Good. You‘re on the right track.So just heard on the radio that face masks will be compulsory in shops in England from 24 July. People could face a £100 fine if they refuse to comply.
Good. You‘re on the right track.So just heard on the radio that face masks will be compulsory in shops in England from 24 July. People could face a £100 fine if they refuse to comply.
This is correct. The US federal government is to blame for the crisis in America.Your country decided to destroy itself because your political Leaders are Trash.
Nearly every european country reopened at May and Is doing fine right now.
Are you not familiar with his shtick? He just posts garbage all day.That is fucking tonedeaf man.
Blue cities within Red states. Miami, Houston they have Blue mayors.
Clubs/bars play a role, but the non stop rioting/protesting that everyone was bullied into not doing anything about or else your racist is whats leading the charge.
I think it was the signaling more than anything - in a jarring change, the government was not only allowing thousands of people to regularly congregate with each other in close proximity, public officials were encouraging it.And then public health officials encouraged it too!
We went from nonstop virus fear porn on the news to nonstop encouragement for large public gatherings - the bigger the better. Of course everyone said "fuck it" after three months of boredom and loneliness and went down to the pub.
This whole thing will vanish on November 4th. Sadly I don't know if I'll be around to see that.
And then they get to blame Trump, who while he hasn’t done himself any favors, didn’t encourage mass gathering of fucking morons crowding the streets to scream together. Any “Public health” officials in the United States who signed that dumbass letter basically making excuses for why BLM was allowed to do their thing should at the very least be fired immediately.I think it was the signaling more than anything - in a jarring change, the government was not only allowing thousands of people to regularly congregate with each other in close proximity, public officials were encouraging it.And then public health officials encouraged it too!
We went from nonstop virus fear porn on the news to nonstop encouragement for large public gatherings - the bigger the better. Of course everyone said "fuck it" after three months of boredom and loneliness and went down to the pub.
Get your head up man. I guess I don’t know your situation, but maybe turn the news off for a while, get off social media, and go outside.This whole thing will vanish on November 4th. Sadly I don't know if I'll be around to see that.
Get your head up man. I guess I don’t know your situation, but maybe turn the news off for a while, get off social media, and go outside.
Dude... wtf? Don't you have any relatives or friends who can help? Or maybe GAF can help with something?
Please do not do that.
He has a wife, which is why I believe he will make it through.
For those who dont have families, this is why churches are vital. Being alone is...bad.
Stop. He's a troll. He was banned from original GAF, then Era, and now he's just angry.Dude... wtf? Don't you have any relatives or friends who can help? Or maybe GAF can help with something?
Please do not do that.
Stop. He's a troll. He was banned from original GAF, then Era, and now he's just angry.
Stop. He's a troll. He was banned from original GAF, then Era, and now he's just angry.
And yet you treat people who are worried about dying from Covid, or their family members, with disdain. You trolling hypocrite.So being worried about being out on the street in a month is trolling? FUCK YOU.
Stop. He's a troll. He was banned from original GAF, then Era, and now he's just angry.
And yet you treat people who are worried about dying from Covid, or their family members, with disdain. You trolling hypocrite.
Says the idiot who posted a concentration camp meme.FUCK YOU. You don't care if people can't work and lose everything as long as it fits your fucking pathetic politics.
.If no one can work and you have no money how do you make it through that? Don't assume you know people's situations.
All I am saying, is that when I had rope in hand, I couldn't do it. When push came to shove, my wife was there, she was the reason I got hospitalized, recieved ECT and 2 years of group therapy. 100%, if I was alone I’d be dead.
You have other people so I believe you will get through this. I am not saying your suffering is not real—buck up—silver lining—darkest before dawn , cuz you know what, i still hate life and deep down want to get cancer and die. And I still take a bunch of pills to keep black dogs at bay.
Nor am I saying you don't need or deserve help. You do. But you are not alone, and that is something not everyone can say.
Dude if you’re going to fucking kill yourself, posting about it on an Internet forum is stupid as hell. It’s not going to make anything better. I hope you have enough sense to realize all the possible solutions to your problem and the determination to try them. But if not, posting obvious euphemisms (something they shouldn’t) to suicide is at best inconsiderate. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, but this isn’t the appropriate venue.Actually I am alone. I have no family outside of my wife and neither of us can work. Her family can't support her and they're out of work too. CA gives people $150 a week on unemployment and that won't even pay for food, let alone a mortgage payment or utilities. Again, Newsom did this on purpose to kill most of the state.
Meanwhile this place has a Trump-avatar troll antagonizing trolling and egging someone on to do something they shouldn't.
Dude if you’re going to fucking kill yourself, posting about it on an Internet forum is stupid as hell. It’s not going to make anything better. I hope you have enough sense to realize all the possible solutions to your problem and the determination to try them. But if not, posting obvious euphemisms (something they shouldn’t) to suicide is at best inconsiderate. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, but this isn’t the appropriate venue.
Well good luck. But consider the possibility that openly musing about suicide might not be good for other people. Again, it’s terrible to be going through those kind of emotions. I hope you feel better.I'm trying everything I possibly can do. But I have less than two weeks to find a solution.
Stop. He's a troll. He was banned from original GAF, then Era, and now he's just angry.
DM sent thanks
We still extend our hand to you. If we can do anything to help. Please don't resort to that.DM sent thanks
Thanks everyone. I'm doing everything I can right now. Probably applied to 50 places in the last 24 hours.
Also talked to my old cyber security professor and he's writing up a letter of recommendation to help.
Re-infection was reported earlier in South Korea and was just poor testing declaring people cured when they were not. And loss of immunity happens to some people for all kinds of diseases. Like the one 90-year old diabetic beating severe covid-19 it's not something you can conclude for the entire population. This needs way more time to be sure.
Vox is making mad bux from their 'we're all doomed' headline though.
Cybersec? Shit you'll have no trouble finding good work, especially as things heat up with China. Good luck, but if you're in that line of work you can pretty much name your salary.
Eh, you'd think that. But with so many people in CA out of work now because of our tyrant governor there's and insane amount of competition. I lost out on a $15 and hour job to someone with a master's degree because people are desperate right now and they'll jump on anything.
The Florida Department of Health released its daily coronavirus testing report showing a statewide positivity rate of 11 percent, but FOX 35 News investigated and quickly noticed some shocking positivity rates.
Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive.
The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health's positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report. The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA told FOX 35 News on Tuesday that this does not reflect their numbers and that the positivity rate for the center is actually 6 percent.
I saw you said you worked for Sony any connections with them still? My friend works for them here in socal. She's working from home. Obviously Sony is insanely huge and I don't know details but yea.Thanks everyone. I'm doing everything I can right now. Probably applied to 50 places in the last 24 hours.
Also talked to my old cyber security professor and he's writing up a letter of recommendation to help.
I saw you said you worked for Sony any connections with them still? My friend works for them here in socal. She's working from home. Obviously Sony is insanely huge and I don't know details but yea.
I think he's gonna need more than $50...We could always swipe your neighbors cars and scrap them for cash.
Jesus...Unfortunately, of the known coronaviruses that spread through the population, antibodies last for none - and that seems to be the case for Covid-19 as well.
The article below sums this up.
We’re wasting time talking about herd immunity | CNN
William Haseltine writes that we should not waste time trying to build herd immunity against Covid-19, because it’s unlikely we will ever be able to achieve it. New research on the development and decline of Covid antibodies and a wealth of epidemiological evidence on coronaviruses as a
In particular, this is what has worried me:
“While SARS and MERS are the coronaviruses that grab the headlines, there are four other mostly unknown coronaviruses that are much more common: 229E, HKU1, NL63 and OC43. What we know from 60 years of research into these viruses is that they come back year after year and reinfect the same people -- over and over again.”
It’s beginning to look like this virus is going to be with us for a very long time.
Read about B cells. The immune system isn't just antibodies. The body creates B cells, which last for years, during infection. B cells create antibodies. Now, if you become reinfected with the same virus, it is possible the antibodies will no longer be present, however, your body will recognize the virus and be able to respond more quickly due the presence of these B cells. So while you may become reinfected, the illness is likely to be less severe the second time. If you are seriously concerned, read up on the immune system. But don't fall into the trap of scare tactic BS headlines.Jesus...