Clever attempt to flip the meaning of fear porn and how soft people have become to your favor. Good luck with that.
Don't want to look soft? Go about your daily life ignoring the doomsayers, enjoy it.
Asian countries have been wearing masks for a long time now and there are scientific studies in addition to hard data that shows they do not mitigate the spread of communicable diseases like the flu in public spaces by any noticeable degree. Want to respect the science? Show me, use the data to win me over because the power-hungry politicians and public health officials I'm supposed to be listening to haven't.
While I'm in no way advocating anyone do the same, I'm in my 40s with type 1 diabetes and went out of my way to get infected with this virus when a family member told me they came down with what looked like a bad cold in the dog days of summer. After seeing how quickly my body fought it off I can tell you that I have more to worry about every time I order from a fast food restaurant, buy vegetables from the grocery story or cross the street than I do this virus.
Unshackle yourself from the fear and live a healthier life.
Terrible post. I'm not scared, like at all lol. But nice try.