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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Joe T.


This is probably going to be one of the more underrated posts of the thread. Everyone needs to watch it. Skip to the 6 and 8 min timestamps if you want to get to the meat of it.

Hard evidence of the WHO using Hollywood public relations firm Hill & Knowlton to sell this virus to the masses, the same PR firm that used a fake story in 1990 parroted by the US president to sell the country on the 'Gulf War' (false Nayirah testimony via Wiki).


Edit: spelling.
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Yes, in jurisdictions where mandatory rules re: social distancing, lockdowns, and masking are not in play, health officials are relying on social media to convince people to stop being idiots. There's nothing controversial about this.
So I learned that a friend of mine tested positive for Covid. I hung out with him last weekend and his brother for 2 hours at his house. Later last week he tells me he felt really sick (a few days after my visit) and now he is positive (just learned today). Im getting my test done tomorrow, I really hope I don't have it. His brother that lives with him is also feeling ill now. I am fine so far so I think I will come back negative. Just hoping for it now. The only good news is that he is feeling better now.

Joe T.

There is no noose. Jesus Christ.



I was going down ABC's updates:
  • 3:05 p.m.: Ohio makes masks mandatory, issues travel advisory
  • 2:50 p.m.: CDC changes guidance on isolating adults with COVID-19
Most people with COVID-19 can stop isolating 10 days after symptoms began, the CDC said. Symptoms must be improved and a fever must be resolved for at least 24 hours without using fever-reducing medicines, the CDC said.
  • 2 p.m.: Arizona educators, grocery store workers can get free antibody testing
Will those be added to current positive cases, too?
  • 1:25 p.m.: WHO warns vaccines are never '100% effective'
"Vaccines are never 100% effective," World Health Organization (WHO) emergencies chief Dr. Mike Ryan said on Wednesday. "So the idea that we're going to have a (COVID-19) vaccine in 2-3 months, and then all of a sudden this virus is going to go away ... I would love to be here saying that to you, but that's just not realistic," he said.
Ryan added, "There is so much we can do now, and it will be so much easier to get rid of this virus using a vaccine if we've already suppressed it," he said, citing wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing. "Work as hard as we can now, and work as hard as we can on the vaccine, and put the two together."
"It's easier to beat your opponent, when you have exhausted your opponent," Ryan said. "Work as hard as we can now, and work as hard as we can on the vaccine, and put the two together."

That's the one line that jumped out at me. I read it as 'It's easier to beat the public into submission after you've exhausted them with propaganda and disinformation.' A virus doesn't get exhausted, the first known coronavirus from the 60's is still circulating today.


The whole freaking out about masks seems more and more silly and about lashing out bc nothing is changing more than anything. Every time I go out at least 80% of people are wearing masks. This includes when I go up to the rural parts of Georgia. People are taking it seriously. If the scientists hurried the fuck up with the treatment then we could all get along. Until then I will just see the media and their psychopath allies screaming about masks more and more.


Gold Member

If masks work why is there a curfew being implemented?

The noose tightens.

No, see, you are supposed to believe if we just wear a mask and do what they say, they will give us our lives back.

What people do not seem to understand is that the new default state of our society is lockdown, and whatever these governors decide to reopen, should be thought of as a revocable gift. In this case, Mommy Brown is not happy with what the people of Oregon have been doing so she's taking away their late night beers.

The whole freaking out about masks seems more and more silly and about lashing out bc nothing is changing more than anything. Every time I go out at least 80% of people are wearing masks. This includes when I go up to the rural parts of Georgia. People are taking it seriously. If the scientists hurried the fuck up with the treatment then we could all get along. Until then I will just see the media and their psychopath allies screaming about masks more and more.

The media has decided to turn people who refuse masks into the enemy, just as they did lockdown protesters in April. It's the exact same shit. I've said it a million times, New York has been basically 100% on masks for months and it's just as fucked up and shut down as anywhere else, moreso even. The governor is still arbitrarily keeping shit locked up based on his whims. They're just evil power mad liars.
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For some reason, #gloryholes is trending on Twitter in Canada


The centre recommended choosing sexual positions that limits face-to-face contact. It said condoms, lubricant and dental dams should be used to reduce contact with saliva, semen and feces during sex. (The virus has been found in semen and feces, but it is not yet clear if the coronavirus can be sexually transmitted.)

"Use barriers, like walls (e.g., glory holes), that allow for sexual contact but prevent close face-to-face contact," the guidelines state.

fuck this gay earth

Joe T.

Further proof that everyone needs to be far more skeptical of the news and social media posts covering the virus as China has its tentacles everywhere:

“Populist leaders like U.S. President Donald Trump are good at whipping up populist sentiment. They look strong. They promise they can “get things done.” They are “experts” at manipulating people’s feelings. But here’s the twist: They are incompetent at solving real threats and problems,” the video added.

The video answers its own question, whether or not coronavirus “can beat populism,” with a resounding yes, and revels in the conclusion.

The video from the Chinese state-owned channel:

For anyone doubting China's reach in media this is a worthwhile read:

Such blatant exhibitions of power indicate the new mood of assertiveness. In information warfare – as in so much else – Deng Xiaoping’s famous maxim of “hide your strength and bide your time” is over. As the world’s second-largest economy, China has decided it needs discourse power commensurate with its new global stature. Last week, a group of the US’s most distinguished China experts released a startling report expressing concern over China’s more aggressive projections of power. Many of the experts have spent decades promoting engagement with China, yet they conclude: “The ambition of Chinese activity in terms of the breadth, depth of investment of financial resources, and intensity requires far greater scrutiny than it has been getting.”

As Beijing and its proxies extend their reach, they are harnessing market forces to silence the competition. Discourse power is, it seems, a zero-sum game for China, and voices that are critical of Beijing are co-opted or silenced, left without a platform or drowned out in the sea of positive messaging created by Beijing’s own “borrowed” and “bought” boats. As the west’s media giants flounder, China’s own media imperialism is on the rise, and the ultimate battle may not be for the means of news production, but for journalism itself.


Darkness no more
Trump doing briefings again.

Yesterday was stupid with someone asking him if he'd take responsibility for every death.

Today is sure to be fun.

I think the shorter format is a lot better. Give a quick summary and take a small amount of questions. This is a lot better then his 2+ hour sessions where reporters can ask as many questions as they want and start to become unhinged.
It's killed over 600k people now worldwide in less than seven months. We really need a vaccine.
Oh I bet it’s killed way more. Like way way more. You think India is able to catalog the deaths from this with any specificity? I doubt it. You cannot run contact tracing on 1 and a half billion people without absolutely draconian measures. And it’s going to burn through the third world in ways most people can’t really understand. But that’s the nature of life in those places. People die from malaria and other diseases all the time in most of the world. This will just be another to add to the list.

600,000 in 7 months sucks, but it’s kind of a drop in the proverbial bucket. In terms of world population. The first world is figuring out how to manage. I know people talk about a second wave, but nothing really changed with the virus. The same mitigation we are doing now will work then. And people worry about the flu, but the same mitigation for this will also keep flu cases way way down.
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Mike Rowe crushing

Unfortunately, many others have not. Every day, millions of people watch the same breathless coverage by the same breathless journalists, who seem determined to do all they can to foster uncertainty. And so, millions of people are still paralyzed by fear, because they haven’t been given a chance to digest the truth, (or, what I believe to be the truth.) Fact is, we can accept almost anything if we’re given the facts, and enough time to get our heads around them. But if we don’t have an understanding of what’s really happening, we simply can’t get past denial and bargaining, where so many seem to be stuck, understandably so.

Imagine for a moment you had no idea how many people would die in car accidents this year. Now, imagine that every single accident – over six million a year in the US alone – were reported on the same way that every new COVID case is reported today. Imagine every day you were told in hysterical tones, that another 16,000 accidents had occurred, resulting in another 90 deaths per day. What would that do to your willingness to drive? Six million accidents is a lot of accidents, and 40,000 annual fatalities is a lot of death – especially if you don’t know how high that number could get. But we DO know the dangers of driving, and we’ve accepted those numbers. Consequently, we’re able to make a grown-up decision about whether or not we want to assume the associated risk of operating a motor vehicle.

Joe T.

Mike Rowe crushing

"In his book “Deadliest Enemies,” he described the utterly irresponsible way in which the media would report on the situation, the completely opportunistic and shamelessly political way our leaders would likely react, and the unprecedented chaos and confusion that would arise from all the mixed messages from the medical community."

I haven't paid much attention to Osterholm when I've seen him appear on various shows and now I regret it because that prediction was incredibly accurate. Also loved Mike Rowe's explanation, though he's been firmly grounded for a very long time so it's not surprising at all to see the way he's treating this virus.


In the Florida Panhandle, you have old people who don't give a fuck, middle age, young, and plenty of families visiting from other states who need a vacation.

A lot of people don't give a shit. This is reality.
Oh I wear masks. Legit hospital grade level 3s. Don’t worry you’re safe. But let me get this straight. You agree with Fauci that masks are the key to slowing the spread? He says so in the same interview where he admitted to lying about that to the public.

Let's say you go to the doctor each year for a checkup.

2016: "You're fine"
2017: "You're fine"
2018: "You got a serious disease and you should follow treatment X"

Will you now call your doctor a liar for saying something different from the year before ? Maybe you were sick all along and he was hiding it to make sure you would need a treatment he makes more money on. Or he's lying now and you are not sick at all.


So Government says confirmed Covid deaths in my country are around 5,300, right? South Africa, doing great!

...so the medical council launches an independent study and finds 11,000 excess deaths ages 60 and older above the predicted statistical boundary in the last 2 months.

"Natural causes"

haha no. Puts us 9th in the world for deaths.


No, see, you are supposed to believe if we just wear a mask and do what they say, they will give us our lives back.

What people do not seem to understand is that the new default state of our society is lockdown, and whatever these governors decide to reopen, should be thought of as a revocable gift. In this case, Mommy Brown is not happy with what the people of Oregon have been doing so she's taking away their late night beers.

German here. We had strict regional lockdowns for about two to three months. We already had a mask requirement for months for all things where a distance of 1.5 meters could not be kept.

Where do we stand today?

Almost everything is open again. Vacation is possible again. The beaches, cafes, restaurants are full. I was already on holiday for two weeks. It was great. Even a mask while shopping or taking a shit in a restaurant won't change that. I am still as free as I was one, five or fifteen years ago. Our infection rates? Stable at a low level for many weeks with an R0 average of less than 1.

The measures are working. Just use your common sense.


German here. We had strict regional lockdowns for about two to three months. We already had a mask requirement for months for all things where a distance of 1.5 meters could not be kept.

Where do we stand today?

Almost everything is open again. Vacation is possible again. The beaches, cafes, restaurants are full. I was already on holiday for two weeks. It was great. Even a mask while shopping or taking a shit in a restaurant won't change that. I am still as free as I was one, five or fifteen years ago. Our infection rates? Stable at a low level for many weeks with an R0 average of less than 1.

The measures are working. Just use your common sense.
Takes a while for the US to accept it all it seems , meanwhile the virus roams and wreaking havoc.

Here in The Netherlands it’s the same , we enjoy our earned freedoms.


Thread was good when statistics and information was posted daily. Really enjoyed it.

You know who you are creating garbage in here. Go create a new thread, lemme guess not a lot of people gave a shit. Hence, you’re back here with your nonsense.

What an odd choice of words.
Let's say you go to the doctor each year for a checkup.

2016: "You're fine"
2017: "You're fine"
2018: "You got a serious disease and you should follow treatment X"

Will you now call your doctor a liar for saying something different from the year before ? Maybe you were sick all along and he was hiding it to make sure you would need a treatment he makes more money on. Or he's lying now and you are not sick at all.
If my doctor admits in that same visit he lied to me about what I should do in order to make sure his cousin had enough treatment first, I’d find a new doctor and sue that asshole. Are you serious?


Takes a while for the US to accept it all it seems , meanwhile the virus roams and wreaking havoc.

Here in The Netherlands it’s the same , we enjoy our earned freedoms.
US has politicized the virus and now it has become a matter of beliefs as can be seen in this thread with all the loonies and conspiracy theorists. If they had applied common sense and listened to the scientists like we did in most of Europe they could have already overcome this. But since US is divided instead of united against the virus, the worst is yet to come...
US has politicized the virus and now it has become a matter of beliefs as can be seen in this thread with all the loonies and conspiracy theorists. If they had applied common sense and listened to the scientists like we did in most of Europe they could have already overcome this. But since US is divided instead of united against the virus, the worst is yet to come...
the US was doing really well until half the country decided it was cool, as we started to reopen, for millions of people to crowd the streets in cities all over the country and start screaming and yelling while packed together. Anyone who doesn’t think the current spike was caused mostly by those protests/riots is a fool. Not to mention to damage it did to the overall unity people felt towards following the rules.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Mike Rowe crushing

That's actually one of the dumbest things probably spoken or written by a human being (referring to Rowe's original comment). As literally hundreds of thousands of people die.

A pandemic is a pandemic. This one is caused by a virus. An uncaring, unfeeling collection of proteins that floats through the air. It can't be compared to some complex action like driving a car in an aged society with roads. Seriously this is one of the stupidest things anyone has ever said in the history of the earth.
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Gold Member
the US was doing really well until half the country decided it was cool, as we started to reopen, for millions of people to crowd the streets in cities all over the country and start screaming and yelling while packed together. Anyone who doesn’t think the current spike was caused mostly by those protests/riots is a fool. Not to mention to damage it did to the overall unity people felt towards following the rules.

Media managed to turn a few boomers at the grocery into the cause of all this while hundreds of thousands of people yelled and chanted and marched and rioted outside for weeks. The fact that states were reopening for six weeks before cases started going up was irrelevant, and the fact that cases started going up within two weeks of the protest, clustered in cities with lots of protests (Houston, etc), and in the same demographic as protestors, wasn’t mentioned. Unbelievable.

Takes a while for the US to accept it all it seems , meanwhile the virus roams and wreaking havoc.

Here in The Netherlands it’s the same , we enjoy our earned freedoms.

That word again, it does not mean what you think it means. Either you have freedom or you don't. A government official cannot grant you a freedom. It means that government official is your mommy and decides to let you out to play once in a while.

Besides, the Netherlands case count isn't looking too hot recently. Even though you all do whatever mommy says, it's still going up. It's almost like.... COVID is a virus that spreads no matter what.

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