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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Lock downs don’t help ! Haven’t you heard here from the experts .
Yeah. All you have to do is arrest mothers in their homes for posting on social media. But fuck civil rights and human freedom. There’s a virus killing old people. I’m sure this will be the last lockdown though.... I mean they’re an island, so all they have to do is never let anyone else on their island forever.
Lock downs don’t help ! Haven’t you heard here from the experts .

Well, other states in Australia did not have a lockdown and successfully avoided the worst of the pandemic. The overwhelming majority of deaths and cases were in Victoria. Of the 907 Australian covid deaths, 817 were in Victoria.

We shouldn't really be used as a benchmark.

You would think sinnergy would read the post that follows his and actually think for once in his life, but no. Thinking doesn't fit the narrative. What does fit the narrative? Why of course those 817 deaths would have been like 8.17 million deaths if they didn't lockdown. Lockdowns clearly work!
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Astral Dog

Its getting worse over here on mexico :'( one cousin died last week,other is very sick, some acquaintances/family got it and are now resting and one seemingly healthy of our employees got covid and died in a days my brother recovered but this sucks.

What is incredible is how fast it happens from no symptoms, we just entered on second lockdown
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We ain't going back to normal, are we?

Not if you live in the EU or US.
I'm 99% certain Covid19 is seasonal at this point. So instead of one person infecting one other person on average per day. It's closer to 1 person infecting 1.05->1.10 a day.

And this starts at Autumn. Only thing that counters it would be herd immunity to keep it at 1:1, otherwise:

You can expect New York to hit 7k cases by December per day.
Hopefully people will wake up soon and see this pattern, because not only does it mean not locking down during Spring/Summer, it would also mean one could scale Field Hospitals ahead of time.

Joe T.

We ain't going back to normal, are we?

Only if we want it. If you do you'll have to start fighting for it, sitting idly by keeps us trapped on this path. The truth is a stubborn thing, use the facts to show people these measures aren't working to mitigate/contain anything. There are a lot of people to wake up and social media is doing all it can to slow that process down.

The fearmongering troll laughing about new "records" does so because people aren't taking the time to educate themselves. The vast majority of the corporate news, Hollywood celebs and social media "influencers" are not on our side, so simply informing the public with the relevant facts has become a challenge. "Record cases" are meaningless without proper context, anyone reporting that sensationalist garbage is aiming to deceive you so they can ramp up the fear. Fear keeps people in control.

Doctors in Italy were reporting up to 30% of hospitalizations as being needless, only there because they were afraid. That fear undoubtedly led many people to get needlessly tested because the list of symptoms was long and they're all very common. Those tests are used to paint a very deceiving picture.

Swedes are living a rather chill life, we can learn a thing or two from them.


Gold Member
Now that the media and government engineered the result it wanted, I wonder if they are going to continue with this ridiculous hoax or let us get back to our normal lives. Of course, the plan to destroy the middle class and turn us all into mindless insect eating pod people on UBI is far bigger than Trump.


Now that the media and government engineered the result it wanted, I wonder if they are going to continue with this ridiculous hoax or let us get back to our normal lives. Of course, the plan to destroy the middle class and turn us all into mindless insect eating pod people on UBI is far bigger than Trump.
Biden has to conquer it first.


Now that the media and government engineered the result it wanted, I wonder if they are going to continue with this ridiculous hoax or let us get back to our normal lives. Of course, the plan to destroy the middle class and turn us all into mindless insect eating pod people on UBI is far bigger than Trump.

Yeah, people who think COVID will magically disappear under Biden aren't living in reality. No way governments give up this level of control and power. They will keep the lockdowns at a level that are mostly manageable and "livable" but still hugely detrimental to small businesses and the middle class. Walmart and Amazon haven't quite crushed all of their mom and pop competition just yet, but COVID will accelerate the process by a good 15-20 years.


Gold Member
Biden has to conquer it first.

There’s nothing to conquer though. This ridiculous hoax can stop today if the powers that be wanted it to.

Yeah, people who think COVID will magically disappear under Biden aren't living in reality. No way governments give up this level of control and power. They will keep the lockdowns at a level that are mostly manageable and "livable" but still hugely detrimental to small businesses and the middle class. Walmart and Amazon haven't quite crushed all of their mom and pop competition just yet, but COVID will accelerate the process by a good 15-20 years.

Right, there is COVID the disease and COVID the hoax. The disease is not going to go away, probably ever, but it can be lived with because ultimately it’s not that big deal. The hoax - the lockdowns, the endless fear and paranoia, the gaudy case count proclamations, the mask tyranny, the autocratic control over our day to day lives - should never have started but can be ended at any time. If the media stopped reporting on it, stopped calling out old boomers for not wearing masks, stopped putting that fucking goblin Fauci on TV every 10 minutes, people will go back to normal in a week or two because out of sight out of mind.

But yes the hoax was not just about getting rid of Trump but is far bigger than that, which is why if anything Senile Joe is going to double down on it. It’s proven to be very useful to a lot of very evil people.
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Right, there is COVID the disease and COVID the hoax. The disease is not going to go away, probably ever, but it can be lived with because ultimately it’s not that big deal. The hoax - the lockdowns, the endless fear and paranoia, the gaudy case count proclamations, the mask tyranny, the autocratic control over our day to day lives - should never have started but can be ended at any time. If the media stopped reporting on it, stopped calling out old boomers for not wearing masks, stopped putting that fucking goblin Fauci on TV every 10 minutes, people will go back to normal in a week or two because out of sight out of mind.

But yes the hoax was not just about getting rid of Trump but is far bigger than that, which is why if anything Senile Joe is going to double down on it. It’s proven to be very useful to a lot of very evil people.

The scariest part to me is that another pandemic or just "new information" about COVID can be released at any time with new lockdown measures introduced and at least 50% of the population will be lock step in agreement with it. Virtue signaling via mask wearing and social distancing has been the greatest boon in many people's lives in recent memory. Suddenly their days have been imbued with meaning because they get to shame others on social media with impunity.

What kills me are the hipsters on city subreddits who cried for years over the loss of locally owned businesses, but now cheer it on when some neckbeard takes a pic/video of customers/employees not properly socially distancing.
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Gold Member
The scariest part to me is that another pandemic or just "new information" about COVID can be released at any time with new lockdown measures introduced and at least 50% of the population will be lock step in agreement with it. Virtue signaling via mask wearing and social distancing has been the greatest boon in many people's lives in recent memory. Suddenly their days have been imbued with meaning because they get to shame others on social media with impunity.

That does scare me too. It is like they found this new amazing new tool in their kit. Remember they have psychologically damaged billions of people. There will be kids who will be permanently scarred from this their whole lives. I have a theory that the millennial love of big government and the desire to “be safe” stems from post-9/11 fearmongering and paranoia that they lived through as children. I think you can draw a straight line from that to this mass acceptance of government tyranny throughout this hoax, especially by younger people.

I just want to be left alone. I am sick of these people, who are ALL DEMOCRATS, butting in and micromanaging every aspect of my life, and being constantly reminded that they have imposed this nonsense on me. It‘s not ”pandemic fatigue”, which is what fuckface Fauci always talks about, it really is tyranny fatigue. I just want this to end, and I honestly think that the media and Democrats put out that message, subtly, throughout the campaign, basically saying, give us what we want and this will be over. Now do I think they will do that, not really, but that’s where I am at.
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Not if you live in the EU or US.
I'm 99% certain Covid19 is seasonal at this point. So instead of one person infecting one other person on average per day. It's closer to 1 person infecting 1.05->1.10 a day.

And this starts at Autumn. Only thing that counters it would be herd immunity to keep it at 1:1, otherwise:

You can expect New York to hit 7k cases by December per day.
Hopefully people will wake up soon and see this pattern, because not only does it mean not locking down during Spring/Summer, it would also mean one could scale Field Hospitals ahead of time.

Yup looks like the North East that everyone was going gaga over is now getting hit with its "2nd wave". The great job that Cuomo did and wrote a book about looks like its going to be another failure.

And yes if you go and look at most charts you will see it dying down in summer and starting back up again. A few places like Brazil and the sun belt got hit later but most of the northern hemisphere followed the flu season and got hit in winter, went down in summer, and starting back up again in autumn.

Oh well were I am we are day 38 into our 28 day lock down and we have more cases today than when the lockdown started. We have been wearing masks since July 18th.

But just keep doing the same thing over and over again it will work this time we promise. We will be in lockdown until May and then just like this year the cases will disappear and everyone will be saying see it was the 8 month lockdown that did it and the 10 months of mask wearing.


That does scare me too. It is like they found this new amazing new tool in their kit. Remember they have psychologically damaged billions of people. There will be kids who will be permanently scarred from this their whole lives. I have a theory that the millennial love of big government and the desire to “be safe” stems from post-9/11 fearmongering and paranoia that they lived through as children. I think you can draw a straight line from that to this mass acceptance of government tyranny throughout this hoax, especially by younger people.

I just want to be left alone. I am sick of these people, who are ALL DEMOCRATS, butting in and micromanaging every aspect of my life, and being constantly reminded that they have imposed this nonsense on me. It‘s not ”pandemic fatigue”, which is what fuckface Fauci always talks about, it really is tyranny fatigue. I just want this to end, and I honestly think that the media and Democrats put out that message, subtly, throughout the campaign, basically saying, give us what we want and this will be over. Now do I think they will do that, not really, but that’s where I am at.

Its unfortunate its never going to end and with Trump gone there is no one to stand up to the globalist. Project 2030 and all that Jazz is now going to be set.

We will be living our lives in constant lock downs and masks for the foreseeable future. They will tell us the vaccine is only 50% effective (if they ever release one) so we still have to stay lockdown and wear masks.

The worst part is now world leaders see how docile populations become and how quickly they fall in line. So expect COVID 20, COVID 21, COVID 22 etc.... Maybe they call it something else, but now they know all they have to do is show some videos on social media, censor all dissenting voices, and even if there is a .01% of people dying the majority of the population will just take it and those that don't will be shunned and called crazy.

And don't forget the economic angle going on here. Someone has to use all these tests that have been produced. Someone has to buy all these masks being made. Business invested in all kinds of contacless stuff, delivery, WFH etc... There is more money in keeping this going then letting people return to normal.

I mean where I work we probably could have had people return to site, or at least half the staff, but they are sending more people home and no one is even contemplating us returning to our office. Ironic since there is a new product starting up and those people will have to work at the office, but OTOH the other workers are being sent home. How does this make sense that one group can work in an office but another group cant? SCIENCE!


Welp, 2/4 people in my house have 'Rona. I get a 2 week 100% paid leave as a result. 1 person is showing no symptoms and the other is. It's weird how differently the virus affects people.

It sucks having to wear masks around your own house.
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Getting a little concerning with numbers way up in my area compared to when it started and it feels like most people don't care that much anymore.

Joe T.

Getting a little concerning with numbers way up in my area compared to when it started and it feels like most people don't care that much anymore.

There is a lot of statistical fraud associated with pandemic coverage that's making people anxious. It's important that you're getting at least two opposing points of view on the story before forming an opinion because all mainstream media outlets I've taken a look at around the world have done a great disservice to the public. The amount of fear I still see in the public today is unsubstantiated.

Ivor Cummins spends a good bit of time dealing with this on his Youtube channel to put the pandemic in proper context, mostly dealing with European countries but much of what he covers can be applied to other regions of the world.


Well, other states in Australia did not have a lockdown and successfully avoided the worst of the pandemic. The overwhelming majority of deaths and cases were in Victoria. Of the 907 Australian covid deaths, 817 were in Victoria.

We shouldn't really be used as a benchmark.

Question for you if you know. Was Australia exposed to MERS and / or SARS in years past?


I don't care if the virus mutated unless it mutated to become significantly more deadly.

Otherwise it doesn't matter at all. This is just more fear porn for people like sinnergy to slurp up.
Except I am living my life , while you guys post conspiracy BS almost 24/7. And I bet not following the rules , because they are BS, in the end you will see my view on this where not that weird .

lock down full , get it under control , so it can’t spread and mutate and become resistant for a vaccine. But emotionally and on a acceptance path you guys are not there yet. The world has changed , better accept it .

Joe T.


This Milhouse account below's been doing solid work compiling the official data for Canada, mostly Quebec and Ontario, for anyone interested in detaching themselves from the mainstream news that's poisoning everyone's mind.

Masks aren't slowing the spread. Distancing isn't slowing the spread. Lock downs aren't slowing the spread. Any government official telling you that abiding by their orders will bring down the numbers is straight up lying to you.

Ireland implemented lock down measures on October 22nd, a few days after their numbers had already started declining, and will surely credit the lockdown for that. Quebec's leaders have been crediting their "28 days to slow the spread" lock down for the stabilization of our numbers which have much more to do with the testing numbers which came down a good bit from the 36,000 high in late September - conveniently right as they proposed the "need" for a new lock down. This kind of deception is happening almost everywhere.

If the mainstream news and big tech had the public interest in mind we'd all have broken away from the stupidity of these "mitigation" measures long ago because the data is clearly not on the side of public health officials.


28 days to slow the spread, and 38 days later we have more cases then when this slowing down started. Don't forget masks, July 18th. 158 cases, today 1397. But masks and lockdowns work.

And I did a deep dive a couple of pages ago and in Canada fewer people under 60 have died from COVID than the flu in 2018. The only people getting beaten up by this are the 70+.

but gotta ruin everyones lives instead of just locking down the elderly and letting everyone manage their risk themselves.


28 days to slow the spread, and 38 days later we have more cases then when this slowing down started. Don't forget masks, July 18th. 158 cases, today 1397. But masks and lockdowns work.

And I did a deep dive a couple of pages ago and in Canada fewer people under 60 have died from COVID than the flu in 2018. The only people getting beaten up by this are the 70+.

but gotta ruin everyones lives instead of just locking down the elderly and letting everyone manage their risk themselves.

How else are we going to accelerate Bezos's ascension to trillionaire?


Gold Member
I was in midtown Manhattan last week, it was utter carnage, I am talking more than 50%+ of the small businesses that used to be up and running are closed for good, and the number is trending up. Of course all of those businesses closing meant 10-30 people out of work, and a person or people in charge who lost a ton of money if not their life savings. When I was last there months ago it was not nearly that bad.

And we have a hardcore leftist mayor who literally said midtown Manhattan isn't important. It's a good reminder that these people hate success, hate hard work, and hate self-reliance and independence, and if you live by these virtues, they hate you too. They want impoverished, miserable, masses dependent on them.

28 days to slow the spread, and 38 days later we have more cases then when this slowing down started. Don't forget masks, July 18th. 158 cases, today 1397. But masks and lockdowns work.

And I did a deep dive a couple of pages ago and in Canada fewer people under 60 have died from COVID than the flu in 2018. The only people getting beaten up by this are the 70+.

but gotta ruin everyones lives instead of just locking down the elderly and letting everyone manage their risk themselves.

There are still like five small businesses hanging on, we cannot let that continue. See above.
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It is so odd to me how many people who think "We are doomed!" seem positively gleeful at the thought that COVID numbers go up.

Who would possibly be legit happy about more deaths and more cases in the hopes of more lockdowns? Just how sadistic and twisted do you have to be?

Because it owns the conservatives and helps usher in more of a big government stranglehold over our lives
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