Why? Because ma right to die as I see fit of course. Those fuckheads don't realize that they aren't supposed to wear masks to protect themselves, but to protect others. The result:
US is now trending towards 500.000 deaths by corona (if a second lockdown happens NOW) by end of the year. But it's just a flu, bro. Just a flu. Annual actual flu deaths in the US: 25.000 to 50.000. Flu deaths in the US during the 1918 Spanish flu (the thing that killed 50 million people worldwide): 675.000.
And we haven't even begun to understand the longtime consequences of Covid-19. Could kill you within three years even if you only had mild symptoms, cause it's attacking EVERY SINGLE PART of the body. We have had people with the virus in their brain stem. Plus immunity through antibodies seems to be temporary for around three months. And then you can get it again. Great stuff. There's a pretty good chance that masks will be required for the rest of our lives. The only thing that keeps it in check is distance. That's why less dense states and countries are slower to be infected (but it will eventually reach everyone nevertheless). Cold doesn't kill it, heat doesn't kill it. Worldwide numbers are accelerating and could reach close to a billion infected by end of year.