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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Rodent Whores

To elaborate, in case anyone is confused by the comic:

The dude isn't saying that they've never seen a respiratory pathogen that's capable of community transmission before. That's completely insane. There are plenty.

He said that it's a community transmissable pathogen that ALSO can be contained. For example, if it were another strain of flu, another community transmissable pathogen, it would be all over the place by now. The ability for COVID19 to be contained while also being relatively contagious is what makes it unique, but these articles put "unique" in scare quotes and don't provide the proper context, or make it hard to discern.

Err, watch that again.

"We have never seen before a respiratory pathogen that's capable of community transmission but the same time can also be contained with the right measures. If this was an influenza epidemic, we would have expected to see widespread community transmission across the globe by now, and efforts to slow it down or contain it would not be feasible. But containment of COVID19 is feasible and must remain the top priority for all countries. With early aggressive measures, countries can stop transmission and save lives"


  • US death toll climbs to 6; all in WA, which has 18 cases
  • 2 new cases confirmed in Tampa Bay
  • 1st case reported in New Hampshire
  • Santa Clara County confirms 2 more cases, bringing county total to 9
  • Gottlieb warns US cases likely in 'low thousands'
  • Illinois announces 4th case
  • Boris Johnson: "A very significant expansion" of the virus is "clearly in the cards"
  • Italian death toll climbs 18 to 52 while total cases surpasses 2,000
  • BMW tells 150 to quarantine after Munich employee infected
  • Algeria total hits 5
  • Senegal becomes 2nd sub-Saharan country to confirm virus
  • WHO's Tedros: Virus is "common enemy" of humanity so don't focus on blame
  • Jordan reports first two cases
  • French death toll revised to 3, total cases climb to 191
  • Tunisia reports first case
  • UK total climbs to 40
  • OECD warns global growth could fall by half
  • Indonesia reports first cases
  • "Progress is being made" toward a vaccine
  • Cuomo says NY expects more cases
  • India confirms 2 more cases
  • 'Official' Iran death toll hits 66
  • EU confirms 38 deaths across 18 members
  • First cases confirmed in Fla.
  • 2 Amazon employees test positive in Milan
  • Virus now in 8 US states: Washington, California, Illinois, Rhode Island, New York, Florida, Oregon and New Hampshire
  • San Antonio virus patient re-hospitalized after testing positive
  • China warns it could face 'locust invasion


To elaborate, in case anyone is confused by the comic:

The dude isn't saying that they've never seen a respiratory pathogen that's capable of community transmission before. That's completely insane. There are plenty.

He said that it's a community transmissable pathogen that ALSO can be contained. For example, if it were another strain of flu, another community transmissable pathogen, it would be all over the place by now. The ability for COVID19 to be contained while also being relatively contagious is what makes it unique, but these articles put "unique" in scare quotes and don't provide the proper context, or make it hard to discern.

Who gives a shit. What we’re arguing about here is whether or not this is ‘normal flu’. It isn’t. Being in denial about that is fucking moronic.


Rodent Whores
Who gives a shit. What we’re arguing about here is whether or not this is ‘normal flu’. It isn’t. Being in denial about that is fucking moronic.
Um, I give a shit about reality, accuracy of facts, and not misrepresenting the words of WHO officials to mean nearly the opposite of what he was saying.
TFW you've been immersed in this thread so long and then your kids school calls and they have a 102° fever...


just the flu bro just the flu bro just the flu bro


Forget about mortality rate, this is why you should be worried about coronavirus

"In The Atlantic, Marc Lipsitch, a leading epidemiologist at Harvard reported that “that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people [3.12 to 5.46 billion] around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19”. This was last week and while ridiculed at the time, his assumptions are now the generally accepted position among epidemiologists." (2/29/20)

Atlantic article: You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus

"Lipsitch predicts that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. But, he clarifies emphatically, this does not mean that all will have severe illnesses. “It’s likely that many will have mild disease, or may be asymptomatic,” he said. As with influenza, which is often life-threatening to people with chronic health conditions and of older age, most cases pass without medical care. (Overall, about 14 percent of people with influenza have no symptoms.)" (2/24/20)

Edit: added text
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Forget about mortality rate, this is why you should be worried about coronavirus

"In The Atlantic, Marc Lipsitch, a leading epidemiologist at Harvard reported that “that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people [3.12 to 5.46 billion] around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19”. This was last week and while ridiculed at the time, his assumptions are now the generally accepted position among epidemiologists." (2/29/20)

Atlantic article: You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus

"Lipsitch predicts that within the coming year, some 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. But, he clarifies emphatically, this does not mean that all will have severe illnesses. “It’s likely that many will have mild disease, or may be asymptomatic,” he said. As with influenza, which is often life-threatening to people with chronic health conditions and of older age, most cases pass without medical care. (Overall, about 14 percent of people with influenza have no symptoms.)" (2/24/20)

Edit: added text

Yes.. the problem with COVID-19 is the stress it puts on the healthcare infrastructure.. which then causes other deaths due to not being able to treat people timely.

This, so-far, has caused a larget % to need hospitalization (young and old) than the flu normally does.


Did you listen to what he says after that?


Err, watch that again.

"We have never seen before a respiratory pathogen that's capable of community transmission but the same time can also be contained with the right measures. If this was an influenza epidemic, we would have expected to see widespread community transmission across the globe by now, and efforts to slow it down or contain it would not be feasible. But containment of COVID19 is feasible and must remain the top priority for all countries. With early aggressive measures, countries can stop transmission and save lives"

No need to watch it again.
I have never said something different.
He just asked, I delivered.
Chill out Karen.
Shit like this is why Democracy can't make any progress in the Middle East. Good luck to those folks because stupidity has a price.

It's akin to drinking bottled sea water because its hipster to do so. Stupidity comes in all forms. Democracy is why so much stupidity is allowed to reach government.

Oh and also we're all going to die. Run for the hills, panic, etc.


Sweden finally did something, withdrew permission for all flights from Iran.

Took about 20 minutes and then the racist card was played though.. :\
Hyteria level reaction

The 44-story F5 Tower in downtown Seattle closed for cleaning Monday after F5 learned an employee had been in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus, according to The Seattle Times.

And a what took you so long reaction
I called it! I CALLED IT

that is a fucking mess US folks are sue happy if I was infected from that Mall I would take the money

My take on this is the City is suing the Feds before the Mall Sues the City before the People Sues the Mall
buy me a Corona(tm)
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Pray or lick a Silver Gate for Microsoft and Nintendo of America :(

The state of emergency does not call for any immediate changes by the government or residents. The city said the declaration is intended to make it easier to ask for additional resources to deal with coronavirus.
The ARG for Dr. Mario Switch It Up is going better than expected

Dr. Mario has failed on mobile. What Nintendo should do is drop an early Animal Crossing demo due to COVID19 and allow saves to move to the main game on the 20th

Or just release it damn it, yall won't see me again for years
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