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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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I'm having a blast with ME2, I though ammo was gonna suck, but it's managable. Having a lv 60 Shepard was nice for the beginning bonuses. There seems to be WAY more systems to visit. I just got to the 2nd wave of recruiting... can imagine how many there will be by end-game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
bryehn said:
Oh that sucks. I'll really miss the feeling of isolation being in the middle of nowhere on a planet looking up at the sky.

Everything feels compartmentalized and in many ways restricted.

Like skill classes, will more open up later?

Oh and
I planted my memorial at the Mako in anticipation of not driving anymore.
That's rather disappointing. While it's true that many planets were just retreads, most of them had their own unique atmosphere that made it enjoyable to visit. I really thought the Mako sections increased gameplay variety as well (during main missions even). I hate the idea of the game becoming too compartmentalized. :\
Just started up ME2....holy fuck what an intro. But WTF is up with the mouse sensitivity? My mouse options in the control panel aren't even effecting it, neither is changing the "camera speed" from "low" "medium" and "high". It's all just fucking fast as hell. The only way I can manage is by constantly switching my DPI settings on my mouse, which is annoying as hell (Aim speed is too fast when I have it on my default high settings, but when I am in the tactical menu I have to switch back to high because otherwise moving the pointer is too slow) Really strange. I've never had this issue before.

Also, I'm not going to be quick to judge since I literally just got my first weapon, but damn the pistol sound sounds fucking atrocious compared to the ME1 pistol... hoping it's just a puny starting pistol and I'm guessing the "heavy pistols" will pack a punch.

Also I have a VERY thin vertical line (on the left of the screen) and a broken horizontal line (on the top of the screen). They are the color of the HUD when you are in "tactical mode" or whatever. Is anyone else getting these?
Yeah, I actually really enjoyed the Mako sections myself. I hope they add them to the game as DLC. I've spent about 7 hours with the game so far, and I absolutely love it.
MisterAnderson said:
Just started up ME2....holy fuck what an intro. But WTF is up with the mouse sensitivity? My mouse options in the control panel aren't even effecting it, neither is changing the "camera speed" from "low" "medium" and "high". It's all just fucking fast as hell. The only way I can manage is by constantly switching my DPI settings on my mouse, which is annoying as hell (Aim speed is too fast when I have it on my default high settings, but when I am in the tactical menu I have to switch back to high because otherwise moving the pointer is too slow) Really strange. I've never had this issue before.

Also, I'm not going to be quick to judge since I literally just got my first weapon, but damn the pistol sound sounds fucking atrocious compared to the ME1 pistol... hoping it's just a puny starting pistol and I'm guessing the "heavy pistols" will pack a punch.

Also I have a VERY thin vertical line (on the left of the screen) and a broken horizontal line (on the top of the screen). They are the color of the HUD when you are in "tactical mode" or whatever. Is anyone else getting these?

OH GOD NO ...this is exactly what I didn't wanna hear =(


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
They should add in a DLC mission where you need to save an abandoned Mako from a Mars sand dune.


not characteristic of ants at all
I was dissapointed when I scanned all the planets in the Local Cluster and I couldn't land anywhere :(
AgentOtaku said:
OH GOD NO ...this is exactly what I didn't wanna hear =(

Not sure which part you didn't want to hear, but I just restarted ME2 and the lines went away. I think it was because I was attempting to force AA through CCC (didn't work ): )

God I hope someone comes up with a workaround or ATI sorts their shit out soon.
Danexmurder said:
Yeah, I actually really enjoyed the Mako sections myself. I hope they add them to the game as DLC. I've spent about 7 hours with the game so far, and I absolutely love it.
I'm only 2 hours in so I probably don't have a balanced perspective of the game but I really think they didn't realize why people didn't like the Mako or the Inventory. Vehicles in games aren't bad, Inventory systems in RPGs aren't bad-- the implementation of them was bad in Mass Effect.

In ME1, you got way too many drops of similar items which would end up overloading your inventory, and then if you opened up your equipment after a long period of time, you'd be faced with this unskippable menu which forced you to go through every item you picked up one-by-one and convert them into gel. It was horrible. Had they reduced the amount of large item drops, gave a bit more variance in what was dropped, and gave you storage on your ship it would have been fine. Not to mention that you shouldn't even be allowed to pick anything up if your inventory is full.

As far as the Mako goes, people expected it to control like the Warthog but it didn't. And the secondary controls (like jumping) weren't spelled out and there was no tutorial for it. If they fixed the controls and added a tutorial during your first use, it would have been fine. And the planets you explored needed to be more different from each other.

As I mentioned a few pages back, not liking the absence of a fast walking speed for non-combat situations. Theres only a slow walk and running. Should have a fast walk when you don't push the Left Stick all the way. When they demonstrated the 12 minutes of the game on gamespot they should have picked up that the walking/running animations looked awkward in non-combat zones. Just watch the video and you'll see. I think you need to be allowed to turn a little bit more than is currently allowed during the fast running as well.

Also in your first combat situation you start with your guns drawn. It does make sense in a way, but I preferred how it was on eden prime where you got a chance to take in the scenery and then you had your guns drawn when you were getting into dangerous territory. Even if it was a second or two before your guns are drawn I think it would add a little something to the immersion.

The Mission Complete screen looks like it belongs in a linear arcade game like Force Unleashed or Doom rather than Mass Effect. Don't know why they did it, serves really no purpose except taking you out of the experience (and hammering you over the head with the fact that you are working for Illusive Man). edit: someone mentioned they did it to show the items you collected. Most people are not going to care about collecting *every* item. And for those that need it, they could put it under the Quest list entry instead (not unlike what Ubisoft did with AC2 in terms of glyphs/feathers).

I'm not far enough to know if this is true but Jeff Green mentioned on his EA blog that if you are on a planet with multiple missions, when you finish a mission (I don't know if this is for all missions or only the main ones) you are automatically transported back to the Normandy. Jeff says the load times are long and if you want to go back to the planet its pretty much intolerable. And again, it does nothing except take you out of the experience.

I think its clear they wanted to provide as little distractions as possible so people would finish the game but I think they need to look at the example of what Ubisoft did with Assassin's Creed 2. The gameplay is actually DEEPER in AC2 than AC1 but more people have finished AC2 (according to Ubisoft's stats) because they made it clear what to do next for the people who just want to blast through the game, but if you are the type who wants to do the extra stuff, you aren't limited in doing so.

The veiny effect is really distracting. I think if they made it a little bit softer around the edges and more transparent it wouldn't be that bad.

I realize this is all nitpicky stuff, I'm sure the other elements of the game are great (and they are) but I do think its a case of one big step forwards in terms of accessibility and fun, but one small step backwards in terms of immersion.

For all this complaining I'll give one plus-- I like that they got rid of the crouching. Way too many times in ME1 I was hitting the LS down and crouching. Got really annoying during the Saren fight.


I'm starting to play ME2 in 12 h [Europe Steam] ... I'm wondering, is there any way to end the game with all the squad members alive ? A yes/no answer will be fine ;)
theignoramus said:
Rodin is awesome.:lol
Lunchbox said:
if you do new game+ with the same character, does the game let you choose a new class/ do your face again?

or is it only when you import mass1 characters

According to a someone earlier, no to the new class, no mention of face. At the time I thought, "Why would it?" But given the way the game starts, when you import a character, you may also think, "Why not?"
Insanity is starting to get annoying now :/

Constantly switching guns for Shield/Armor/Etc to kill every enemy. So many cheap deaths trying to run for cover but instead of running Shepard sticks to a wall. Hate the ammo limit also, nothing like being stuck with a gun that barely does damage to Krogans armor.
Just started after finishing ME1 last night.


Shephard's new run animation with his gun drawn is kind of goofy compared to the one in ME1, lulz.


I hate the design of EDI it just looks awfull, it looks like they tried too hard to "not make her Cortana" aka look humanoid, so they went with that "vagina on a ball" look -.-


MisterAnderson said:
Just started up ME2....holy fuck what an intro. But WTF is up with the mouse sensitivity? My mouse options in the control panel aren't even effecting it, neither is changing the "camera speed" from "low" "medium" and "high". It's all just fucking fast as hell. The only way I can manage is by constantly switching my DPI settings on my mouse, which is annoying as hell (Aim speed is too fast when I have it on my default high settings, but when I am in the tactical menu I have to switch back to high because otherwise moving the pointer is too slow) Really strange. I've never had this issue before.
Mass Effect 1 has the same exact issue. I get around with with DPI settings as well. Kinda sucks and I doubt they'll fix it.


My EA friend just texted me saying he picked up the game for me
for $20

I'm going to import my Paramour save file from ME1 tonight. Then I'm going to finish my Renegade ME1 playthrough hopefully soon and then import that save file into ME2.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Some things that annoy me:

  • Controls and menu system worse than ME1 PC, which is saying quite a bit
  • Seriously, why can't you double-click shit? My god. Select buttons? What?
  • Gameplay feels worse to me, too tight or something. Feels too much like Gears when in combat.
  • Ammo system sucks.
  • Character growth too restrictive.
  • Running is even more retardedly restrictive when it comes to turning. Who the hell can't turn when they're running? This feels horrible with a mouse.
  • I haven't been able to force Anti-Aliasing with my 5850
  • ANNOYING pop-ups full of shit I don't care about. Who the fuck cares how many headshots I have? I'm trying to immersed in a goddamn story. Can you turn those off?
  • End of mission screens suck.

Otherwise its awesome.

Anyone have any tips on how to get AA working? What the hell? Works in the first game perfectly.
Himuro said:
I can't be the only one who preferred the overheat system in ME1 to the ammo system in ME2?
After completely running out of ammo in the middle of a huge firefight - NO, you are not the only one annoyed with the new ammo system.


Himuro said:
I can't be the only one who preferred the overheat system in ME1 to the ammo system in ME2?

Nah, I liked it too. Added a little bit of strategy to things, and also separated it from the pack a bit.
Himuro said:
I can't be the only one who preferred the overheat system in ME1 to the ammo system in ME2?
I'm indifferent right now. I actually had to go back to ME1 and re-play the final fight because for whatever reason my end-game save didn't exist. And the overheating was REALLY annoying when you hit the overheat point. The shotgun was barely usable because it only took a few shots for it to overheat.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Enosh said:
I hate the design of EDI it just looks awfull, it looks like they tried too hard to "not make her Cortana" aka look humanoid, so they went with that "vagina on a ball" look -.-

LOL, now i will have that image in my head when EDI talks.

Himuro said:
I can't be the only one who preferred the overheat system in ME1 to the ammo system in ME2?

I feel the same.
Loving this game, loving it. Quick question though...which planet do I have to go to do Zaeed's mission (Price of revenge)? I assume "zorya", but can't find it anywhere.


Kabouter said:
Love the new ammo system.
Hated it at first, but definitely getting used to it now.
That's why I will love me some biotics. It gets me out of my jams when I am low on ammo.

The thing that I really hate is my AI teammate jumping over some cover and totally getting their face smashed in by 5 guys even though I specifically told them to stay back :lol


hey guys. I played this for 6 hours yesterday.

It's really fucking good!

I'm continuing my female Shepard from game 1, Miranda Shepard. but now that's causing all this confusion with new teammate Miranda. Bitch stole my name.

also, I can't bed her. sucks. I'm gonna need to start a new male Shepard after this game is done. start from ME1 and make it his life goal to nail this "perfect" chick.

also, seriously, can I get it on with assistant Kelly? she's cute and flirty. or is she just a poon-tease?
Moving my Character from ME1 to ME2 was flawless.
Silly question on 360. What does the Y button do? Checked the instructions and I can't figure it out.
Holding down rb in the beginning of the game showed something mapped to Y. Not showing anything under Y in that menu anymore but when I hit Y my screen turns red.
Not exactly sure what it's doing.
Playing as a soldier.
CitizenCope said:
Moving my Character from ME1 to ME2 was flawless.
Silly question on 360. What does the Y button do? Checked the instructions and I can't figure it out.
Holding down rb in the beginning of the game showed something mapped to Y. Not showing anything under Y in that menu anymore but when I hit Y my screen turns red.
Not exactly sure what it's doing.
Playing as a soldier.
I'm a soldier too and Y defaulted to Adrenaline Boost for me.


selig said:
Liara´s race isnt considered female, so its neither lesbian nor gay.

People say this all the time, but that's not what it says in the Codex. The Codex explicitly says they are an "all female race." They can reproduce with either gender and they openly talk about functioning in a relationship as the "father," but they are female. Their actual build might not be identical to a human female, but I doubt that's the case for any of the alien species.

I know the developers have somewhat soft pedaled it later, but that's not what their game says. Their game says they're female and they obviously look female to a female Shepard. Saying that isn't lesbian sex is ridiculous. Liara might not consider herself gay, but Shepard surely has to be at least bi in that instance.


infinityBCRT said:
The Mission Complete screen looks like it belongs in a linear arcade game like Force Unleashed or Doom rather than Mass Effect. Don't know why they did it, serves really no purpose except taking you out of the experience.

The purpose of this screen is for people who don't like missing items in RPG's. This in addition with the Official Strategy Guide which has a full walkthrough and a "Cheat Sheet" that just lists the items in a mission. You can quickly look at the Mission Complete Screen and the "Cheat Sheet" and see the items you missed then re-load and explore more throughly for what you may have missed instead of following a complete walkthrough which is boring and takes away from the experience in these types of games.


kai3345 said:
No I mean for download. He was delayed for the 360 version
I just read that its suppossed to be made available either mid day today (PST noon) or at the latest sometime tomorrow.
The Lamonster said:
I'm a soldier too and Y defaulted to Adrenaline Boost for me.
I'm vanguard and it seems to deploy some sort of shield boost for me. Does anyone know how to change it so I can map something else to the Y button?
rayner said:
The purpose of this screen is for people who don't like missing items in RPG's. This in addition with the Official Strategy Guide which has a full walkthrough and a "Cheat Sheet" that just lists the items in a mission. You can quickly look at the Mission Complete Screen and the "Cheat Sheet" and see the items you missed then re-load and explore more throughly for what you may have missed instead of following a complete walkthrough which is boring and takes away from the experience in these types of games.

Most people are not going to care about collecting *every* item. And for those that need it, they could put it under the Quest list entry instead (not unlike what Ubisoft did with AC2 in terms of glyphs/feathers).
Got it last night on my way home from work, and wow that was an awesome opening sequence! The improvements are immediately apparent (especially the technical aspects, I'm on a 360). It's kinda weird to have ammo all of a sudden after the first game, but that has been pretty subtle. The one thing so far after a couple of hours that did seem intrusive is the mission complete screen after the end of a mission. Each time I've seen it I really felt like the immersion was taken away. Same thing for going to different parts of the Normandy, which used to have the elevator loading parts, but I don't particularly miss those.
The Lamonster said:
After completely running out of ammo in the middle of a huge firefight - NO, you are not the only one annoyed with the new ammo system.
Haven't run out of ammo in a firefight yet. I'm a vanguard, though, so it may be different for a soldier class.
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