EatChildren said:The Salarians knew. They're not stupid.
Really? I haven't seen anything that shows they're any smarter than anyone else.
People say, "oh the krogan may be dumb but at least Wrex is smart," but I honestly haven't seen a truly dumb krogan in either game yet. Maybe, like... those two on the Citadel, but they're no dumber than 90% of the other NPCs who want some insipid quest item and are willing to talk to anyone on the street. Big and violent and deep voices, yes, but that doesn't mean "big dummy." I've seen plenty of total dumbass humans, turians, asari, salarians, volus, hanar, batarians, and quarians though.
And saying, "Oh well Mordin finds it necessary!" doesn't prove that the salarians didn't mean it as a deterrent. Salarians rarely live past 40, and it was a thousand years ago. He's been raised to believe that (that his people aren't responsible for a terrible war crime), just like everyone else is biased by their upbringing.
How about just using the threat of the genophage as a deterrent? How about making the genophage not utterly devastating to the point that it is genocide and results in complete social collapse? How about not deciding to "renew" the genophage a thousand years later?
b-b-but not committing genocide is sooooo hard