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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Mordin's lines challenge Jokers for the best in the game. That bit about never testing on species with members capable of calculus? Brilliant.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
K.Jack said:
A couple more tweaks for the PC.

1. To disable the Bioware/EA start-up movies, go to (C:) -> game folder -> BioGame -> Movies and add '.old' on the ends of BWLogo.bik and ME_EAsig_720p_v2_raw.bik. So you end up with:


Upon booting, you'll now go straight to the 'Press Any Key' screen, pretty much instantaneously.
Just quoting this, in case anyone missed it.


About 7 hours in or so, just got past the part where
The Collectors invade horizon and you meet up with Kaeden.
This game is pretty fucking revolutionary to me. It's like all of the best elements in a RPG (at least ones I hold dear) made sweet love with elements of a shooter. The exploration, conversations etc. are all amazing while I'd put the combat up with all of the best third person shooters. It's not as good as Uncharted or Gears of War but the fact that I can even mention ME2 with those games in terms of combat is compliment of itself. God I think I'm addicted, I'm already itching to play more.


Geth party member
was really cool to see. The backstory for it and its relation to the whole story was really satisfying. Bringing it on
Tali's loyalty mission was great too, see the fleet respond to me bringing Legion with me.

Atlas Shepard carried over quite nicely.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nope, no cryo-blaster on citadel. still looking for fifth heavy weapon.

edit: got the schematic
I love Salarains, just putting that out there. When I found out that ME2 had a Salarain party member I was very excited and Mordin did not disappoint.

Speaking of party members, once I figured out who Miranda's voice actor was I started getting a serious uncanny-valley vibe off her. 'Cause, you know, she's got her face... except not... It was bad enough that I actually tried to minimize my interactions with her after that. Creeeepy.
heh, just got garrus's sparring match story with a female in C sec....funny stuff
later we settled the tie in my quarters...i had reach but she had flexibility....


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
MisterAnderson said:
A few pages back I read something about Dr Pepper? What is this? I need to buy 3 Dr Peppers for some codes to redeem or something?
Yup. If you want the 3 Dr.Pepper Headgear's and you didn't download them when they were up on the Marketplace, you have to buy 3 Dr.Peppers to get access to them.

Y2Kev said:
Nope, no cryo-blaster on citadel. still looking for fifth heavy weapon.

I couldn't figure out how to get a kill with that so it took until my sixth heavy weapon to get the achievement. I'm not even entirely clear on how the sixth heavy weapon works, but I eventually got it to fire and killed something with it, though I also killed myself in the process. Didn't matter, achievement unlocked and it was right after an autosave. This game autosaves so often that I hard saved only 3 times in the first 12 hours.


Any of you have tips for the suicide mission? I'm level 26 bought every possibles upgrades of weapon, armor and ship, everyone have loyalty to max, talked to everybody multiples times until they repeat the same thing over over.

THEY KEEP DYING. Are there multiple combinations possible for the choices? Or you need a guide for the only combination that will incur no member death? I pass the ship battle part without casualties but after the vent part they all get shot in the head trying to open the door


Hmm, I've for better or worse agreed to write a review for this game to fill space on the A&E page of my university's newspaper. Guess I'll have to play the whole game over the weekend then so I can have something by Monday.
Ilive1up said:
Mordin is the best character in the game. Just did his loyalty mission. Fantastic.

yea...that was one of my most favorite missions...him and Thane are my most favorite characters in this game...and prob in most games.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Jamesfrom818 said:

Atlas Shepard carried over quite nicely.[/QUOTE]
That's a badass Shepard. Could you post the creation code?
Just re-finished Mass Effect tonight and instantly imported into ME2. I have played through the intro and spoken to the
Illusive Man
and am ready to depart for
Freedom's Whatever
. It's so good already. If I didn't have school tomorrow I would fully stay up and play until I couldn't. Tomorrow will be painful. Thankfully, I only have two classes and I'll be done by noon. Also, don't have to work.

It shall be a good day.
Yeah I have no idea whats going on here.

Beat the game, everyone is alive. This wasn't even a suicide mission, more like a walk in the park, a very slow walk mind you but still. I really did expect some one to bite it or have some random drama, but noooooo everyone had to live.

Edit: Also yeah the ending sucks. Mainly because in the 1st game you knew what was going on about an hour or half an hour before the game ends. So you knew the score and what you had to do. But here they throw you some random curve balls and it just doesn't make sense, feels like I missed out on some critical plot points or maybe a few minutes of exposition.


Lostconfused said:
Yeah I have no idea whats going on here.

Beat the game, everyone is alive. This wasn't even a suicide mission, more like a walk in the park, a very slow walk mind you but still. I really did expect some one to bite it or have some random drama, but noooooo everyone had to live.

Edit: Also yeah the ending sucks. Mainly because in the 1st game you knew what was going on about an hour or half an hour before the game ends. So you knew the score and what you had to do. But here they throw you some random curve balls and it just doesn't make sense, feels like I missed out on some critical plot points or maybe a few minutes of exposition.

Maybe you can help me then for the final mission...

What are your combination? Everyone is maxed loyalty and I bought all upgrades and they keep dying?
Just did Jacob's loyalty mission.
I thought that was pretty awesome. It was weird seeing just how far those people had fallen, and his dad was a real prick. It was good for Jacob to get some development, since he had been feeling underdeveloped so far.
Vamphuntr said:
Maybe you can help me then for the final mission...

What are your combination? Everyone is maxed loyalty and I bought all upgrades and they keep dying?
Major end game spoiler don't read.

1st part
Tali going through the duct to hack the door
Jacob leading the other team

2nd Part
Samara for the biotic field
Miranda leading the other team
Jacob escorted the survivors back

Final Part I took Thane and Mordin with me

From reading the other posts it seems that Mordin might have a really high chance to die if during the rear guard unless you have him escort the survivors back or take him with you

Edit: Seriously Shepperd just kicked ass up and down the whole damn galaxy, can do no wrong. Might as well just bitch slap the council and use magical paragon powers to turn the galaxy into a beautiful land of sunshine and happiness.
Lostconfused said:
Yeah I have no idea whats going on here.

Beat the game, everyone is alive. This wasn't even a suicide mission, more like a walk in the park, a very slow walk mind you but still. I really did expect some one to bite it or have some random drama, but noooooo everyone had to live.

It was more or less the same for me, though I had almost full upgrades and put a bit of thought into people's assignments, so I figured if it was possible to have everyone survive then I was probably going to pull it off.


i love this damn game. played 16 hours and i got a long long way to go from where i'm at. also keep bumping into cute situations from people and things in ME1, like bumping into fist.

I love it when I run into people that I met in ME1. It makes the game so much fun and exciting.

If only there was a way to analyze your ME1 save to see what actions had occurred. I can't remember them all. :(


Lostconfused said:
Major end game spoiler don't read.

1st part
Tali going through the duct to hack the door
Jacob leading the other team

2nd Part
Samara for the biotic field
Miranda leading the other team
Jacob escorted the survivors back

Final Part I took Thane and Mordin with me

From reading the other posts it seems that Mordin might have a really high chance to die if during the rear guard unless you have him escort the survivors back or take him with you

Well, it seems to be really complicated for the perfert combination.

I chose Tali to go in the vent. And Samara to lead the other team. I hit the 8 valves fine but when I reach the door Tali says that there is a problem. The door opens we go in but it doesn't close and she get shot in the head trying to close it manually :(
I just ran into Shiala, the asari commando that was enthralled by the Thorian. I remember saying I preferred her green clones and then she pops up on Ilium with green skin. I guess a lot of people felt that way. I can't wait to fuck her in ME3.

Killthee said:
That's a badass Shepard. Could you post the creation code?

Its a slight variation of one of the prebuilt custom Shepards in ME1 so I don't quite remember what they are. He actually looks like me and my dad.
End game spoiler don't read

Vamphuntr said:
Well, it seems to be really complicated for the perfert combination.
I chose Tali to go in the vent. And Samara to lead the other team. I hit the 8 valves fine but when I reach the door Tali says that there is a problem. The door opens we go in but
it doesn't close and she get shot in the head trying to close it manually :(

Had Garrus and Samara in the part for the first part, probably doesn't matter.

Door closed for me and everyone lived happily ever after

Jamesfrom818 said:
I just ran into Shiala, the asari commando that was enthralled by the Thorian. I remember saying I preferred her green clones and then she pops up on Ilium with green skin. I guess a lot of people felt that way. I can't wait to fuck her in ME3.
I liked blue more but I also think she looked better in the 1st game too.


Lostconfused said:
End game spoiler don't read

Had Garrus and Samara in the part for the first part, probably doesn't matter.

Door closed for me and everyone lived happily ever after

I love you! your combo worked.

When jacob is in the other team the door closed fine, now for the rest


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
JKTrix said:
I figured out who 'Aria' was right before she said "[the Patriarch is] not the first Krogan I pissed off." I said wow.
Damn you, not cryptic enough

This is why Wrex should have been in this game.
Just beat the game on normal (33 hours) and its going down as my favorite game of all-time. I was actually really disappointed in ME1 despite beating it twice, it promised so much and ended up so short, simple and broken in places. Only thing ME2 lacked to me was more conversation between your party members, I guess I was spoiled from what little I played of Dragon Age Origins as they had this nailed as did some of the elevator rides in ME1. Just seemed like allmy party members stayed to themselves too much which was disappointed since the focus and tagline of the game is "Assemble Your Team", was hoping for a little more interaction.
I was worried about how far the game would go early on so I made sure not to party up Mordin and Grunt together or talk to any Krogan outisde of Mordin's quest when he was with me, didn't know if that would go over well with his role in the Krogan genophage.:D

Heres some my details for those interested:

Imported my ME1 male Shepard who was almost 100% Paragon if I remember. Played as a Infiltrator which turned out to be a good choice, though I didn't find one good use for the damn Cloak power, the other abilities were useful and I had a good variety of guns.

I completely blew all of my romances,
I was working on Jack for most of the game since Miranda seemed too easy and I didn't think I could trust her because of the Cerberus ties. I turned down sex with Jack early on worried she was playing with me, picked her over Miranda twice but got impatient towards the middle of the game and mistakenly took a super hard ass position and she stopped talking to me altogether just telling me to "fuck off" everytime I checked on her afterwards. This was after a hilarious convo I had with Mordin who tried to hook me up with some lotion to counteract biotic powers as he was worried Jack would kill me if it got too rough between the sheets. Despite getting the permanent cold shoulder Jack kept her loyalty to me on the squad screen.

Soon after this Kelly started dropping hints that Tali wanted some action so I checked her out but couldn't bring myself to do it, that suit weirds me out, but shes my girl though. Finally after all else failed I was talking to Samara after I finished the game and it looked like she was gonna at least let me hit it, but I got shutdown right before liftoff because of her damn code...might as well have called my character "Desert Dick Shepard":D

Everyone lived on my final mission, I'd like to think it was my legendary leadership skills, but I guess it had more to do with the fact:
I did all the loyalty quests, upgraded almost everything except for the Ship Fuel, Medical Bay, and a few Shotgun upgrades as I was a planet probing maniac, pecking method if you must know... I don't think it hurt that I gave some good ass motivational speeches each time I got the chance on the last mission and I hurried my ass through the first part where you have to hit the Heating Switches to open doors for the 2nd team.

For my plan of attack
I chose Legion for the tunnel hacking, figured he was expendable if it came down to it. I picked Garrus as my second team leader when we needed to split up because he was the only one outside Tali I could trust and his Archangel badassness would carry him through battle, I enjoyed hearing him kickass over the radio too. I brought Grunt and Thane on the Heating Switch part and wiped the floor with everyone. Sent Mordin back to the ship with the crew we rescued, I didn't read any spoilers but had a hunch he might die easily for some reason, which was a good call. Used Samara's biotic shield to get through the swarm with Grunt and Miranda accompanying me. Told the team to man the door and took Samara and Grunt to the end. Stayed consistent and blew up the Collector ship since I blew up the Geth too and told that scumbag Illusive Man to frak off

A question for those who have gotten a good deal through the game:

What is your preferred Heavy Weapon of choice? I think I got them all during my playthrough and didn't have a whole lot of success. Seemed like the
Collector Particle Beam
worked the best for me as it cut down almost anything pretty quick. The
Missile Launcher
seemed a little weak and inaccurate. I couldn't hit anybody when it counted with the Terminus Singularity Gun, though it worked good on crowds I usually saved it for boss types and it failed. One of the other ones you get later on that looked promising I couldn't even figure out how to fire, it charged like the Singularity Gun but never fired anything. I didn't get a chance to try the
Flame or Cyro Guns
as I got them right before the last mission.


Jesus what a post :lol, my favorite heavy was the Singularity Projector. It's such a shame that I only started using it late in the game.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
I'd like to say Five way and adding Jack in there after playing her loyalty mission....

I really thought she was a good idea that was not all too well handled. Not bad, but iffy.

But I would not fight anyone that says she is good. Grunt/Miranda/Jacob/Samara/Zaeed are a whole different matter.

HK-47 said:
Damn you, not cryptic enough

This is why Wrex should have been in this game.

Maybe not in yours...
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