So I'm not the only one replaying ME2 to get the file I want to play ME3 with? Just on Normal, though. Going to go mostly Paragon, I think, although now that I know which Renegade interrupts don't cause me to miss out on Paragon points, I'm allowing myself to take more of those. I also realized that there's one loyalty mission missing in the game, if every squad member is supposed to get one: Shepard has no mission of his/her own. But considering that my import went with Liara in ME1, I can just use LotSB as that. It's a better motivation than some of the other loyalty missions, at least.
Trying out an Infiltrator this time, it's surprisingly fun. I'm not that good at the cloak, I just pop it to get a critical hit off my sniper rifle, or to get out of a bad situation, is there anything I'm missing with it? Went with Flashbang grenades as my bonus power. They're fun. A little tricky to aim, though, as the autoaim on the powers doesn't consider chest-high walls. Kind of an oversight, I'd say. Also, does the Infiltrator have aim assist on the sniper rifle on the PC? I'm getting headshots that I could have sworn should have missed. On the other hand, I get misses that I was sure was a hit, so might just be human error. The slowdown on sniper-scope is pretty handy, though. A no recharge adrenaline rush lite. It might be a little bit overpowered, but sniper ammo is a concern to balance it.