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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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In one of the ME books it mentions that species DO obviously learn other languages to help with cultural dealings as well as the benefits of multilingualism.

It specifically mentions a quarian who shouts at a Cerberus agent in his native language through auto-translation, then switches to speaking very good English.


Also, you have to consider it from a gameplay perspective as well. Drastic changes in gravity or architecture/level design might keep things from being coherent and consistent from a gameplay angle, particularly one that's heavily based in third-person shooting (not to mention the game's need for points of cover that are of a specific height).
Zaeed should have been a full fledged character. His stories are the best.

- they're all capable of breathing air on a variety of planets

According to the codex, the Volus will literally burst if they came into contact with the air humans and other species breathe.

The Mass Effect series' codex is one of the reasons I love the games so much.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
OMG Aero said:
I can take a guess at the second one that there is some sort of universal translator device everyone uses. One of the things the game salesman says is that he hates when a Batarian joins his online game and doesn't use auto-translation.
BDtS adds an entry on the translator to the codex:

Technology: Translation

Human cultures remain linguistically divided. Some converse in Spanish, others in Mandarin, Arabic, Swahili, etc. Every alien race has their own equally broad panoply of languages and dialects.

Most individuals know only their mother tongue, and rely on machine translation. Modern portable computers allow anyone with a few hundred credits of equipment to enjoy seamless real-time translation of alien languages, courtesy of handheld PDAs, computers in clothing or jewelry, or sub-dermal implants. Without fast and accurate translation, galactic trade and culture would not exist.

Governments provide subsidized software, updated through the public extranet "on the fly", often as users approach spaceport customs facilities. Even the batarians, who isolated themselves from galactic society nearly two decades ago, take pains to provide up-to-date glossaries and linguistic rules, though most suspect that this is only so they can continue exporting propaganda.

It is still considered broad-minded and practical to be able to speak without machine aid. Children often take courses in alien language, and most races can speak the simplified artificial "trade tongue" with little difficulty.

Some species must rely on machine translation to interact with the rest of the galaxy. Hanar, for example, cannot reproduce the spoken language of any humanoid species, and other races cannot reproduce hanar bioluminescence without mechanical aid. Newly discovered or obscure races don't have machine translation available until the linguists have had time to study them.​
Small question about Paragon/Renegade QTE :

I'm going for a full PARAGON Shepard in my first game, so should I still activate the RENEGADE QTEs ?

Will it lower my Paragon score or somehow affect my "Good Guy" game ?
Always-honest said:
should this be my next game?

what's the GAF verdict on ME2?

Despite some wacky Bioware design decisions, it's one of the best games this gen.

Have you played the first? if not, you should. First.
I hope this codex entry on Salarian military doctrine puts to rest any doubt that the Salarians always intended to release the Genophage. They would never preemptively warn the Krogans.

Salarians: Military Doctrine

In principle, the salarian military is similar to the Alliance, a small volunteer army that focuses on maneuver warfare. What differentiates the salarians is not their equipment or doctrine, but their intelligence services and rules of engagement. The salarians believe that a war should be won before it begins.
Salarian soldiers on Virmire.

Conventional wisdom holds that the salarians know everything about everyone, and this is not far from the truth. In war, the unquestioned superiority of their intelligence services allows them to use their small military to maximum effectiveness. Well before fighting breaks out, they possess complete knowledge of their enemy's positions, intentions, and timetable.

In every war the salarians have fought, they struck first and without warning. For the salarians, to know an enemy plans to attack and to let it happen is folly. To announce their own plans to attack is insanity. They find the human moral concepts of "do not fire until fired upon" and "declare a war before prosecuting it" incredibly naive. In defensive wars, they execute devastating preemptive strikes hours before the enemy's own attacks. On the offensive, they have never telegraphed their intentions with a declaration of war before attacking.

Always-honest said:
should this be my next game?

what's the GAF verdict on ME2?

Best game I've played since Half Life 2.

theMrCravens said:
Small question about Paragon/Renegade QTE :

I'm going for a full PARAGON Shepard in my first game, so should I still activate the RENEGADE QTEs ?

Will it lower my Paragon score or somehow affect my "Good Guy" game ?

I dont know if it lowers your Paeagon score, but it will increase your renegade score. Most times there will be a Paragon option if you wait. So in short, do not choose the Renegade QTE if you are going for a pure Paragon.


Here's some highly scientific evidence of how ME2 is generally viewed on the Internet:

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is amazing" in google, in quotes (meaning it searches for that exact line), and you get 3.36 million hits

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is awesome" and you get 3.94 million hits

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is great" and you get 4 million hits

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is the best" and you get 19.6 million hits

theMrCravens said:
Small question about Paragon/Renegade QTE :

I'm going for a full PARAGON Shepard in my first game, so should I still activate the RENEGADE QTEs ?

Will it lower my Paragon score or somehow affect my "Good Guy" game ?

It won't lower your paragon but it will raise your renegade, also it will prevent you from gaining any paragon points you could have gotten have gotten from that event. So if you're going for full paragon, don't do it.


I'm not sure if this was mentioned in this thread and it's way too long to browse through so here goes --

Trying to do the Liara sidequest hack job and during one of the hacks (the first one) I failed to reach the terminal in time since I accidentally triggered a dialogue cutscene before finishing finding the hacked terminal. I was able to hack two more after that (using the same access screen) but I'm unable to do the third. The screen just can't be hacked anymore. Is there another station I can hack into to gain access? Talking to her seems to do nothing for me in resetting the terminal and I don't think there's a tool upgrade that allows you to rehack something after you've failed once.

Did my game bug out? Am I missing something? I'd really like to continue that side story since she was my romance choice in ME1 but it seems I can't... Little help please?


So, how many Renegade points do you need to
give that Batarian bartender a taste of his own poison?

Tried playing as a Soldier, because I kind of missed using the Assault Rifle; Shepard looks so... Incomplete without it. Unfortunately, Adrenaline Rush wasn't as fun as I hoped it would be. Had much more fun with the Infiltrator.

You can still give
Legion the Widow Anti-Materiel Rifle, even if you don't pick it up, right? Despite how powerful it is, I hardly ever use it myself, usually switch back to the Viper. I think on my next playthrough as an Infiltrator, I'll have Shepard pick up the AR instead of the Widow

Think I'm going to give the Vanguard a shot next. Then maybe the Sentinel.
Ryu said:
I'm not sure if this was mentioned in this thread and it's way too long to browse through so here goes --

Trying to do the Liara sidequest hack job and during one of the hacks (the first one) I failed to reach the terminal in time since I accidentally triggered a dialogue cutscene before finishing finding the hacked terminal. I was able to hack two more after that (using the same access screen) but I'm unable to do the third. The screen just can't be hacked anymore. Is there another station I can hack into to gain access? Talking to her seems to do nothing for me in resetting the terminal and I don't think there's a tool upgrade that allows you to rehack something after you've failed once.

Did my game bug out? Am I missing something? I'd really like to continue that side story since she was my romance choice in ME1 but it seems I can't... Little help please?

There should be a save file that was created when you landed on the planet that you can restart with. Not an optimal solution but it is an option. There are either 5 or 6 terminals so if you have only been to 4 terminals total then there are still more to visit.

Or if you want you can ask for the correct answer to her question and one of us will give it to you.


I've already beaten the game and I've been back there many times (PC version) both before the end and after the end to see if anything has changed and nothing has (reverting to an old save isn't an option). I only failed that one time and completed two properly. Am I just missing something? I don't see any hackable terminals around (highlighted with the blue brackets), just shop store locations or people to talk to...
Sentinel is a lot of fun, and the diversity of skills means that you can become insanely powerful. I upgraded my tactical shield for a more powerful burst, and took Miranda with me for nearly all the missions. We steamrolled everything.

Even against a swarm of enemies, you just put up your shield, run out and melee them until your shield bursts and knocks everybody dead.


Zeliard said:
Here's some highly scientific evidence of how ME2 is generally viewed on the Internet:

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is amazing" in google, in quotes (meaning it searches for that exact line), and you get 3.36 million hits

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is awesome" and you get 3.94 million hits

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is great" and you get 4 million hits

- Search for "Mass Effect 2 is the best" and you get 19.6 million hits


- Search for "Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2" and you get 23.7 million hits :p


SlickVic said:
Hmm haven't heard the
romance is related to signing into Cerberus (though I've never been signed in to it outside of downloading DLC). Guessing you were quoting someone else?
I think he was talking to me about beating mass effect galaxy.


Solo said:
- Search for "Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2" and you get 23.7 million hits :p

You get 2 hits if you do that. :eek: I'm talking about putting it in quotes, which makes google search for that exact sentence.

Solo said:
- Search for "Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2" and you get 23.7 million hits :p

Search for Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect 1 and you get 24.2 million hits.

Zeliard said:
You get 2 hits if you do that. :eek: I'm talking about putting it in quotes, which makes google search for that exact sentence.


Well doing it that way "Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2" gets 2 hits while "Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect 1" gets 3 hits.

Mass Effect 2 still wins. :D


I <3 Memes said:
Search for Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect 1 and you get 24.2 million hits.

Keep your math outta here! :lol

dollartaco said:
Solo hates sequels. Hence the name.

No, but I do seem to have a problem with 2010 sequels so far. ME2 is a fucking amazing game that still left me feeling disappointed, and so far Bioshock 2 is a disappointing game that leaves me thinking "you dumbshit, you knew it would be mediocre, why did you spend $70 on it?" :lol


Will drop pants for Sony.
MomoPufflet said:
Probably discussed ad nauseam, but Mass Effect 2 replayability is hurt substantially by the lack of a simulation room. They can keep their Mako, their Kasumi, their Zaeed, and their DLC guns/Dr. Pepper armor-- just shut up and give me a simulation room. I want to shoot waves of robots in the brain and play with biotics for absolutely no reason. That's it. Just charge me the 1800 spacebux or whatever I know you've been "cleverly" planning to rape me for, EA. Just tell me where to mail my DNA sample/dignity.

Yeah I have to agree. A combat simulation room on the ship or even on Omega or outpost would be cool. I downloaded the DLC cerberus armor and shotgun but I've finished the game and all the sidequests so it is sort of pointless unless you play through the game again.


theMrCravens said:
Small question about Paragon/Renegade QTE :

I'm going for a full PARAGON Shepard in my first game, so should I still activate the RENEGADE QTEs ?

Will it lower my Paragon score or somehow affect my "Good Guy" game ?

I filled my Paragon meter and I still did quite a few Renegade interrupts. It helps if you're importing a ME1 full paragon character, because that gives you a major leg up.

Just make sure you make all the paragon dialogue choices, and you'll be fine. There's more than enough paragon opportunities for you to be a dick every once in a while.
gregor7777 said:
Despite some wacky Bioware design decisions, it's one of the best games this gen.

Have you played the first? if not, you should. First.
yeah, loved it.

okay thanx.

wow at the HL2 comment.. that's quite the compliment


I think the only place I've seen with a good amount of ME2 bashing is the Bioware Social Forums. Over there, you hear complaints like "this game was rushed", "I feel like I'm playing a beta", "no loot makes this game teh suck", "Bioware forgot how to make great games", etc. I stopped going there since it feels like they played a different game than I did, or perhaps, just came into ME2 with very different expectations.
SlickVic said:
I think the only place I've seen with a good amount of ME2 bashing is the Bioware Social Forums. Over there, you hear complaints like "this game was rushed", "I feel like I'm playing a beta", "no loot makes this game teh suck", "Bioware forgot how to make great games", etc. I stopped going there since it feels like they played a different game than I did, or perhaps, just came into ME2 with very different expectations.
90% of the threads over there prior to launch were about who'll you be able to sleep with... that should give you an idea of what you're dealing with. :lol


I <3 Memes said:
Well doing it that way "Mass Effect 1 is better than Mass Effect 2" gets 2 hits while "Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect 1" gets 3 hits.

Mass Effect 2 still wins. :D
Search for "mass effect 2 is just as good as mass effect 1 but in different ways" and you get 59,400,000 hits

i just don't understand the buying fuel. why does a sophisticated warship like the normandy need fuel at that age of technology? and a fuel depot? come on!
macfoshizzle said:
i just don't understand the buying fuel. why does a sophisticated warship like the normandy need fuel at that age of technology? and a fuel depot? come on!

The Normandy has a mass effect drive that distorts space so that the ship "falls" into the space in front of it. Do mass Effect drives need fuel?

The Tantalus drive generates mass concentrations that the Normandy "falls into", allowing her to move without the use of heat-emitting thrusters. The core not only makes the Normandy quiet and fast, but means she can run at FTL speeds for much longer before having to discharge the drive.


gregor7777 said:
The Normandy has a mass effect drive that distorts space so that the ship "falls" into the space in front of it. Do mass Effect drives need fuel?
They'd need some sort of electricity that they run through the element zero. Just say it's battery recharging station or something. :lol


SlickVic said:
I think the only place I've seen with a good amount of ME2 bashing is the Bioware Social Forums. Over there, you hear complaints like "this game was rushed", "I feel like I'm playing a beta", "no loot makes this game teh suck", "Bioware forgot how to make great games", etc. I stopped going there since it feels like they played a different game than I did, or perhaps, just came into ME2 with very different expectations.

Or they are just fandumb.

Really, I can understand disliking the game, or even thinking it is bad, but some people...


They really should have used discharging as the fuel mechanic. Probes could have been purchased while in orbit over inhabited planets.


will learn eventually
(Character Spoiler)
Legion with Widow Sniper rifle
and any other character with a sniper rifle + being a Infiltrator is just ridiculous. Everything dies in one to two shots, I don't even have to do anything :O :lol :lol


SlickVic said:
I think the only place I've seen with a good amount of ME2 bashing is the Bioware Social Forums. Over there, you hear complaints like "this game was rushed", "I feel like I'm playing a beta", "no loot makes this game teh suck", "Bioware forgot how to make great games", etc. I stopped going there since it feels like they played a different game than I did, or perhaps, just came into ME2 with very different expectations.
I've had two hard locks, one case of it losing my auto save, one time I was stuck in the death cam with no options to load or quit. Add to that all kinds of jankiness with the cover system and power use, massive difficulty spikes at times, weird animation, party members standing in the air, sometimes several meters up, acting like they're ducking in and out of cover, and, well, it sure could have used a couple of months of bug fixing and balancing.


Will drop pants for Sony.
gregor7777 said:
The Normandy has a mass effect drive that distorts space so that the ship "falls" into the space in front of it. Do mass Effect drives need fuel?

The Normandy SR1 didn't need it.


I'm getting off active duty soon, and I'm like 2 weeks away from throwing myself into ME2. My 360 is in storage and I am DYING to play it. I've got 3 characters on ME1, so I'm going to play through each one (maybe two of them back to back :lol ) over the next few weeks once I get back.

I've been on 100% media black out (I even changed the channel when the commercials came on, lol). Very excited, to say the least.
gregor7777 said:
The Normandy has a mass effect drive that distorts space so that the ship "falls" into the space in front of it. Do mass Effect drives need fuel?


so element zero would be equivalent to today's uranium that fuels nuclear reactors except it's a lot more rare.

i would like to know more about this mass effect drive and how it works


Unconfirmed Member
I thought the mass effect drive just reduces the mass of the ship. The ship is still propelled through chemical means, but can reach higher speeds because of its greatly reduced mass.

Then again I think I may be confusing this with some other sci-fi series.


I'm surprised by how freaking awesome Adepts are. I started a new one and decided to just grab Wide Singularity before anything else. My typical battle, on Insanity:

--spot a group of enemies
--toss Singularity
--shielded and armored enemies are caught and they start writhing
--Area Overload/Reave/Incinerate Blast from one of my squaddies
--another Singularity, this time to get everyone floating
--Warp some random enemy. Boom.
--move on to the next area.

Singularity is amazing. I wish no one had told me that Adepts were about warp spamming, my previous insanity Adept probably would've done much better if I'd just used singularity more.
macfoshizzle said:

so element zero would be equivalent to today's uranium that fuels nuclear reactors except it's a lot more rare.

i would like to know more about this mass effect drive and how it works
Erico said:
I thought the mass effect drive just reduces the mass of the ship. The ship is still propelled through chemical means, but can reach higher speeds because of its greatly reduced mass.

Then again I think I may be confusing this with some other sci-fi series.

From the Codex:

Mass Effect Codex said:
Faster-than-light drives use element zero cores to reduce the mass of a ship, allowing higher rates of acceleration. This effectively raises the speed of light within the mass effect field, allowing high speed travel with negligible relativistic time dilation effects.

Starships still require conventional thrusters (chemical rockets, commercial fusion torch, economy ion engine, or military antiproton drive) in addition to the FTL drive core. With only a core, a ship has no motive power.

The amount of element zero and power required for a drive increases exponentially to the mass being moved and the degree it is being lightened. Very massive ships or very high speeds are prohibitively expensive.

If the field collapses while the ship is moving at faster-than-light speeds, the effects are catastrophic. The ship is snapped back to sublight velocity, the enormous excess energy shed in the form of lethal Cherenkov radiation.
EmCeeGramr said:
From the Codex: Faster-than-light drives use element zero cores to reduce the mass of a ship, allowing higher rates of acceleration. This effectively raises the speed of light within the mass effect field, allowing high speed travel with negligible relativistic time dilation effects.

Starships still require conventional thrusters (chemical rockets, commercial fusion torch, economy ion engine, or military antiproton drive) in addition to the FTL drive core. With only a core, a ship has no motive power.

The amount of element zero and power required for a drive increases exponentially to the mass being moved and the degree it is being lightened. Very massive ships or very high speeds are prohibitively expensive.

If the field collapses while the ship is moving at faster-than-light speeds, the effects are catastrophic. The ship is snapped back to sublight velocity, the enormous excess energy shed in the form of lethal Cherenkov radiation.

ahh okay. so the word "fuel" they use in the game is element zero according to the codec? that is if your traveling from planet to planet and systems to system. they only use mass relays to travel to other cluster?


Anybody know if some quest or whatever opens if you don't talk to the first vorcha in Omega so that they don't bugger off at that point? I'm on my second playthrough and have left them be for now, since there's nothing to gain from that discussion anyway, but yeah, would be nice to know beforehand.
Pic Of The Day:

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