Dr Fauci added that he would gladly "settle" for a vaccine that is only 70% to 75% effective at first.
Interesting quote for Fauci.
I am expecting any vaccine we get will probably only be 40-50% effective, and thats probably on the high end. If Fauci is saying he will settle for 70-75% I have to think that is a high bar. Flu vaccines also range in the 40-50% effectiviness too.
So even with a vaccine out there and even if everybody got it, the virus would still be there and still be able to kill people because most likely the vaccine itself won't even be 100%.
Anyways 100K cases per day don't think thats happening. We were also supposed to be at 250K cases and I think 3K deaths a day at the beginning of June.
What we are probably seeing now is the virus working its way through the south because it was more located in the north east when it started.
Its the same thing that happened across the world where places like India/Russia/Africa are getting hit later than Europe/USA. The 3 day moving average is starting to come down a bit and lets see what today brings.
Keep in mind if the US had the testing it has now in March/April/May they would probably have found way more cases. Cuomo was claiming New York had something like 2 million infected. If NY did 500K tests a day in April they probably would of found 30K cases as day in their state alone.