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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I don't get it though. Is that not a normal sight everywhere?

I get that masks are not used here and that is somehow unique, but those videos could be filmed anywhere right? People still do stuff in other countries?

Or is it just the "not dead bodies everywhere" thing that is funny?

Joe T.

I don't get it though. Is that not a normal sight everywhere?

I get that masks are not used here and that is somehow unique, but those videos could be filmed anywhere right? People still do stuff in other countries?

Or is it just the "not dead bodies everywhere" thing that is funny?

No, I wish it was. It varies from region to region, but all restaurants, bars, theaters and museums have been closed since the start of October here in Quebec and all "non-essential" businesses will be closed until at least January 11th starting on Christmas day. You're forced to wear a mask indoors and on public transit, been that way since summer. There are lines to get into shopping malls then more lines to get into the individual stores because they added some ridiculous 1 person per 20 square meters rule for store capacity.

While masks aren't mandated outdoors it seems half the population is wearing them anyway and the government made an exception for protests where they'll pick you off and fine you if they feel like it. Police department claimed they handed out $400,000 in fines at the Montreal protest I attended this past weekend, even Santa Claus got nailed with a $1,500+ fine.


I've watched worse from places like France and Belgium. A couple of US states that are doing things right, Florida and South Dakota, get the same negative media attention as Sweden. It's a strange world we're living in.


Wow. Accusing other people of being entitled because they want to pay their rent and feed their families. Good for you.

How about this for entitlement? Expecting the whole world to come to a halt to prevent the spread of a virus after nearly a year of failing policies aimed at doing the same thing. How about expecting poor people who were already struggling to completely ruin themselves to accomplish basically nothing, which is what we have done.

It’s not about accepting or not accepting the restrictions. The restrictions are not effective and their cost is too great, especially to the poor. It’s great watching you call people who jobs and businesses are gone “entitled”. People who are struggling to keep food in the pantry and a roof over their heads.

I’m talking about the reasons behind conspiracy theorist denials, not a general comment on normal people.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
This may interest only me, but I'm posting it because the dishonest framing of this story is so mind-boggling. This is (theoretically) a news story in the Memphis newspaper about why the Memphis school system is the only one in the entire state of Tennessee that is still online-only.
Loose restrictions on bars, masks make it harder to open schools, SCS head says
Laura Testino
Memphis Commercial Appeal

Shelby County Schools remains the only district in the county and the state to keep its doors closed to students since the coronavirus was first reported in Tennessee in March. They'll remain virtual through at least the start of February.
But more could have been done to help the district bring its students back to the building, Superintendent Joris Ray told the school board and county commissioners in a joint meeting Tuesday.
"We're very ready to return to in-person (learning), as soon as its safe," Ray said. The joint meeting, focused on student learning, included questions on reopening plans from Commissioners Brandon Morrison and Eddie Jones. In the few days since SCS delayed its phased return to February from January, Ray noted that the county has reported the highest daily case counts of the pandemic.

"It's something that brings us pause," he said of the COVID-19 data. "And when we're trying to figure out ways to keep our students safe, in good faith, I feel that many things could have been done to help the schools."

Although Shelby County has a mask mandate, there is no statewide mask mandate. Despite repeated calls from local leadership and others, Gov. Bill Lee has doubled down on his stance of masking as a local choice or personal choice where local authorities have not implemented one. Most counties surrounding Shelby County either have not had a mask mandate or have had inconsistent implementation throughout the pandemic. People in those counties still came into Shelby County, Ray said, potentially bringing the virus.

"When you prioritize bars, and open bars and not prioritize schools, that contributes to the community spread," Ray said.

Ray's stance is in line with that of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In November, as New York City was weighing school closures with other business restrictions, Fauci acknowledged that there was no "one size fits all" pandemic response, but that the focus should be on keeping kids in school or opening schools.
"You know, we say it -- not being facetiously, as a sound bite or anything -- but, you know, close the bars and keep the schools open is what we really say," he told ABC News.
Earlier in the fall, the Shelby County Health Department began releasing preliminary data for the first time showing that cases were associated with bars, though the early data did not show any direct clusters. But in other cities, including Nashville, bars have played no small role in spreading the virus. And Shelby County has focused recent restrictions on in-person bars and restaurants in attempts to curb spread.

Though some local health experts have said transmission within schools is not as great as once feared, they have also said that reopening schools should be a community priority, acknowledging that poor community conditions of the virus are a hindrance.
While public schools in municipal districts have opened, Ray acknowledged that COVID-19 has proven to disparately affect people of color most; SCS, unlike most municipal schools, has a majority population of students of color.

"When the virus is attacking, at a higher rate, Black and brown children, we have to take the necessary steps we needed to take to keep our students safe. When our students stay in multi-generational homes, and no bigger than 900-square-feet, we've got to take that into consideration," he said, later noting that SCS students are more likely than others to share homes with older family members at higher risk of severe symptoms.
All of these are reasons for "tough decisions," he said, which also included suspending contact sports, the activity that has proven to be a major vehicle for COVID-19 cases among school-age children.

Ray pointed to comments from state legislators and Gov. Lee about wanting students to return in-person.
"It's kind of hard to say, 'We want students back in schools,' when the state Department of Education itself is not even open to the public," Ray said. "We've got to always think of our students and I submit to everyone's considerations: School is open (virtually). We're open all this week."


This may interest only me, but I'm posting it because the dishonest framing of this story is so mind-boggling. This is (theoretically) a news story in the Memphis newspaper about why the Memphis school system is the only one in the entire state of Tennessee that is still online-only.

So basically teachers want to work from home and are using black and brown kids as an excuse to keep being able to zoom all their classes in their pajamas.



In Hongkong there seems to be a new mutation of the virus too, now its more lethal to younger groups, and number of people needing intensive care has gone up 5X, whilst infected has only risen by 3X. 826 to 2400, 21 to 105.



In Hongkong there seems to be a new mutation of the virus too, now its more lethal to younger groups, and number of people needing intensive care has gone up 5X, whilst infected has only risen by 3X. 826 to 2400, 21 to 105.


Interesting, how did it mutate in HK when they barely had any cases for the last few months.
In Hongkong there seems to be a new mutation of the virus too, now its more lethal to younger groups, and number of people needing intensive care has gone up 5X, whilst infected has only risen by 3X. 826 to 2400, 21 to 105.

I just googled for this and I couldn't find anything. Granted I didn't look too hard, but it seems like they are only talking about the UK strain in Hong Kong. Do you mind linking me to the article? Are you certain this isn't the UK strain?


Interesting, how did it mutate in HK when they barely had any cases for the last few months.
Seeing as COVID quite happily infects animals too. It wouldn’t surprise me if the mutation does indeed come from one. We will find out in due course hopefully


Gold Member
Interesting, how did it mutate in HK when they barely had any cases for the last few months.

What I have read is that it takes only one person with a compromised immune system that keeps the virus simmering back and forth for two long to eventually create a mutation. Naturally the odds of such a person grow when you have a lot of cases, but it can still happen with very few cases.


Gold Member
Looks like disgraced charlatans and fools are back to implement part 2 of the endless totalitarian power grab

This guy's shitty models and projections are the cause of all these horrible government actions, he got drummed out because he broke his own rules to go fuck a married woman, and now he is back with more shitty models and projections. That's where the "70% more transmissible" shit comes from.

Even King Fauci is saying the same shit he said in January, "we're monitoring it, nothing to worry about", etc. It's like I am watching the world's worst TV show back to back.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
So basically teachers want to work from home and are using black and brown kids as an excuse to keep being able to zoom all their classes in their pajamas.


What gets me is that the entire article just avoids the fact that in the same Facui speech that produced his quote about bars, he also said that schools should be open because there's no evidence of major COVID problems traced to schools. And the reporter defers to theoretical safety concerns against the incontrovertible fact that LITERALLY EVERY OTHER SCHOOL SYSTEM IN THE STATE IS OPEN. And the reporter fails to mention that the Memphis schools were closed in August when numbers were vastly lower and the superintendent set impossible criteria for opening in person learning.


Gold Member
What gets me is that the entire article just avoids the fact that in the same Facui speech that produced his quote about bars, he also said that schools should be open because there's no evidence of major COVID problems traced to schools. And the reporter defers to theoretical safety concerns against the incontrovertible fact that LITERALLY EVERY OTHER SCHOOL SYSTEM IN THE STATE IS OPEN. And the reporter fails to mention that the Memphis schools were closed in August when numbers were vastly lower and the superintendent set impossible criteria for opening in person learning.

The more powerful teacher's unions decided to use reopening as a way to extract concessions, that's it. It has nothing to do with science, transmission rates, viral spread, deaths, anything, it's just a bargaining tactic.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes

As COVID-19 explodes, was California too strict for its own good?

Once seen as a model for managing the pandemic, California is now in crisis.

The Golden State is reporting the fourth-highest rate of new COVID-19 cases per capita in the country, and the state's hospitals are overwhelmed and considering rationing care. Several regions have gone under new stay-at-home orders in recent weeks, but compliance appears to be low.

How did it all go wrong for the state that issued the nation's first stay-at-home order in March and imposed some of the country's toughest restrictions? One possible explanation: The state and its counties have been too strict for their own good.

"A significant number of people have lost faith in the public health guidance and don’t know what to believe anymore," said Daniel Kotzin, a member of two advocacy groups hoping to reopen schools and businesses in San Francisco. "One part of it is when our leaders say one thing and do another, and another part is it’s just been so strict with no escape valve and people can’t do it anymore. For over nine months we’ve been locked up with constantly shifting goalposts..."

Just how how many deaths the current surge will bring remains to be seen, but when it's all said and done, there's a real chance California's deaths per capita numbers — widely used to defend the state's strict restrictions — could eclipse several states that have been far less restrictive. Cox would find that both tragic and ironic.
"It feels like during this whole pandemic, the people in charge have been acting like this is an experiment in a lab at Stanford," he said. "It's all about, 'How can we win the COVID death rate race,' with no regard given to any other real-world concern that impacts society like livelihoods, well-beings and mental health."


What gets me is that the entire article just avoids the fact that in the same Facui speech that produced his quote about bars, he also said that schools should be open because there's no evidence of major COVID problems traced to schools. And the reporter defers to theoretical safety concerns against the incontrovertible fact that LITERALLY EVERY OTHER SCHOOL SYSTEM IN THE STATE IS OPEN. And the reporter fails to mention that the Memphis schools were closed in August when numbers were vastly lower and the superintendent set impossible criteria for opening in person learning.

Most of our schools reopened, and we had an influx of covid cases from kids, and they all had to self isolated


Another variant of the virus linked to South Africa has been detected in the UK:
🤣 i say cut them of main land Europe .. they like to be independent .. take care . Don’t let the door hit you on the way out . 🤡

#noneedforwuhanlockdown #letmutatebyspread #anotheryeardownthedrain
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Gold Member
Another variant of the virus linked to South Africa has been detected in the UK:

To what extent is all this coming out because the UK are the only people actually looking at this.

I know people are getting hysterical over this, and they want to get hysterical, and the media enables it, but we need to be reasonable here. This thing has mutated thousands of times.


To what extent is all this coming out because the UK are the only people actually looking at this.

I know people are getting hysterical over this, and they want to get hysterical, and the media enables it, but we need to be reasonable here. This thing has mutated thousands of times.
Seems we now have two new variants of the virus present here – the one that emerged in the UK and now this South African one. Case numbers and deaths are going back up (39, 247 cases and 744 more deaths recorded today). Today's daily death count is the highest since 29 April.
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Airbus Jr

To what extent is all this coming out because the UK are the only people actually looking at this.

I know people are getting hysterical over this, and they want to get hysterical, and the media enables it, but we need to be reasonable here. This thing has mutated thousands of times.
New mutated strain is coming and your first response is this ( you rather focus on framing/ blaming news/ constantly underestimate and downplaying new potential threat etc instead of adressing the main problem)🤦‍♂️

Shows where your priority lies
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Gold Member
New mutated strain is coming and your first response is this ( you rather focus on framing/ blaming news/ constantly underestimate and downplaying new potential threat etc instead of adressing the main problem)🤦‍♂️

Shows where your priority lies

Why yes, my first response is to try to look at it objectively and reasonably from all angles instead of just running around with my hair on fire about MUTANT STRAIN, how could you tell?

Again there are thousands of mutant strains.

Seems we now have two new variants of the virus present here – the one that emerged in the UK and now this South African one. Case numbers and deaths are going back up (39, 247 cases and 744 more deaths recorded today). Today's daily death count is the highest since 29 April.

Case counts go up without any new strain (it's mainly a function of testing).

So to what extent is that the "mutant strain" - in other words, imagine this strain did not exist, what would the numbers be?

I guess to come at this we have to rely on modeling, and as we have seen over and over, the modeling for this virus is a joke.
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Airbus Jr

Why yes, my first response is to try to look at it objectively and reasonably from all angles instead of just running around with my hair on fire about MUTANT STRAIN, how could you tell?

Again there are thousands of mutant strains.
Theres no such thing as thousands of mutant covid strains its not that many variant please educate yourself

Jesus this is getting really dumb here

Is this how much gamers here knows about covid 19 ? Holy crap

Hey at least youre abit smarter then Joe who said covid 19 is an amalgamation of tumours, flu and cancer so no need to be ashamed
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Don't try .. they think it's a hoax, and a flu, and that you don't need measures .. they will even tell you measures don't work.

But have no examples of how that would turn out .. because the whole world is applying measures in some form, (because intelligent people take action) but if you really let this bad boy really spread.. we are looking at whole different numbers ..
Theres no such thing as thousands of mutant covid strains its not that many please educate yourself

Jesus this is getting really dumb here

Is this how much gamers here knows about covid 19 ? Holy crap

Hey at least youre abit smarter then Joe who said covid 19 is an amalgamation of tumours, flu and cancer so no need to be ashame
He’s not entirely wrong. There have been many many mutations to covid. But this strain has become the prevalent one in Britain due to its contagious nature. It’s easy to mix up what makes this particular strain different from all the inconsequential mutations the virus has undergone.

To clarify, mutation does not equal a new strain most of the time. The reason this is different is because the mutation has become the dominant variant and appears to be more transmissible. This isn’t unusual mutation usually moves towards increased transmission.

Airbus Jr

He’s not entirely wrong. There have been many many mutations to covid. But this strain has become the prevalent one in Britain due to its contagious nature. It’s easy to mix up what makes this particular strain different from all the inconsequential mutations the virus has undergone.

To clarify, mutation does not equal a new strain most of the time. The reason this is different is because the mutation has become the dominant variant and appears to be more transmissible. This isn’t unusual mutation usually moves towards increased transmission.

The guy even said the current modeling of covid 19 is a joke

Guess guy is the real expert and not the hundred scientist around and will came out with his own cov-19 classification real soon
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Gold Member
Theres no such thing as thousands of mutant covid strains its not that many variant please educate yourself

Jesus this is getting really dumb here

Is this how much gamers here knows about covid 19 ? Holy crap

Hey at least youre abit smarter then Joe who said covid 19 is an amalgamation of tumours, flu and cancer so no need to be ashamed

This article is from September.

Despite the virus’s sluggish mutation rate, researchers have catalogued more than 12,000 mutations in SARS-CoV-2 genomes. But scientists can spot mutations faster than they can make sense of them.

And yes the modeling of this virus has been a disgrace top to bottom.
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Airbus Jr

This article is from September.

And yes the modeling of this virus has been a disgrace top to bottom.
Read what you said earlier

You said strain not mutation those are not the same

Theres only 6-7 strain of covid so far not thousand
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Joe T.

Don't try .. they think it's a hoax, and a flu, and that you don't need measures .. they will even tell you measures don't work.

But have no examples of how that would turn out .. because the whole world is applying measures in some form, (because intelligent people take action) but if you really let this bad boy really spread.. we are looking at whole different numbers ..

We have examples and they've been presented. You're intentionally ignoring then lying about that evidence in order to continue peddling unsubstantiated fear and lock downs. Why? That's what I'd love to know.
The guy even said the current modeling of covid 19 is a joke

Guess guy is the real expert and not the hundred scientist around and will came out with his own cov-19 classification real soon
Much of the initial modeling was very bad. Many of the models have improved though, as they get more data. However, many of the models are still dubious to say the least.


Why are the Nightingale hospitals empty at the "peak" of this "new wave"?

Why is my local hospital telling people to "only come to A&E if it is life threatening"? When the hospital in question is pretty much empty because of the ongoing scaremongering.

Why is the virus spreading so fast if the hotspots are "tier 4" and effectively sealed off? Is that a case of people not social distancing/wearing masks/coughing into arms etc etc etc if this is the case, and therefore they know people are breaking the quarantine of these so called "tier 4" areas, why are the continuing to seal off new areas when they know people will still travel around the country? (I know of someone who has travelled 200 mile from Wales to my area of the country). They screwed the Police years ago, they don't have the numbers to enforce all this bollocks.

I could go on...


So we had/have D614, G614, D614G, among other strains and this new strain from UK, yet there is no evidence of any strain being deadlier or more severe than the others. Am I right?
So why is this particular strain seemingly getting more reported than the earlier strains?


So we had/have D614, G614, D614G, among other strains and this new strain from UK, yet there is no evidence of any strain being deadlier or more severe than the others. Am I right?
So why is this particular strain seemingly getting more reported than the earlier strains?
Because these are 70 % and higher more contagious, meaning that there is a potential of 70 % more people that need to be hospitalized, but hospitals are already stretched to the max... on top of this the South African strain that also circulates now , is also more harmful for younger people so even more end up in the hospital .

It’s no rocket science .
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Joe T.


"Austria: Supreme Court finds compulsory face mask in school and work-study courses illegal"

Social media companies that violate a new proposed law in Poland focused on freedom of speech online could be fined up to €1.8 million (approximately $2.2 million) for each offense. The law would be a rejection of the increased censorship on social platforms.



Because these are 70 % and higher more contagious, meaning that there is a potential of 70 % more people that need to be hospitalized, but hospitals are already stretched to the max... on top of this the South African strain that also circulates now , is also more harmful for younger people so even more end up in the hospital .

It’s no rocket science .
I just find it strange that people (not on this board) are reacting as if it's doom and gloom when the UK strain is not deadlier as there is no evidence of it being so. And it's not as if hospitals are not prepared for a resurgence of cases.

Anyway, it's just a passing thought.


I just find it strange that people (not on this board) are reacting as if it's doom and gloom when the UK strain is not deadlier as there is no evidence of it being so. And it's not as if hospitals are not prepared for a resurgence of cases.

Anyway, it's just a passing thought.
Hospitals aren’t that prepared .. not every country has the same healthcare system .. it’s a global problem .

And to add COVID is not only a problem causing deaths .. the problem as it always was , is to many sick people that need expert help in a hospital, and with these new variations this fact could explode .
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I just find it strange that people (not on this board) are reacting as if it's doom and gloom when the UK strain is not deadlier as there is no evidence of it being so. And it's not as if hospitals are not prepared for a resurgence of cases.

Anyway, it's just a passing thought.

The issue is the mutation is further away on the scale than others. It’s jumped further, and its communicability is far higher. This throws into some question how effective the existing vaccine might be. It’s a broad range vaccine, so the new mutation should respond, but that’s not a guarantee as yet. Also, the vaccine will take many weeks to roll out, requiring harder measures to tackle the new strain. It’s not doom and gloom, but it has thrown doubt and uncertainty on a situation that was otherwise coming under control.
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I just find it strange that people (not on this board) are reacting as if it's doom and gloom when the UK strain is not deadlier as there is no evidence of it being so. And it's not as if hospitals are not prepared for a resurgence of cases.

Anyway, it's just a passing thought.
The one in South Africa is "stickier" and the viral loads have been observed to be more.
Larger viral loads seems to be causing more younger people to get seriously ill than usual.


The one in South Africa is "stickier" and the viral loads have been observed to be more.
Larger viral loads seems to be causing more younger people to get seriously ill than usual.

Seems similar to the new Hong Kong strain, putting 3X the amount of people in the hospital, and mainly <40 year olds.
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