You see this with all sorts of stuff. The media has spent months scaring people, already under extreme stress from isolation, disruption of normal routines, loss of income, etc.,, about how COVID is floating around and will and going to kill them and everyone they love. Masks give people some small bit of control over the proceedings. That's why it has caught on so quickly.
We are categorically NOT living with it, while things continue to get shut down and the media goes into hysterics over every new case.
I mentioned it in this thread, or another thread. NYC has had more or less universal mask wearing since April, there's virtually no new cases, and there's virtually no new deaths (9 in the entire state yesterday). Yet the governor still forbids indoor dining for... reasons. Just because he has a hunch, basically. Already 80% of NYC restaurants can't pay their rent, probably 100% of gyms are facing closure. All for something that really is not very dangerous or deadly for the vast majority of people. In my world this is not learning to live with it but giving in to fear and hysteria.