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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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rhino4evr said:
So after I spent an hour trying to remake my shepard with terrible results
so I just imported my me1 character design directly how I made him and I really should have done that from the start
I wanted to add some more facial hair to my original design but there is no way to do that without starting all over

early impressions? The combat is SO much better then in me1 everything moves smoothly, it really feels like a shooter

Yeah all the male designs in ME2 are terrible, so I also imported my original Shepard.,


erotic butter maelstrom
Ducarmel said:
I think you have to get to the part in the game when its decided that the suicide mission is a go.

The missions became available to me after completing 4 or 5 of the recruitment missions, no mention of a suicide mission yet I just talked to my crew mates after every mission.

Yeah all the male designs in ME2 are terrible, so I also imported my original Shepard.,

Yep, the unique models usually look good (Default Shepard, Jacob and Carth) but the randomly generated characters usually look pretty uggo. I somehow managed to make a really good looking Femshep, I wish I could post a pic.
Snuggler said:
Yes. I loved Mass Effect, but this is just so much better it's ridiculous, I knew it would be better but I didn't expect them to have improved it this much. Unless it suddenly takes a turn for the worse, ME2 will most likely end up being my favorite game of the generation, no bullshit.

I'm getting the same feeling. Sure there could be improvements but I feel like I just want spend the next three years of gaming just going back and forth between 1 and 2 with new builds and characters. I really just love the world they've built that much.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Lothars said:
Why don't you change the email address that's associated with your XBL gamertag? It's easy enough to do.

1) I already used the code on the new account (I reg for Dragon Age), thought if I reg the game to that account it would pick up my xbl tag. I didn't find out till much later that my XBL tag is tied to something else because I played some dam EA game online 3 years ago.

2) I can't access my old emails (changed providers) so I can get there stupid confrimation emails to acess old account.

3) I really have no idea what email I was using at the time years ago when I played said dumb ass EA game online. I checked all I could and none are tied to my XBL tag.

Thankfully my Dragon Age bonus armor is working, and I got the extra guy/missions. Just can't get my CE armor/weapon and my Amazon.com armor.


Foob said:
so, what, do i have to buy a shit ton of dr pepper now or something?

Sorta but all you have to do is get three codes which each bottle of dr pepper should have and that's all you need.
Warnen said:
Ugh, 2 days and I still can't get my CE stuff. My XBL tag is linked to some other email account I have no access to anymore. Still no response from the web help thing (says they will get back to me with in 24hrs, yeah right). Tried to call them only to be on hold for so long I hung up.

This is stupid, why does EA have to stick there fingers in this shit, was the old way of entering game codes via XBL just to simple for them?

I hate EA.

I was in your exact position, do what I did...
Go to the Customer Support page > Email Us > Platform (Xbox 360) > Game (Mass Effect > Mass Effect 2) > Category (My Account/ Billing > Account Linking)

Then it will ask you if you want to do a Live Chat... I talked to someone within an hour and he gave me a new promo code for the Terminus Armor..

ACE 1991

A little confused on how/where to pick up side missions. I just
recruited my last team member, and am almost done fighting the collectors with Kaiden.
Can someone enlighten me?


You know after playing through the ending again I really did enjoy it. Except for this part.

The part where you have to walk in the biotic field. I thought it was far too slow compared to the rest of the mission. Hell I even liked fighting the human reaper at the end.


erotic butter maelstrom
BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm getting the same feeling. Sure there could be improvements but I feel like I just want spend the next three years of gaming just going back and forth between 1 and 2 with new builds and characters. I really just love the world they've built that much.

Yeah, it might be kind of rough going back to ME1 on the 360 but I'm tempted to start my next (Renegade) character in ME1 and import him into ME2 for my 2nd playthrough. The import option really does connect the games in a cool way, it's mostly subtle but it's great to see the world react to your actions, even in simple ways like stumbling across a minor character in a city or receiving an email from someone you saved. Hopefully more games will take this approach to sequels.

One moment that really stood out for me was
seeing Wrex at the Krogan planet during the Grunt/Mordin missions. When he approached Shepard and shook her hand, I had a huge smirk on my face. It felt good to see my old squad mate and his reaction to Shepard + knowing that he just as easily could have died in ME1. Same goes for the first Garrus encounter. Ashley and Liara were a little underwhelming, though.


:lol 11 hours of playtime so far. The adept is pretty awesome. Feels kinda weird saying that because I can't really say that I've had much *fun* o_O I sort of miss the autoaim & I hate the ammo/fuel system. And scanning planets. Dear God... Also, how come everyone in the
citadel was like, "Oh Shepard's alive, oh okay"?
I don't remember there being an announcement after visiting the first planet. Did I miss something? :S Felt like hardly anyone reacted like they should've. Even
Counselor Anderson
acted a bit weird. Yeah, he sent an email to me but I never responded or anything & he was like yo dawg what's up when I marched in after being dead for 2 years :lol I heard via the
Citadel News that there were reports of Shepard being seen on the Omega
after I had left there but nothing concrete.
Yet, the C-Sec officers hardly flinched.

Also, am I allowed to switch my team members this time around or are the loyalty achievements just as annoying as in the first game?

Not taking any risks with the spoilers :) Pretty early stuff.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm loving the inferno armor, it reminds me of Samus Aran when she is in her armor. I can see my shepards face in the blast shield of the helmet.


JambiBum said:
Yes and yes.
I left him with the crew that holds the door at the end section.
Which now when I look back at it wasn't very smart. He isn't very battle ready like most of the others.

yeah for me it was that part, did the mission again but now took him with me to fight the reaper and he was alive at the end so go me, everyone alive and everyone still loyal

now to play a second time, this time going paragon and some difrent class, thinking about vanguard...

oh and no one on my team was happy that I gave Cerberus the base -.- even the two that are actualy working for them are saying that it might have been a bad idea

oh and is it only me or is anyone else having a feeling that Cerberus is similar to section 13 in star trek, aka a rogue organization that officialy no one supports, but unofficialy the goverment is backing them up in certain cases

and illusive man=God Emperor of mankind :D


JambiBum said:
Yes and yes.
I left him with the crew that holds the door at the end section.
Which now when I look back at it wasn't very smart. He isn't very battle ready like most of the others.
I also forgot I went with the
option to go around the locked door problem, I did not choose distraction or blow up the door in the suicide mission planning. and LOL Mordin is battle ready he is an ex salarian commando


erotic butter maelstrom
Minamu said:
Also, am I allowed to switch my team members this time around or are the loyalty achievements just as annoying as in the first game?

Loyal achievements are earned by completing a quest for that character. They become available by chatting to those characters in the Normandy and progressing through the game, so they have nothing to do with actually keeping them in your party for the majority of the game. I've spent most of the game so far with the same crew as ME1 <3. Looks like I'll actually 1000/1000 this one as long as I can handle Insanity Mode.


Ducarmel said:
I also forgot I went with the
option to go around the locked door problem, I did not choose distraction or blow up the door in the suicide mission planning. and LOL Mordin is battle ready he is an ex salarian commando

Well apparently he isn't for that mission lol.
I made him escort the crew the second time through and everyone survived just fine


You know what your kinda making me worried I beat the game a while early Tuesday morning I was hyped on caffeine and probably forgot some stuff, and now I cant remember if I talked to Mordin after the mission. OH SHIT! Mordin!:lol Now I have to reload the last save just to check.


Anyone know what specific benefits the achievements give?

a Master Ninja said:
Dumb Question: Where is Zaheed located on the Normandy? I can't seem to find him.

Engineering, opposite side of the hall from Grunt
a Master Ninja said:
Dumb Question: Where is Zaheed located on the Normandy? I can't seem to find him.

Engineering. When you access the elevator, there should be a list on each floor telling you which character is on that floor.


Ducarmel said:
You know what your kinda making me worried I beat the game a while early Tuesday morning I was hyped on caffeine and probably forgot some stuff, and now I cant remember if I talked to Mordin after the mission. OH SHIT! Mordin!:lol Now I have to reload the last save just to check.

Just check your achievements? Make it a lot easier lol.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
a Master Ninja said:
Dumb Question: Where is Zaheed located on the Normandy? I can't seem to find him.
I think starboard cargo on the fourth floor. That or port cargo. Wherever opposite Grunt is.
Cep said:
Anyone know what specific benefits the achievements give?

Mission Accomplished gives you bonuses when starting a new game (200k money, 50k minerals). The achievements for finishing the loyalty quests unlock the various bonus talents. That's it.


Basileus777 said:
Mission Accomplished gives you bonuses when starting a new game. The achievements for finishing the loyalty quests unlock the various bonus talents. That's it.

Yeah I know this, but i thought someone mentioned that there was a bonus talent for new characters.

Perhaps they were talking about ME1?
Cep said:
Yeah I know this, but i thought someone mentioned that there was a bonus talent for new characters.

Perhaps they were talking about ME1?

You get access to each NPC's bonus talent once you finish their loyalty quest, both through research and when starting a new game.
One thing I like about Mordin so far is that every time he's too busy to talk, he always has some new and crazy thing he's talking about being busy with. Unlike Jacob who just always doesn't feel like forcing these talks. I always enjoy hearing whatever Mordin is busy with.

Mordin's voice actor really does an amazing job with the character.


Basileus777 said:
You get access to each NPC's bonus talent once you finish their loyalty quest, both through research and when starting a new game.

Oh! Thank you.

I do not suppose we can choose a bonus weapon at creation?

KuwabaraTheMan said:
One thing I like about Mordin so far is that every time he's too busy to talk, he always has some new and crazy thing he's talking about being busy with. Unlike Jacob who just always doesn't feel like forcing these talks. I always enjoy hearing whatever Mordin is busy with.

Mordin's voice actor really does an amazing job with the character.

Helps that the writers did a splendid job with him.


Y2Kev said:
Lol, I didn't realize it, but Zaeed is Canderous from KOTOR in a lot of ways.

Shit, neither did I, he is definitely Canderous.

His loyalty mission:
Is it still possible to get his loyalty if you choose to save the refinery?


Five hours in, the game is awesome. Its the little touches that I love, like the extra detail when in galaxy-view that reminds you where to go, and just ending a mission once you complete the objective, instead of forcing you to wander all the way back to the Normandy.

The design of Elusive Man's office :bow: :bow:
Y2Kev said:
You don't have to do it this way. I did it differently with literally every selection and had everyone at the end.

It's not based on who you put where. It's definitely loyalty and ship upgrades.

The Guard Captain in Noveria on ME1 (Matsuo?), Fai Dan from Zhu's Hope.

I'd bet it's likely if you send grunt in the tube, he's going to die, or someone will.

For me, I got everyone out:

Everyone loyal. All ship upgrades.
My character was heavy paragon (90% full) and decent renegade (60% full).
Legion in the tunnel -- made sure to hit all buttons/switches in a timely manner.
Jacob led the second party.
Miranda and Grunt were in my party.

Next set of choices, Grunt took Doc back to the ship.
Miranda led second party.
Samara did my barrier.
Legion and Mordin came with me, I think.

As far as the question about the ending and the point of what the collectors were doing with the humans they had stolen:
The point of the human looking reaper is that the reaper starts to resemble the genetic material used to build it, I guess. Since human DNA was being used to build the new reaper (to replace Sovereign, I'd wager), it was beginning to look like a human.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
wow! played for about 40 minutes.

I have to go out for lunch, so that will drag me away for a bit, but man, what an opening.

I can't wait to play more. The story is so much more interesting, right off the bat.
Cep said:
Shit, neither did I, he is definitely Canderous.

His loyalty mission:
Is it still possible to get his loyalty if you choose to save the refinery?

Yes, if you choose a certain paragon/renegade option.

Cep said:
I do not suppose we can choose a bonus weapon at creation?

Nope. You can only do that during a playthrough.


Cep said:
Shit, neither did I, he is definitely Canderous.

His loyalty mission:
Is it still possible to get his loyalty if you choose to save the refinery?
yeah depending if you talk your way to get it during the mission.
In Coalesced.ini there is a "bShieldsBlockPowers=true" option. It seems if you turn it off, biotics can work on shields.

There's also:


I wonder if these work if changed.


Basileus777 said:
In Coalesced.ini there is a "bShieldsBlockPowers=true" option. It seems if you turn it off, biotics can work on shields.

Is there an option that allows you to change which extra weapon you have?

I regret picking shotgun, I should have gone with the AR.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the default PC interface is much better this time as well, all I changed was 'lower weapon' to middle click, otherwise everything was much better
Can you romance more than one person during a single playthrough? Or just one?

Miranda is pissed at me right now so I went down below to see what Jack was cooking.
Cep said:
Is there an option that allows you to change which extra weapon you have?

I regret picking shotgun, I should have gone with the AR.

This is the only reference I see:


It might be possible to make it into a command and bind it to a key, but I'm not sure if/how it would work.

You can change what weapons an entire class can use though. And you can change what weapons an NPC can use, but the UI will only show two of them.


11 some hours in and I'm still using the initial sniper rifle as an infiltrator.

Please someone tell me where I can find an upgrade?

Darkman M

FunkyMunkey said:
Can you romance more than one person during a single playthrough? Or just one?

Miranda is pissed at me right now so I went down below to see what Jack was cooking.

You can do them all in one playthrough from what ive read, i haven't crossed that road yet. Im taking my sweet time with this one.
Neverfade said:
11 some hours in and I'm still using the initial sniper rifle as an infiltrator.

Please someone tell me where I can find an upgrade?

I remember seeing an upgrade at some vendor on Omega near the beginning? I could be mistaken but I'm 90% sure I saw it early on somewhere.

Beowulf28 said:
How do you put AA in the game? Using the steam version.

After you install that hotfix, all you need to do is open the ATI CCC, go to the AA options under "3D" and set it to whatever setting you want (2x, 4x, 8x, etc.) and make sure "Use Application Settings" is unchecked.

Edit: To get other visor's and stuff I need to buy 3 Dr. Peppers and get some codes?


MisterAnderson said:
I remember seeing an upgrade at some vendor on Omega near the beginning? I could be mistaken but I'm 90% sure I saw it early on somewhere.

I should have been more clear. I've found damage upgrades, but there must be actual rifle model upgrades as well, right?


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Got my PC version running, the mouse speed problem ernt too bad as I can change my mouse DPI on the fly.

Its a shame there is hardly any options to change, such as texture quality ect
Still the game is running very well at 60fps+ and is loading very fast.

I just hope Bioware patch a few of the nagging issues, but it could of been allot worse, Bioware could of delayed the PC version for a extra 6 months heh.
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