Good post I found, I will share below:
I'm a bit surprised to see so much fear from multiple posters. Apparently, the media gaslighting is so extreme that even here where we know that the press and policymakers are wicked and lie about absolutely everything still can't see through all the fabrication and fearmongering. Let me try to convey the reality of our situation:
- Back in May, during the COVID spike, multiple estimates of the infection fatality rate of COVID converged on 0.26%, which is about three times the 0.08% of the flu. COVID is definitely a big bad flu, but it was never anywhere close to bad enough to justify lockdowns or for young, healthy people to worry more about COVID than auto accidents. (As you all must know by now, for young, healthy people, COVID is actually less fatal than the boring old flu; the deaths are highly skewed to the old.) I expect this high fatality rate to drop as human immune systems have more enounters with COVID. I also think the high death rate is partly explained by the unusually
low death rate of the 2018-2019 flu season, which allowed a lot of vulnerable old people on their last legs to live one more year and see the rise of COVID.
- When you break down regions to a small enough geographic granularity, I have not seen evidence of any location experiencing more than one big wave of COVID. The places that got hit hard in April are having a normal seasonal rise in deaths now, but not more deaths than one year ago. They probably already have herd immunity. The places that are getting hit hard now (like California) are places that were largely spared last spring. There seems to be a lot of randomness to when any particular locale gets its big wave. And there's a lot of confusion about this, because when you aggregate a whole country or even a whole state, it sometimes looks like there are multiple waves; but these seem to always be in different regions. Because COVID is so infectious, it seems to bring the population up to herd immunity quite quickly.
- The press and the establishment have worked really hard to gaslight us about how quickly herd immunity has been building. I don't believe there will be any "epidemic" after May 2021.
- A really important thing to understand is that the virus will spread until enough people are immune so that each person with COVID infects, on average, slightly less than one other person (giving us exponential shrinkage) rather than more than one other person (giving us exponential growth). This means that after a particular percentage of people get COVID, the epidemic stops. Even if we somehow manage to slow down COVID a bit, the number of people who will get infected stays the same in the end. All that slowing down the spread can hope to achieve is to give granny two extra weeks of life and the rest of us two extra weeks of lockdown.
- Some researchers believe that 40-60% of the population was
already immune to COVID before it started, because it has so many commonalities with other coronaviruses. By some models, only 10-20% of the population needs to get COVID before we have herd immunity.
- Throughout the last nine months, we have built up a huge amount of evidence that locking down people with no symptoms makes zero difference to which locations get hit hardest when. This is a long subject that's hard to explain well so I won't try, at least not tonight, but the century-old wisdom that lockdowns don't work has been confirmed once again, even while our "authorities" try to deny it. Locking down sick people might be a good idea, but even that's not clear; as I just said, the virus spreads until the herd immunity threshold is reached, and you can't really change the percentage that get infected in the end. What you
can do is protect the elderly and vulnerable, while the young people create a herd immunity shield by getting infected as quickly as possible.
- I hope you're all aware that the number of autumn/winter COVID cases look much higher than the numbers back in April/May because many, many more tests are being done. Moreover, the PCR tests are inaccurate and have very high false positive rates. In some locales, the majority of "positives" are people who aren't actually sick. The authorities and media have been using these number to fan hysteria. But the present death rate is much lower than in April/May, except in a few locales that were largely spared the first wave.
- If you want to know how bad COVID
really is, the only source you can trust is your local
total death rate from all causes, which is hard for health administrators and policymakers to fudge. Today one of my favorite bloggers posted one for England, below. (The red boxes annotating the "Influenza lockdowns" of 2016, 2017, and 2018 are sarcasm.) You can see the big April/May COVID spike near the right. You can also see that the present rise in deaths, which is now prompting the UK's most heinous lockdown ever, is not yet nearly as deadly as the flu season of 2017-2018, and hasn't even quite matched 2016-2017 yet (though it's not over yet).
A huge new study shows that asymptomatic COVID transmission is not a thing. Admittedly, I don't 100% trust any study out of China, but this confirms a belief for which evidence was already building. If you go places with no symptoms and no mask, you don't need to feel guilty. You're not going to give anybody COVID if you don't have any symptoms at all.
- All talk of mutations, "long COVID", etc. is fearmongering to get the population to submit. BTW, "long flu" is a thing too, but the people who have it usually just get dismissed by their doctors as malingerers and hypochondriacs.
- Ivermectin works really well as both a prophylactic and a treatment, and those of you with a vulnerable loved one really should be scheming a way to get your hands on some. Make sure all your loved ones are taking 4,000-10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 (in gelcaps/oil, not tablets which aren't absorbed, lower doses for children) every day. If you want to add more prophylactic power, check out
Dr. Marik's recommendations.
You should not fear COVID, but you should fear the government, because yes, they really are looking for any excuse at all to keep us locked down and acclimate us to permanent tyranny. Personally, I believe that Cuomo and several other governors were under orders to send COVID patients to nursing homes to get the death toll up. The scary thing about 2020 isn't COVID; it's that 2020 is the year the Globopedo Establishment imposed history's first worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. And most people supported it.