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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Allegedly it should double every seven days, but so many cases are likely undiagnosed its hard to tell. I'll say 350.
350 by Friday

I would say it's already 10-15k without symptoms. 3 weeks incubation.
are those your Friday numbers or 3 weeks from now?

all of our charts guys get in on this place your best educated guess, no bets needed. Just want to see who has been following the routes.
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We’re fucked.



The media hype and fear mongering for this may be record breaking... It's at most no more concerning than the seasonal flu we deal with each and every year. there's literally nothing to worry about. Just take care of yourself!
China's National Health Commission reported 11 new cases of coronavirus outside Hubei province on Monday. Of those, 7 were "imported from Italy," according to local officials

:messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying: i still can't breathe... i love you China!


I don’t care what happens to me. I care about my elderly family members. They’re already just hanging on.

I can certainly respect and relate to those concerns but on the other hand why do you feel, I suppose IF you feel, the coronavirus is more of a concern than any other of many things that are malicious especially to the elderly. Pneumonia, flu, etc...


The media hype and fear mongering for this may be record breaking... It's at most no more concerning than the seasonal flu we deal with each and every year. there's literally nothing to worry about. Just take care of yourself!

A wild Justa Flubro appeared!

I'm not particularly worried about myself I'm worried about my mom and my kids.

I can certainly respect and relate to those concerns but on the other hand why do you feel, I suppose IF you feel, the coronavirus is more of a concern than any other of many things that are malicious especially to the elderly. Pneumonia, flu, etc...

Dude if you're not even going to read the first page or pay attention to anything anyone is saying about this thing then why post?
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A wild Justa Flubro appeared!

I'm not particularly worried about myself I'm worried about my mom and my kids.

Dude if you're not even going to read the first page or pay attention to anything anyone is saying about this thing then why post?

care to share anything about the child fatalities from coronavirus with me?


No but CNN is. They’re the only one pushing panic 24/7.

yes. Due to public perception and even very nervous employees - due to media dramatization and fearmongering - they feel they have little choice but to cave in.

does twitter really want a CNN expose on how they’re ignoring their employees well being? Of course not.
not to defend CNN's live update blog but

29 deaths vs

OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
South Korea4,8123434 serious, 11 critical, 26 recoveredSource
Italy2,03652140 serious, 149 recovered Source

If you just want Panic at least post the highest numbers available.
They have been slow with updates outside the US although they should have the resources to out do BNO
It’s not just TV. They’re running a counter on the front page of their website with infections. They didn’t do that in 2009 when 60 million people got H1N1 and 12,000 people in the US died. Because it wasn’t an election year.

Okay the Election Year motivations can't be argued against. At least they should have had a nice map though, I think they are ineffective in providing up to date numbers like BNO does CNN is trash because everything is not just News it has to be politics too. They post business and hit pieces on Trump's choices. They are going to try to blame Trump for anything that goes south with this virus. I get that but still this is politics forum talk not crisis update talk

This thread is Updates and Numbers, we need sources for updates.
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okay don't kill the messenger I can't have you guys saying fuck CNN everytime we have an update lol

Why was India not screening before? Seriously :messenger_weary:

"Passengers from China, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea were already being screened."

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I can share that my infant has a compromised respiratory system so you can stow the smug attitude.

I am sorry to hear about your child’s struggles but again I ask this, I think last time was someone else actually, why is this particular virus making you more Nervous than a host of other stuff that is routinely going around?

Not to imply you shouldn’t be diligent with him especially if he is immunocompromised or similar but the media is making you much more nervous than you need to be about this in particular.


It’s not just TV. They’re running a counter on the front page of their website with infections. They didn’t do that in 2009 when 60 million people got H1N1 and 12,000 people in the US died. Because it wasn’t an election year.
They didn't do that in 2009 because it was never that bad. 2 months after the start of the 2009 flu pandemic we had like 60,000 confirmed cases and 263 deaths. Compared to current coronavirus where we have 90,000 cases and 3000 deaths. H1N1 never actually looked all that bad.
I am sorry to hear about your child’s struggles but again I ask this, I think last time was someone else actually, why is this particular virus making you more Nervous than a host of other stuff that is routinely going around?

Not to imply you shouldn’t be diligent with him especially if he is immunocompromised or similar but the media is making you much more nervous than you need to be about this in particular.

In just about every metric COVID-19 is worse than a "host of other stuff that is routinely going around". While it is typically not killing young healthy people (though it appears to have gotten some), it is forcing hospitalization of all age groups at a much higher rate than 'just the flu'. Add that on top of really really scary CFR rates for older/immunocompromised folks.. And I think anyone is right to be worried/cautious/afraid about the prospects of this becoming as widespread as 'just the flu'.

The vast majority of people are not swinging from the rafters shouting how we're all going to die unless we drink silver or something. Being apprehensive is very OK in this case.
We are not China case #0030494

A request by the US city of San Antonio for a restraining order to keep Diamond Princess cruise ship evacuees in quarantine has been denied by a federal judge.

The evacuees are currently being held at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

“The Surgeon General of the United States and the Secretary of Health and Human Services are authorized to make and enforce such regulations as in their judgment are necessary to prevent the transmission or spread of communicable diseases," US district judge Xavier Rodriguez said in his decision late Monday.
According to Rodriguez, the evacuees had successfully passed two coronavirus tests, 24 hours apart, and had been in quarantine for two weeks.

"This court has no authority to second-guess those determinations even though the court also shares the concerns expressed by the plaintiffs,” the judge said.
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Relax, Kong. He just got here. Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ can't help you now, I have ten pounds of rice and ten pounds of beans just waiting for a ham bone I WANT SOUP. SOMEONE TELL ME WHEN THIS IS POPPING OFF SO I CAN START MY SOUP.

I am sorry to hear about your child’s struggles but again I ask this, I think last time was someone else actually, why is this particular virus making you more Nervous than a host of other stuff that is routinely going around?

Not to imply you shouldn’t be diligent with him especially if he is immunocompromised or similar but the media is making you much more nervous than you need to be about this in particular.

It spreads like crazy and CDC and WHO are still somehow ignoring the fact that they need to extend the quarantine period for confirmed cases. This thing with San Antonio isn't the first time someone who was thought to be cleared and released turned out to be infected still and quite frankly I'm glad the city is suing the federal government now because you don't get shit done unless you start going after money.

Look, I'm still not super concerned, but I have worries. I try not to reveal too much about myself personally online anymore because I like to make jokes and it's 2020 so someone somewhere might try to find my place of business and get me fired because I said "cunt" on a videogame message board or something, but I am also geographically close to some confirmed cases.
ADVChina is back on the Wuhan China

these guys are still pissed at China
They are on the road in Mexico and drinking Corona(tm)
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I am sorry to hear about your child’s struggles but again I ask this, I think last time was someone else actually, why is this particular virus making you more Nervous than a host of other stuff that is routinely going around?

Not to imply you shouldn’t be diligent with him especially if he is immunocompromised or similar but the media is making you much more nervous than you need to be about this in particular.

The media would be a great angle here if governments weren't enforcing quarantines and warning the public to stay away from crowded places.

This differs from every other pandemic scare because governments are getting involved. All other cases before have been hyped in the media with daily life continuing as normal. Now workplaces and schools are being shut down and the economy is tanking. Do you really think governments would take these steps if it was just a run of the mill seasonal flu? I don't see why this is so hard for people to comprehend.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game

okay don't kill the messenger I can't have you guys saying fuck CNN everytime we have an update lol

Why was India not screening before? Seriously :messenger_weary:
From the article you linked:
Passengers from China, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea were already being screened.
Anybody see the sick fuck that they released on the news coughing, and sharing a bottled water with his young daughter? I think most of these people they're releasing still have it. Also, are there any experts still here doing damage control?
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