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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I'm not seeing that, screenshot at the same time as this post.


Other large cities close-by like Chongqing are showing similar S02 levels. This is more likely windy.com inserting themselves into the story.
I'm not seeing that, screenshot at the same time as this post.


Other large cities close-by like Chongqing are showing similar S02 levels. This is more likely windy.com inserting themselves into the story.

Supposedly this peaks at night when they're running the crematorium.. But I dunno. Plausible I guess but not sure I buy it as evidence that thousands are really dead.


Most people are in denial... but this virus could go into the history books if containment measures worldwide fail ..

If you see how much effort is needed to get people better you see it’s a problem of quantity , and seeing it’s highly contagious, quantity could become a problem. It’s a problem not being able to hospitalize or care for them all and the secundair actions it triggers that could also provide a problem such as caring for people that already need care, so those dead’s are indirectly caused by this virus ...

Let’s hope it doesn’t get that far !
You should see Chernobyl on HBO, if you haven't already. It was fascinating to watch how the USSR originally handled what could have theoretically become a global catastrophe if the tanks exploded or if the melting cores got into the ground water / rivers. But of course, to save face on the global stage, the Soviet Union told everyone that everything was under control (and under 3.6 roentgens an hour) when shit was deffo not under control (and over 15,000 roentgens an hour). They only fessed up once radiation was being dumped on parts of Europe. My point is that instead of saying "fake news", which is dismissive, you could probably practice some critical thinking. I guess it's more comfortable for many to hand wave scary shit away as "fake news" though.

As much as I love the Chernobyl series, the bit about a multi megaton steam explosion wiping out half the continent is nonsense that came from a single Soviet source and unfortunately ended up being featured prominently in the show. To turn all that water into steam instantly requires the energy of a medium sized atom bomb and even then the energy released by the steam would not be nearly enough.


^ I ain’t no nuclear physicist but I thought it was a steam explosion that would release all the nuclear material in the other 3 reactors that was the issue.

On topic:

Now that Britain is starting to get more cases confirmed it is starting to get more worrying. Reading an article in the times and it could cripple the NHS within a few weeks.

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Now that Britain is starting to get more cases confirmed it is starting to get more worrying. Reading an article in the times and it could cripple the NHS within a few weeks.

Do you have another source? That link requires a subscription to read the full article.

But when the first line reads "Britain could suffer a “major outbreak” of the coronavirus" it's pure speculation that I'm guessing the article spins off from. Watch out for those quantifiers in scare articles.


Do you have another source? That link requires a subscription to read the full article.

But when the first line reads "Britain could suffer a “major outbreak” of the coronavirus" it's pure speculation that I'm guessing the article spins off from. Watch out for those quantifiers in scare articles.

No sorry I grabbed it from the Apple news app. Yeh the title is very click baity when it’s actually discussing the same problems that China is suffering from with medical supplies dwindling and it could have a similar impact on the nhs.

A short excerpt:

Ministers have ordered a “no-deal style” emergency plan amid fears that China will shut down for months, leaving Britain without goods that are manufactured there.
An uptick in cases could also overwhelm the NHS, said Piot, a former under-secretary-general of the UN who led the worldwide fight against Aids: “You know how already overburdened the NHS is and if you’ve got a sudden major rise in cases of pneumonia or milder respiratory infections . . . The NHS can hardly cope with the normal situation.”


Also how the NHS could become overwhelmed by the scale if their is a pandemic.
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No health system exists in the world that would not be overwhelmed by a serious outbreak of this virus before a cure or vaccine is found. The poor countries lack the infrastructure while the rich countries have way more old people who will need to be hospitalized if they get sick.

This is very true but the NHS gets overwhelmed with winter flu and recently the novoviris a non lethal virus and the NHS struggled with demand so something like Corna it’ll fall like a house of cards.


I'm currently living in China, so here's a little view of things from the ground (although over 1,000km from Wuhan):
- pretty much every apartment complex has been closed off. You're allowed to wander around the complex gardens, but you need a permission pass if you want to leave the complex to buy food etc. Every household is issued 3 per week.
- in my apartment complex there was an infected woman who travelled back from Wuhan and subsequently infected her adult son. They each have their own apartments in different buildings within the complex. Both of those buildings have now been completely sealed off and quarantined for 14 days. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave. People can order food, which is then placed outside the elevators for them to pick up. I hope no cases turn up in my building :messenger_anxious:
- things are eerily quiet outside. There are hardly any cars or people about, and you get your temperature checked when entering supermarkets etc. Everyone seems pretty relaxed.
- the overall vibe I'm getting from everyone here is one of boredom at being stuck inside rather than that of fear

Apparently, some people are going to be allowed to go back to work, starting from next week (albeit, at staggered times). Personally, I'm doing fine. Although I'd obviously prefer to be able to go outside as normal, I'm the type of person that can always find something to do, even when stuck inside (playing games, reading, playing guitar, watching movies etc).

Anybody got any good prison cell exercise routines they can recommend so that I can get a good workout in? :messenger_tears_of_joy:


No health system exists in the world that would not be overwhelmed by a serious outbreak of this virus before a cure or vaccine is found. The poor countries lack the infrastructure while the rich countries have way more old people who will need to be hospitalized if they get sick.

^ 100%This.

The idea that we should somehow wring our hands over whether the NHS could cope with a Pandemic is pointless. We're not building Hospitals with a view that a pandemic is going to strike at a moments notice, and few Hospitals are designed with a view to treating highly infectious diseases on-masse. Sure a lot of ppl get admitted for Flu, but that doesn't require Doctors and nurses to wear hazmat suits. There's a big step up in the complexity of containment going on here.

If it does break out in a major way it will probably run havoc through the country and a lot of people will likely die though I suspect the government would look to enforce no-travel zones in order to contain any regional outbreaks when detected, though it's fair to say that probably won't happen overnight.


I'm currently living in China, so here's a little view of things from the ground (although over 1,000km from Wuhan):
- pretty much every apartment complex has been closed off. You're allowed to wander around the complex gardens, but you need a permission pass if you want to leave the complex to buy food etc. Every household is issued 3 per week.
- in my apartment complex there was an infected woman who travelled back from Wuhan and subsequently infected her adult son. They each have their own apartments in different buildings within the complex. Both of those buildings have now been completely sealed off and quarantined for 14 days. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave. People can order food, which is then placed outside the elevators for them to pick up. I hope no cases turn up in my building :messenger_anxious:
- things are eerily quiet outside. There are hardly any cars or people about, and you get your temperature checked when entering supermarkets etc. Everyone seems pretty relaxed.
- the overall vibe I'm getting from everyone here is one of boredom at being stuck inside rather than that of fear

Apparently, some people are going to be allowed to go back to work, starting from next week (albeit, at staggered times). Personally, I'm doing fine. Although I'd obviously prefer to be able to go outside as normal, I'm the type of person that can always find something to do, even when stuck inside (playing games, reading, playing guitar, watching movies etc).

Anybody got any good prison cell exercise routines they can recommend so that I can get a good workout in? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Be safe mate.


Go up to the roof like a lot of your other building residents are. I've never seen the roofs as busy as this.

I'm far up north where the temperature currently ranges between -21°C and -10°C, so I doubt that there are too many people freezing their tits off on the roof at the moment :messenger_tears_of_joy: . At least the cold does makes staying at home a little more tolerable (although I miss being able to go skiing and snowboarding).

Unverified as of now but this is apparently the sounds of people locked in their apartment complexes.

they did this type of thing the very first week of locking down the city, it was more of a Let's Go Wuhan, we can do this type of shouting and encouragement based on some of the translations for youtubers back then

It did not sound like this at all but it does look like the same city same buildings shapes and all


Unconfirmed Member
I'm sitting in a doctors office right now waiting to get a prescription refill. People coughing an shit all over.
I'm already dead aren't I?


I'm currently living in China, so here's a little view of things from the ground (although over 1,000km from Wuhan):
- pretty much every apartment complex has been closed off. You're allowed to wander around the complex gardens, but you need a permission pass if you want to leave the complex to buy food etc. Every household is issued 3 per week.
- in my apartment complex there was an infected woman who travelled back from Wuhan and subsequently infected her adult son. They each have their own apartments in different buildings within the complex. Both of those buildings have now been completely sealed off and quarantined for 14 days. Nobody is allowed to enter or leave. People can order food, which is then placed outside the elevators for them to pick up. I hope no cases turn up in my building :messenger_anxious:
- things are eerily quiet outside. There are hardly any cars or people about, and you get your temperature checked when entering supermarkets etc. Everyone seems pretty relaxed.
- the overall vibe I'm getting from everyone here is one of boredom at being stuck inside rather than that of fear

Apparently, some people are going to be allowed to go back to work, starting from next week (albeit, at staggered times). Personally, I'm doing fine. Although I'd obviously prefer to be able to go outside as normal, I'm the type of person that can always find something to do, even when stuck inside (playing games, reading, playing guitar, watching movies etc).

Anybody got any good prison cell exercise routines they can recommend so that I can get a good workout in? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Thanks for sharing, but how are you posting to GAF from China? Unless the CCP allows GAF through the firewall?


Gold Member
KFC worker is 'diagnosed with coronavirus' as company shuts thousands of restaurants in China and introduces 'contactless' deliveries to combat spread of infection

This bodes well for the Rise of the Machines



And China still deflecting. They never own up to their mistakes do they?

Elsewhere, the government is fighting back against the torrent of criticism unleashed by the death of Dr. Li by claiming that the disruption is the work of foreign state actors - a classic trope invoked by the Chinese government to whitewash its mistakes. The Global Times, a pro-Communist Party tabloid, accused "Hong Kong secessionists and foreign entities" of trying to provoke public discord in China by sensationalizing Dr. Li Wenliang's death (he succumbed to the virus late last week).



Lil’ Gobbie
You should see Chernobyl on HBO, if you haven't already. It was fascinating to watch how the USSR originally handled what could have theoretically become a global catastrophe if the tanks exploded or if the melting cores got into the ground water / rivers. But of course, to save face on the global stage, the Soviet Union told everyone that everything was under control (and under 3.6 roentgens an hour) when shit was deffo not under control (and over 15,000 roentgens an hour). They only fessed up once radiation was being dumped on parts of Europe. My point is that instead of saying "fake news", which is dismissive, you could probably practice some critical thinking. I guess it's more comfortable for many to hand wave scary shit away as "fake news" though.

"Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid.”

That show will be forever relevant..
I don’t get it, why are they taking people to hospitals? How do they know if that person is infected or not? Or do they go around and arrest everyone?

they report on each other all the time they have an app for that before all of these virus crisis
they also have something that keeps your standing with the goverment I forget what they call it but you can be reported


I don’t get it, why are they taking people to hospitals? How do they know if that person is infected or not? Or do they go around and arrest everyone?
Either informed on by neighbours that the person is ill or failed a temperature test.
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Reports indicating that the virus is in North Korea, but it’s all leaks because the North Korean government doesn’t want anyone to know.

The article is hosted on Yahoo but it originated on the daily beast.
Reports indicating that the virus is in North Korea, but it’s all leaks because the North Korean government doesn’t want anyone to know.

The article is hosted on Yahoo but it originated on the daily beast.

North Korea is the worst place to track this type of thing. They could have had one of these every six months for the last 20 years and no reports would raise an eyebrow

Still they don't travel much


North Korea is the worst place to track this type of thing. They could have had one of these every six months for the last 20 years and no reports would raise an eyebrow

Still they don't travel much

True but it’s probably the worst possible place in Asia for this virus to fester and spread further.


True but it’s probably the worst possible place in Asia for this virus to fester and spread further.

Yeah the death toll in an already malnourished population would be high; however they are basically tied to their home villages like serfs. If a village gets decimated it probably won't become a nationwide epidemic, unless it originates in the capital.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Other large cities close-by like Chongqing are showing similar S02 levels. This is more likely windy.com inserting themselves into the story.
Windy is a forecast site, not one that reports actual data. Click the 11th. Crazy, they already know the amount of SO2.

And the burning bodies theory was debunked by math on Reddit:

Average person weighs 75 kg, so that's 187 grams of sulfur per person.

The concentration in the cloud is about 1 mg per m3 of sulfur, assuming tropospheric dispersal to 500 meters altitude and it spans about 100 km X 100 km.

That cloud is 5,000,000,000,000‬‬ m3 in volume.

At 1 milligrammes per m3, that cloud contains approx. 5,000,000,000,000‬ milligrammes of sulfur i.e. 5,000 tons of SO2, or 2,500 tonnes of sulfur or 1 million tonnes of corpses.

To create a cloud that size, you'd need to burn approx. 13.35 million people. Or burn 500,000 tons of Chinese coal (0.5% sulfur content).

Now, I may be wrong, but not orders of magnitude wrong (if the cloud was an unlikely 10 metre thick, you'd need to cremate 276,500 people).

So I think is more likely this is from a coal fired power station or iron smelting (if the image is real), that burning 50,000 of coal a day built up over a week or so due to weather conditions.

Edit: there's this enormous steel plant in the middle of the cloud...

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