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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing


I'm really, really loving a Sniper Rifle on my Human engineer. Between overload and my combat drone shocking things, it's extremely easy to set up head shots with a combination of the two (especially since you can use your power while scoped in already).

The only faction I have problems against right now with my set up are the Reapers. Because Banshees hate me.
Actually, no it hasn't. Every time you open a Spectre pack through credits, you have the exact same chance to get XYZ item as the person who opened it through Money.

Yeah, I'm done arguing with you. You don't really pay attention to anything I'm saying, as I never made an argument to the contrary (it's not that paid unlocks are better than unlocks earned by playing; the inclusion of the paid unlock system affected game design choices for the sole purpose of maximizing profit, not player enjoyment).

Enjoy lining the pockets of greedy corporations, because the public's acceptance of these practices will only encourage its inclusion in future games.


tagged by Blackace
Are you kidding? Stasis bubble is a necessity for gold matches, only thing it cant freeze is armor. Its way better than singularity and helps the snipers on your team

Side note, anyone having a ton of issues getting into games since yesterday (PC). Having to wait forever to find one and often times, the lag is horrible. I had a bug in one match where the game wouldnt let me pick up any ammo for about 4 rounds...

Hmm. Maybe I should give it a shot.

So with a Human and Asari Vanguard, what should I focus on spec-ing for each?
Yeah, I'm done arguing with you. You don't really pay attention to anything I'm saying, as I never made an argument to the contrary (it's not that paid unlocks are better than unlocks earned by playing; the inclusion of the paid unlock system affected game design choices for the sole purpose of maximizing profit, not player enjoyment).

Enjoy lining the pockets of greedy corporations, because the public's acceptance of these practices will only encourage its inclusion in future games.

LOL. Actually, I addressed all your points, and in a very measured, and logical way. As far as the "sole purpose of maximizing profit, not player enjoyment"? Those aren't mutually exclusive. A proper game company wants to maximize BOTH of those things at the same time.

Edit: Here let me help you.. here's what "mutually exclusive" means:

In layman's terms, two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time. An example is tossing a coin once, which can result in either heads or tails, but not both.

Plenty of game companies have been able to maximize both profits AND player enjoyment... Valve, Blizzard, etc.

And you addressed none of my points.

Let me ask you these questions:

- What about the player that wants to play the game but has more Money than Time? What if this person works 14 hour days and can only play 1 hour a day? Would this person be grateful for this system?

- Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system now or the hypothetical "N7" system with exclusive content only available to be purchased through Money?

- Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system or the Prothean Day 1 DLC?

- Were you able to find backlash against the Spectre pack system online?

Just answer these questions and I'd be happy.


How do you unlock the Asari Vanguard? Is it through leveling a base Vanguard or do I have to buy a pack and pray?

Either way, LOVING this multiplayer. Way too much fun.


Neo Member
Stasis will be your best friend.

I started by maxing out charge for full shield recharge, next plan was bubble stasis for sure. I dont really like shotguns as I feel a bit squishy still, but my AR was really fun to charge in blast away, charge in to refill shields, rinse repeat.... likin that for sure
LOL. Actually, I addressed all your points, and in a very measured, and logical way. As far as the "sole purpose of maximizing profit, not player enjoyment"? Those aren't mutually exclusive. A proper game company wants to maximize BOTH of those things at the same time.

Edit: Here let me help you.. here's what "mutually exclusive" means:

Plenty of game companies have been able to maximize both profits AND player enjoyment... Valve, Blizzard, etc.

And you addressed none of my points.

Let me ask you these questions:

- What about the player that wants to play the game but has more Money than Time? What if this person works 14 hour days and can only play 1 hour a day? Would this person be grateful for this system?

- Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system now or the hypothetical "N7" system with exclusive content only available to be purchased through Money?

- Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system or the Prothean Day 1 DLC?

- Were you able to find backlash against the Spectre pack system online?

Just answer these questions and I'd be happy.

I feel like Michael Corleone: "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in."

"Were you able to find backlash against the Spectre pack system online?"

Go to the GamesBeat article I've referenced several times. Read the whole thing, the writer does not like it, and he also thinks the cost of unlocks in credits is too high. He's pretty critical on the entire system. Also, watch the GiantBomb Quick Look. Gerstmann pretty much laughs at people who pay for unlocks. I'm not going to look for any more, because I don't need game journalists to validate my opinion. Just because there's not huge outrage doesn't mean it's not a bad system. I can think critically for myself without needing game journalists to spoon feed me my opinion.

"Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system or the Prothean Day 1 DLC?"

That's like saying, who was worse: Hitler or Pol Pot? They're both bad. But, if you make me choose, I'd rather pay for actual content like the Prothean DLC than pay for unlocks. Again, they're both bad, so I'm really splitting hairs here. I really dislike both.

"Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system now or the hypothetical "N7" system with exclusive content only available to be purchased through Money?"

Again, Hitler and Pol Pot. Just because you can dream up worse scenarios, that doesn't make the existing paid unlock system good.

"What about the player that wants to play the game but has more Money than Time? What if this person works 14 hour days and can only play 1 hour a day? Would this person be grateful for this system?"

Well, I guess I'd wonder what the point of the unlock system is anyway? Isn't it the carrot on the stick for us to chase as the reward? We play because we enjoy playing, but we also like getting the reward at the end. Why are you paying real money for the reward instead of playing the game? It sort of defeats at least one purpose of playing the game. Otherwise, Bioware might as well unlock everything from the start, right? Don't even bother having you earn your unlocks. And if you're "earning" your unlocks by spending real money, does that really give you any satisfaction? I realize some people like this method, but I just don't understand it.

Another thing that really bothers me about this paid unlock system is that it seems ripped directly from the free-to-play model. Except I'm not playing ME3 for free, I dropped $80 on the Collector's Edition. I understand that free-to-play models have to generate income somehow, so the time vs. money battle has to be utilized. But with ME3, I paid a large sum to play the game, why is Bioware trying to nickel-and-dime me with multiplayer unlocks? It feels dirty.


Neo Member
Lovely. >.>


Ive found the best way for me is to buy packs, and play around with the stuff I get, rather than look for the one thing that I really want and be upset when I don't get it. I would love to play asari adept, but I haven't been lucky enough to get one yet. There is enough versatility to play any class and have fun IMO, and messing around with the new weapons has proven to be hilarious!

I unlocked the Scorpion the other day and had no idea how it played. So i loaded up my engineer with JUST the Scorpion haha... Yeah.. it shoots little sticky mines, and even if you hit an enemy they don't detonate immediately. Brutes went down fast as hell! Incinerate + 5 or 6 mines...wait for it.... EXPLOSION!


Okay, explain to me how my definition of fair is loose and selective. In my example, every single player, regardless of how much Time or Money they have, are able to achieve that same 100 Spectre packs. Please explain to me how that is unfair.

You're only looking at this from the Money angle. Reread your same statement and replace '$' with 'Time'. See how that works? Now let's compare players with no Money. That person that can play 10 hours a day (and no Money) will have way more of an advantage than a person that can only play 2 hours a day (and no Money). Going along those same lines, a person with no Money and no Time is at a severe disadvantage to all other players, while a person with lots of Money and lots of Time has advantages over *everyone*. We can agree on that right? Because it makes sense?

Much higher chance of what? Unlocking better items? No, we know that's not true because the system is entirely random. And again, substitute 'Money' for 'Time' and you get players with a heavy advantage of resources... like those players with an N7 rank of 135 like 3 days after the game released. They have a *heavy* Time advantage over normal players... and because of their abundance of Time, they are able to open more Spectre packs than most other players.

Now you're putting words in my mouth... I did NOT say this. The variable Money I've been using has only been in the context of this game.... that's IT. And you're introducing far more complexity into this case than is needed; you're starting to delve into opportunity cost, fraud, marketing investment and I don't even know what. None of that has anything to do with monetization of Spectre packs.

"Skill" and "dedication" both imply advantages in Time. Why are Diablo II and World of Warcraft accounts sold for thousands of dollars? Why do people grind and grind to find loot and build these accounts solely for the purpose of selling? Because people with Time advantages sell them to people with Money advantages. Do you agree that there are people out there that love videogames but just don't have the time these days (because of kids/career/marriage/etc.) to invest the skill and dedication they were able to in the past? They love the same video games we all do, but they just don't have as much Time anymore... so if they're able to make up for it in Money, why not? Why not give them that chance? They're happy because they get to play with that Black Widow they wanted, but didn't have the Time to grind for... is that so wrong? The developers are happy, all types of players are happy.... isn't that a good thing?

What's funny is that ME3 multiplayer is strictly co-op... there's literally no competition whatsoever since credits and experience are shared equally at the end of each round. So you WANT your teammates to have the best possible items at all times because it means that YOU have a greater chance of success.

Besides egregiously ignoring the actual structure of the NFL, that's not even a comparable analogy... at ALL. Even if you buy 1 million Spectre packs, if you've only got one hour a week to play then you won't know how to use ANY of what you unlocked.

And I find it hilarious how you just dismiss EA's stock tanking... not like EA or Bioware is going to disappear anytime soon, but game companies crash and burn all the time.

God forbid we give (fair) money to the companies whose games we love.

I'm not going to waste your or my time going through this piece wise, because honestly, it's not even necessary. Whether you recognize and accept it or not, your entire argument is founded on the notion that it's OK to "buy" your way into the "end game", upper echelons, or whatever you prefer. People that RMT MMO/ORPG characters/gear are looked down upon and hated by (a majority of) players and developers alike. In almost every case it's a flagrant violation of the ToS and is met with account bans and/or character/item deletion. Maybe you weren't aware of this, and this is why you're taking the stance you are?

In life there are many things you can't (or rather shouldn't) be able to buy your way into, I was merely providing analogous RL examples you may be familiar with. You're welcome to substitute your own, surely you understand the concept at this point. Maybe you don't consider Videogames one of those situations (and that's fine), but I'm just trying to explain to you that a lot of people do. Fact of the matter is the guys that reached rank 135 in 3 days SHOULD be able to enjoy an advantage, they have the time/dedication/skill and have earned it. A wealthy tycoon fleecing people in RL--buying hundreds of dollars in Specter packs--should not, that's just how the concept of "fairness" works in most people's view. Again, maybe you don't agree with that in the context of Videogames, but that's the angle a lot of people are looking at it from, and it should be obvious why there is disagreement with your attempts to rationalize or validate it.


How do you unlock the Asari Vanguard? Is it through leveling a base Vanguard or do I have to buy a pack and pray?

Either way, LOVING this multiplayer. Way too much fun.

I unlocked the asari vanguard in a veteran pack.

I think I would have preferred a system like black ops where I could specifically choose which characters/weapons to unlock. There's some weapons from singleplayer I'd love to try in multiplayer, but it's so random whether or not I'll get them.


Hmm. Maybe I should give it a shot.

So with a Human and Asari Vanguard, what should I focus on spec-ing for each?

For the human vanguard you'll want to max out on Nova and Charge. Those two skills combined are lethal, at least on bronze and silver games.


Neo Member
I'm not going to waste your or my time going through this piece wise, because honestly, it's not even necessary. Whether you recognize and accept it or not, your entire argument is founded on the notion that it's OK to "buy" your way into the "end game", upper echelons, or whatever you prefer. People that RMT MMO/ORPG characters/gear are looked down upon and hated by (a majority of) players and developers alike. In almost every case it's a flagrant violation of the ToS and is met with account bans and/or character/item deletion. Maybe you weren't aware of this, and this is why you're taking the stance you are?

In life there are many things you can't (or rather shouldn't) be able to buy your way into, I was merely providing analogous RL examples you may be familiar with. You're welcome to substitute your own, surely you understand the concept at this point. Maybe you don't consider Videogames one of those situations (and that's fine), but I'm just trying to explain to you that a lot of people do. Fact of the matter is the guys that reached rank 135 in 3 days SHOULD be able to enjoy an advantage, they have the time/dedication/skill and have earned it. A wealthy tycoon fleecing people in RL--buying hundreds of dollars in Specter packs--should not, that's just how the concept of "fairness" works in most people's view. Again, maybe you don't agree with that in the context of Videogames, but that's the angle a lot of people are looking at it from, and it should be obvious why there is disagreement with your attempts to rationalize or validate it.

Just curious as to what type of "advantage" you are talking about?
Having the highest score in a match where everyone takes home the same reward? Helping their team win and therefore reward everyone?
Is it just ego? Do they just want to have something that someone else doesnt?

Honestly, I'm very confused what the "advantage" some people strive for in THIS game.


Just curious as to what type of "advantage" you are talking about?
Having the highest score in a match where everyone takes home the same reward? Helping their team win and therefore reward everyone?
Is it just ego? Do they just want to have something that someone else doesnt?

Honestly, I'm very confused what the "advantage" some people strive for in THIS game.

Thanks, I meant to address this. For many, the goal of games of this ilk are the gear procurement and all that entails--be it becoming powerful enough to solo Gold matches, the ego angles (dominating the score, having something someone else doesn't), or anything else you could imagine. This proverbial carrot on the stick is a big part of why they play the game. Honestly, the actual gameplay in a lot of loot based titles is pretty crappy--yet many are immensely popular. This is because the loot is THE core gameplay mechanic. Now I'm not saying this is entirely the case with ME3, but it's definitely a big part of it--especially with the characters leveling/maxing so fast. Maybe that's not their long term goal, and they're planning on raising the cap, adding powers, and slowing progression way down, but I can only comment on how it stands now, and loot/ego/score competitions become the only carrots after a short while.


I don't understand why this is a big deal. You've been able to purchase 'competitive edges' on many games for a while now.

Just because other games may have done something similar doesn't make it anymore right. What are some specific examples you have in mind? I know there have been some preorder incentives and DLC that have afforded a (short lived or insignificant) competitive advantage, but I'm not aware of any other games that have (officially sanctioned by the publishers/developer) allowed you to buy yourself a god geared character on day 1. This is probably the key difference with ME3, and the fact that they're so shameless about it.


Just because other games may have done something similar doesn't make it anymore right. What are some specific examples you have in mind? I know there have been some preorder incentives and DLC that have afforded a (short lived or insignificant) competitive advantage, but I'm not aware of any other games that have (officially sanctioned by the publishers/developer) allowed you to buy yourself a god geared character on day 1. This is probably the key difference with ME3, and the fact that they're so shameless about it.
Then you don't play sports games.
It's not competitive multiplayer so being able to buy the gear just really doesn't matter to me in the slightest.

Not only that, all results are shared. So if the BFG some dude got in a spectre pack helps me win the game woo hoo. This really doesn't bother me.

My inability to beat silver however, I find that quite annoying.


Can there be a separate thread for fucking bitching about the money thing? I've come into this thread a few times over the past 3 or 4 days looking for some advice and stopped after scrolling through a ton of posts of people bickering back and forth. I have had to seriously go to Gamefaqs to get help instead. Jesus.


Then you don't play sports games.
Yep, was going to say fifa. I imagine F2P mmos do this too. Still, I think you're exaggerating the overpowered character result, especially since its a co-op game and equipment can't necessarily make up for skills.


Not only that, all results are shared. So if the BFG some dude got in a spectre pack helps me win the game woo hoo. This really doesn't bother me.

My inability to beat silver however, I find that quite annoying.
Gear you get from packs isn't too important depending on your class. I once went through silver using a Human Sentinel without ever firing a shot.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Well, I'll have to say. I was mad as hell when I found out I had to play the online part to get the best ending. Still pretty pissed about it, to be honest.

But, I'm having a decent time with the online portion. Really wish it wasn't being forced on me, but other than that, people work together really well and it's a fairly painless experience.


It's not competitive multiplayer so being able to buy the gear just really doesn't matter to me in the slightest.

Not only that, all results are shared. So if the BFG some dude got in a spectre pack helps me win the game woo hoo. This really doesn't bother me.

My inability to beat silver however, I find that quite annoying.

I think this is a fair opinion, but at the same time, you have to recognize this is not how everyone approaches it. I think the problem is the mishmash of gameplay styles and genre preferences. Action/Shooting fans are probably going to be apt to approach it from your angle. MMO/ORPG fans are probably going to be apt to approach it from the angle I argued earlier.


I think this is a fair opinion, but at the time, you have to recognize this is not how everyone approaches it. I think the problem is the mishmash of gameplay styles and genre preferences. Action/Shooting fans are probably going to be apt to approach it from your angle. MMO/ORPG fans are probably going to be apt to approach it from the angle I argued earlier.
Yeah, no, I raided wow in vanilla and couldn't give a Shit. Selling wow characters with full tier 2 is different from a company offering these random item packs to everyone for in game currency or msp.


Yeah, no, I raided wow in vanilla and couldn't give a Shit. Selling wow characters with full tier 2 is different from a company offering these random item packs to everyone for in game currency or msp.

What are the differences in your opinion? Buying a godded out MMO/ORPG character outright from an "illegal" third party RMT firm and buying $1000 in Specter packs from EA to approximate the same result seems pretty similar to me--unless you just don't consider the games to be in the same vein (perfectly valid, but like I said, some people do approach ME3 as a loot based ORPG). Personally, I have no idea what all weapons are in the game, or how powerful/necessary they may become, but from what I've seen, a lot of classes rolling in silver/gold with mostly starter weapons are nothing but leeches and decoys while those rolling with the rare Snipers or Grenade Launchers generally end up carrying the matches.


Hey chaps, are the odds of unlocking new character types increased with Specter packs, or are they only really for rare guns and equipment boosts? Bought loads of Veterans, but seem unable to unlock anything Quarian, which is all I really want... :-/


Sometimes when I'm at low life, I use the shield regen (right on dpad) while taking damage. But there is a delay, so I still die, not getting the benefit yet still using up the item. That sucks.

Anyone know if shooting the front window of an Atlas counts towards a headshot modifier. As a Turian soldier I have the choice of +20% headshot damage or +10% power/force damage. If yes, that would make me choose the former. If not, I hope the +10% power/force damage applies to the rounds I shoot out while in marksman mode. It does, right?

By the way, AvengerX + mag mod + marksman with rapidfire buffs + 200% weight stat + armor piercing ammo works pretty well against a gold atlas once the shield is down.


Can there be a separate thread for fucking bitching about the money thing? I've come into this thread a few times over the past 3 or 4 days looking for some advice and stopped after scrolling through a ton of posts of people bickering back and forth. I have had to seriously go to Gamefaqs to get help instead. Jesus.

The worst part about the micro transactions is how it has ruined this thread!

Sometimes when I'm at low life, I use the shield regen (right on dpad) while taking damage. But there is a delay, so I still die, not getting the benefit yet still using up the item. That sucks.
I use it before I get to 1 bar. I haven't really had issues with it but if you're taking fire in gold then you're going to drop back down to nothing almost immediately anyway. The best way to use it, I've found, is while you're sprinting away from action or from cloak. A lot of times I'll have <1 bar of health as infiltrator so I'll cloak then use it since you don't regen shields. I only started using it since I unlocked a 3rd one and I've found it to be really helpful while hacking on gold.

Anyone know if shooting the front window of an Atlas counts towards a headshot modifier. As a Turian soldier I have the choice of +20% headshot damage or +10% power/force damage. If yes, that would make me choose the former. If not, I hope the +10% power/force damage applies to the rounds I shoot out while in marksman mode. It does, right?
I think it does. I was doing pretty massive damage with my widow on the window but I am not 100% sure. How often do you get headshots vs. how often do you just hit something with powers with that class?


Hey chaps, are the odds of unlocking new character types increased with Specter packs, or are they only really for rare guns and equipment boosts? Bought loads of Veterans, but seem unable to unlock anything Quarian, which is all I really want... :-/

From what i gather, some of the characters are designated Rare, which Specter guarantees at least one of. By that I mean guarantees one Rare, not a character--it could be either a weapon or character. Veterans supposedly have a low change of turning up a rare, so in buying them, you've got 2 odds stacked against you if you're going after a Rare character. If you're after an Uncommon character (silver) Veteran is probably your best odds per credit.


What is the easiest way to get credits the fastest?

Is it really Geth on Gold? If so, what map has proven the easiest?

If you are going in with a random group, I would go Geth on Silver.

For Gold, you really need a lot of coordination and nobody trying to be a cowboy.

Edit - As for the best map to use... Firebase Dagger I've found has been the easiest to hunker down at. So if you are planning a Gold run, that's the one I usually hop on.
What is the easiest way to get credits the fastest?

Is it really Geth on Gold? If so, what map has proven the easiest?

I don't think Geth is as easy anymore, right? Didn't they patch it to make them tougher.

But ya, I would also like to know the "fastest way to make money" because, due to the widely praised RNG system, I just want to unlock the class I want to play as, as quickly as possible.
"Were you able to find backlash against the Spectre pack system online?"

Go to the GamesBeat article I've referenced several times. Read the whole thing, the writer does not like it, and he also thinks the cost of unlocks in credits is too high. He's pretty critical on the entire system. Also, watch the GiantBomb Quick Look. Gerstmann pretty much laughs at people who pay for unlocks. I'm not going to look for any more, because I don't need game journalists to validate my opinion. Just because there's not huge outrage doesn't mean it's not a bad system. I can think critically for myself without needing game journalists to spoon feed me my opinion.

I did read it. I read it again, and I read it now. Doesn't change a thing. Your whole argument is the existence of the paid unlock system compromises the integrity of the game, correct? Not once in that article does the writer attack the existence of the option... he's miffed he doesn't have all the weapons and has issues with the pricing, but that's not what we're debating here. But not once does he ever imply that the system should be changed.

I'm not going to watch the QL, but Gerstmann laughing at people who pay for unlocks is fine. He's not the demographic that EA/Bioware is targeting, because guys like Gerstmann get *paid* to play video games. Like I said before, the target demographic is the group who don't have time to play as much as they would like.

And the reason I asked you to google for backlash is not to be swayed by a single game journalist, but because those game journalists write those articles in response to the community. As soon as word hit the community on the nature of the Prothean DLC, the backlash started then the journalists started writing about it. They (should) report news, not make news. So if the community had backlash against the Spectre packs, then journalists would write about it... alas, there is no backlash, hence no articles.

"Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system or the Prothean Day 1 DLC?"

That's like saying, who was worse: Hitler or Pol Pot? They're both bad. But, if you make me choose, I'd rather pay for actual content like the Prothean DLC than pay for unlocks. Again, they're both bad, so I'm really splitting hairs here. I really dislike both.

That's fair, and a good analogy. Too bad the analogy doesn't apply though. Again, despite the fact that you don't like it, the fact is that many people DO like it. I involved the Prothean DLC because that was almost universally panned, so much so that principals of Bioware had to give multiple statements defending the DLC. (Note how there were no statements made about defending the Spectre packs? Because there's no backlash. That's the difference I'm illustrating).

"Which is more unfair: the Spectre pack system now or the hypothetical "N7" system with exclusive content only available to be purchased through Money?"

Again, Hitler and Pol Pot. Just because you can dream up worse scenarios, that doesn't make the existing paid unlock system good.

And again, the difference I'm illustrating. One system gives you the option to get content with money, but doesn't force you to. The other system forces you to access the content only with money. There's a severe difference between the two, not just some shallow "Bad Person A or Bad Person B" comparison.

"What about the player that wants to play the game but has more Money than Time? What if this person works 14 hour days and can only play 1 hour a day? Would this person be grateful for this system?"

Well, I guess I'd wonder what the point of the unlock system is anyway? Isn't it the carrot on the stick for us to chase as the reward? We play because we enjoy playing, but we also like getting the reward at the end. Why are you paying real money for the reward instead of playing the game? It sort of defeats at least one purpose of playing the game. Otherwise, Bioware might as well unlock everything from the start, right? Don't even bother having you earn your unlocks. And if you're "earning" your unlocks by spending real money, does that really give you any satisfaction? I realize some people like this method, but I just don't understand it.

I love how you dance around the crux of my argument.

- "what's the point of the unlock system anyway?" It's a tried-and-true system used in countless other video games, just structured differently. Kill enemies -> get random loot. I'd argue that it's even better than previous systems because you're not competing with teammates for the loot, and you get to access the loot how you choose (through the differently tiered packs).

- "Why are you paying real money for the reward instead of playing the game?" Again, dancing around the crux of my argument. That person working 14 hours (with only 1 hour of gametime a day) physically cannot invest that much time in the game. They want to, but their job dictates they can't. THEY CAN'T. Why cut out that person from experiencing the full content of your game if you can provide it to that person AND not penalize anyone else that CAN invest that much time in the game (and make money in the process)?

- "I realize some people like this method" Thank you. That's exactly my point. It doesn't appeal to you, but it's not trying to appeal to all people. It's going to appeal to those people that have 14 hour work days, or 8 hour work days with two kids in soccer practice, or people who travel often for their job, or people that have 2 hour work days but tons of disposable cash. Those are the people they are targeting and earning revenue from. Those people are happy because they can play with the Black Widow, and they're not getting any special treatment over the people who don't want to invest money. This is the essence of price differentiation, which I've mentioned numerous times now.

Another thing that really bothers me about this paid unlock system is that it seems ripped directly from the free-to-play model. Except I'm not playing ME3 for free, I dropped $80 on the Collector's Edition. I understand that free-to-play models have to generate income somehow, so the time vs. money battle has to be utilized. But with ME3, I paid a large sum to play the game, why is Bioware trying to nickel-and-dime me with multiplayer unlocks? It feels dirty.

The difference is you're not locked out of content if you don't pay. Again, if you can invest Time or Money or some combination of both, you can open the same Spectre packs that everyone else can.


I don't think Geth is as easy anymore, right? Didn't they patch it to make them tougher.

Geth is a bit tougher due to the number of Pyros, but one human engineer can lock them down in Bronze and Silver chaining overloads (I guess a Turian Sentinel may be able to do that too, but I don't know if their skills really work as well) and Combat Drones.
- "I realize some people like this method" Thank you. That's exactly my point. It doesn't appeal to you, but it's not trying to appeal to all people. It's going to appeal to those people that have 14 hour work days, or 8 hour work days with two kids in soccer practice, or people who travel often for their job, or people that have 2 hour work days but tons of disposable cash. Those are the people they are targeting and earning revenue from. Those people are happy because they can play with the Black Widow, and they're not getting any special treatment over the people who don't want to invest money.

But what you totally fail to understand is that by including the paid unlocks, the game design was altered, and that does affect me. You want to ignore that, or believe that it didn't happen. But logic tells you it was a factor. This was not an altruistic gesture. The sole purpose of including paid unlocks was for EA/Bioware to make more money. It wasn't a gift to you, the time-strapped cash-wealthy gamer. To think otherwise is absurd.


I use it before I get to 1 bar. I haven't really had issues with it but if you're taking fire in gold then you're going to drop back down to nothing almost immediately anyway. The best way to use it, I've found, is while you're sprinting away from action or from cloak. A lot of times I'll have <1 bar of health as infiltrator so I'll cloak then use it since you don't regen shields. I only started using it since I unlocked a 3rd one and I've found it to be really helpful while hacking on gold.
Ok, so I need to use it before I'm at the very last sliver of health. I feel like the game is a little unpolished/clunky in the mechanics department. Taking cover in a pinch is so unreliable, especially when you're used to the responsiveness of Gears. At the very least, it should not deduct a shield item away if it doesn't apply. Bha, I'll adjust. Good to know you can use it while hacking.

I think it does. I was doing pretty massive damage with my widow on the window but I am not 100% sure. How often do you get headshots vs. how often do you just hit something with powers with that class?
Hard to say. A team I'm rolling with just started to do well against Cerberus on Gold. We've got a role for different things. Once, the Atlas shields go down, I'm da man. We've been pretty effective with dealing with everything else, so this upgrade would mainly be for dealing with the Atlas. But even assuming the headshot damage to the window counts, and the power damage is applied while in marksman mode, it's still a tough decision. This is why I think they should have allowed you to toggle the powers of rank 4/5/6 at any time without any respec requirement. It discourages experimentation, and if you make the wrong choice, you're fucked. I think I'll go with the higher risk/reward headshot upgrade. If it doesn't work out well then, promote, start over.
I've got a code for PS3 ME3. It gives N7 warfare gear, defender armour and an assault rifle or something. Since i have no interest in DLCs i would like to share it. If anyone would like it, tell me so.
ME3 multiplayer takes away too much of my single player time. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But after 3 hours of MP, I can't help but feel guilty that I'm not 3 hours further into the SP
But what you totally fail to understand is that by including the paid unlocks, the game design was altered, and that does affect me. You want to ignore that, or believe that it didn't happen. But logic tells you it was a factor. This was not an altruistic gesture. The sole purpose of including paid unlocks was for EA/Bioware to make more money. It wasn't a gift to you, the time-strapped cash-wealthy gamer. To think otherwise is absurd.

Ok, explain to me how game design was "altered". I'd love to hear your explanation on that.

And who said it was an "altruistic gesture"? I've never once said that, nor implied it. I have said it's good business, because it targets a demographic willing to pay (in an ethical way). It's not intended to be a gift, it just utilizes a tried-and-true revenue stream that's used in pretty much Every. Industry. Ever.
ME3 multiplayer takes away too much of my single player time. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But after 3 hours of MP, I can't help but feel guilty that I'm not 3 hours further into the SP

I'm the same way, actually. Picked it up at midnight, got about 15 hours total into the SP, then tried the multi "to see what's different from the demo" and got stuck.

Now I'm thinking about what class to use next after maxing out my Adept, Vanguard and Sentinel classes.
Is the quarians infiltrator rare or uncommon? The Taurians sentinel?

I got 'em both out of Veteran packs, I think. I named my quarian Gaga vas Ictomy.

I also have a krogan Soldier called Urdnot Derp.

I'm starting to get attached to my turian Sentinel: I like the way he plays better than my Vanguard. In the SP, my Shepard has both the close-range skills and some fast recharging skills to deal with enemies a bit further away. In MP, I don't have that, which throws me off. :(


Ok, so I need to use it before I'm at the very last sliver of health. I feel like the game is a little unpolished/clunky in the mechanics department. Taking cover in a pinch is so unreliable, especially when you're used to the responsiveness of Gears. At the very least, it should not deduct a shield item away if it doesn't apply. Bha, I'll adjust. Good to know you can use it while hacking.


Sorry I don't know if you can use it while holding A but I was refering to being in the radius and recharging your health :eek:


Neo Member
I just want a damn Asari Adept, Turian Sentinel and Quarian Infiltrator.

But noooooo, the game gives me like three shitty Drell Vanguards instead.

The game is telling you to keep playing the Drell! haha My first pack after finaly unlocking a new race (asari vanguard) was for Human Engineer, which is what I have been playing mostly up to this point. Made me chuckle, also made me want to play Human Engineer again haha

Thanks, I meant to address this. For many, the goal of games of this ilk are the gear procurement and all that entails--be it becoming powerful enough to solo Gold matches, the ego angles (dominating the score, having something someone else doesn't), or anything else you could imagine. This proverbial carrot on the stick is a big part of why they play the game. Honestly, the actual gameplay in a lot of loot based titles is pretty crappy--yet many are immensely popular. This is because the loot is THE core gameplay mechanic. Now I'm not saying this is entirely the case with ME3, but it's definitely a big part of it--especially with the characters leveling/maxing so fast. Maybe that's not their long term goal, and they're planning on raising the cap, adding powers, and slowing progression way down, but I can only comment on how it stands now, and loot/ego/score competitions become the only carrots after a short while.

Personally, I think the goal was to keep it engaging with both progression you control and random progression you dont. The new Equipment pack that has an expiration dates leads me to believe that there will be future packs of a similar nature, ie Characters/Weapons/Mods -- but nobody knows for sure.

Everyones "carrot" is different, and obviously no one game is going to be able to feed everyone that "carrot." And I believe that you and I initially started our back and forth discussing the price of the packs. I don't really want to reread the entire thread, but I did post awhile ago my ideas and how I personally don't find the packs priced in a way to encourage cash money spending moreso than credit spending. My opinion has not swayed. I suppose I just play in a more casual manner than you, and that is fine.

I think the big thing most people are leaving out of their discussions on this is that the $60 price point for the game wouldn't have been any different if the game did not have this new multiplayer element. So to me, buying ME3 came with a completely free co-op option. And sometime, soon im sure, I'll want to drop a couple bucks on packs... because as my friend said, "A coke costs 2 bucks.... but I'm not thirsty"

I don't think Geth is as easy anymore, right? Didn't they patch it to make them tougher.

But ya, I would also like to know the "fastest way to make money" because, due to the widely praised RNG system, I just want to unlock the class I want to play as, as quickly as possible.

My first gold game victory was right after the last patch, and I honestly didn't notice it being too much harder than I thought it would be.

When I look at the patch notes I see tiny changes to things, like 4 or 5 damage off the min/max and I honestly can't see how this would effect a weapon in such a way that it would no longer be playable... might be just me though.

Now the 2seconds to 8seconds change, and the changes to that one ability ARE huge, I'm not talking about that. Just stuff like the Vindicator or whatever it is called dont seem so bad to me. Rolled with it last night and didn't notice a difference.
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