Fuck. Sign me up. I managed to clear my first Platinum in 21 minutes. (GD missile glitchers.)Spent ~4M credits last night. No typhoonunlocked everything else*.
Our fastest platinum time is 16 minutes. Build is 2 demolisher engineers, 2 quarian infiltrators. Glacier, Cerberus, Platinum. 2 are using Reegar carbine. Easy 137500 credits! Grenade heaven, barely use rockets too.
The Piranha might work as a slightly longer range Reegar substitute. It left a bad first impression with me, but now it's one of my favorites. On top of doing so much damage it's incredibly light.
*Some mods aren't being distributed. http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/343/index/13209159
My Ultra-Rare luck has been crappy. All I want is a Typhoon and I keep getting other upgrades. BW is at V and Paladin at VIII. Typhoon is still 0.
That's what the Kroguard is for!Salarian Decoys don't attract more than 2-3 enemies whereas if you put out your shield, all eyes are on you. Plus, the Paladin's best ability, Snap Freeze, has Flamer range so what better way of luring enemies into freezing range?
For some reason in the games I played almost every Paladin wanted to roman tortoise at all times. Paladin is much more fun as aggressive caster. Just abuse snapfreeze with a lightweight weapon. Hurricane and Piranha are both excellent choices.