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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Junior Member
WOW at the Citadel, I'm a bit disappointed that I don't seem to be able to explore the Presidium but the area we do get is awesome, I love the advertisements :lol.

Would anyone happen to have any spare Dr. Pepper codes by any chance?
Does anyone have a list of all available upgrades and the required amount of mineral needed for them? I don't want to be wasting probes/fuel mining a certain mineral without knowing that they'll be something available at the end of it
WOW. Just finished the game. 26 hours of pure awesome! Reading some of the spoilers here I can't believe how differently things could have gone with a few of the decisions I made. I'm really stumped at how they are going to handle most of this for Mass Effect 3. They can't pull the same trick twice.

Anyways [end game spoilers]:

I lost Samara to a bunch of bugs that picked her up and dragged her away. I had her loyalty and see no reason for her death. I didn't select for any of the special tasks. She just happened to be on my team at the time.

Zaeed died escorting the crew back to the ship. I didn't have his loyalty and didn't care to since I was playing this Shephard as fairly Paragon throughout. Things will probably change on my second play through.

Jack didn't survive holding the fort with the rest of my crew while I finished off the human-reaper. I didn't have her loyalty.

All in all, I didn't really give a damn about those who died story wise although I'm still pissed I couldn't save everyone. There were times I was literally closing my eyes because I thought people like Garrus, Thane or Miranda were going to bite the dust. I absolutely love the concept of a Suicide Mission in games. It raises the stakes and gives you an investment in the decisions you make throughout.

The last shot of Shephard jumping towards the ship had me on the edge of my seat. I was scared that he was going to bite the dust too!!! So did anyone lose Shephard? I haven't seen this mentioned in any spoiler tags so far.

I'll be playing a Renegade Femshep on my second play.


mileS said:
Glad I stuck it out with the Vanguard. I just went through a couple of missions where everything was starting to click and my god is it fun.

I had 2 droid dudes with no shields behind cover so I curved Pull to get one out, his buddy jumped out of cover to shoot me but I ended up charging the pulled droid still floating smashing him downwards right into him. Both of them explode.

How do you curve pull?

ACE 1991

My only complaint so far is the lack of guns in the game; I'm over 10 hours in and I have found only two guns that I can actually use as a sentinel.
Confidence Man said:
Goddamnit, I need maxed paragon for something and I just realized my fucking paragon meter is draining.

It's after I used the IFF and the collector ship abducted all the crew. I'm assuming it's depleting because I didn't rush off immediately to the endgame?

If that's the case then that's the biggest douchebag move ever.



Xamdou said:
How do you curve pull?

Just target an enemy until an orange box pops up around them. Then just aim above them, or to their side, so that the Pull is launched away from them. So long as the orange box is on them--meaning they're locked on as a target--your biotic attacks will fly in the direction you launched it, only to curve in and hit them.
I was just given a name of a planet to scan; Satent in the Pylos Nebula system but I can't find it on my galaxy map? Will new planets/locations appear as you progress in the story?


Dresden said:
Just target an enemy until an orange box pops up around them. Then just aim above them, or to their side, so that the Pull is launched away from them. So long as the orange box is on them--meaning they're locked on as a target--your biotic attacks will fly in the direction you launched it, only to curve in and hit them.

Awesome, going to try that out.
I've had the game 24 hours, I've played it for 14. Jesus.

I've got 7 of my squad at the moment but focusing on the side quests before I go any further. It's quite boggling how much there is to do, from the small things that take 2 minutes to resolve, to the character specific missions which are probably the highlight of the game for me so far.

I feel like the game is encouraging me to be a lot more evil than in the first game. I think I have a good balance, though - I'm nice to the characters I like, and anyone who I meet and gives me the slightest bit of trouble usually gets a shattered skull as a result. :lol


Junior Member
Meus Renaissance said:
I was just given a name of a planet to scan; Satent in the Pylos Nebula system but I can't find it on my galaxy map? Will new planets/locations appear as you progress in the story?

From what I've seen so far, any Mission/Assignment location you have listed in your journal will be listed under the appropriate star cluster/system in the galaxy map. So if you don't see it there, it's safe to say that it is in a cluster that hasn't unlocked yet.

OMG Aero

Wiggum2007 said:
WOW at the Citadel, I'm a bit disappointed that I don't seem to be able to explore the Presidium but the area we do get is awesome, I love the advertisements :lol.
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite store on the Citadel.


I want a tag give me a tag
Foliorum Viridum said:
I've had the game 24 hours, I've played it for 14. Jesus.

lol 38 hours out of about 56 for me...

Really trying to avoid this thread as I'm so close to the end, but one thing is bugging me, it's a quest on Omega, A salarian asked me to go and pick up some data files for him on other planets, I did, returned them to him.. and told him he shouldnt do this blah blah.. he says ok and leaves.. The quest is still listed there it says "you have given him the files and completed the mission!" or whatever..

but when I click on it it's still telling me to go and meet him in the omega markets...


Junior Member
OMG Aero said:
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite store on the Citadel.

Or the trailer for the movie based off of Mass Effect 1 :lol. Though I'm very saddened that they chose a dude to play my FemShep!


Will drop pants for Sony.
ACE 1991 said:
My only complaint so far is the lack of guns in the game; I'm over 10 hours in and I have found only two guns that I can actually use as a sentinel.

I wish there were more armor like the first game


Junior Member
neojubei said:
I wish there were more armor like the first game

Yeah I've noticed that modular armor pieces are a bit more limited than I was expecting so far on my playthrough. It's not a huge deal with all the appearance customization options, most of the different armors in ME1 were just textures swaps with different stats anyways, but it'd be nice to see them include more pieces as dlc. Well, as long as it's free dlc like we've gotten so far, I wouldn't want to get nickel and dimed on armor.


The game has alot of great lines. Mordin of course has alot of them but there are others out there, like the Hanar Dirty Harry remake which i found hilarious.

Managed to finish saving everyone (i found it weird since i expected someone would die , didnt know you could lose everyone ) and now i am pondering restarting it with a renegade character , which is something i never do. But the game is this good. Bioware rocks my world. Well except the jade thing that didnt happen.


This game is awesome. I have one complaint though.

Why in all that is holy do you have to take cover before you can climb over something. It looks incredibly stupid. Especially when there are 3 or 4 things in a row that you have to climb over. Is it really a limitation of the UE3 engine that you HAVE to do that? Seriously?


Junior Member
Yikes, I think I need to stay away from Gaming Discussion until I beat the game, in my carelessness I just nearly opened the ME2 spoiler thread instead of this one.
Darklord said:
Anyone else really disappointing with Jack? I've had for for a few hours and any conversation I've had really makes her seem a bit plain. I was expecting her to be a lot more angry and mentally unstable but she acts more like a girl with an attitude.
Jack's an awful character. I'm amazed Bioware can write someone as interesting as Thane and then turn around to give us shit like Jack.


Red Blaster said:
Jack's an awful character. I'm amazed Bioware can write someone as interesting as Thane and then turn around to give us shit like Jack.

I think she is okay. I was expecting to hate her but I find her pretty interesting. All the characters are good actually. Best part about the game for me. Never before I've seen such a big cast of good characters.

Game store employee... priceless

Yeah. I laughed at his old school RPG line.

Space Hamster for sale was amazing as well. :lol They even added the same voice that Boo had.


Just got to the second disk. 10 hours in and I'm gonna take things real slow and try to get as much possible done.

Glad I started on veteran cause it makes me actually play my class like it should (infiltrator).
Gotta stay back in cover and use the cloak when I need to move out or get in a few shots undetected, have someone get close to me and I'm as good as dead. Though I do miss some of my class's old powers.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I haven't played ME1... can I just start with ME2, since everyone says it fixes a lot of what was "wrong" with ME1? I assume I can just read the important story parts online somewhere.


Red Blaster said:
Jack's an awful character. I'm amazed Bioware can write someone as interesting as Thane and then turn around to give us shit like Jack.

I thought she was well written, though I can understand why some people don't like her.


firehawk12 said:
Hah, I'm surprised you can get both bars up that high in the same playthrough.

You could do it in ME1 too. Its something that is kind of fucked about the system. Doing something renegade should not only increase your renegade meter, but it should decrease your paragon meter.
commish said:
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I haven't played ME1... can I just start with ME2, since everyone says it fixes a lot of what was "wrong" with ME1? I assume I can just read the important story parts online somewhere.

You should really play Mass Effect 1 to get the most out of it. Otherwise some plot points in ME2 will lose a lot of impact, and others will go over your head completely. You can blow through the main story of ME1 in about 15-20 hours, so it's not terribly long.


commish said:
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I haven't played ME1... can I just start with ME2, since everyone says it fixes a lot of what was "wrong" with ME1? I assume I can just read the important story parts online somewhere.

IGN has a youtube video that wraps up the story of ME1 in 5 minutes.


Sinatar said:
It's amazing that after all this time people still don't realize that you should always always play evil in Bioware RPG's. It's by far the more entertaining and fleshed out option in every game.

I think this is the case for nearly every RPG I've played, personally. Evil is just so much more fun.

Having said that, Mass Effect 2 is one of the few RPGs I've played where picking the "good" choice doesn't make me want to stab myself in the eye with a pencil. My Renegade score is still higher, and that's the choice I usually pick, but my Paragon meter is running surprisingly high. Doesn't hurt that I ended up getting a crazy +26 Paragon score at the end of Mordin's loyalty quest.

Coxswain said:
Pssh, the only real way to roll in a Mass Effect game is to play a hero who just doesn't put up with any bullshit:

That's pretty much how my character is going. :lol
just took
personal mission back home. Everyone on the ship freaked out because of his presence. :lol This game rocks; I cannot stop playing.




Just finished the game. I wont enter the spoiler-topic, though, until I finish the game one more time as renegade.

best game ever
Bioware nailed it. Special props for the ending.
I need some tips on squad and strategy for dealing with
the Collector trap on their ship
on insanity.

I currently have Wrex and Miranda... Harbinger, or Cap'n Douchebag as I like to call him, uses that bullshit "knock you out of cover" move too often... he just rolls up, the AI for my squad sucks, he murders them, and I'm left dealing with Harbinger + at least 1 scion...


Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Posted this in a sports thread yesterday, might as well post it here also :lol :

So Im playing some Mass Effect 2 and ... does anybody else think the Illusive Man looks like Bill Simmons (the sports guy from ESPN)?




Solo said:
You could do it in ME1 too. Its something that is kind of fucked about the system. Doing something renegade should not only increase your renegade meter, but it should decrease your paragon meter.
No way in hell. The fact that Paragon and Renegade aren't mutually exclusive and aren't "good" and "evil" is the single best thing about the franchise, story-wise. Take that away and the whole thing crumbles away into old-school Bioware mediocrity.

Confidence Man said:
I don't think it can actually drain, although I made sure not to wait around to find out at that point in the game. Are you using Inferno armour or the Death Mask (or whatever) helmet? Because the effects of the extra 10% negotiation won't show up while you're on the Normandy, making it look lower than it does when you're away on a mission.
If that's not it, then I don't really know.


Coxswain said:
No way in hell. The fact that Paragon and Renegade aren't mutually exclusive and aren't "good" and "evil" is the single best thing about the franchise, story-wise. Take that away and the whole thing crumbles away into old-school Bioware mediocrity.

No, its retarded. How I can I be "fully" evil and "fully" benevolent at the same time? Thats not shades of grey. Thats fucking schizophrenia.


About the Vanguard... the only enemies so far that have really given my Vanguard some issues on Hardcore are the Husks, with their high shield levels and recharging barriers. Plus, they continually move towards you, so you can only remain in cover for so long. Fighting them up close is also not generally the greatest strategy.

Vanguard does get better, though, once you get the ability to unlock an additional weapon class. I went with the sniper rifle. Assault rifle would also probably be excellent. Krogan shotgun, dunno about that. Shotguns aren't great in this game.
Raging Spaniard said:
Posted this in a sports thread yesterday, might as well post it here also :lol :

So Im playing some Mass Effect 2 and ... does anybody else think the Illusive Man looks like Bill Simmons (the sports guy from ESPN)?



To me, the Illusive man is just a generic ripoff of the Smoking man from X-Files.
His eyes are really fucking cool though... like high-tech Sharingan. I wanna know what they are...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Metroidvania said:
Maybe I missed it, but what's so hassle-worthy about it?

What isn't hassle-worth about it? You've got to use a stupid EA account, use the code on the web, start up your console/game, try to connect to the network (which may or may not work), select the DLC from the in-game menu, and then reboot your console again.

Just downloading the DLC normally like most games would have been better. Yeah, I know why they did it the way they did, and in EA's eyes that probably supercedes any complaints I may have. But it's still a hassle.
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