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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Ok, that’s super weird. They are investigating if it came in via the sewer pipe...
How? Sewer is an “exiting system” not an entering one. Unless they went digging around in the sewer laterals or manholes, I don’t understand this.

edit: I see the comment now. Two cases on the same “wet wall” located 10 stories from one another. I’m still not buying it was spread from the sanitary sewer system tho.
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How? Sewer is an “exiting system” not an entering one. Unless they went digging around in the sewer laterals or manholes, I don’t understand this.

edit: I see the comment now. Two cases on the same “wet wall” located 10 stories from one another. I’m still not buying it was spread from the sanitary sewer system tho.

I've seen conflicting reports on if it remains in feces or not. Some have said yes, some no, so I don't know.

Update from the UK:

Yikes. IF this is spreading asymptomatically.. two health care workers could have given it to who knows how many people.


...lacks reading comprehension.
How? Sewer is an “exiting system” not an entering one. Unless they went digging around in the sewer laterals or manholes, I don’t understand this.

edit: I see the comment now. Two cases on the same “wet wall” located 10 stories from one another. I’m still not buying it was spread from the sanitary sewer system tho.

No, there are much easier ways. Person 1 coughs on lift button, person 2 presses lift button, then puts their finger on the lips or just eats something with bare hands.


How? Sewer is an “exiting system” not an entering one. Unless they went digging around in the sewer laterals or manholes, I don’t understand this.

edit: I see the comment now. Two cases on the same “wet wall” located 10 stories from one another. I’m still not buying it was spread from the sanitary sewer system tho.

it does spread via feces as well. I dunno how plumbing systems in HK are designed. If there isn’t a “trap”, I guess aerosolized poo could come in.




Golden Boy
Regarding the title: isnt epidemic the correct term here? After all there hasn't been a major outbreak outside china yet.
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it does spread via feces as well. I dunno how plumbing systems in HK are designed. If there isn’t a “trap”, I guess aerosolized poo could come in.
P traps are pretty much ubiquitous in SS. Im more inclined to think this was a shared elevator button, etc. as posted before. If it is “aerosolized poo” (never thought I would type that) I think we’d see more cases.

This whole NCOV thing has been absolutely wild to follow. The videos out Chinese twitter blow my mind. The big news outlets are finally using them as source material since there’s so many now. At first it was hard to verify time stamps, locations, etc. I think the cat is officially out of the bag now. Chinese govt can try to suppress all they want, but I think there’s no turning back now. The further they dig their heels in the harder the blowback will be I’m thinking.

The scariest story to me is the door-to-door temperature checks as reported by the NBC Shanghai chief affiliate. That shit is scary. Fail, and they take you.


Very interesting....and NCOV and SARS are similar in modes of transmission, right?

Hmm...I still wonder how the virus leaves the sanitary system though. Each unit in the building would have its own lateral that feeds into a larger lateral which ultimately should hook up with the the street/curb. From there it falls into a manhole system ultimately gravity flowing through an invert system (think small half pipe) until it no longer has gravity fall...then gets pumped into a pressurized system (force main) which allows it to travel uninhibited (uphill) to the water treatment / sewage plant.

The traps as you mentioned (just a small u shaped bend of pipe) keeps a residual amount of water present mainly to keep smells down. I would think that would prevent any droplet transmission. Maybe I’m underestimating how easily this transmits via “droplets” and what that actually constitutes.

Part of me wonders how the USA would be handling this right now.
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...lacks reading comprehension.


The important part is: This change lead to 100 less infections reported. Out of a total of 5.500. If China was underreporting the actual numbers to begin with, this would make no sense at all. So the fact that they are doing it tells us that the official numbers are indeed realistic and there is not a 10x as high infection rate that they are hiding. But it also tells us that the asymptomatic patients are just 2 % of infections. So 2 % no symptoms, 80 % mild symptoms, 16 % serious symptoms, 2 % critical symptoms (going by WHO numbers based on 17.000 infections).


Very interesting....and NCOV and SARS are similar in modes of transmission, right?

Hmm...I still wonder how the virus leaves the sanitary system though. Each unit in the building would have its own lateral that feeds into a larger lateral which ultimately should hook up with the the street/curb. From there it falls into a manhole system ultimately gravity flowing through an invert system (think small half pipe) until it no longer has gravity fall...then gets pumped into a pressurized system (force main) which allows it to travel uninhibited (uphill) to the water treatment / sewage plant.

The traps as you mentioned (just a small u shaped bend of pipe) keeps a residual amount of water present mainly to keep smells down. I would think that would prevent any droplet transmission. Maybe I’m underestimating how easily this transmits via “droplets” and what that actually constitutes.

Part of me wonders how the USA would be handling this right now.

There are a lot of old apartment blocks in HK that probably do not have modern plumbing standards. Hell, P-traps are not even all that common in parts of Europe, right?

If all the drains are shared, and there is no trap, when the top drains down it could cause the aerosolized flushing to back up through the drainage system. I've been in enough third world countries to know that drains there work differently than in the US, for example.


Information on what's happening is all over the place, but I found this video to be quite informative overall:

From the description:
"Chinese officials are now warning the Wuhan coronavirus may spread by aerosol transmission. We have known it spreads via fomites contained within mucus-based globules, spread by coughing, sneezing, etc. But if it also transmits from human to human via aerosol means, it's likely FAR more contagious than previously feared. Many of the most contagious diseases, like measles, spread as aerosols -- tiny particles that hang in the air for a protracted time. If confirmed, this makes a very bad situation substantially worse. And adding to the hit parade of bad news, recent research shows that coronavirus particles can survive on surfaces for up to 5-9 days. At least, the good news is that chlorine-based cleaners (like simple bleach) appear effective at killing the virus within 1 minute. So, again, good hygiene practices are our best defense here. Avoid exposure, and when in public areas, protect your eyes/nose/mouth/skin, and sanitize often. Meanwhile, the data shows the virus continues to spread around the world. And we see more indirect evidence that the infected and fatality data out of China may be much higher than what's being reported. Folks, this virus is a beast."


Information on what's happening is all over the place, but I found this video to be quite informative overall:

From the description:
"Chinese officials are now warning the Wuhan coronavirus may spread by aerosol transmission. We have known it spreads via fomites contained within mucus-based globules, spread by coughing, sneezing, etc. But if it also transmits from human to human via aerosol means, it's likely FAR more contagious than previously feared. Many of the most contagious diseases, like measles, spread as aerosols -- tiny particles that hang in the air for a protracted time. If confirmed, this makes a very bad situation substantially worse. And adding to the hit parade of bad news, recent research shows that coronavirus particles can survive on surfaces for up to 5-9 days. At least, the good news is that chlorine-based cleaners (like simple bleach) appear effective at killing the virus within 1 minute. So, again, good hygiene practices are our best defense here. Avoid exposure, and when in public areas, protect your eyes/nose/mouth/skin, and sanitize often. Meanwhile, the data shows the virus continues to spread around the world. And we see more indirect evidence that the infected and fatality data out of China may be much higher than what's being reported. Folks, this virus is a beast."

Yikes on the aerosol transmission. It’s been basically a month now. I’m at work (slow day :) ) so cant watch the video, but in all this time hasn’t any other lab been able to 100% confirm this under a scope? I figured there’d be enough lab data by this time to uniquely quantify the virus’ characteristics. In the mean time everyone is just guessing with blinders on.
If it’s akin to measles...holy smokes.


Yikes on the aerosol transmission. It’s been basically a month now. I’m at work (slow day :) ) so cant watch the video, but in all this time hasn’t any other lab been able to 100% confirm this under a scope? I figured there’d be enough lab data by this time to uniquely quantify the virus’ characteristics. In the mean time everyone is just guessing with blinders on.
If it’s akin to measles...holy smokes.
Isn't it amazing how, in the information age, it feels like actual information is harder and harder to come by? It's like the fog of war, minus the actual battlefield.


The scariest story to me is the door-to-door temperature checks as reported by the NBC Shanghai chief affiliate. That shit is scary. Fail, and they take you.

Is there a way for them to check if it's purely coronovirus or is it just a temperature check? Imagine being ok and then being placed in hospital just to be infected.
Is there a way for them to check if it's purely coronovirus or is it just a temperature check? Imagine being ok and then being placed in hospital just to be infected.

even if you did have a fever it does not mean it is from this virus it could just be something mild that would not have caused you any issues but not they take you in and place you somewhere to be exposed to something that can kill you. Yeah not a great timeline I would want to live in.


Is there a way for them to check if it's purely coronovirus or is it just a temperature check? Imagine being ok and then being placed in hospital just to be infected.
What do you do? Leave them there on the merit system, hoping they don’t continue to infect others? Become a totalitarian state, forget their personal liberties (those exist in CCP?) and extract them yourselves? And then your question too...what if they are just adding to the infected cases?

Just the thought of someone taking you from your home when you technically haven’t committed a crime sort of freaks me out big time.

for reference, was posted earlier by someone, but re-upping the source material:


So I keep seeing people (here and otherwise) claim that China's response to this (shut down) does not jive with the numbers, specifically the death numbers. People then use this to claim that the deaths must be an order of magnitude higher, but I think there might be another reason for this that, while not as sensationalized, is probably more likely than china covering up tens of thousands already dead.

I think the CCP ran the numbers early and realized that at least 20-25% of people required hospitalization. They then looked at their massive population and number of hospital beds/intensive care units and realized that without drastic measures their entire country's healthcare system would be completely overwhelmed and a virus that kills ~2%, or less, of people would have a death toll many times higher.

It's my opinion that China has acted so drastically because they know how bad it "could' get not how bad it currently is. Wuhan is just a small taste of what could really happen if they didn't do what they have done to contain things.

So the issue with nCOV is hospitalization rate and not really its "initial" death rate.

Wanna know something scary?

China has a population of 1,386,000,000 and they currently have 33,000 hospitals. That's 1 hospital for every 42,000 people.

The United States has a population of 327,200,000 and we currently have ~6,000 hospitals. That's 1 hospital for every 54,533

Heard the concern about hospitalization rate.

Suppose you are having a heart attack - too bad, all beds are full with coronavirus.
What do you do? Leave them there on the merit system, hoping they don’t continue to infect others? Become a totalitarian state, forget their personal liberties (those exist in CCP?) and extract them yourselves? And then your question too...what if they are just adding to the infected cases?

Just the thought of someone taking you from your home when you technically haven’t committed a crime sort of freaks me out big time.

for reference, was posted earlier by someone, but re-upping the source material:

Dang, that Google surveillance system can't come soon enough. Would be so much easier to do these temp scans via an infrared camera or even using the biometric security on your smartphone. Imagine getting picked up off the street by the police because the cameras saw you were running a fever. Easy way to prevent future outbreaks!


We’re going to see a shit-ton of outbreak babies in about 9 months. Maybe this was China’s plan all along.. to fill up their empty cities with babies conceived out of forced boredom. In those apartment complexes, condos, tiny cruise ship cabins… Fucking, nothing but fucking.


We’re going to see a shit-ton of outbreak babies in about 9 months. Maybe this was China’s plan all along.. to fill up their empty cities with babies conceived out of forced boredom. In those apartment complexes, condos, tiny cruise ship cabins… Fucking, nothing but fucking.
You get that after most Chinese New Year holidays anyway.


Neo Member
I find it NO COINCIDENCE that the timeline of this virus corresponds with the information about the three researchers arrested in Boston, MA. with ties to Wuhan, China. See the following:

https;//en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Charles_M._Leiber. and. https://chemistry.harvard.edu/people/charles-leiber.

Note: In 2008 Leiber was awarded the Einstein Award by the Chinese Academy of Sciences then TWELVE YEARS later he’s arrested. D.O.D. and N.I.H. claimed they didn’t know of his Chinese ties when they gave him a $15 million dollar grant....right. “Leiber had served as the pricipal investigator of the Leiber Research Group at Harvard University. The group specialized in the area of nano science and received more than $15 Million in grant funding from the National Institute of Health and the Department of Defense..”

“Charles Leiber from Lexington, was one of three arrested. Background in “Nano electronics for biology and medicine”. Leiber demonstrated the first direct electrical detection of proteins, selective electrical sensing of individual VIRUSES and multiplexed detection of cancer marker proteins and tumor enzyme activity. Leiber’s current work focuses on INTEGRATING ELECTRONICS IN A MINIMALLY/NON-INVASIVE MANNER WITHIN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. MOST RECENTLY, HE HAS DEMONSTRATED THAT THIS MACRO POROUS ELECTRONICS CAN BE INJECTED BY SYRINGE TO POSITION DEVICES IN A CHOSEN REGION OF THE BRAIN”. Jose Delgado, Hitler and Stalin would be so proud!

Interestingly, the “alien abduction” scenario’s in the X-Files (the TRUTH is out there) and Project Blue Book encompass this procedure being done to “abductee’s) on the back of their neck (C3 area. C3 is also Command, Control and Computers.....no coincidence). Harvard University Crest is Veritas (Truth).

Harvard University has had a long, sordid history of involvement with government sponsored Mind Control and “Sleep Study” programs, that were inspired by sadistic psychopaths, who derived pleasure by destroying innocent people’s lives. These programs were initiated by totalitarian governments (eg. NAZI’s/STASI) in order to manipulate/control their citizens and to torture them into compliance. (eg. Treadstone/MKULTRA) Evil doers, in the so called “Land of Liberty”, have continued these programs in order to follow in the footsteps of tyrants. Taking this into consideration, it is no surprise that Harvard University was once again at the forefront, when news was released of Charles Leiber and his “work” to remotely control the mind via nanotechnology with connections to a communist government.

Also see: https://www.livescience.com/65546-darpa-mind-controlled-weapons.html

What better way to create Manchurian Candidates, terrorists, mass shooters, to be able to prey on women, children, the most vulnerable in our society, to conduct mind rape/torture and to TRY to silence dissent/discredit those smart enough to see evil hiding in plain sight, (as was done to whistleblowers during the Bush and Obama Administrations who reported terrorist attacks associated with government corruption and the media via continuation of 2003 Adm. Poindexter’s FutureMap program/futures betting on terrorist attacks and assassinations)) claim people are mentally ill, increase Big Pharma sales ect....via use of “non-lethal” weapons.

This microscopic nanotechnology can be injected, aerosolized, or introduced into the body in a variety of ways. in order to make people into puppets/slaves of the rich and powerful.

Interestingly, in early 2005, CNN had four very realistic documentary type scenario’s of which three of the four “coincidentally” later occurred. The “what if” documentaries encompassed a Cat 5 hurricane hitting Houston, another Cat 5 hurricane hitting New Orleans and breaking the levees, Al Qaeda/terrorists getting ahold of oil fields ....all of which occurred thereafter. The most frightening “what if” documentary though, was one that entailed a pandemic where marshall law ensued. They showed tanks going down the streets of New York, real politicians and health officials talking like it really happened, people initially quarantined in their homes then later brought to government camps. If they didn’t have the virus initially, they did once put in the camp. Then their loved ones disappeared. The government said they died and were cremated. No proof was given as to what really happened to them. This is the only “what if” CNN documentary that hasn’t yet materialized.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

”When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” (Thomas Jefferson)


Can't wait for China to start dismissing some deaths as well as those unrelated to the virus. Who cares if you got the virus, you died because your organism was already weak.
I'm starting to feel that this virus is the final proof that there is divine intervention helping out Trump. Both China and now even NK will be weakened by this thing and that only helps Trump.

I don't see how crashing the global economy will help Trump.
I'm starting to feel that this virus is the final proof that there is divine intervention helping out Trump. Both China and now even NK will be weakened by this thing and that only helps Trump.

you mean like ghosts?
I'm starting to feel that this virus is the final proof that there is divine intervention helping out Trump. Both China and now even NK will be weakened by this thing and that only helps Trump.

I don't see it so much as "helping Trump" (though that may be one of the side effects) as it is simply pushing along some things that were inevitable. I've said for awhile that China is not the economic / military powerhouse that it makes itself out to be. Trump may have pushed China to the brink faster, but it was already headed in this direction.

2097 new cases
103 deaths

Deaths still going up, "Confirmed" cases continue to go down, but with their terminology fuckery it's hard to tell if this is actually good or not.

Also, over 1000 confirmed fatalities at this point. We passed SARS yesterday I believe.

I predict that as long as THIS number is rising, we'll continue to see more and more deaths each day.

This number should start shrinking before deaths start to go down.
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2097 new cases
103 deaths

Deaths still going up, "Confirmed" cases continue to go down, but with their terminology fuckery it's hard to tell if this is actually good or not.

Also, over 1000 confirmed fatalities at this point. We passed SARS yesterday I believe.

can't trust them but at least they still release numbers they could have just shut down sharing numbers
I think the numbers does not really hurt them because it does rally world simpathy towards the government in some ways. No one is going to kick them if they appear to be doing the right thing in the situation. I am more upset at the WHO for playing ball and taking China's lead on how to communicate this mess.
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