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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Um. What now? Read what you said again. Isn’t that what this is all about? Controlling the spread of a virus, right?

Glad to see you are coming around to reality.
How fast it spreads .. all depends on control 🤣 that’s what we are doing ..

Or do you think that if you lock down it spreads as fast as without a lock down 🤡


Its funny to see some users here keep downplaying covid 19 despite the bodybags keep pilling up

Let me tell you something

Theyre actually afraid of it but in denial

To overcome fear is part of human nature

Some people can acept that and some others cant
You are the one who is afaid. Perhaps you sense something is off about the global response to this and you choose to go with the official MSM narrative probably because the other possibilities are too terrifying for you to consider.
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Sorry for my english:
In France, government made a law which would allow him to forbid people who have not been tested or didn't take the vaccine, to go in some places or to do some activites (there is no more precision yet).


Its funny to see some users here keep downplaying covid 19 despite the bodybags keep pilling up

Let me tell you something

Theyre actually afraid of it but in denial

To overcome fear is part of human nature

Some people can acept that and some others cant
What I find significantly more funny is watching you piss yourself on a daily basis. I work around covid full time, and somehow I’m far less scared of it than you. Probably because I know more about it than you do. The unknown is always more frightening.
These claims from a handful of deranged lunatics that the people that aren't afraid of COVID are somehow some way the ACTUAL people who are afraid of COVID.... What?
You’re just wrong about schools. Cherry picking a study or two, then touting seasonal behavior isn’t a strong correlation....

I was talking about the studies done by Princeton, in Israel, the US, South Korea, Germany, India etc. Then yes when we see the explosion since September, imo, we should keep an open mind about it.

Also, even if children really do contaminate less, there are still millions of them mixed together daily... Do the maths.
You're cherry picking. The vast majority of real world indication is that schools are not a hotbed for spread. Hell even my extremely liberal suburb full of academia eggheads has kept schools open, this despite two card carrying epidemiologists sitting on the school board who came in how and heavy with COVID fearmongering through spring/summer. Case numbers are 3-4x as high as what they had originally said would mean school closure and remote learning, but it is obvious the schools are not the main driver, let alone a significant driver at all, of the spread of this. So schools have stayed open despite teachers basically threatening to stage a mutiny in August they were so afraid of COVID.
You are the one who is afaid. Perhaps you sense something is off about the global response to this and you choose to go with the official MSM narrative probably because the other possibilities are too terrifying for you to consider.
This is far more likely than the ridiculous idea of people like us being the "true" COVID scaredy cats.


These claims from a handful of deranged lunatics that the people that aren't afraid of COVID are somehow some way the ACTUAL people who are afraid of COVID.... What?

You're cherry picking. The vast majority of real world indication is that schools are not a hotbed for spread. Hell even my extremely liberal suburb full of academia eggheads has kept schools open, this despite two card carrying epidemiologists sitting on the school board who came in how and heavy with COVID fearmongering through spring/summer. Case numbers are 3-4x as high as what they had originally said would mean school closure and remote learning, but it is obvious the schools are not the main driver, let alone a significant driver at all, of the spread of this. So schools have stayed open despite teachers basically threatening to stage a mutiny in August they were so afraid of COVID.

This is far more likely than the ridiculous idea of people like us being the "true" COVID scaredy cats.

It’s cherry-picking when you or others brandish studies that favors your arguments also. What is good for one is good for all.

Whether kids contaminate less than adults or not, the sheer numbers and household linkage will drive the spread. This is common sense.

Unless of course people are trying to claim that kids don’t contaminate at all. Which is bullshit and has already been proven as such. Schools will stay open no matter what for the economy. That is it.
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It’s cherry-picking when you or others brandish studies that favors your arguments also. What is good for one is good for all.

Whether kids contaminate less than adults or not, the sheer numbers and household linkage will drive the spread. This is common sense.

Unless of course people are trying to claim that kids don’t contaminate at all. Which is bullshit and has already been proven as such. Schools will stay open no matter what for the economy. That is it.
School will stay open because the risk of transmission there is much lower than almost any other functioning aspect of society due to the lower risk children present both for infection and transmission. I hope no one thinks kids simply cannot get or give covid. That would be a false assumption. But their risk of getting the disease, giving it to others, or becoming very sick is very low compared to almost any other part of society.

For this reason, combined with the clear benefit school presents to the kids themselves, there is no reason to close school, especially for younger children. This is a very mild risk compared to the obvious benefits.


Gold Member

the fact that age skew is “under appreciated” during all this, when it is literally the one bit of solid info we have, is mind blowing. talk about a complete failure of public health policy. Vaccinating the elderly ASAP is the only policy that makes sense, everything else is a sign of how unserious these people are at best and at worst a sign of the extent to which they are going to use this as a way to push their desired social outcomes (dead white people primarily).

Joe T.

It’s cherry-picking when you or others brandish studies that favors your arguments also. What is good for one is good for all.

Whether kids contaminate less than adults or not, the sheer numbers and household linkage will drive the spread. This is common sense.

Unless of course people are trying to claim that kids don’t contaminate at all. Which is bullshit and has already been proven as such. Schools will stay open no matter what for the economy. That is it.

There's no need to cherry-pick, accept all of them. Numbers, stories and studies are weaponized all the time, but when context is added the people weaponizing them get upset. What is that all about?

This pandemic is a tool, a weapon, one that loses its efficacy as soon as you understand much of what we've been told - from the case numbers to its severity and the symptoms themselves ("covid toes") - is sensationalized to hell and back, corrections to those stories never given the same attention.

This pandemic has been covered with a heavy dose of propaganda. Wuhan residents collapsing in the street, asymptomatic spread, the divisive distraction over mask efficacy and protests (BLM good, anti-lock down bad), Sweden's lax approach labeled a "cautionary tale" when they were performing well, the fake stories about hospitals and long testing lines, the science fiction writer and "adult content model" behind the Surgisphere report The Lancet saw fit to print and went on to cancel/postpone clinical trials, etc, etc.

If this virus was truly a serious threat the media and our experts wouldn't have needed to cook up so much of that garbage because the evidence before our eyes would have sealed the deal.

The PCR tests are more than enough to bring this house of cards crashing down. Thousands of cases vs dozens of cases, which one scares the public more? So we know why the mainstream won't touch this subject, the entire narrative and government response depends on case numbers being high. What happens if billions of people all get exposed to the truth about those test results at the same time, a sizable chunk of them having been hit hard by this year's measures?

That's a question none of the corporate media outlets, governments or "experts" we've relied on to guide us through this mess want answered, so they desperately try to spin the truth or keep it hidden in the dark. Try looking up all the major media outlets that covered the World Health Organization's recent statement about cycle thresholds and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.



School will stay open because the risk of transmission there is much lower than almost any other functioning aspect of society due to the lower risk children present both for infection and transmission. I hope no one thinks kids simply cannot get or give covid. That would be a false assumption. But their risk of getting the disease, giving it to others, or becoming very sick is very low compared to almost any other part of society.

For this reason, combined with the clear benefit school presents to the kids themselves, there is no reason to close school, especially for younger children. This is a very mild risk compared to the obvious benefits.
Due to the fact that thankfully most kids are asymptomatic, the age group 0 yrs - 9 yrs is by far the least tested age group. In France where I am, they simply refuse to test them. Other EU countries are the same. Without full testing, even for asymptomatic cases, nobody can say with any certainty that they stand less chance of getting infected there and then bringing it home.

I would rather have the government say that COVID affects kids like chickenpox, and is a lot less serious for them than it is for adults, instead of playing down the chances of getting it at school. Again in France where I am, according to the government, kids can't get it at school, yet grandparents shouldn't pick their kids up from school. Also, families with kids in school should consider staggering their dinner times at home so as not to eat together, and also wer masks at home...


There's no need to cherry-pick, accept all of them. Numbers, stories and studies are weaponized all the time, but when context is added the people weaponizing them get upset. What is that all about?

This pandemic is a tool, a weapon, one that loses its efficacy as soon as you understand much of what we've been told - from the case numbers to its severity and the symptoms themselves ("covid toes") - is sensationalized to hell and back, corrections to those stories never given the same attention.

This pandemic has been covered with a heavy dose of propaganda. Wuhan residents collapsing in the street, asymptomatic spread, the divisive distraction over mask efficacy and protests (BLM good, anti-lock down bad), Sweden's lax approach labeled a "cautionary tale" when they were performing well, the fake stories about hospitals and long testing lines, the science fiction writer and "adult content model" behind the Surgisphere report The Lancet saw fit to print and went on to cancel/postpone clinical trials, etc, etc.

If this virus was truly a serious threat the media and our experts wouldn't have needed to cook up so much of that garbage because the evidence before our eyes would have sealed the deal.

The PCR tests are more than enough to bring this house of cards crashing down. Thousands of cases vs dozens of cases, which one scares the public more? So we know why the mainstream won't touch this subject, the entire narrative and government response depends on case numbers being high. What happens if billions of people all get exposed to the truth about those test results at the same time, a sizable chunk of them having been hit hard by this year's measures?

That's a question none of the corporate media outlets, governments or "experts" we've relied on to guide us through this mess want answered, so they desperately try to spin the truth or keep it hidden in the dark. Try looking up all the major media outlets that covered the World Health Organization's recent statement about cycle thresholds and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

It hasn't been weaponized over here dude. Trust me. In France they would love to sweep it under the carpet. 30+k in the hospials, and now that granny shagging president catching it doesn't let them though.
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If this virus was truly a serious threat the media and our experts wouldn't have needed to cook up so much of that garbage because the evidence before our eyes would have sealed the deal.
This one sentence encapsulates everything about the MSM these days. If things are really as they say, why do they constantly lie, make stuff up, or suppress information to the contrary. If everything is so black and white, then none of these things are necessary, the data should stand on its own.

Airbus Jr

[QUOTE="Joe T., post: 261671375, member: 3

This pandemic is a tool, a weapon, one that loses its efficacy as soon as you understand much of what we've been told - from the case numbers to its severity and the symptoms themselves ("covid toes") - is sensationalized to hell

This pandemic has been covered with a heavy dose of propaganda.


Airbus Jr

Um. What now? Read what you said again. Isn’t that what this is all about? Controlling the spread of a virus, right?

Glad to see you are coming around to reality.

Read what you said again and see how silly it is

You cant predict how fast a virus travel
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The entire country was locked down from March through the end of May, stop lying.

Our timeframes and actions line up identically to Europe's.

We were? In my area of Florida a lot of people were out n about. Shut the beach down? Go to the parks and the ones along the water. Bars shut down along with restaurants? Take out booze from windows and having street parties outside the bars/restaurants. All this while Walmart’s. Home Depot, Publix open and jammed.

So know, we definitely weren’t lock down hardcore in FL

Read what you said again and see how silly it is

You cant predict how fast a virus travel
Now that isn’t what you said, now is it? Let’s review.

Problem is you cant dictate how fast a new virus strain spread
Notice that word there: dictate. If you know what that word means and didn’t use it just to try and look smart, you’ll know it is a synonym for control. You could replace dictate with control and get the exact same meaning. So you actually realize the truth. You just don’t want to admit it. The virus is outside of our ability to control. You’ll have to accept it eventually.
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Airbus Jr

Now that isn’t what you said, now is it? Let’s review.

Notice that word there: dictate. If you know what that word means and didn’t use it just to try and look smart, you’ll know it is a synonym for control. You could replace dictate with control and get the exact same meaning. So you actually realize the truth. You just don’t want to admit it. The virus is outside of our ability to control. You’ll have to accept it eventually.

Nobody is trying to control the virus

Were here trying to take safety measures and following guideline procedures
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To avoid ourselves getting caught by coronavirus

After 695 pages i think this shouldve been quite obvious
Now you’re not even trying. You should’ve just said you misspoke. You’re looking foolish. You said (paraphrased) “we can’t dictate how fast the virus spreads”. So you already know.
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Airbus Jr

Now you’re not even trying. You should’ve just said you misspoke. You’re looking foolish. You said (paraphrased) “we can’t dictate how fast the virus spreads”. So you already know.


Read again..

The other poster said this virus should ve arrived in October..shouldve arrived in this month..that month...this saturday...next wednesday...etc..

The reality is not that simple..were talking about airborne microorganism here not some Amazon/ Fedex delivery where you can have a receipt on when its arived...theres many variable to take when we talk about virus spreading to different nations ( borders, country policy, peoples behaviour there, travel ban, geographical climate etc)
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Read again..

The other poster said this virus should ve arrived in October..shouldve arrived in this month..that month...this saturday...next wednesday...etc..

The reality is not that simple..were talking about airborne microorganism here not some Amazon/ Fedex delivery where you can have a receipt on when its arived...theres many variable to take when we talk about virus spreading to different nations ( borders, country policy, peoples behaviour there, travel ban, geographical climate etc)
The point is we have very little control period. The masks aren’t really working. Perhaps marginally, but not enough to stop record numbers of cases. Social distancing is far too inconsistent to be reliable. The lockdowns would work in theory to slow things down, but they really just kick the can down the road at the expense of everyone who isn’t at relative high risk of severe illness, which is the vast majority of people.

So we are left with a virus we have minimal ability to control without absolute draconian measures or widespread vaccination, which at the earliest comes in the summer. Which Brings me back to the stupid meme you posted.
To which I asked you if you really believed that or were you just being a jerk. Because scapegoating a very minor part of the problem and blaming them for everything is stupid. It might feel nice to blame the people who aren’t listening to the “public health experts”, but the truth is those experts can’t help us. The have no actual, workable solutions. Well except for hopefully this vaccine, which the public health experts had no part in developing and are trying their best to fuck up with their bullshit.
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Read again..

The other poster said this virus should ve arrived in October..shouldve arrived in this month..that month...this saturday...next wednesday...etc..

The reality is not that simple..were talking about airborne microorganism here not some Amazon/ Fedex delivery where you can have a receipt on when its arived...theres many variable to take when we talk about virus spreading to different nations ( borders, country policy, peoples behaviour there, travel ban, geographical climate etc)
You won’t convince these hoax / conspiracy believers ..


Neo Member
At least the COVID relief bill is coming....

*starts scrolling down*.....wait! What? Holy shit!

How can they pass such a bill you ask?

-5593 pages
-written by just 4 people
-handed out just hours before asking for a vote
-no opportunity for amendment, all house excluded from participating in its creation

Well now that the Pakistanis are going to get $10 million for their gender programs, gender inequality among statues(WTF????) and we'll finally get that investigation into the 1908 Springfield Riot, COVID is finished!

Don't worry guys, our government cares about us and wants us all to get better fast! This is science!
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I'm confused, the document quoted here is the yearly 'Consolidated Appropriations Act' which is tons of bills bundled together. The Covid package is in there but a million other things as well that are unrelated.
Yes, the Kennedy Center gets tens of millions. But they got this in every yearly Consolidated Appropriations Act as well. They are not hitching a ride on the Covid money train.


Its funny to see some users here keep downplaying covid 19 despite the bodybags keep pilling up

Let me tell you something

Theyre actually afraid of it but in denial

To overcome fear is part of human nature

Some people can acept that and some others cant

I think fear is less of a motivator for the denial, than entitlement.

Let’s face it, western society has become more and more comfortable over the decades since WW2, with nothing really serious enough to come along and shake up people’s lives for any real length of time. Not even the Cuban missile crisis or 9/11 disrupted the cozy consensus all that much, not like this pandemic has done on a global scale.

People have got used to doing what they want, when they want. No restrictions, no conditions. Especially in America, that even escaped the worst aspects of the war. They never suffered through the blitz or rationing. The US has just had decades upon decades of good fortune.

But along comes covid, and the restrictions, rules and regulations that come with trying to curtail a deadly disease, and people just don’t like it.

But instead of accepting that the only way to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus is to curtail some freedoms, many people rail against that, because they’re used to being able to do pretty much what they like.

Easier to scream conspiracy and post random things from Twitter than to just admit you have to accept a shake up to your comfortable, entitled life for a brief period of time to keep the virus contained.
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Sorry for my english:
In France, government made a law which would allow him to forbid people who have not been tested or didn't take the vaccine, to go in some places or to do some activites (there is no more precision yet).

Good. Keeps anti vaxers from spreading it in care homes and the like.


Gold Member

Read again..

The other poster said this virus should ve arrived in October..shouldve arrived in this month..that month...this saturday...next wednesday...etc..

The reality is not that simple..were talking about airborne microorganism here not some Amazon/ Fedex delivery where you can have a receipt on when its arived...theres many variable to take when we talk about virus spreading to different nations ( borders, country policy, peoples behaviour there, travel ban, geographical climate etc)

The question is simple, why did Slovakia start getting exponential increase of cases in early October. You say it’s because of a mutant strain, I say if the mutant strain was as contagious as they are claiming, then it would already be all over Europe.

The fact is that what happened in Slovakia is not unique, every country that the media praised for “beating back the virus” had it return to their borders eventually. The media here in the US spent all summer blabbing about those smart erudite Europeans who figured it out and us idiot Americans did not. Then the cases came back just as I and others predicted, in Europe, with a fury. Whether that is because of seasonal nature or because there wasn’t enough immunity in the populace I don;’t know, and nobody in the media is discussing. After all here in New York, this second wave is not nearly as big as our first wave, and I wonder if that’s because we had 20-30% immunity in the population from the first go round.

I think fear is less of a motivator for the denial, than entitlement.

Let’s face it, western society has become more and more comfortable over the decades since WW2, with nothing really serious enough to come along and shake up people’s lives for any real length of time. Not even the Cuban missile crisis or 9/11 disrupted the cozy consensus all that much, not like this pandemic has done on a global scale.

People have got used to doing what they want, when they want. No restrictions, no conditions. Especially in America, that even escaped the worst aspects of the war. They never suffered through the blitz or rationing. The US has just had decades upon decades of good fortune.

But along comes covid, and the restrictions, rules and regulations that come with trying to curtail a deadly disease, and people just don’t like it.

But instead of accepting that the only way to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus is to curtail some freedoms, many people rail against that, because they’re used to being able to do pretty much what they like.

Easier to scream conspiracy and post random things from Twitter than to just admit you have to accept a shake up to your comfortable, entitled life for a brief period of time to keep the virus contained.

No, that’s not it.

The issue is proportionality, and the fact that COVID is not our only problem. For one thing, COVID is not that deadly. It’s just not. it is deadly for the old and very unhealthy, but not for the general population at large. It’s just not. It is clear in the data. If you disagree, you‘re wrong. If you want to be about science and facts, as opposed to hysteria, then you need to accept it. COVID is not a threat to the lives of most people.

And the other thing is that there is no balancing cost and benefit in all of this, the lockdowns and other restrictions have terrible costs which must be weighed against the benefits. Nobody is doing that. We are treating COVID like it is the most deadly virus ever, where every single case is a tragedy and must be avoided at any cost, and this is so insane and so out of proportion from the actual virus that it makes no sense.
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Airbus Jr

The question is simple, why did Slovakia start getting exponential increase of cases in early October. You say it’s because of a mutant strain, I say if the mutant strain was as contagious as they are claiming, then it would already be all over Europe.

Like i said youre repeating the same thing again

Youre ignoring other nation capacity in virus prevention or their contamination programme

This virus is not like Fedex or Amazon delivery

You keep second guessing this virus should be here by now....this virus should be there by then..that one should be here etc...

Im telling you cant expect where or when this virus hit nation a or nation b or whatever it is according to your plans

Theres plenty other factors to play ( a country travel ban, people social distancing or wearing mask, climate, their health safety protocol) that could slow down the virus spread
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Gold Member
Like i said youre repearing the same thing again

Youre ignoring other nation capacity in virus prevention or contamination programme

This virus is not like Fedex or Amazon delivery

You cant expect where or when this virus arive according to your plan cos it is unpredictable

I really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

It's supposedly a super contagious strain that spreads easily. It has nothing to do with Fedex or virus prevention. If this strain is what they say it is, and if it was spreading in October, then it would be super easily spreading everywhere regardless of what anyone was doing to contain it (which, in Europe in October, was not much). It also means that this new strain rendered all of Slovakia's much heralded techniques to "beat back the virus" moot, which means there is nothing we can do to stop it anyway.

This is just logic and critical thinking. Of course, it's possible the strain was in Europe in October, which means that there is no point in even discussing it right now, because it's everywhere already and we are all dealing with it everywhere - not just England or Italy or Denmark, but all of Europe, the US, and Asia.
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Airbus Jr

I really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Let me make this easier for you curently theres a travel ban in UK ( first case mutated origin ) from many other nation

That could play a role on how the virus spread slower
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Gold Member
Let me make this easier for you curently theres a travel ban in UK ( first case mutated origin ) from many other nation

That could play a role on how the virus spread slower

But you said the same strain of the virus may have been spreading in Slovakia in October.

A travel ban imposed to/from England in late December has nothing to do with the virus doing stuff on the other side of the continent in October.
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Airbus Jr

But you said the same strain of the virus may have been spreading in Slovakia in October.

A travel ban imposed to/from England in late December has nothing to do with the virus doing stuff on the other side of the continent in October.

I never said the virus originated from Slovakia

You mistaken me with other member
I think fear is less of a motivator for the denial, than entitlement.

Let’s face it, western society has become more and more comfortable over the decades since WW2, with nothing really serious enough to come along and shake up people’s lives for any real length of time. Not even the Cuban missile crisis or 9/11 disrupted the cozy consensus all that much, not like this pandemic has done on a global scale.

People have got used to doing what they want, when they want. No restrictions, no conditions. Especially in America, that even escaped the worst aspects of the war. They never suffered through the blitz or rationing. The US has just had decades upon decades of good fortune.

But along comes covid, and the restrictions, rules and regulations that come with trying to curtail a deadly disease, and people just don’t like it.

But instead of accepting that the only way to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus is to curtail some freedoms, many people rail against that, because they’re used to being able to do pretty much what they like.

Easier to scream conspiracy and post random things from Twitter than to just admit you have to accept a shake up to your comfortable, entitled life for a brief period of time to keep the virus contained.
Wow. Accusing other people of being entitled because they want to pay their rent and feed their families. Good for you.

How about this for entitlement? Expecting the whole world to come to a halt to prevent the spread of a virus after nearly a year of failing policies aimed at doing the same thing. How about expecting poor people who were already struggling to completely ruin themselves to accomplish basically nothing, which is what we have done.

It’s not about accepting or not accepting the restrictions. The restrictions are not effective and their cost is too great, especially to the poor. It’s great watching you call people who jobs and businesses are gone “entitled”. People who are struggling to keep food in the pantry and a roof over their heads.
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