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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing

After the Earth DLC came out BioWare noted on some panel (Comic Con maybe?) that they didn't have any concrete plans for more DLC, and that they might make some if it continues to be popular. Earth appears to be the last for now.

This is some sad news, but I feel there are some powers that have yet to come to surface, as well as guns.


- Cross bow/Bow and arrow (with a sci-fi twist of course)
- It would be neat to see a truly biotic prototype weapon (can detonate primed targets with a charged shot)
- an UR SMG, maybe something like the P90. I'm thinking Higher dmg than Harrier, the downside would be that you have to empty the clip. Hurricane is nice, but the bullets don't feel as powerful as I would like.


- Reinforced, powered armor that allows for a truly powerful melee class. All powers are melee, and can compete with the level of UR weapon damage output.
- Even though some maps are indoors, it would be neat to have a class that has a 'super power', a la satellite cannon. Takes fully a few seconds to charge, but does 3000+ damage.
- A re-deployable consumable that an engineer or sentinel deploys and wears. It absorbs all hits, and falls off once all it's HP are gone, but it grants either weapon or power damage bonuses, or melee.
- I'd love to see a Geth sentinel or new Engineer that granted significant bonuses if the entire team is Geth - call it Network.
- Mass Effect - A (maybe Geth) Sentinel carries around a metal sphere, and using a modified Omni-tool, can shave off large chunks and propel them at an incredible rate using the Mass Effect.
- Biotic Overload, can chain and chain explosions on multiple primed targets (i.e. mass reaving). For use on a Turian Adept.


- Turian, Drell Infiltrator.
- Geth Sentinel (with Network as passive and Mass Effect as new powers)
- Turian Adept. Biotic Overload, Warp

- Of course Hanar, Volus Biotic gods

What are your guys' thoughts? I've bolded my favorites btw.


This is some sad news, but I feel there are some powers that have yet to come to surface, as well as guns.


- Cross bow/Bow and arrow (with a sci-fi twist of course)
- It would be neat to see a truly biotic prototype weapon (can detonate primed targets with a charged shot)
- an UR SMG, maybe something like the P90. I'm thinking Higher dmg than Harrier, the downside would be that you have to empty the clip. Hurricane is nice, but the bullets don't feel as powerful as I would like.

hurricane already does the smg job very well and now that ulm is somehow fixed you can sport one and still keep the 200% recharge.
As for biotic weapons I would like something tricky like the Acolyte. Maybe an assault rifle with a short clip but with some multiplier damage against barriers.
Definitely in for some bow action, like some bow which could throw biotic arrows with the possibilty to either launch a charged shot or some rapid-fire arrow rain. Technically Graal and Harpoon already work like that so...Bioware?


- Reinforced, powered armor that allows for a truly powerful melee class. All powers are melee, and can compete with the level of UR weapon damage output.


- Even though some maps are indoors, it would be neat to have a class that has a 'super power', a la satellite cannon. Takes fully a few seconds to charge, but does 3000+ damage.

Sounds like the typical overpowered ability for a new character :) Some arc cannon planted in the chest, like Guyver. Or like that mutant basketball player in Futurama. No, I'm not joking: I would definitely love a character with some flashy ability (like Phoenix's heavy melee)

- I'd love to see a Geth sentinel or new Engineer that granted significant bonuses if the entire team is Geth - call it Network.

I like this idea a lot, and I'd be glad to see it extended to all races, or to all classes. Some bonus based on the squad build (by race or by class) would be great and would add depth to the gameplay. Nice one.


- Turian, Drell Infiltrator.

Absolutely Drell infiltrator

- Of course Hanar, Volus Biotic gods

THIS!. Turians already have an adept character (Fury Barrier) and the geth are fine the way they already are IMO. But Hanar with slower movement than a Destroyer and Volus with a melee belly attack or butt attack would be awesome.


*shrug* Maybe they were being coy, or just didn't know. Pretty sure it was the Comic Con panel though. They didn't outright say there wouldn't be any more DLC, but what they were saying implied they didn't have any plans for the time being, and future DLC would depend on popularity.

I do hope there's more to come though, and a F2P release.
They're holding onto a few mods that would require a patch. The latest MP leak of 'big update coming' seems really similar to previous leaks.

At the very least I believe (hope?) one last multiplayer patch is eventually coming.
- It would be neat to see a truly biotic prototype weapon (can detonate primed targets with a charged shot)
The Discple was supposed to shoot warp fields, but they had problems getting it to work. Looking for source.


- Reinforced, powered armor that allows for a truly powerful melee class. All powers are melee, and can compete with the level of UR weapon damage output.
Rank 6A: Immune to insta kills
Rank 6B: +50% additional melee damage
Would be a hard choice.


This is some sad news, but I feel there are some powers that have yet to come to surface, as well as guns.


- Cross bow/Bow and arrow (with a sci-fi twist of course)
- It would be neat to see a truly biotic prototype weapon (can detonate primed targets with a charged shot)
- an UR SMG, maybe something like the P90. I'm thinking Higher dmg than Harrier, the downside would be that you have to empty the clip. Hurricane is nice, but the bullets don't feel as powerful as I would like.


- Reinforced, powered armor that allows for a truly powerful melee class. All powers are melee, and can compete with the level of UR weapon damage output.
- Even though some maps are indoors, it would be neat to have a class that has a 'super power', a la satellite cannon. Takes fully a few seconds to charge, but does 3000+ damage.
- A re-deployable consumable that an engineer or sentinel deploys and wears. It absorbs all hits, and falls off once all it's HP are gone, but it grants either weapon or power damage bonuses, or melee.
- I'd love to see a Geth sentinel or new Engineer that granted significant bonuses if the entire team is Geth - call it Network.
- Mass Effect - A (maybe Geth) Sentinel carries around a metal sphere, and using a modified Omni-tool, can shave off large chunks and propel them at an incredible rate using the Mass Effect.
- Biotic Overload, can chain and chain explosions on multiple primed targets (i.e. mass reaving). For use on a Turian Adept.


- Turian, Drell Infiltrator.
- Geth Sentinel (with Network as passive and Mass Effect as new powers)
- Turian Adept. Biotic Overload, Warp

- Of course Hanar, Volus Biotic gods

What are your guys' thoughts? I've bolded my favorites btw.

I really like these, my favorites being the UR SMG (maybe slower firing rate, but much higher bullet damage? Like a tiny Harrier), Melee armor, and the Mass Effect power (have it have amazing penetration ability like Shockwave so it would synergize well with Hunter mode).
Hanar and Volus, unfortunately, are and will forever be a pipe dream. They have no combat animations so Bioware won't bother making them, nor are they combatants in ME lore.

I had a few ideas for Characters/Powers myself:

Infiltrator (Turian?)
Tactical Cloak

Omni-Bow: fires similarly to Phase Disruptor (no autoaim), or in two phases, hitting the button draws the bow, hitting again looses the arrow. The omni-arrow does massive damage to a singular target, and then emits a sonar frequency that attracts all nearby enemies to its position. After 10 seconds, the arrow explodes, inflicting minor splash damage (think Destroyer missile).
4A: Damage, 4B: Explosion and Attraction Radius
5A: Explosion on Contact (no longer attracts enemies), 5B: Recharge Speed
6A: Electric Explosion, 6B: Fire Explosion

Arc Grenades (or new grenades!)

Sentinel (Drell?)
Omni-Blasters: Replaces your guns with two rapid-firing automatic SMGs from your omni-tools for a short duration (one minute?). Ending the power early makes your character spinning and firing the weapons, hitting all enemies in every direction.
4A: Damage, 4B: Duration
5A: Electric Bullets (sets up Tech Bursts), 5B: Warp Bullets (sets up Biotic Detonations)
6A: Use other Powers simultaneously, 6B: Explosive Rounds (staggers enemies, applies electric/biotic effect on all enemies hit)


Medical Engineer (Salarian?)
Medical Drone: Self explanatory. Follows you and restores shields and health for you and nearby allies.
4A: Drone Duration, 4B: Heal Radius
5A: Increase Heal frequency, 5B: Provide 50% extra Shield Boost for you and all nearby allies
6A: Increase Heal amount, 6B: Can self-revive if downed while drone is active

Healing Grenades: Disperses a cloud of healing for your allies, and can revive allies from a distance, twice as long as normal. Shields not affected.
4A: Radius, 4B: Heal Rate
5A: Extra Grenade, 5B: Restores Shields
6A: Revive time halved and Heal Rate increased, 6B: Area-of-denial (no enemies will step inside the cloud)

Might be a little overpowered, but they would be so much fun.


I'm guessing that Blood Pack SMG is going to turn up in multiplayer as an ultra rare in the future. Feels like a tempest that shoots an armor piercing round every second alongside the stream of bullets.


The Discple was supposed to shoot warp fields, but they had problems getting it to work. Looking for source.
Really? That would've been neat.

But that reminds me, the description of the Acolyte is kind of similar. If it turned out like that, then maybe not so much...


Has anyone been having problems with online recentley? For some reason, EA servers keep booting me out with 'lost connection'
The concept of a Salarian field medic would be awesome.

The demolisher has proved how necessary a support class can be, the medic would be such a hoot. It only needs 2 healing powers and 1 offensive power and it would be such a hit, one would be so welcome on any team.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The concept of a Salarian field medic would be awesome.

The demolisher has proved how necessary a support class can be, the medic would be such a hoot. It only needs 2 healing powers and 1 offensive power and it would be such a hit, one would be so welcome on any team.

There's no way to know how much health or shield your teammates have, i dont know how a medic class would work without you just spamming heals at random targets... unless they add health/shield meters above every players.
There's no way to know how much health or shield your teammates have, i dont know how a medic class would work without you just spamming heals at random targets... unless they add health/shield meters above every players.

Couldnt they just make the medic so that it can only heal downed allies? Make it so that you can revive at a much longer distance, and much quicker.


Oh god....did they ship out trap packs again? Apparently we may have beaten the weekend op despite what the weekend numbers suggest?

Not looking forward to being locked out of MP for a day or two if I redeemed the trap victory pack. Think I'm going to jump into Darksiders for a while until this all gets sorted out.

Or until the commendation packs go out.


That has to be a pity pack, I highly doubt we actually beat the challenge. Probably just felt bad and gave it to us anyway.


From: Admiral Steven Hackett
Re: Operation OLYMPUS
Confidentiality Classification: XB-PRIME
Distribution: N7 Forces Only

Soldiers of the Milky Way –

I am pleased to report that Operation OLYMPUS has netted us extremely valuable intel. With N7 troops engaging the enemy, the Resistance was able to lure a Reaper destroyer into a kill zone and bring it down. They were able to retrieve portions of its memory databases before withdrawing from the battlefield.

While we do not yet know what this new data will reveal, rest assured it will be put to good use. I don’t need to tell you that logs from a Reaper’s memory could prove invaluable. If we can decipher when and why it received the orders it did, we can start to predict their battle strategies, and that improves our chances both on Earth and throughout the galaxy.

The geth viewed the Reapers as gods, creatures beyond our understanding. We know that’s not true. We may not have knocked them off their pedestal today, but we have come one step closer to seeing them fall.

– Admiral Hackett

Quite the amazing rally guys!

Bronze total: 253,408
Silver total: 206,386
Gold total: 89,198

As a reward for such an Olympic effort there’s a special something in the pack for you.


Edit: I only got a Victory Pack =\


Really Really Exciting Member!
We went from ~30% to beating the objectives by a good margin in the end? Right, they probably changed it by counting one wave 10 per player rather than per game.

I got a new gear upgrade in my Victory pack, so i wont complain.


Huh... Smells like pity.

Victory Pack got one of my Rare Gear—Omni-Capacitors—up to III though. Is that the "special something" they're referring to?

I got a new gear upgrade in my Victory pack, so i wont complain.
I guess so!


Did you guys get Commendation Packs?

Time for me to go complainin' if ya did.

Fuck I only got the victory pack even though I did several full extractions from London.
The Victory and Commendation Packs aren't always made available at the same time. Commendation Pack may come later today, or tomorrow.

If you start seeing everybody else getting it before you, you may have to contact an EA Customer Service Rep through Live Chat to have them unlock it for you manually.


Really Really Exciting Member!
We rarely get both packs at the same time, shouldnt worry too much. And i guess the little extra in the Victory pack is a guaranteed gear upgrade?

Cat Party

August 14, 2012

Enemy Stomping Behavior
- (Silver) Delay before enemies will move to your body to stomp you increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
- (Silver) Delay before enemies stomp you once they reach your body increased from 0.75 to 1 second
- (Gold) Delay before enemies will move to your body to stomp you increased from 0.75 to 1 second
- (Gold) Delay before enemies stomp you once they reach your body increased from 0.25 to 1 second
- (Platinum) Delay before enemies will move to your body to stomp you remains at 0
- (Platinum) Delay before enemies stomp you once they reach your body increased from 0 to 1 second

Cerberus Phantom
- (Platinum) The force threshold to cause Phantoms to stagger lowered to Gold levels

Last change was supposed to happen last week but got delayed.


Not that I ain't happy about the Gear upgrade, since they've been so few 'n far between lately, but they should really make these Victory Packs comprised completely of Uncommon or Rare items.

All this combined effort(well, nothing from my end. lol), and Hackett updates for a bunch of Rank 1 consumables. Lame.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Not that I ain't happy about the Gear upgrade, since they've been so few 'n far between lately, but they should really make these Victory Packs comprised completely of Uncommon or Rare items.

All this combined effort(well, nothing from my end. lol), and Hackett updates for a bunch of Rank 1 consumables. Lame.

Yeah. :( At least i got 7 medigels, which i always need.


We won?! How the hell did that happen?
Oh well, I can't unlock my packs for another 6 days anyway.

There's no way to know how much health or shield your teammates have, i dont know how a medic class would work without you just spamming heals at random targets... unless they add health/shield meters above every players.

I don't know if you bothered to read my gargantuan post above, but my proposed Salarian Medic would have a healing drone following around, which would require that allies seek the medic on their own accord, rather than the other way around.
He would also have grenades that can heal from a distance, but I imagine that they would primarily be used to revive downed allies instead of heal besieged allies. Regardless, this encourages allies to seek out either the Salarian's healing drone or the healing gas from the grenade.


Ooh! Ooh! We can gloat about having something that Ji66a-Man doesn't? :D

Maann, my Hurricane VI with SMG Recoil System and High-Velocity mods at V is sooo awesome~! It devours everything, guys~! Really~!


Victory Pack: Guerrilla Upgrade. Stupid, but at least I didn't find it in a pack I bought.
Commendation Pack: Hurricane IV. Excellent.

Spectre Pack: Black Widow X
On the downside I damn near exactly predicted what would happen.
On the upside from here on out every UR I get is great.
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