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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Himuro said:
It's just Bioware trying to sell the idea that they're not female despite having an ass and tits.

Oh, I get it, it's just that it's bullshit and everyone knows it. It's an excuse for not including gay male flirtation in a game they're targeting toward an incredibly mainstream audience.

Also I refuse to believe the perfect genetically engineered woman does not also sleep with other women. No way that qualifies as perfection!
More thoughts after my 7'ish hours last night. Great dialogue, some of the lines have already made me laugh where I honestly can't recall ever doing that in the original. I like how Garrus was basically re-done and now is a bad ass, that mission to recruit him was great. New ship is awesome. Don't like the fuel thing, annoying. Not sure I like that you can change equipment on the fly but so far haven't had a need for it, assuming that will change. Load times are horrendous, makes me really not want to die though so positive in that sense I guess? Good shit overall, can't wait to get back to it later.


If anyone on the 360 is playing now, hop back to your dashboard and jump back into the game.

Zaeed should hopefully appear for you guys then. Already downloaded it (421mbs) myself.


zero margin said:
More thoughts after my 7'ish hours last night. Great dialogue, some of the lines have already made me laugh where I honestly can't recall ever doing that in the original. I like how Garrus was basically re-done and now is a bad ass, that mission to recruit him was great. New ship is awesome. Don't like the fuel thing, annoying. Not sure I like that you can change equipment on the fly but so far haven't had a need for it, assuming that will change. Load times are horrendous, makes me really not want to die though so positive in that sense I guess? Good shit overall, can't wait to get back to it later.

What difficulty are you playing on that you haven't had to change equipment in the first 7 hours?

Ephemeris said:
If anyone on the 360 is playing now, hop back to your dashboard and jump back into the game.

Zaeed should hopefully appear for you guys then. Already downloaded it (421mbs) myself.

Great news! Thanks for that.


I still dont get why Bioware didnt just include him in the retail version. I mean, I know its a piracy thing, but come on.


infinityBCRT said:
Most people are not going to care about collecting *every* item. And for those that need it, they could put it under the Quest list entry instead (not unlike what Ubisoft did with AC2 in terms of glyphs/feathers).

If you could go back to every area in ME2 that would work, but when you can't go back and get an item this screen is a quick way to find out what you missed.


Dax01 said:
I'm vanguard and it seems to deploy some sort of shield boost for me. Does anyone know how to change it so I can map something else to the Y button?
I'd like to know this too as it'd be nice to not have Tech Armor mapped to the Y button for my sentinel.


quick question, guys: it seems my EA account is still connected to my old gamertag (i changed my xb live name sometime in august, but didn't actually switch gamertag, so this is kinda odd), how and where do i change this?
epmode said:
Mass Effect 1 has the same exact issue. I get around with with DPI settings as well. Kinda sucks and I doubt they'll fix it.

I literally just finished playing ME1 on PC and didn't have that mouse sensitivity issue. Granted I turned the mouse sensitivity way down in the settings yet kept my high (4000) dpi setting on my mouse, and it was fine. In ME2 it seems like the low, medium, and high "camera speed" settings don't affect anything.
rayner said:
If you could go back to every area in ME2 that would work, but when you can't go back and get an item this screen is a quick way to find out what you missed.
At the expense of taking you out of the experience? Thats a terrible trade off. For those who really want it (which again, are in the minority) the quest screen should be adequate IMO. If they didn't take you back to the Normandy after every quest then it wouldn't take a long time to check most of the time either.
Ephemeris said:
Same. After seeing the new DLC i thought that's what the update was for

A little prompt came up and said "Mmarsu, this one is for you, we heard you talking about the veins all the way in Delta Tau Cluster," so, fingers crossed!



helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Solo said:
I still dont get why Bioware didnt just include him in the retail version. I mean, I know its a piracy thing, but come on.
It's not a piracy thing, it's a used game sales/rentals thing.


Killthee said:
It's not a piracy thing, it's a used game sales/rentals thing.

Whatever, same thing in the end. Removing content from a retail release just so that you can force people to buy new is fucking lame. And I say this as a guy who always buys new and has never pirated a game.
Does anyone else’s Sheppard have pink sparkly shit on their face? It's annoying as hell. In close ups it looks like a Na'vi jizzed on Sheppard’s face.


pedrothelion said:
Does anyone else’s Sheppard have pink sparkly shit on their face? It's annoying as hell. In close ups it looks like a Na'vi jizzed on Sheppard’s face.

Everyone's does, Im assuming. Hes obviously got a bit of mech in him now.
pedrothelion said:
Does anyone else’s Sheppard have pink sparkly shit on their face? It's annoying as hell. In close ups it looks like a Na'vi jizzed on Sheppard’s face.
Were you sleeping during the first 30 minutes of the game?:lol


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
pedrothelion said:
Does anyone else’s Sheppard have pink sparkly shit on their face? It's annoying as hell. In close ups it looks like a Na'vi jizzed on Sheppard’s face.

If you're talking about the little scratches, you can make them disappear
by doing paragon things, or upgrading the medical bay on the Normandy and paying for it
Moving through the game so far and am only 10 hours in and havent even collected the whole crew.

The game is flawless but I'm afraid about the side quests, especially ones on uncharted worlds. I've gotten a lot of loot from scanning worlds but there haven't been a lot of sidequests. I've done maybe 2 on UCW's with the other small quests taking place on Omega and the Citadel. I hope things really open up later.

OMG Aero

OMG Aero said:
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but is there a list of all the choices in ME1 that effect ME2? I'm finishing my Insanity run of the first game in preparation for the sequel this Friday and I'm already at the point where I can head to Virmire and start the end game, but I want to make sure I get all the right sidequests done.
Solo said:
Whatever, same thing in the end. Removing content from a retail release just so that you can force people to buy new is fucking lame. And I say this as a guy who always buys new and has never pirated a game.

How do you know they removed it? It's perfectly conceivable that they put the finishing touches on Zaeed after the game went gold, which was like weeks ago. He's been described across the board as "cut" from the game. Why would they keep working on him when they had probably a million things that actually had to go on the disc.

a) DLC was planned for this game from Jump Street
b) What the DLC would be was undoubtedly mapped out on the development timeline

Why on Earth would they bust their ass on stuff just to finish it almost a month early if they knew months ago they didn't have to?


Ironborn said:
quick question, guys: it seems my EA account is still connected to my old gamertag (i changed my xb live name sometime in august, but didn't actually switch gamertag, so this is kinda odd), how and where do i change this?
please guys, i'd like to get my DLC before i start the game


BenjaminBirdie said:
How do you know they removed it? It's perfectly conceivable that they put the finishing touches on Zaeed after the game went gold, which was like weeks ago. He's been described across the board as "cut" from the game. Why would they keep working on him when they had probably a million things that actually had to go on the disc.

a) DLC was planned for this game from Jump Street
b) What the DLC would be was undoubtedly mapped out on the development timeline

Why on Earth would they bust their ass on stuff just to finish it almost a month early if they knew months ago they didn't have to?

Wasnt he in the PC release from day one?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
OMG Aero said:

There's around 100 decisions that factor in man, too many to list ... there's the obvious big story one's, but even in side quests if you finish them so the person lives through, there's a good chance you'll run into that person in ME2 who'll talk to you about it.

eg .
if you save the Rachni queen, an asari will talk to you and give you a message from the queen, or if you let the asari from the thorian live, she'll be at one point to talk to you, or the crazy citadel fan, if you didn't buzz him off he'll be in there too


OMG Aero said:

Just about everything is mentioned at some point in the game, and a few characters from the ME1 story planets will occasionally show up and give you a sidequest, if you let them live. Nothing drastic, but even really insignificant quests from the first game show up on galaxy news.


infinityBCRT said:
At the expense of taking you out of the experience? Thats a terrible trade off. For those who really want it (which again, are in the minority) the quest screen should be adequate IMO. If they didn't take you back to the Normandy after every quest then it wouldn't take a long time to check most of the time either.

I don't get this "out of the experience" not all missions end when completed, there are some that say "press B to return to the Normandy" You can easily press B to exit if you don't like the screen?


...through the cracks. Through the cracks!

I didn't do anything last night other than Normandy Crash because I was having so much fun talking to everybody.

There was a definite learning curve to the PC controls but I finally got the hang of it. I'm still baffled why there is no mouse sensitivity option. The reticule flies all over the place with the slightest touch.

Here are a couple screenshots of Miranda:

Meus Renaissance said:
1200 points for the Cerberus Network? :lol

Personally, I think, this is best marketing trick to make people buy new game.

I don't mind DLC that adds new team member on day one. I would rather have team member from start in my first playthrough. Specially in ME which is much more focused on characters.


infinityBCRT said:
At the expense of taking you out of the experience? Thats a terrible trade off. For those who really want it (which again, are in the minority) the quest screen should be adequate IMO. If they didn't take you back to the Normandy after every quest then it wouldn't take a long time to check most of the time either.

I personally like the post mission screen and think it's a huge improvement. It's just another way of making their game more accessible for everyone. For people who aren't used to WRPGs and might have trouble keeping up with what went down during the mission, there's a recap of all story relevant points and potential impact on the crew. I like it for the breakdown of things collected. As far as how it relates to the in game world, it reads in the Illusive Man's voice and seems like a debriefing. It doesn't take me out of the game at all, personally.

Meus Renaissance said:
1200 points for the Cerberus Network? :lol

Once you have the Cerberus Network, it was my understanding that everyone will get certain DLC items for free along with it over time. You're not just paying for a search tool.


Well I booted up my 360 this morning to start ME2, and 3 minutes in, it killed my 360 :(. I guess i get to go buy a new one at lunch since it is out of warranty. Too much awesome for my old arcade to handle. :lol
MegaKungFuRadio said:
According to a someone earlier, no to the new class, no mention of face. At the time I thought, "Why would it?" But given the way the game starts, when you import a character, you may also think, "Why not?"

I'm pretty sure you can change the face again.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
stupei said:
I personally like the post mission screen and think it's a huge improvement. It's just another way of making their game more accessible for everyone. For people who aren't used to WRPGs and might have trouble keeping up with what went down during the mission, there's a recap of all story relevant points and potential impact on the crew. I like it for the breakdown of things collected. As far as how it relates to the in game world, it reads in the Illusive Man's voice and seems like a debriefing. It doesn't take me out of the game at all, personally.


I like it for the music that plays there.


I am very pleased with the way ME2 looks - even though it dosen't do anything spectacular in a technical sense, I simply love the design and vision.

With AA enabled, it looks very crisp and clean.

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