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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What are you nVidia card denzines using for AA and what settings?

I ask because I never bothered to force AA in Mass Effect. I dont know if my system will handle it well in ME2, but I'd like to know just in case.


Starting out on insanity may have been a bad idea. I am in Omega right now just getting my ass handed to me every which way.
I've one minor problem with Cerberus interface in the game on 360. I can't scroll up or down to read text as I want. I've no control on scrolling. Plus, few times it scrolls bottom to top. How the fuck am I supposed to read that?

DennisK4 said:
I am very pleased with the way ME2 looks - even though it dosen't do anything spectacular in a technical sense, I simply love the design and vision.

With AA enabled, it looks very crisp and clean.


Indeed. Nice screens. Keep posting.
Okay, I just got my first real deal Collector's mission, and earlier than I expected. Much better.

I was worried it would just be all recruiting and then you'd go after them. This is a much better intro than the first mission.
DennisK4 said:
I am very pleased with the way ME2 looks - even though it dosen't do anything spectacular in a technical sense, I simply love the design and vision.

With AA enabled, it looks very crisp and clean.

Not sure if you saw my post earlier, but I tried forcing AA with the CCC and it isn't working :/

Do you know of any way to make the Steam version AA? Renaming the exec doesn't work since Steam is anal about that. It has to be possible somehow.
Tali Romance question:

Does her romance just kind of consist of her and Shepard holding hands? I got Tali late and preferred Miranda anyhow... but I'm curious... she makes a bunch of comments about how the other Quarian getting shot could've been fatal and how she wants her homeworld back because she can't kiss anyone without fear of dying. (I'm paraphrasing here... I remember seeing ME diehard fans arguing over whether or not Shepard could have something with Tali... and this was the precise argument...)

Things I heard her or other Quarians say, led me to believe the "NO DICE" option was correct, but now I'm seeing her listed as a "romance" option.

Party Members question:

Apparently, you can wax Samara and take Morinth as a party member? Odd... didn't think that would work out so well... figured Morinth would kill you both.

What's the deal with Zaeer... who is he? Where's he come in and who does he replace?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
corrosivefrost said:
Tali Romance question:

Does her romance just kind of consist of her and Shepard holding hands? I got Tali late and preferred Miranda anyhow... but I'm curious... she makes a bunch of comments about how the other Quarian getting shot could've been fatal and how she wants her homeworld back because she can't kiss anyone without fear of dying. (I'm paraphrasing here... I remember seeing ME diehard fans arguing over whether or not Shepard could have something with Tali... and this was the precise argument...)

Things I heard her or other Quarians say, led me to believe the "NO DICE" option was correct, but now I'm seeing her listed as a "romance" option.


Actually it goes all the way :p

Her pre-sex scene conversations involve her talking about how she wants to be with Shepard but can't because how weak Quarians are, but she'll figure something out .. Shepard can reply "Do it fast, Captain's orders Tali Vas Normandy. After that you cut to Shepard's room, Tali says she took some anti biotics and Shepard takes off her mask (you don't see her face) and she jumps on Shepard, and the scene cuts out
MisterAnderson said:
Not sure which part you didn't want to hear, but I just restarted ME2 and the lines went away. I think it was because I was attempting to force AA through CCC (didn't work ): )

God I hope someone comes up with a workaround or ATI sorts their shit out soon.

the bits about the wonky mouse aiming =/


Meus Renaissance said:
My order is shipped! 18 hours left till Mass Effect 2 begins

Dammit, mine hasn't shipped yet even though it says the 28th as release date. Looks like I won't be getting it tomorrow. I tried a new online store, because they were the only ones who had CE's left, but it looks like I won't be using them anymore.
stupei said:
I personally like the post mission screen and think it's a huge improvement. It's just another way of making their game more accessible for everyone. For people who aren't used to WRPGs and might have trouble keeping up with what went down during the mission, there's a recap of all story relevant points and potential impact on the crew. I like it for the breakdown of things collected. As far as how it relates to the in game world, it reads in the Illusive Man's voice and seems like a debriefing. It doesn't take me out of the game at all, personally.

Lets say there were no collectibles in the game, nothing that you could "miss". Would you still want it?

You know what the Mission Complete screen says to me? It says "Hey, remember how Mass Effect 1 was such an organic experience? Remember how it was like an interactive movie? Remember how you thought this surpassed what was possible in the movie medium? Well I'm just here to remind you that you are playing a static, limited video game and despite all the choices you make, you are just following a linear path."

For me its a look behind the curtains. I don't want to look behind the curtains when I'm playing a game.

rayner said:
I don't get this "out of the experience" not all missions end when completed, there are some that say "press B to return to the Normandy" You can easily press B to exit if you don't like the screen?
You are literally taken out of the experience. You are taken from being a commander in this rich sci-fi universe exploring a planet and put into an omniscient point of view with the Mission Complete screen.
Jinjo said:
Dammit, mine hasn't shipped yet even though it says the 28th as release date. Looks like I won't be getting it tomorrow. I tried a new online store, because they were the only ones who had CE's left, but it looks like I won't be using them anymore.

Read your PM


Ironborn said:
quick question, guys: it seems my EA account is still connected to my old gamertag (i changed my xb live name sometime in august, but didn't actually switch gamertag, so this is kinda odd), how and where do i change this?
i found out where i can change it (https://profile.ea.com/myprofile.do), but i have no idea how i can remove my old GT (which has to be done before i can add my new one, apparently)
fuck you ea and your stupid ass network crap, and fuck you MS for letting them buy bioware :(
chandoog said:
Actually it goes all the way :p

Her pre-sex scene conversations involve her talking about how she wants to be with Shepard but can't because how weak Quarians are, but she'll figure something out .. Shepard can reply "Do it fast, Captain's orders Tali Vas Normandy. After that you cut to Shepard's room, Tali says she took some anti biotics and Shepard takes off her mask (you don't see her face) and she jumps on Shepard, and the scene cuts out

That's cool, that's for the info.

Can you tell anything about what they look like under the gear from what you see with the mask off (no face)? I mean like "she looked mostly human, but she could've had a third eye for all I know..." vs. "holy shit, she had an eye in the side of her head!"... :D

I'm still a little creeped out about how the Miranda one worked out for me... that and my fling with Jack. :X


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
corrosivefrost said:
That's cool, that's for the info.

Can you tell anything about what they look like under the gear from what you see with the mask off (no face)? I mean like "she looked mostly human, but she could've had a third eye for all I know..." vs. "holy shit, she had an eye in the side of her head!"... :D

I'm still a little creeped out about how the Miranda one worked out for me... that and my fling with Jack. :X

absolutely nothing unfortunately .. :( Shepard only takes off the front part of the mask, the cloth covering her head remains on.

that drawn comic that's floating around is a good estimate, since you can still make out her nose and angular eyes in the mask anyway.

oh and that Scottish crew member in the Engineering does comment about her suit being "tucked in all the right places" or something like that.


MirageDwarf said:
I've one minor problem with Cerberus interface in the game on 360. I can't scroll up or down to read text as I want. I've no control on scrolling. Plus, few times it scrolls bottom to top. How the fuck am I supposed to read that?
I'm not sure what happened there; the sensitivity is tuned way too high. You'll have to feather it and even then it's a gamble :/

Finally got the second dossier and finished two loyalty missions. One nitpick from the intro, Trebuchet on the opening text? I miss that ME1 font. Oh, and the new codex voiceovers having a different sounding mix from the first was a little odd.

infinityBCRT said:
Lets say there were no collectibles in the game, nothing that you could "miss". Would you still want it?

You know what the Mission Complete screen says to me? It says "Hey, remember how Mass Effect 1 was such an organic experience? Remember how it was like an interactive movie? Remember how you thought this surpassed what was possible in the movie medium? Well I'm just here to remind you that you are playing a static, limited video game and despite all the choices you make, you are just following a linear path."

For me its a look behind the curtains. I don't want to look behind the curtains when I'm playing a game.
Definitely. I remember opening my menu after every fight, every container, every step to check on my equipment. I mean, pressing that start button constantly was incredibly cinematic, nay, even more than ever since you can't change equipment in the movie theater. Truly an organic experience. I almost forgot I was playing a game and was really living the experience.


EatChildren said:
What are you nVidia card denzines using for AA and what settings?

I ask because I never bothered to force AA in Mass Effect. I dont know if my system will handle it well in ME2, but I'd like to know just in case.

I used nHancer and just added the ME2 exe and launcher to the Mass Effect profile, then enabled AA.


infinityBCRT said:
Lets say there were no collectibles in the game, nothing that you could "miss". Would you still want it?

You know what the Mission Complete screen says to me? It says "Hey, remember how Mass Effect 1 was such an organic experience? Remember how it was like an interactive movie? Remember how you thought this surpassed what was possible in the movie medium? Well I'm just here to remind you that you are playing a static, limited video game and despite all the choices you make, you are just following a linear path."

For me its a look behind the curtains. I don't want to look behind the curtains when I'm playing a game.

Like I said, it doesn't break the experience for me at all. It reads like a debriefing. It's the paperwork that would exist if this were real. If Shepard really were out there in the field doing this shit, there would be paperwork filed detailing the results of the mission. Lengthy cut scenes would only seem to belabor the point, though, and this is a more visually interesting way of getting the information across than just a list.

And unlike the last person, I don't care about whether or not I "miss" anything, I just like the reminder at the end of how many credits I got in total and the quick reference for things I might want to go upgrade in the lab immediately.

Obviously you're going to feel about it however you feel and there's no changing that I'm sure, it's just unfortunate that it brings you out of the experience because to me it really enhances it.
just wanted to chime in after playing a marathon session yesterday, im probably about 15 hours in and this game is in the running for my favorite of all-time...
Sean P. said:
Ok waiting to collect ammo for them is complete nonsense, but the nuke is by far the most badass weapon in the game.

Yes, it was a nice surprise... unforunately, it didn't really come with instructions, so for the longest time I was trying to use it with no success (not enough ammo, I guess) and ended up as swiss cheese. :|

Now I roll with the particle beam.
hulot said:
Definitely. I remember opening my menu after every fight, every container, every step to check on my equipment. I mean, pressing that start button constantly was incredibly cinematic, nay, even more ever since you can't change equipment in the movie theater. Truly an organic experience. I almost forgot I was playing a game and was really living the experience.

You got me there. :lol

Obviously sacrifices have to be made for a video game (or at least, up to this point in video game history, are being made). You don't get XP in real life. Nor can you carry 20 weapons in your back pocket. But theres some necessary sacrifices and some unnecessary ones. To me, its a better experience to not take the player out of the game world as much as possible.

The pause menu stuff is there either because:
- you do want out of the experience (save game/quit)
- you want to immerse yourself into the experience more (journal/codex)
- you want to change your armor/weapon upgrades-- it would be nearly impossible to do this in a non-menu situation just do to the limitations of input devices in games

I think the big thing about the Mission Complete screen is that it seems to be in the middle of a scene transition (although I haven't played enough to see if it happens in places when you don't transition). Even if the Mission Complete stuff was absolutely necessary, I could see them doing it in a more clever way (like not taking up the whole screen so you can still see the game world) so it doesn't feel as much like an omniscient point of view. When you are pausing the game you aren't transitioning to another scene, you go back right to where you were so its not as jarring.

stupei said:
Like I said, it doesn't break the experience for me at all. It reads like a debriefing. It's the paperwork that would exist if this were real. If Shepard really were out there in the field doing this shit, there would be paperwork filed detailing the results of the mission. Lengthy cut scenes would only seem to belabor the point, though, and this is a more visually interesting way of getting the information across than just a list.

And unlike the last person, I don't care about whether or not I "miss" anything, I just like the reminder at the end of how many credits I got in total and the quick reference for things I might want to go upgrade in the lab immediately.

Obviously you're going to feel about it however you feel and there's no changing that I'm sure, it's just unfortunate that it brings you out of the experience because to me it really enhances it.
I think keeping the "gamey" stuff behind the scenes is what enhances the immersion of a game. I agree theres things that you have to show (and know) like credits. But I just think theres a better way. Like actually having a credit count on the HUD that pops up everytime your credit amount increases/decreases. I know that if a game like Assassin's Creed 2 was HUD free/menu free it would be impossible to play-- but I admire the way that they rarely take you out of the experience of playing as Desmond/Ezio. Even those guys made concessions with AC2 such as adding more indicators on the screen (like when guards are investigating you) but they managed to stay away from overt behind the curtains stuff and still managed to make a game where it was clear what you did and where you were supposed to go next. It ended up being a game that more people completed than the previous game.


infinityBCRT said:
You are literally taken out of the experience. You are taken from being a commander in this rich sci-fi universe exploring a planet and put into an omniscient point of view with the Mission Complete screen.

When you're an Astrophysicist you really can't look at this game as anything to be immersed in... hell they can't even get Kepler's laws of elliptical motion incoorporated correctly... every planet's orbit is a circle, they all rotate at the same angle... there isn't a single binary star system to explore...

If I were to look at the game as you do I'd pick-apart every dam aspect of it... I know I'm playing a video-game and that's fine with me.

Sean P.

corrosivefrost said:
Yes, it was a nice surprise... unforunately, it didn't really come with instructions, so for the longest time I was trying to use it with no success (not enough ammo, I guess) and ended up as swiss cheese. :|

Now I roll with the particle beam.

Yea just killing everyone is awesome haha, particle beam is a much better choice, but I hate looking at it on my back D:


So is importing your save files from ME1 easy? Does it matter which side (Paramour/Renegade) the save file is from? For example, if I import my Paramour save file, should I do Paramour again?
Biff Hardbody said:
Loving this game, loving it. Quick question though...which planet do I have to go to do Zaeed's mission (Price of revenge)? I assume "zorya", but can't find it anywhere.

Randomly picking on you, since you're mentioning him.
Who is Zaeed and how to do you get him -- who does he replace -- cause I'm not recalling any place that I could've swapped somebody other than Samara/Morinth.

Best idea for find the mission is to go hop in a Mass Relay and look at the entire universe -- somewhere, it should have one of those little hints on a system that tells you what quests are available there.

Edit: Looks like Zaeed is some DLC stuff? That would explain my ignorance here. Maybe you're just having issues with the game loading your stuff correctly, as there seems to be no shortage of issues regarding the Cerberus network.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
rayner said:
When you're an Astrophysicist you really can't look at this game as anything to be immersed in... hell they can't even get Kepler's laws of elliptical motion incoorporated correctly... every planet's orbit is a circle, they all rotate at the same angle... there isn't a single binary star system to explore...

On the note of binary star systems, I'm prety sure Mass Effect described systems with a binary star, and it showed up when you were on the planet's surface, but never showed up on the galaxy map.

That annoyed me.
corrosivefrost said:
Randomly picking on you, since you're mentioning him.
Who is Zaeed and how to do you get him -- who does he replace -- cause I'm not recalling any place that I could've swapped somebody other than Samara/Morinth.

Best idea for find the mission is to go hop in a Mass Relay and look at the entire universe -- somewhere, it should have one of those little hints on a system that tells you what quests are available there.

He's DLC from the Cerberus Network, not a swappable duder.
LosDaddie said:
So is importing your save files from ME1 easy? Does it matter which side (Paramour/Renegade) the save file is from? For example, if I import my Paramour save file, should I do Paramour again?

Should be easy but people (including myself) have experienced issues...

By paramour i assume you mean paragon? When you import, you'll be given a number of paragon/renegade points to start with -- this will make it easier to choose paragon/renegade options... it's not black and white though, you can do both. Towards the end of ME2, I had an almost full paragon bar and a 50%+ full renegade bar.
Well I thought Kelly and I had something going but now I find out she wants to fuck
. I want this crazy bitch off my ship before she wakes me up in my cabin with tentacle porn videos. If it were up to me I'd blow her out of the goddamn air lock and nuke her from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


brandonh83 said:
Well I thought Kelly and I had something going but now I find out she wants to fuck
. I want this crazy bitch off my ship before she wakes me up in my cabin with tentacle porn videos. If it were up to me I'd blow her out of the goddamn air lock and nuke her from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Ashley... is it really you?


Y2Kev said:
Is that quest when you pick him up his loyalty quest or a recruitment quest?
You just talk to him and he joins. He has a quest he gives you, but it's not a recruitment quest.
brandonh83 said:
Well I thought Kelly and I had something going but now I find out she wants to fuck
. I want this crazy bitch off my ship before she wakes me up in my cabin with tentacle porn videos. If it were up to me I'd blow her out of the goddamn air lock and nuke her from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Yeah I thought she came across too easy. First convo she was getting flirty and jesus male Shepherd sounds awkward as hell when he flirts. Won't even mention the facial animations, did they take a step back in this regard? I don't remember all these goofy faces from ME. Anyway where was I...fuck it. Oh nice Aliens quote.


EatChildren said:
On the note of binary star systems, I'm prety sure Mass Effect described systems with a binary star, and it showed up when you were on the planet's surface, but never showed up on the galaxy map.

That annoyed me.

I stopped reading the planetary descriptions when they failed to calculate the correct orbital periods.


Just check my C.E packaging again and there is definitely no ME Redemption #1 comic book included? (Bought from GameStop)


Y2Kev said:
Is that quest when you pick him up his loyalty quest or a recruitment quest?

It's his loyalty quest. Zaeer doesn't have a recruitment quest. You literally just go to Omega and he's near the entrance, and he's like "sup bitches, Illusion Man hired me".

The character kind of seems shortchanged relative to the others, unfortunately. He's great, and I've been using him ever since I got him, but he has no recruitment quest like most of the others and you also can't engage in any dialogue with him on the ship (or much of anywhere else after you do his loyalty quest).

That hurts his character development a lot, especially when you look at how deeply you can delve into the backstories of your other crew members. There's a lot of potentially interesting stuff they could have done with Zaeer. Guess they ran out of time.
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