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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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former Navy SEAL
Here's a bit of insight on Sweden's higher death toll compared to its Nordic neighbors from a Swedish doctor (medical). Basically, they had more people abroad when covid was spreading, Sweden has more darker skinned people who are more susceptible, and mainly that they had way more vulnerable old folks due to reduced mortality in 2019 and early 2020, whereas their neighbors had average or above average mortality during that time.

I'd like to add the fact that Japan had no lockdown and fared much better than Argentina that had a long lockdown proves that lockdowns are actually causing more covid deaths.
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I know some people were saying this was deboonked.

But I went onto the CDC website and as of Dec 16th they have 2 777 572 deaths.

So unless in 2 weeks 250K people are going to die, deaths seem inline with the last few years if you take population growth into account.

CDC also said

From 2016 to 2017, the age-adjusted death rate for the total population increased 0.4%

So should this year with no COVID would have had 2 870 000 deaths.

I doubt COVID will kill another 90K people and there are enough back dated deaths to make up that difference. And that would just be where numbers should have been at. US deaths should be breaking 3 Million at this point. Especially since there was a lot of chatter in Jan and Feb with how deadly this flu season was going to be which would have bumped up the numbers anyways.

So what am I missing here? Deboonkers? As far as I can tell the numbers match up.


Gold Member

I know some people were saying this was deboonked.

But I went onto the CDC website and as of Dec 16th they have 2 777 572 deaths.

So unless in 2 weeks 250K people are going to die, deaths seem inline with the last few years if you take population growth into account.

CDC also said

So should this year with no COVID would have had 2 870 000 deaths.

I doubt COVID will kill another 90K people and there are enough back dated deaths to make up that difference. And that would just be where numbers should have been at. US deaths should be breaking 3 Million at this point. Especially since there was a lot of chatter in Jan and Feb with how deadly this flu season was going to be which would have bumped up the numbers anyways.

So what am I missing here? Deboonkers? As far as I can tell the numbers match up.

This makes sense if COVID is, as most of us have postulated based on the data, killing people that were already on death’s door. Obviously the numbers would be eye-popping over a short time frame but level out over a longer period of time.

This also makes sense if the COVID numbers are just completely bogus and pumped up, where they assign COVID deaths to people who died for some reason but happened to test positive on a 40 cycle PCR test a few weeks earlier.

This also makes sense if COVID really is just the flu, and the deaths we are seeing are just equivalent to a really bad flu year (although ”flu deaths” are counted very differently from how they count COVID deaths, so you can’t compare flu death numbers), and only considered outsized and extreme because the media literally spends 23.75 hours a day talking about them.

It’s also possible that COVID deaths are “balanced” by less deaths in other areas, but I find it hard to believe it would be that neat and clean. For example, despite the fact that there are way less people commuting to work this year than last year, car accident deaths are actually up In 2020.
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former Navy SEAL

This is pretty heartening if it happens. Huzzah intelligence.

There's something happening right now that I find interesting. At least here in Colorado, we saw our peak hospitilizations around December 2. We're on the downhill slide for this seasonal spike. This is going to continue its trend and bottom out around the level that the first spike did. The interesting part is that this downward trend will, in the near future, be attributed to the arrival of the vaccine, even though this spike is obviously already dissipating before the vaccine arrived or reached any meaningful level of distribution. Meaning further that this vaccine is going to be of little use other than to alter people's psychology and make them more comfortable and used as a rationale for reopening things. But it won't actually mean anything of direct consequence.
This is pretty heartening if it happens. Huzzah intelligence.

There's something happening right now that I find interesting. At least here in Colorado, we saw our peak hospitilizations around December 2. We're on the downhill slide for this seasonal spike. This is going to continue its trend and bottom out around the level that the first spike did. The interesting part is that this downward trend will, in the near future, be attributed to the arrival of the vaccine, even though this spike is obviously already dissipating before the vaccine arrived or reached any meaningful level of distribution. Meaning further that this vaccine is going to be of little use other than to alter people's psychology and make them more comfortable and used as a rationale for reopening things. But it won't actually mean anything of direct consequence.
I believe the same thing is happening in PA. The truth will be told next week when either there is a post Christmas spike, or there isn’t.


Unconfirmed Member
But not long ago youre telling us here that these disease are nothing but flu and only kills elderly

wonder what happened to that opinion

But horses fart carrots. That's about the same relevance as your response.
It's been almost a calendar year since this post and my god how things have changed. Hopefully, there are vaccines that can get us out of this nightmare. I've seen a lot of people suffer during this year and this will be fixed soon. I know that there are a lot of issues but it seems that the scientists have done well especially the ones who came up with the solutions for the vaccines. They are awesome.

Airbus Jr

All you have is gifs. I have in the last 6 months seen 2 fucking people in shops not wearing masks. Two. People are wearing masks, shit is still spreading. Go fuck yourself.

Hariseldon..oh hariseldon...oh hariseldon...

Then those two people should be responsible for that dont you think? Mm?

I dont understand your...behaviour..

Instead of helping people...take care each other and follow health protocol ...

Youre here telling people who wear mask...to fuck off? Is that what youre trying to do ?

If this disease still spreading...its because ignorant people like you...spreading fake news and missinformation to other people...encourage people to lower the their awawereness...

Have a nice day..hariseldon...😆
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Unconfirmed Member
I dont understand your abusive behaviour..

Instead of helping people...take care each other and follow health protocol ...

Youre here telling people who wear mask...to fuck off?

If this disease still spreading...its because ignrsnt people like you...spreading falacies and missinformation to other people...enccourage people to lower the their awawereness

Have a nice day
I don't understand your complete inability to read English. How the fuck am I telling people who are wearing masks to fuck off? The misinformation is coming from idiots like you arguing with what you THINK the other person is saying rather than what they're actually saying. Honestly I despair at humanity when this is the fucking level.


All you have is gifs. I have in the last 6 months seen 2 fucking people in shops not wearing masks. Two. People are wearing masks, shit is still spreading. Go fuck yourself.

Yep I’ve seen massive compliance with mask use, social distancing, hand washing, and this shit is still spreading faster. I’m in a Covid hotspot and we’ve been in T3 since we come out of lockdown 1 with no end in sight of restrictions. It’s like every political decision that has been made has made no difference to the virus they just made our life worse during this time.


I'd much rather live in Florida right now than CA or NY. My CA and NY friends are cancelling Christmas meetings. My friends in Texas and Florida are living a relatively normal life (and they aren't anti-maskers).

Rogan has been less scared of COVID ever since moving to Texas. In my case I was never scared because I was in foreign countries that had no strict shutdowns, just border closures and partial lockdowns where people were gathering the whole time anyway.

It really is a stark contrast. Our colleagues and friends from CA are completely and utterly freaked out about COVID and get bug eyed when we mention our weekends in TX (normal date-night activities on Friday, dining out a few times a week, various recreational and fitness activities).

There has been a growing bit of jealousy / envy we pick up from their voices due to the normalcy we have, to the point we have a few folks asking about our relocation process from CA to TX.

I'd posit that if you avoid gathering for long periods of time, and most of your human-to-human encounters are short and transient (paying at a grocery register, ordering food, etc) you probably fall into a relatively low risk category.


I know that there are a lot of issues but it seems that the scientists have done well especially the ones who came up with the solutions for the vaccines. They are awesome.

Here are two of the scientists that are responsible for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine:

"Bill Whitaker reports on the scientists and advances in biotechnology behind a COVID-19 vaccine that could help end the pandemic." (12/20/20)

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Hariseldon..oh hariseldon...oh hariseldon...

Then those two people should be responsible for that dont you think? Mm?

I dont understand your...behaviour..

Instead of helping people...take care each other and follow health protocol ...

Youre here telling people who wear mask...to fuck off? Is that what youre trying to do ?

If this disease still spreading...its because ignorant people like you...spreading fake news and missinformation to other people...encourage people to lower the their awawereness...

Have a nice day..hariseldon...😆
I mean I don’t think he was telling “people who wear masks” to fuck off. I think he was specifically telling you to fuck off.

And you have yet to address the point that while mask compliance is at an all time high, covid numbers continue to increase. You seem intent on blaming a very small minority of people for the problems. While they may certainly be contributing, it is impossible for them to be the main driver of infections.
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I mean I don’t think he was telling “people who wear masks” to fuck off. I think he was specifically telling you to fuck off.
Was about to say the same thing.

Totally deluded to claim that the few non-mask-wearers are the main issue. This is similar to a couple of years ago when there were some measles flareups, and the tiny handful of kids in schools without MMR shots were being blamed (even though none of those outbreaks were driven by schools). If anything this mask claim makes even less sense than that.

EDIT: And big surprise, another anecdote posted for fearmongering purposes directly above this.
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Yep I’ve seen massive compliance with mask use, social distancing, hand washing, and this shit is still spreading faster. I’m in a Covid hotspot and we’ve been in T3 since we come out of lockdown 1 with no end in sight of restrictions. It’s like every political decision that has been made has made no difference to the virus they just made our life worse during this time.

These things are all well and good. Unfortunately as we are seeing it is all in vain when the virus still circulates under the radar in schools. Obviously that is not the only cause as people still use public transport, go in packed shops and what not. But with the potential household links that are created in classrooms, the virus will always be bubbling away until a vaccine is widely available.

The governments know this also. It is what it is unfortunately. For those that doubt the impact of schools, a quick look at the infection rates in the northern hemisphere from september should be enough to silence the doubtes.

I know some of the regulars here are not going to like this post. So I'll say this. Schools obviously need to stay open so that the economy can continue and so that kids can get educated. That is not the question. The question should have always been how to do it safely, with the least impact. Governments should have also come clean with everyone regarding what would happen in September, and helped households understand their potential role in the chain of transmissions.

For example.

A household that has the husband using public transport to commute to work, with the wife that works with the public and two kids in primary school, has 4 potential inlets of infection. Compared to another household that has the husband who is the breadwinner, drives to work and sits in his office all day on his own, the wife at home and one late teen kid in college masked or one half time learning. Their potential inlets are less than the first example.

Now I am not in anyway advocating mask wearing at home. But if people had been made aware of everything, then perhaps they might have been more careful around family and friends from September. Now we have another 4 - 6 months of restrictions ahead of us..


Toronto tested 4000 people in schools. They found 57 asymptomatic cases. And this is when Toronto is having a huge outbreak.

And? How many school children in Toronto?

quick edit. That is actually quite good that they at least tested some. In France under 10s wont get tested and are not considered contacts. In Slovakia they wanted to test the whole country..... Except for under 10s. In Europe, primary school kids and COVID is taboo
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Joe T.

These things are all well and good. Unfortunately as we are seeing it is all in vain when the virus still circulates under the radar in schools. Obviously that is not the only cause as people still use public transport, go in packed shops and what not. But with the potential household links that are created in classrooms, the virus will always be bubbling away until a vaccine is widely available.

The governments know this also. It is what it is unfortunately. For those that doubt the impact of schools, a quick look at the infection rates in the northern hemisphere from september should be enough to silence the doubtes.

I know some of the regulars here are not going to like this post. So I'll say this. Schools obviously need to stay open so that the economy can continue and so that kids can get educated. That is not the question. The question should have always been how to do it safely, with the least impact. Governments should have also come clean with everyone regarding what would happen in September, and helped households understand their potential role in the chain of transmissions.

For example.

A household that has the husband using public transport to commute to work, with the wife that works with the public and two kids in primary school, has 4 potential inlets of infection. Compared to another household that has the husband who is the breadwinner, drives to work and sits in his office all day on his own, the wife at home and one late teen kid in college masked or one half time learning. Their potential inlets are less than the first example.

Now I am not in anyway advocating mask wearing at home. But if people had been made aware of everything, then perhaps they might have been more careful around family and friends from September. Now we have another 4 - 6 months of restrictions ahead of us..

Your continued attempt to plant the seed about much stricter lockdowns is insanity given that we know this has seasonal behavior and our "gold standard" for testing is laughably poor, ergo none of the numbers we're seeing mean much.


Your continued attempt to plant the seed about much stricter lockdowns is insanity given that we know this has seasonal behavior and our "gold standard" for testing is laughably poor, ergo none of the numbers we're seeing mean much.
You should read more of my posts. The stricter lockdown window closed a long time ago. Now it is do what you can for you and yours until you get vaccinated if you want it. Seasonal behavior or not.

Anyway, "plant the seed" lol. Who the fuck do you think is reading GAF and is going to look at my posts and say "yeah, we should go into strict lockdown, because forumite on neoGAF said so" Fucking LOL
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And? How many school children in Toronto?

quick edit. That is actually quite good that they at least tested some. In France under 10s wont get tested and are not considered contacts. In Slovakia they wanted to test the whole country..... Except for under 10s. In Europe, primary school kids and COVID is taboo

I think that was the entire school district in that area.

Half the cases actually were from 1 school only.
These things are all well and good. Unfortunately as we are seeing it is all in vain when the virus still circulates under the radar in schools. Obviously that is not the only cause as people still use public transport, go in packed shops and what not. But with the potential household links that are created in classrooms, the virus will always be bubbling away until a vaccine is widely available.

The governments know this also. It is what it is unfortunately. For those that doubt the impact of schools, a quick look at the infection rates in the northern hemisphere from september should be enough to silence the doubtes.

I know some of the regulars here are not going to like this post. So I'll say this. Schools obviously need to stay open so that the economy can continue and so that kids can get educated. That is not the question. The question should have always been how to do it safely, with the least impact. Governments should have also come clean with everyone regarding what would happen in September, and helped households understand their potential role in the chain of transmissions.

For example.

A household that has the husband using public transport to commute to work, with the wife that works with the public and two kids in primary school, has 4 potential inlets of infection. Compared to another household that has the husband who is the breadwinner, drives to work and sits in his office all day on his own, the wife at home and one late teen kid in college masked or one half time learning. Their potential inlets are less than the first example.

Now I am not in anyway advocating mask wearing at home. But if people had been made aware of everything, then perhaps they might have been more careful around family and friends from September. Now we have another 4 - 6 months of restrictions ahead of us..
You have no actual evidence about school children spreading the virus. That’s why you have to use a weak correlation.

Joe T.

You should more of my posts. The stricter lockdown window closed a long time ago. Now it is do what you can for you and yours until get vaccinated if you want it. Seasonal behavior or not.

"You should [read] more of my posts" as you avoided the most important point of this entire pandemic: the testing. I'm sorry, but unless you can defend the extremely high number of cases falsely labeled as infectious there's just no way to continue this exchange.

Try to read to the end of the story linked below from someone that was clearly following all the government measures then extrapolate that to millions of people. If you still can't understand the harm this pitiful testing standard is having on the entire world then I'm not sure I have any interest in listening to another word you say because you will have shown no understanding for what is happening.



I think that was the entire school district in that area.

Half the cases actually were from 1 school only.

Ok. I would imagine that there are a lot more than 4000 kids within the 03 yrs - 16 yrs age bracket in Toronto though.. No?

You have no actual evidence about school children spreading the virus. That’s why you have to use a weak correlation.

It is difficult to get a clear answer when most governments won't go there for obvious reasons. Although there have been studies that have shone a light on kids and COVID from various countries which all say the same thing... Kids are just as capable as adults as spreading the virus. Israel published an eye opening study at the beginning of October about schools and their second wave.

But, even if we ignore all the studies, it is difficult to ignore that the whole of the northern hemisphere exploded in september.... Seasonal behavior or not. You still need to have people in close proximity for the virus to get into new hosts.

"You should [read] more of my posts" as you avoided the most important point of this entire pandemic: the testing. I'm sorry, but unless you can defend the extremely high number of cases falsely labeled as infectious there's just no way to continue this exchange.

Try to read to the end of the story linked below from someone that was clearly following all the government measures then extrapolate that to millions of people. If you still can't understand the harm this pitiful testing standard is having on the entire world then I'm not sure I have any interest in listening to another word you say because you will have shown no understanding for what is happening.

According to some epidemic specialists, you are contagious before you have or display symptoms. Thus, when you test just those with symptoms, you are always one or two steps behind the virus.

Joe T.

According to some epidemic specialists, you are contagious before you have or display symptoms. Thus, when you test just those with symptoms, you are always one or two steps behind the virus.

According to all epidemic specialists asymptomatic spread does not drive pandemics. The lack of defense for the testing process says it all.
Ok. I would imagine that there are a lot more than 4000 kids within the 03 yrs - 16 yrs age bracket in Toronto though.. No?

It is difficult to get a clear answer when most governments won't go there for obvious reasons. Although there have been studies that have shone a light on kids and COVID from various countries which all say the same thing... Kids are just as capable as adults as spreading the virus. Israel published an eye opening study at the beginning of October about schools and their second wave.

But, even if we ignore all the studies, it is difficult to ignore that the whole of the northern hemisphere exploded in september.... Seasonal behavior or not. You still need to have people in close proximity for the virus to get into new hosts.

According to some epidemic specialists, you are contagious before you have or display symptoms. Thus, when you test just those with symptoms, you are always one or two steps behind the virus.
You’re just wrong about schools. Cherry picking a study or two and then using correlation isn’t strong evidence. It’s just your personal suspicion. The evidence is not on your side. You sound just like me when I point to the rise in cases despite the wide adoption of masks in public.

This 40,000-person study found that children under 15 were about half as likely as adults to be infected, and only half as likely as adults to transmit the virus to others. Almost all the coronavirus transmissions to children came from adults.

Airbus Jr

Its funny to see some users here keep downplaying covid 19 despite the bodybags keep pilling up

Let me tell you something

Theyre actually afraid of it but in denial

To overcome fear is part of human nature

Some people can acept that and some others cant
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Its funny to see some users here keep downplaying covid 19 despite the bodybags keep pilling up

Let me tell you something

Theure actually afraid of it but in denial stage
What I find significantly more funny is watching you piss yourself on a daily basis. I work around covid full time, and somehow I’m far less scared of it than you. Probably because I know more about it than you do. The unknown is always more frightening.

Joe T.

Its funny to see some users here keep downplaying covid 19 despite the bodybags keep pilling up

Let me tell you something

Theyre actually afraid of it but in denial

You're competing with S sinnergy for biggest clown of the thread, avoiding official statements and factual data while throwing silly, derisive comments at anyone that accepts them. In order to have any sort of productive discussion we need to agree on the facts.

The fear you're talking about is coming from within, it's pure projection. Maybe you, like most normal people, would be uncomfortable learning our governments and public health experts could allow this mess to happen or maybe you're just having fun trolling for whatever reason and don't want it to come to an end.

The facts are clear. Asymptomatic spread is rare. The PCR testing standard pushed onto the world has been an extremely poor tool for detecting infectious cases. The trio of masks, social distancing and lock downs have done much more harm than good.

As for how I'm living my life, I was in the crowd below yesterday and it was invigorating:

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Airbus Jr

You're competing with S sinnergy for biggest clown of the thread, avoiding official statements and factual data while throwing silly, derisive comments at anyone that accepts them.

And this is coming from you, a guy who describe Covid 19 as an amalgamation of flu, cancer and tumours

See how stupid you are?

Not sure someone like that is qualified to talk about this disease

You know whats even funnier ?

Bunch of people coming to Covid-19 thread ...shut down every discusion, ridicule people testimony on GAF who suffers from covid 19 and hijacking the thread into their own agenda
and trying to convince people to ignore safety procedure

Now whos the real devil here
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Airbus Jr

You're competing with S sinnergy for biggest

The trio of masks, social distancing and lock downs have done much more harm than good.

As for how I'm living my life, I was in the crowd below yesterday and it was invigorating:

Off the record here but are you a Trump voters? Just asking
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Gold Member
So the question needs to be, why is this happening in Slovakia. Because the knee-jerk explanation from normies - they aren't masking enough, they're all trump voting rednecks, etc. - clearly isn't sufficient. It's also the most critically important question because following all these Gates-mandated actions isn't working.

I suspect few people will try to answer it. My theory is virus gonna virus, we can't control it.
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Well holy shit. Those goddamn anti-maskers strike again. Sons of bitches are just everywhere.

I mean either that or the masks don’t really do very much to help and they’re mostly just a method for politicians to be able to look like they are taking this super seriously while simultaneously creating a group of people they can place blame on when their stupid ideas don’t work. Could be that too.

Airbus Jr

So the question needs to be, why is this happening in Slovakia. Because the knee-jerk explanation from normies - they aren't masking enough, they're all trump voting rednecks, etc. - clearly isn't sufficient. It's also the most critically important question because following all these Gates-mandated actions isn't working.

I suspect few people will try to answer it. My theory is virus gonna virus, we can't control it.
Maybe because it has something to do with these recent development?

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According to all epidemic specialists asymptomatic spread does not drive pandemics. The lack of defense for the testing process says it all.

Why are you looking for a gotcha? I am not criticizing the testing, just saying that if we are just testing symptomatics and we are indeed contagious before symptoms, then we will always run after it.

You’re just wrong about schools. Cherry picking a study or two and then using correlation isn’t strong evidence. It’s just your personal suspicion. The evidence is not on your side. You sound just like me when I point to the rise in cases despite the wide adoption of masks in public.

You’re just wrong about schools. Cherry picking a study or two, then touting seasonal behavior isn’t a strong correlation....

I was talking about the studies done by Princeton, in Israel, the US, South Korea, Germany, India etc. Then yes when we see the explosion since September, imo, we should keep an open mind about it.

Also, even if children really do contaminate less, there are still millions of them mixed together daily... Do the maths.
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