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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Joe T.

I haven’t been following this as closely lately, but does everyone agree we can't afford to lock down again?

Telling everyone to wear masks and social distance, quarantining everyone over 60/65, and allowing everyone to be as responsible as possible so they don't go near anyone elderly and the elderly don't go near anyone... that seems like the best course of action to me, no?

Blanket lockdowns were an incredibly lazy and very debilitating response to a problem that required much more nuance. Someone posted it earlier in the thread, but even the NY Times reported that they went too far. Basically:

As Covid-19 cases took off in New York in March, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo imposed a lockdown of nonessential businesses to slow the spread of the coronavirus, calling it “the most drastic action we can take.”

Now researchers say more targeted approaches — in New York and elsewhere — might have protected public health with less economic pain.

Any public health official or politician still threatening blanket lockdowns needs a nice, solid slap across the face and is clearly showing they don't deserve to be running a city/state. It's like dropping an atomic bomb to kill a cockroach. That said, I have a very cynical view of globalists and the ideas they've cooked up over the years, some of which would benefit from a second clamp down on our economies (for leverage's sake), so I'll be keeping my eyes open to see which politicians are pushing for those blanket lockdowns to return.


Looks like TX opened up too fast, too early. They're having to scale back now, ordering bars to close and restaurants back to 50% due to record-high cases across the state. There's about an 11.76% positive rate.

Checking in from Florida, i really wish wed do.... Anything at all.

We closed bars but that means little when restaurants are 100%, theyre packing in hundreds.
My boss tested positive and i'm showing all the symptoms. :( Keeping my fingers crossed my test comes back negative.

Look, I'm saying this because it is the truth, not politically motivated or anything - don't worry. The stress will hurt your immune system, for one, but (assuming you are not >70 and have diabetes and high blood pressure) this is almost certainly just going to be like having the flu for you. Treat it the same - rest, drink fluids and electrolytes, etc. - and if you still feel bad in a week ask your doctor or a walk-in clinic for some dexamethasone.


Time stamped it.

So Texas % of positives didn't increas in May, even as testing increased. But then all of a sudden about 2 weeks ago as June started the % of positives increased along with testing. Now what happened in the last 2 weeks? hmmmm.

Consider that Texas reopened at the end of April/beginning of May I don't think the re opening lines up with the increase in %, but the riots certainly do.

But CNN and MSNBS and WAPO will tell us that its all on the church goers and people get hair cuts. The Virus is Woke and it knows to not infect any rioters.


So Redfield just said that at the beginning of the year when the CV crazyness was going on, 27% of deaths in the US were from pnemonia, 1 in 4.

Its fallen back to baseline now.

And first question is of course about Trumps rallies, with 0 mention of the riots and protests. I think it was the Kung Flu reporter who asked of course.

Lets see if any reporters mention any of these riots. Doubt it.

time stamped blaming reopening. Pence says some opened 2 months ago, saying seeing more and more young people (protesters) who are asymptomatic testing positive.

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For all the fear mongering about the new hot spots I just looked at Texas and Florida data, deaths are on a downward trend in both states. Texas had only 10 deaths today. Florida had a total of 5. NYC by itself had 7 on the last reported day of the 20th. For context NYC peaked at 589 deaths.

So this is not the apocalypse. In fact, all told the data is good. We are testing more people, isolating at risk populations better, and figuring out how to treat patients so they don't die.
Deaths lag infections by two to three weeks...


Neighbours from Hell
It’s absolute fucking insanity that the cases spike and very few are attributing it to the protests. How can anyone fucking trust these news outlets ever again with an agenda so blatant. Seriously.

If the protests were about the game of thrones series finale instead of what they were, there wouldn’t be a single outlet not speaking about the protests ad nauseum, and not only that but I guarantee commentators would be calling for people to be fined and/or arrested for spreading it.

And I mistakenly went back to twitter for the first time in days to check what’s going on and my feed has people blaming those in Texas and Florida for “re-opening too early” are you fucking kidding me? The protests gathered thousands shoulder to shoulder screaming and yelling everyone breathing in everyone’s secretions, and you think because some families reopened their barber shops or restaurants that’s where it started? Get over yourselves and start living in reality.
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Birthday party leaves 18 in Texas family with coronavirus

CARROLLTON, Texas -- A surprise birthday party that resulted in 18 people testing positive for the coronavirus has left a North Texas man horrified as his father continues to fight for his life in a hospital intensive care unit.

Ron Barbosa, who is married to a doctor and refused to attend the May 30 party for his daughter-in-law because of safety concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic, said those hospitalized included his parents, both in their 80′s, and his sister, who is also battling breast cancer.

Barbosa said his nephew, unknowingly infected with the virus, hosted last month's gathering of 25 people that only lasted a few hours and followed the state’s latest health standards. During the party, he said the nephew interacted with seven relatives, who subsequently contracted the virus and spread it to 10 other family members, including two young children.

“When people started getting sick, we really let everyone have it,” Barbosa told WFAA-TV. “We knew this was going to happen, I mean, this whole time this has been going on we’ve been terrified.”

Barbosa's mother, Carole, who stopped by the function to drop something off, tested positive for coronavrius June 6 and was admitted to the hospital a week later.

Barbosa said his father, Frank, who didn't attend the get-together but later contracted COVID-19, was hospitalized June 17. He said his dad is currently “hanging on by a thread” in the ICU while on life support

I feel sorry for the nephew.
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thou shall not FAP to this


All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Coronavirus death rate falling in hospitals https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53192532

That's awesome news. More experience, knowledge and better treatments definitely doing some good now. Just need to hope that it doesn't jump back up too high in places that will have their health care systems taxed to the max.

I feel sorry for the nephew.

The nephew did harm to 17 family members, and who knows how many more they see pread it to. He has medical professionals in his family, some who refused to attend, and he still hosted a party with no masks.
Nobody deserves to get sick like that, but he needs to live with the consequences of his actions so that he can learn from them.

Cases been ramping up for the past 2 weeks and yet deaths keep going down. Wonder what's changed from April until now?

Deaths have been trending down since May 20th, all across the US.....that's over a month ago.

Deaths have been dropping because deaths in the previously hard hit areas have been dropping.
Deaths in Florida (and other states) are surely being undercounted, and the data will come to show that.
With hospitalizations begining to increase, we're unfortunately just a few weeks away from seeing an unmistakable increase in deaths.
Where can I find a website that displays daily new cases like this? All the websites I go to do not display daily new cases.

I should say the way that website works is a LIVE update through the day the numbers goes up. Until it is time for the next day's count the red goes away and the count starts over for the new day. So if you are new to it and check around 11pm EST you might not see any red, just know it is the new day count that have not come in yet.
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It really sucks for History and Science that countries like Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and others mess with their numbers so much that these daily number updates are not even in the ballpark of reality. These numbers might be important someday looking back.
The nephew did harm to 17 family members, and who knows how many more they see pread it to. He has medical professionals in his family, some who refused to attend, and he still hosted a party with no masks.
Nobody deserves to get sick like that, but he needs to live with the consequences of his actions so that he can learn from them.

Oh that family fucked up, no question. Its just a shitty situation.
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It really sucks for History and Science that countries like Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and others mess with their numbers so much that these daily number updates are not even in the ballpark of reality. These numbers might be important someday looking back.

Maybe one day we will know the full story.
Maybe one day we will know the full story.

Yeah for Science or History maybe, but never for politics no matter which side you fall on the numbers can be changed to fit the story you want to tell. That is the issue with these numbers, without politics it would just be about math and science. We have to wait until these numbers are no longer a political point for any side. But if some of these places just burn records anyway sheesh.

I'm kinda shocked Brazil is able to put numbers out that high on the daily bases.


It's a small sample pool compared to the rest of the states but Oregon hit it's highest number today of 146 new cases. Up from a recent low of 18 back on May 26th. Supposedly this is results pre-protests and could be more as a result from Memorial Day. Keeping an eye on it to see how big it spikes in the next weeks.

114, 70, 72, 178, 142, 158, 101, 184, 278, 122, 148, 206, 178, 190, 146, 191, 170, 124, 250(today)

Thanks protesters!

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Oh that family fucked up, no question. Its just a shitty situation.
I feel you.
I'd feel awful knowing I accidentally infected a single loved one, even though I'm as careful as possible.
This guy is going to need to wait till all 18 have recovered before he can even breathe again.
Would be an unimaginably difficult thing to go through.
That's awesome news. More experience, knowledge and better treatments definitely doing some good now. Just need to hope that it doesn't jump back up too high in places that will have their health care systems taxed to the max.

The nephew did harm to 17 family members, and who knows how many more they see pread it to. He has medical professionals in his family, some who refused to attend, and he still hosted a party with no masks.
Nobody deserves to get sick like that, but he needs to live with the consequences of his actions so that he can learn from them.

Deaths have been dropping because deaths in the previously hard hit areas have been dropping.
Deaths in Florida (and other states) are surely being undercounted, and the data will come to show that.
With hospitalizations begining to increase, we're unfortunately just a few weeks away from seeing an unmistakable increase in deaths.
Agree that we got better treatment plan and more general understanding of the virus. Not to mention we realize venalitor are actually killing patient. Rermember Curmo was crying for them?

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Agree that we got better treatment plan and more general understanding of the virus. Not to mention we realize venalitor are actually killing patient. Rermember Curmo was crying for them?

No, we don't realize that ventilators are killing people. Ventilators were being used too early in the progression of the disease, and now doctors know to hold out longer. They are still used for many patients, and are the only thing that give some patients a chance to survive.

I certainly remember Cuomo begging for a fuckton of ventilators. Way more than NY ended up needing.
His mistake will end up benefitting many. We've already been able to move ventilators around the world, and with the US reaching new highs in cases, we might end up needing all that we have left.

what is this narative about? I have not been following closely I have been trying to stay away from CNN and all MSMs.

squints eye looking for black people. one... two... I don't even get this shit, glad we are coming together but gawd damn

both are dumb for my safety concerns

very poor timing to be killed by police = riots and protests = more cases of Covid19 = Science makes sense to me

seeing and pointing @ riots and protest does not mean it is a free pass to be stupid and not following the rules

on the other hand it is double stupid to think, protestors or rioters should be following said same rules. It would not be a protest if they had rules

humans are dumb fucks, that is all I am getting from this, so why continue the narative in here?

I think we both know the left media are not going to speak against protests while Trump will do so gladly, it is politics not Science so fuck that poster.

Fuck politics people are acting stupid and spreading this shit even more.
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Gold Member
what is this narative about? I have not been following closely I have been trying to stay away from CNN and all MSMs.

squints eye looking for black people. one... two... I don't even get this shit, glad we are coming together but gawd damn

both are dumb for my safety concerns

very poor timing to be killed by police = riots and protests = more cases of Covid19 = Science makes sense to me

riots and protest does not mean it is a free pass to be stupid and not following the rules

on the other hand it is double stupid to this protestors or rioters should be following said same rules.

humans are dumb fucks, that is all I am getting from this, so why continue the narative in here?

I think we both know the left media are not going to speak against protests while Trump will do so gladly, it is politics not Science so fuck that poster.

Fuck politics people are acting stupid and spreading this shit even more.

The media is screaming that if you take off your mask you need to go to prison for murder, while thousands of people protesting and having dance parties in the street while blowing up gas stations are immune to the virus and can't be blamed for spikes.
The media is screaming that if you take off your mask you need to go to prison for murder, while thousands of people protesting and having dance parties in the street while blowing up gas stations are immune to the virus and can't be blamed for spikes.

and you can call the media out for that but what do you expect them to say they are the media, I don't listen to the media because it is stupid to do so.
You act like you were expecting better from them? You act shocked when a politician joins in with the protestors while at the same time telling his State has reopened too soon?

You really expected more from these people?

Logic says you cannot stop a mob of protestors but you can put a stand alone person in jail.

they are calling for it but can they make that shit happen?

just wear the damn mask, if you want to not wear it as a protest for your rights then fight the power. People go to jail for fighting for their rights all the time.
right now all I see is the media and white folks are the ones leading BLM and they are call for all types of changes, including stupid shit like murder charges for not wearing masks (well I did not hear it but you said it so I'll trust you on that because I think talking heads would say shit like that)

My point is you know the shit is dumb, I know the shit is dumb why turn the Covid19 info thread into the fight the power thread?

Why not have a bullshit Media Thread?

I read you and understand, left leaning bullshit all around. I see it I feel your frustration, but I am a sick person at risk I need a thread for info this has been it
I know the media and politicians have politicized this shit up the wazoo but do we have to follow them?

We can't all follow these motherfuckers down that path, that is why we have protests in the middle of a fucking pandemic, blind rage and not thinking.
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It’s absolute fucking insanity that the cases spike and very few are attributing it to the protests. How can anyone fucking trust these news outlets ever again with an agenda so blatant. Seriously.

If the protests were about the game of thrones series finale instead of what they were, there wouldn’t be a single outlet not speaking about the protests ad nauseum, and not only that but I guarantee commentators would be calling for people to be fined and/or arrested for spreading it.

And I mistakenly went back to twitter for the first time in days to check what’s going on and my feed has people blaming those in Texas and Florida for “re-opening too early” are you fucking kidding me? The protests gathered thousands shoulder to shoulder screaming and yelling everyone breathing in everyone’s secretions, and you think because some families reopened their barber shops or restaurants that’s where it started? Get over yourselves and start living in reality.

if it was linked to the protests, you will see a huge spike in Minneapolis and New York City right now, the places with the biggests protests.

Yet we don’t see it.

Outdoor activities, with masks, are fairly safe. It is not the protests.


Neighbours from Hell
if it was linked to the protests, you will see a huge spike in Minneapolis and New York City right now, the places with the biggests protests.

Yet we don’t see it.

Outdoor activities, with masks, are fairly safe. It is not the protests.
The spike in Minneapolis and NYC is either coming or it already happened and it hasn’t been reported yet because politicians and news agencies don’t want to give ammo to the protests being the cause of it.

I can pretty much guarantee there’s already an unreported spike in NYC or there will be. It’s impossible not to.

And not everyone at the riots were wearing masks. Plenty were not. No more of a ratio than everyone else going about day to day life.
if it was linked to the protests, you will see a huge spike in Minneapolis and New York City right now, the places with the biggests protests.

Yet we don’t see it.

Outdoor activities, with masks, are fairly safe. It is not the protests.

I would still give them the benefit of the doubt that chances are some of this shit is linked to the protests. I see a lot of mask wearing in photos but that is a hell of a lot of people clumped together yelling and sweating for hours.

The narative of the protests causing a spike also serves one political narative, while the left media ignores that we have protests during a lockdown for Covid19 some will feel better saying the spikes are not from reopening but from the crazy protests. I think both sides have very good scapegoats to line up.

It is the politics driving this so Science cannot prove the links even if they could, no one will listen to anything but what their politics tell them to believe.

All we can do is make guesses, this virus does not seem to behave how we all expect it to.

I remember lots of sources saying when the summer heat hits we would have less spread but Florida makes the news and Texas wants to shut down bars again, hot ass places during the summer.

I think it could spike up from protests in other places while NYC and larger cities go without a spike. Maybe NYC was hit hard enough or most of these people have already carried this virus, It is a virus I would just give them the point.
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The spike in Minneapolis and NYC is either coming or it already happened and it hasn’t been reported yet because politicians and news agencies don’t want to give ammo to the protests being the cause of it.

I can pretty much guarantee there’s already an unreported spike in NYC or there will be. It’s impossible not to.

And not everyone at the riots were wearing masks. Plenty were not. No more of a ratio than everyone else going about day to day life.

wait 2 weeks and follow the numbers by US States each day, click here and click yesterday to see a full day

you might be right the news may not report numbers that don't match a narative they are pushing or they might blame a spike on something else.

Has it been 14 days since the protests?

I am sure the numbers will come out

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The spike in Minneapolis and NYC is either coming or it already happened and it hasn’t been reported yet because politicians and news agencies don’t want to give ammo to the protests being the cause of it.

I can pretty much guarantee there’s already an unreported spike in NYC or there will be. It’s impossible not to.

And not everyone at the riots were wearing masks. Plenty were not. No more of a ratio than everyone else going about day to day life.
It’s been a month since the heaviest riots. We would have seen a spike by now.

You’re telling me there’s a conspiracy amongst all the states in the north east and rust belt to hide Covid19 deaths and cases? Exactly what weight does your “guarantee” have and why should anyone take your word for it? Show us the proof if you’re going to post conspiracy stuff like this.

Listen: i was worried about the protests when they occurred. I was wrong. Undoubtedly some people got sick because of them. But it’s evident if you bother looking at the data that they are not driving the increase in cases. Some of you people need to leave your politics at the door and get your heads out of the sand. I dislike BLM and antifa as well, but they’re just a convenient scape goat for people of a certain political persuasion to ignore the hard truth.

The common trend is that the lower the number of cases a state has when it starts opening up, the less cases they have afterwards. The states that opened up in May while cases were still rising are the only ones seeing these “spikes” which are really just the logarithmic growth we would expect with a pandemic.

People need to mask up, quit throwing birthday parties, and physically distance. End of story.
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Neighbours from Hell
It’s been a month since the heaviest riots. We would have seen a spike by now.

You’re telling me there’s a conspiracy amongst all the states in the north east and rust belt to hide Covid19 deaths and cases? Exactly what weight does your “guarantee” have and why should anyone take your word for it? Show us the proof if you’re going to post conspiracy stuff like this.

Listen: i was worried about the protests when they occurred. I was wrong. Undoubtedly some people got sick because of them. But it’s evident if you bother looking at the data that they are not driving the increase in cases. Some of you people need to leave your politics at the door and get your heads out of the sand. I dislike BLM and antifa as well, but they’re just a convenient scape goat for people of a certain political persuasion to ignore the hard truth.

The common trend is that the lower the number of cases a state has when it starts opening up, the less cases they have afterwards. The states that opened up in May while cases were still rising are the only ones seeing these “spikes” which are really just the logarithmic growth we would expect with a pandemic.

People need to mask up, quit throwing birthday parties, and physically distance. End of story.
Not necessarily. We could have asymptomatic people or people who weren’t hospitalized so they never got reported. Confirmed infected is not an accurate indication of the true numbers.

And I think generally a spike is due to greater testing, but there’s no question the protests will have spread the virus. Whether or not that leads to a massive outbreak I don’t know, but it certainly will lead to more cases than if the riots didn’t happen.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Not necessarily. We could have asymptomatic people or people who weren’t hospitalized so they never got reported. Confirmed infected is not an accurate indication of the true numbers.

And I think generally a spike is due to greater testing, but there’s no question the protests will have spread the virus. Whether or not that leads to a massive outbreak I don’t know, but it certainly will lead to more cases than if the riots didn’t happen.

Increased testing is boosting the numbers for obvious reasons. The protests will likewise, obviously, add to a spike but it's still early to tell how much (but we can conclude that thousands of people in close proximity screaming and breathing on each other is going to have an effect).

Truthfully almost everything is too early to tell. Anyone who has bothered to study pandemics will know we can't know the entire picture until years afterwards, when 20-20 hindsight allows us to have a full picture of how and when and why x, y, and z occurred. We still aren't even sure if COVID-19 is only a respiratory disease caused by the virus our also infects the blood. Preliminary tests are even showing it may be spread by fecal and urine secretions (I.E. flushing a public toilet).
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Increased testing is boosting the numbers for obvious reasons. The protests will likewise, obviously, add to a spike but it's still early to tell how much (but we can conclude that thousands of people in close proximity screaming and breathing on each other is going to have an effect).

Truthfully almost everything is too early to tell. Anyone who has bothered to study pandemics will know we can't know the entire picture until years afterwards, when 20-20 hindsight allows us to have a full picture of how and when and why x, y, and z occurred. We still aren't even sure if COVID-19 is only a respiratory disease caused by the virus our also infects the blood. Preliminary tests are even showing it may be spread by fecal and urine secretions (I.E. flushing a public toilet).
Correct, that’s what research in januari and February in China showed, that’s why they probably burned bodies. Even here in the Netherlands, relatives had to wear suits when collecting the body and the disposal was fast .
I will say that I never put the blame solely on protestors. Here in Louisiana there was a pretty low turn out but I did read a story how a few bars were correlated to the increase in spike for cases in my city. If business are going to open back up they need to do it responsibly. They could have easily done a pick up system where you do a drive by and pick up your alcohol and drink at home. However, the protestors really did not help the situation at all by violating the 6ft rule. If we closed down large gatherings in the beginning (Like E3 and sports conventions) how can we honestly say the protests were not a contributing factor?


Neighbours from Hell
Btw if there isn’t a conspiracy then why did they flat out declare protestors wouldn’t be used for COVID tracing?

Is there direct irrefutable proof the protesting caused or will cause spikes? No, but there isn’t direct proof opening early causes spikes either. You can theorize any spike to anything, but if they say social distance even with masks or you can spread the virus. and thousands didn’t social distance across the country some with masks and some without... if you can’t logically say they caused spreading of the virus then you can’t logically say that for anything.


Has anyone been able to explain how states that did not have a lock down in USA have lower death tolls than neighboring states that did lock down?

Because it seems like a statistic that should be plastered over every Sweden vs rest of Scandinavia discussion
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