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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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This is how we react to a disease that's not even deadly. How the hell could we handle one that was?

That's the rub.. If it was more deadly it'd likely be spreading less since people die too fast to spread. Also, if the death count was higher initially you'd not have all these justtheflubros saying it's not a big deal, so people would be taking meaningful action sooner.

This is just the right amount of everything to spread far and wide and still cause a significant amount of harm.
I'm about to kill someone.

So I decided not to see my fiancée because of the virus since I work in a hotel and have been feeling weird lately. Now she told me she's going to church with her mom. Who is 60, has diabetes and is hypertensive. Plus she has a heart valve. "People are using this as an excuse to stay away from God".


I told her this is irresponsible of her and if anything happens to her or her mother it's her fault.

Not shocking at all.
This is why I don't date Church girls anymore, I got tired of being cucked by Jesus. You are less at risk in the Hospital right now than you do at a Church. When people feel a little sick they are very motivated to go to Church. Bet they hug extra long and shake hands even harder to prove the Lord is Good.

Not gonna lie, but thou shall not kill is still a good lesson bro.
Dr. Falchi on CNN just now:

He's urging people to take the official precautions in order to avoid another Italy.

12,700 ventilators stockpiled ready to distribute to locations as needed.

The only way the US can avoid becoming another Italy is by not testing and not acknowledging the sick in the ICUs as cases from this virus.
I don't think we can stop Italy level spikes too many loose ends. What I do hope we can do is have the resources to fight it better but our numbers will still be much greater.

I think NYC alone can reach Italy levels. We did shutdown events and schools, people are going to have to ride this out.




If I were to hazard a guess, it is because even if a vaccine is developed, you don't just have 100 million or however are needed manufactured over night. It would take time for every body who needs to in the US to get vaccinated, even more so if you are competing for supplies with the entire world.
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I'm about to kill someone.

So I decided not to see my fiancée because of the virus since I work in a hotel and have been feeling weird lately. Now she told me she's going to church with her mom. Who is 60, has diabetes and is hypertensive. Plus she has a heart valve. "People are using this as an excuse to stay away from God".


I told her this is irresponsible of her and if anything happens to her or her mother it's her fault.

The next time you see her tell her two things:

A: According to the bible acting smart is a vital component to acting in your faith. Taking your sick mom into danger doesn’t make you a martyr. It makes you an irresponsible dickhead.

B; Advise her that a lot of churches are currently getting livestreams going and promoting online community and prayer for a fucking reason. Use them. Theres plenty of ways to not stay away from Jesus that again aren’t curting the death of your mom.

Hearing that shit while currently spending tons of time on getting livestreams up and extensivly working on keeping safe distancing as well as hygiene up infuriates me.


Now the Dutch close schools 1.5 week to late ... hope it helped . Now waiting 2 weeks to see all the critical I’ll.
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Oh shit here we go again boys

at this point I give no fucks if they are not allowed to dock anywhere smh.

600 people made a very poor choice 2 or 1 week ago to get on that ship. I bet some fools are getting on a shitty ship right now, all the bigger brand ships have stopped sailing. Only the shit tier companies are still trying to set off.

Let them ride
at this point I give no fucks if they are not allowed to dock anywhere smh.

600 people made a very poor choice 2 or 1 week ago to get on that ship. I bet some fools are getting on a shitty ship right now, all the bigger brand ships have stopped sailing. Only the shit tier companies are still trying to set off.

Let them ride

If they had some big test or quarantine before they set sail.. The sea could be a good place to ride this thing out for a couple of weeks or months but you'd need to ensure no trojan horse snuck on...


Has anyone got any charts that show how the numbers have changed over time, on a country by country basis?

I say this because, while I appreciate exponential growth, the USA and UK are receiving a ton of grief for their tactics, but the infection rate per million people is among the lowest of any country. It seems to me that you cant really judge the merits of either without comparing them to the relevant stages of progression in other countries.

Why are people so convinced that Johnson and Trump are wrong? I'm no fan of either, for the record, but this doesn't seem like the best time to judge actions based on political partisanship.
If they had some big test or quarantine before they set sail.. The sea could be a good place to ride this thing out for a couple of weeks or months but you'd need to ensure no trojan horse snuck on...

dunno, but reading the story looks like this ship has been out there for over a month since Mid Feb. before cases started. UK owned.


The cruise line was unable to drop passengers on its Caribbean cruise in La Romana in the Dominican Republic on February 27 after a number of influenza-like cases on board were reported.

Instead, it made an unscheduled stop in St. Maarten on March 2 to allow passengers to disembark and take the cruise's charter flights back to the UK. New passengers boarded and the vessel set sail for Jamaica as it continued to the Western Caribbean and Central America. It was due to continue to Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Curacao, and reach Barbados on March 12.

On Monday, March 9, the company reported that two people who had been on the Braemar were diagnosed with the coronavirus after returning home. Six people reporting flu-like symptoms on the ship were tested, and five cases were confirmed on Wednesday -- four crew and one passenger -- with another inconclusive result.

The ship was unable to dock at the island of Curaçao on Tuesday or Barbados on Thursday and changed course to the Bahamas, its flagged state, with the intention of allowing passengers to disembark there.

The captain told passengers in an announcement that he was in talks with local authorities and asked passengers to "bear with me in this incredibly frustrating time, where rumor is plentiful and facts are in short supply."


they have been infecting the whole area it seems to me. WTF would get on?


Has anyone got any charts that show how the numbers have changed over time, on a country by country basis?

I say this because, while I appreciate exponential growth, the USA and UK are receiving a ton of grief for their tactics, but the infection rate per million people is among the lowest of any country. It seems to me that you cant really judge the merits of either without comparing them to the relevant stages of progression in other countries.

Why are people so convinced that Johnson and Trump are wrong? I'm no fan of either, for the record, but this doesn't seem like the best time to judge actions based on political partisanship.
Whatever you think the USA's infection rate is, it is probably 10x more.
Looks like Iran and France both reported - brace yourselves for Italy numbers coming soon would be nice if it dropped like the French numbers


You can find Charts at the links
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Has anyone got any charts that show how the numbers have changed over time, on a country by country basis?

click the country names with links for a page full of charts for that country


Absolutely and the UK will be no different, but couldn't you say that about any of the other countries too?
Yeah, there are gonna be undiagnosed asymptomatic people in every country; but I'm not even talking about that, the US is simply not testing enough people who want to be tested, therefore the reported numbers skew low. You have to be either seriously ill, or have a direct link to a previously diagnosed person to get a test. I dunno, maybe all of that is changing now?


First death here in Hungary, a 75 years old man :(

32 infected so far.

Universities closed two weeks ago, next week are all schools.

By government decision the closing of kindergartens and nurserys is up to the local mayors.

Our small town is closing them all by monday.

Events with more than a 100 people indoors and more than 300 outdoors are banned. Shops, pubs and stuff like that remain open.

I hear our Czech brothers got it worse. When the Czech close the pubs you know something is very bad indeed.
Take a look at Austria, we have the biggest draconian measures after Italy right now
A thought I had today:

While staring, bemused, at the rows and rows of empty shelves of Shampoo, Conditioner, Shower gel and deodorant, I began to realise that most people don't shower or bathe as much as they should. If they did, we wouldn't be seeing a shortage. This isn't panic buying, this is the ditry, scrotty fucking smelly cunts finally buying some fucking soap.

It's amazing how few people have stunk of shit, piss and BO since this virus thing started.


Oh shit. That’s a big leap. Double yesterday.

No, same as yesterday.

It's still too early, but maybe they start to peak. There are multiple reports of case numbers going down in the regions where the lockdown was enforced first.
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It is dirty man.


just a mess toilet paper can't clean, you need a bidet


So by that metric, only 62 deaths is still really, really low. Its an unfortunate 62 deaths of course, but if you go off of that, thats likely one if the lowest death rates in the world.
That is a good point, though there may be more corona deaths falsely attributed to the common flu. If we assume that the current official figure is correct, that works out to about a 2% death rate.
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