed or anything. Basically it's just wait and see time.


That sounds serious bro. The not knowing part sucks.


eerie how similar to Wuhan that sounds. I would say looks but the only issue is China had more light pollution, the hell no lights in Spain?

Depends on the location, my city has a ton of street lights. I'd say we have way worse light pollution in mid-sized and big cities here although it is not shown in the video.

Louisiana reports its first coronavirus death

The first coronavirus death in the state of Louisiana was reported Saturday, a news release from Gov. John Bel Edwards said.

The fatality was a 58-year-old Orleans Parish resident with underlying health conditions who was being treated at Touro Infirmary Hospital and Medical Center in New Orleans, according to the release.

Well I’m definitely ill, and it’s definitely flu-like symptoms. My cough has got worse and I’m having to blow my nose regularly. My eyes feel puffy and I feel very tired.

No way of knowing if it’s corona virus or just normal flu, as the UK won’t
COVID-19 hits home!

Well, sorta.

Baby mama #2 (yes there are many) told me that the school sent a note home that another parent at the school tested positive and that parent had been previously volunteering at the school. They wouldn't name the parent or kid or even what classes they'd volunteered in for privacy sake.

My ex also volunteers at the school so she doesn't know if she's been exposed or if our kid has been exposed or anything. Basically it's just wait and see time.


Hoping all the best for you and your family

I know, right? The chances are that a pandemic would start in the country that has 1/5th of the world's population is like one in a thousand.

Well pandemics dont become pandemics when they break out in unpopulated areas....and its fucking China. Is anybody really that surprised?


Neo Member
Doing the math:

around 20% of coronavirus cases require hospitalization according to the WHO in their China report
around 1% of flu cases require hospitalization

every year in Canada we hear how taxing flu season is on our healthcare

so out of 1000 cases of coronavirus 200 will require hospitalization for 3 to 6 weeks
out of 1000 cases of flu 10 will require hospitalization for 1 to 2 weeks

600 to 1200 healthcare weeks compared to 10 to 20

Italy is completely overwhelmed with 20,000 recorded cases

according to every source i can find, coronavirus is more contagious than the flu

The German government says 60 to 70% of their population could get infected. Uk, up to 80%. Canada says 30 to 70%. They're using a 1 to 2 year time frame by everything i'm hearing.

We'll use the 30% figure for 2 years:

15% of Italy's population is 9 million divided by 12 would be 750,000 cases a month on average. Of course an overwhelmed healthcare system will affect the mortality rate of all life threatening conditions.

This thing can be slowed down significantly, as proven by South Korea, with aggressive testing from the onset or can be done with a lockdown . Most countries failed with testing so they can only do a lockdown now. How long can a country stay on lockdown?


Gabriel Knight
i think all this social distancing is good but it is not enough; we need a 3 week lockdown right now in America
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Im in Quebec canda. closed schools for 17 cases and 0 deaths. Cancelled our ST Patricks day parade that has ran for like the last 100 years or something.

0 Deaths. My work has a lot of single parents/parents and this is going to make them chose coming to work or watching their kids. Lucky we are not being assholes and will accomodate people. But wrecking lives over 17 cases and 0 deaths? People cleaned out grocery stores with 3 hour long check out lines, again over 0 deaths. Not one person has died. About a month ago we had a 200 car pile up and 2 people died. MORE PEOPLE DIED in the car pile up then from Corona. Yet we didn't ban cars, close highways, close schools, and close work just in case someone drove to work and crashed their car.

For countries that this has gotten out of control and is killing their elderly they need to take drastic measures. I even support countries limiting travel so they don't bring in any more infected. But this panic is insanity.

Hey you know what this time period sucks anyways and if this makes things quite, lowers foot traffic around town I don't mind. By summer time most smart countries will have this under control like Germany/Japan/SK and we will be able to enjoy the summer.

I mourn for the loss of life to the elderly and to the countries that fuck this up because they go into panic mode and aren't doing their best to protect the vulnerable.

You do realize that if every country took the measures Canada is taking right now the spread could have been DRASTICALLY reduced right? Instead, some countries continued having large gatherings and religious gatherings and doing pretty much everything they shouldn't be doing, and here we are.

Yes, this is going to be an inconvenience. People are ALL going to have to work together in order to stem the tide and slow the rate of infections. I applaud Canada for shutting things down, I applaud Canada for closing schools and recommending social isolation.

Or I guess the alternative is leave things as is and risk shit poppin off here in Canada and we end up like Spain or Iran.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm starting to get a little worried now especially because I'm really broke and I have an appointment with a psychiatrist on Monday and need to get those medications refilled. I hope I don't run into any problems.
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You do realize that if every country took the measures Canada is taking right now the spread could have been DRASTICALLY reduced right? Instead, some countries continued having large gatherings and religious gatherings and doing pretty much everything they shouldn't be doing, and here we are.

Yes, this is going to be an inconvenience. People are ALL going to have to work together in order to stem the tide and slow the rate of infections. I applaud Canada for shutting things down, I applaud Canada for closing schools and recommending social isolation.

Or I guess the alternative is leave things as is and risk shit poppin off here in Canada and we end up like Spain or Iran.

I realize that. I don't agree with school closings, but I do agree with travel bans to stop importing and exporting the virus.

I would focus on the old people since they are the ones dying and clogging up the hospitals. Keep them out of the public, closing down relegious gatherings is probably one of the best ways to do that so thats a good move.. I would of also made the death rates very clear to the public and show them that if you are under 60 there is no need to panic even if you get the virus. This would prevent people from panic buying.

At my work in another department we had a manager shut down the whole department and cost the company 60K because someone came in and tested themselves for Corona. Not even positive, just a test. And BTW the test came back negative. And this was when we had I think 4 cases in Quebec because it was a few days ago.

But if you want to mitigate the risk of things popping off focus on the elderly, isolate them and limit contact with them. If we removed every single person above 60 from the death toll no one would even notice this is happening.


Count of Concision
Resuse obviously isn't ideal but if you have to I would put a used one in a plastic bag and leave it isolated for at least a week for any potential virus to die off.

I'd only bother using my N95 if I know I have to head into some crowds and can't maintain a good distance from others.

Yes, this would be for my wife, who needs to use NYC trains to/from work daily. So it's a high density situation. I wouldn't use them even if my company didn't just permit remote work for the next few weeks because I commute by car and have my own office/desk/computer and can practice normal distancing and hygiene.


I'm starting to get a little worried now especially because I'm really broke and I have an appointment with a psychiatrist on Monday and need to get those medications refilled. I hope I don't run into any problems.

Good luck buddy.

When the TP hoarders start turning their attention to the health sector shits going to get real ugly. If they throw fists and buy years worth of TP what you think they are going to do when it comes to meds? These people will be pushing 80 year grandmas out hospital windows to get a Tylenol.
So Brazil's government announced that on public healthcare only those who have to stay at the hospital for medical care and showing symptoms will be tested.

What the fuck.

That's a recipe for disaster. This government is a shitshow.
I realize that. I don't agree with school closings, but I do agree with travel bans to stop importing and exporting the virus.

I would focus on the old people since they are the ones dying and clogging up the hospitals. Keep them out of the public, closing down relegious gatherings is probably one of the best ways to do that so thats a good move.. I would of also made the death rates very clear to the public and show them that if you are under 60 there is no need to panic even if you get the virus. This would prevent people from panic buying.

At my work in another department we had a manager shut down the whole department and cost the company 60K because someone came in and tested themselves for Corona. Not even positive, just a test. And BTW the test came back negative. And this was when we had I think 4 cases in Quebec because it was a few days ago.

But if you want to mitigate the risk of things popping off focus on the elderly, isolate them and limit contact with them. If we removed every single person above 60 from the death toll no one would even notice this is happening.

But the death toll isnt the only issue here. There are enough people who are getting sick enough to require hospitalization, and for long periods. The health services are being completely overwhelmed, it has happened country after country, which only compounds the problem. We in Canada have literally watched it in real time sweep across the world, we are well aware of the havoc it is wreaking on health systems worldwide. By this point in time drastic measures, on a level we haven't witnessed in our lifetimes, are needed.
Virginia reports first coronavirus death
From CNN’s Hollie Silverman

Virginia reported its first coronavirus death Saturday, according to a news release from the state Department of Health.
The patient was a male in his 70s who died from respiratory failure and contracted the infection from an unknown source, the release said.
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