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Mass Effect 2 |OT|

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LosDaddie said:
What story arc are you guys playing first? Second?

I always play the Good Side first as a male. And the Evil Side second as a female.

I sort of came up with a version of Shepard that I like best throughout ME1, so I'm playing her. She's mostly Paragon but is a lot more Renegade now, closer to neutral overall. I don't generally like to do a strict playthrough aiming for one or the other in any WRPG, I just answer as I would or as I see the character behaving and then for later playthroughs I might aim for something else just to change it up.

The only downside is it results in the first playthrough feeling like the definitive one and the other ones feel lesser somehow.

Will just have to make a male Shepard that's a complete asshole, separating him from my Shepard entirely. :D


Anybody playing on PC, can you give me a quick tip for how to target several guys when i am in a firefight? I hit L-Shift which brings up the command window, but i seem incapable of targeting anything, but what's right in front of me. I am sure i am just being retarded, but any advice would be awesome.


notworksafe said:
Same. Paragon Shep first, then Renegade Femshep.

awesome:D My wife thinks it's entirely predictable I choose those paths for each sex.

Baker said:
* I am excessively nicer to the women characters than I would be in real life though. :lol I don't want to miss out any silly crush side plots.

Same here. I try to get all the tail I can.
Also, when you
arrive on the Krogan homeworld, and see that Wrex is the clan leader... It just made me :D Seriously, seeing your squad from the first game are some of the best moments of the game.


Solo said:
Hard renegade, as usual. If I can kill you, slap you, demean you, belittle you, or make you uncomfortable in any way, I, Locke Sheperd, will do it.

That's great! :lol

Hard Renegade / Very Evil is how I like to play the female character too.


Wow, I'm definitely not digging the new Galaxy Map. So dumb moving my little ship around and it feels so cluttered. The Galaxy Map of ME1 was amazing elegant...they shouldn't have changed it.

The soundtrack is disappointing too. Big Time. So far...


Well I've played the game for about seven hours (which I hardly ever do in one day) and i freakin love it. Really glad it turned out this good, I love the ME universe. Pretty sure the first three hours were one of the most compelling game experiences I've had. I definitely agree with the complaints on the DLC armor - hate having the helmet on all the time. And while the designs are great, they don't really fit in with everything else. Which sucks, since I've always loved the game's artistic consistency

Oh, and pretty sure Archangel's initial appearance made my heart skip a beat. Great job Bioware :D


Solo said:
Hard renegade, as usual. If I can kill you, slap you, demean you, belittle you, or make you uncomfortable in any way, I, Locke Sheperd, will do it.

Of course you'd name him that. :lol :lol


Enjoying it so far. They tightened up and smoothed out the shooter elements - which was expected, but they seem to have taken the same philosophy when it comes to dialogue and roleplaying. Non-lethal encounters are resolved with the same focus and speed as the lethal ones are. It makes for great pacing.

The combat is quite meaty. Lots of encounters have multiple segments and waves. So far the A.I. is handling itself well. I'm playing a Soldier and I'm leaving the biotics to the others. Just as soon as the number of targets gets a tad overwhelming the biotics start going off and the enemies go flying. I'm on Hard difficulty and they seem to keep up.

The menu and upgrade system has been fine tuned. It's easy to use and take in what must be done. I've put in 7+ hours and the mini games haven't got old yet. In fact I really liked them.

My only minor complaints is that they didn't get the load times down that much and the planet scanner could have been made to move faster. Scanning for rare elements is where the game slows down the most.


BobsRevenge said:
Yeah, the mission complete screen is completely tacky. So out of place.

So are those stupid messages informing you of your progress on meaningless statistics.

I want to be immersed in a story. I honestly don't give a shit about how many things I've hacked, or how many heads I've shot. So dumb.

edit: I hate what they've done to the game with this stuff. It really hinders the game's direction imo. It becomes less about being an awesomely presented space opera, and becomes just another game. It feels regressive.

While I agree with you on them popping up as an annoyance, the problem I have is that they disappear too fast to even read them. If you are going to give users that information, at least make it where it can be read or have an option in the menu system that you can view your progress towards some of the achievements.

To me it is out of place for them to pop up, but not being able to read them, especially when 4 or 5 of them pop up right after each other and then no way of knowing what they said because they are displayed for a second or 2 is annoying.


Dyno said:
My only minor complaints is that they didn't get the load times down that much and the planet scanner could have been made to move faster. Scanning for rare elements is where the game slows down the most.

Don't know how far you are, but ther is a Ship Upgrade that makes it faster... still tedious though.


Solo said:
What about that Asari diplomat from ME1 in the citadel? Is she still there and wanting to fellate me again?

Nope.. there isn't much to do in the citadel at all. The "main walkway" is even inaccessible.


Am I missing something or are there no keyboard buttons mapped directly to accessing the journal or codex? This is a nit-pick and it certainly isn't game breaking having to hit ESC then clicking on one of those, but it was in ME1 and seems easy enough to implement.

I just see the game give some notification of a new codex, hit C thinking I can immediately read it, and nothing happens. :lol


Okay, I'm about 10 hours into the game (I really, really want to start over to make a one of the Fem Shep builds posted in the topic. My current Fem Shep isn't really bad looking by any means, but I always get obsessive compulsive like this for any creatable character). So far, I really do like it, but I'm pretty torn between some of the "improvements" between ME1 and ME2.

For instance, I can understand why they changed the leveling and weapon system. Even on ME1 Insanity, most battles boiled down to Singularity + Marksman + Pistol, which could take care of virtually any enemy in no time at all. Moreover, I find myself getting much more involved in the battles this time around since it places more of burden on the player rather than the behind-the-scenes stats and weapon points. For instance, I find myself taking much less risks than in the first game as an Infiltrator due to the lack of sniper ammo and the fact that you can actually do body specific damage. Skill-wise, I can't just come in with Barrier/Shield Boost and Marksman/Assassin and clear out entire rooms. The enemy AI this time around doesn't do that annoying "Slowly walk through my team line, plug me with a shotgun round, and slowly walk back out". This time, enemies actually make use of cover and I can go from cover to cover more easily than in the last game.

Alternatively, I miss the feeling of power and progression. Here, it doesn't really feel like my Shepard is getting any stronger. That could be due to my class choice being more reliant on weapons and ammo settings (I think BioWare made the right choice in terms of how ammo types are handled) rather than skills. Perhaps I'll try being an adept on my second playthrough.

It's still too early for me to decide on which story is better between ME1 and ME2, but I have been surprised by the characters, for better and for worse. Jack and Grunt, characters that I initially thought would be detestable, are turning into my favorite characters in the game and are actually really well handled. Reversely, I'm not too fond of Miranda or Jacob at all. Story-wise, I have been getting really into it.
Although, the douchebaggery of the Council and Kaiden really, REALLY make me regret letting these bitches live in the first place.
And despite the removal of Charm and Intimidate, the Paragon/Renegade Conversation QTEs are actually pretty well done.
Especially the Paragon option of the theft situation between the volus, the quarian, and the C-Sec guy. Renegade-wise, killing that guy in Omega with the torch was hilarious.

So far, I'm having quite a bit of fun with this. The only thing I don't like is that the scanning system is actually tedious enough to the point where I actually wish I had the Mako back. Hopefully the game is longer than the first, because even when deliberately stretching it out, the first game only clocked in at about 20 hours.
Anyone manage to note that bit of conversation I wanted the wording to, with Joker and EDI?

Spoiler until you've used Omega 4 relay

I'm looking for the wording that Joker uses when he's just plugged EDI in while you're in the AI core. Something about "sorry that you're on your knees calculating pi all day because Joker plugged in the Overlord."


I'm hooked. Played 13 hours already. Last night I had dreams I was Shepperd, but in my life not in space. I went around carefully judging my reactions to events and deciding if I wanted to give a paragon or rebel response....


On Ilium, ME1 cameos: met up with
Conrad and shot him in the foot:lol
; helped out
that Noveria Internal Affairs agent
, I guess the character I imported didn't set her up in a double homocide.


OMG Conrad Verner, I feel almost happy That I put a gun to his face in ME1. "I even search crates for some credits just like you"
Ducarmel said:
OMG Conrad Verner, I feel almost happy That I put a gun to his face in ME1. "I even search crates for some credits just like you"

please use spoiler tags please. i still haven't played it yet.

damn can't wait! my copy is shipping today!
Zeliard said:
Anyone have any tips on hunting for anomalies on planets, or is it basically a crapshoot?

Are you talking about the landing zones? There should be a white line on the targeting reticule showing you were it is.
Lotan said:
I'm hooked. Played 13 hours already. Last night I had dreams I was Shepperd, but in my life not in space. I went around carefully judging my reactions to events and deciding if I wanted to give a paragon or rebel response....
When I woke up this morning I was like "yeah! saturday! I can play ME2 all day!"... then I realized it was Wednesday :(


corrosivefrost said:
Anyone manage to note that bit of conversation I wanted the wording to, with Joker and EDI?

Spoiler until you've used Omega 4 relay

I'm looking for the wording that Joker uses when he's just plugged EDI in while you're in the AI core. Something about "sorry that you're on your knees calculating pi all day because Joker plugged in the Overlord."


nice matrix reference^^


Beernf said:
Anybody playing on PC, can you give me a quick tip for how to target several guys when i am in a firefight? I hit L-Shift which brings up the command window, but i seem incapable of targeting anything, but what's right in front of me. I am sure i am just being retarded, but any advice would be awesome.
I'm pretty sure this is broken because it 100% doesn't work the way shown in the tutorial video.

However, if you also hold down the right mouse button, it should let you move the reticule.


DevelopmentArrested said:
theres really no way around it.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.

Jamesfrom818 said:
Are you talking about the landing zones? There should be a white line on the targeting reticule showing you were it is.

Not when the scanner has located an anomaly. I'm talking about just finding a planet that has one to begin with.

So far I've only gotten two anomalies, and both were just part of quests that told me to go to those planets. I'm trying to find one that isn't triggered by a quest.
I just discovered that the game tells you when you have depleted an entire planet of its resources. I really need to pay more attention...:lol


Anyone find any EA Dr. Pepper in Ohio, specifically the Dayton area?

And is the DLC for it even up on the site?


neojubei said:
It should be with the artbook in the cerberus case.

It isn't there at all, I called the Gamestop I bought it from and they said it is in digital form? So I checked the C.E Bonus disc and it isn't there either...

OMG Aero

Does Subject Zero ever wear armour?
It looks really weird seeing her on a planet where Shepard and another crew member need to wear full body suits but she's fine with just a gas mask.
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