Quick question, didn't play any of the DLC post launch for ME2. Think I should before diving in?
You need 100% galactic readiness to get the best ending. Multiplayer increases galactic readiness. You don't need to play multiplayer at all though, you can increase it just by doing side missions.
Pull is great, gives you a way to deal with thosedamned shield enemies.
I cannot stand that Shepard says stuff without prompting with a dialogue choice beforehand.
I don't usually bold text arbitrarily, but it really bothers me that I can't choose what Shepard says during a lot of scenes in which a dialogue tree would have been ideal. This was most apparent about 2 hours in when I first reach the Citadel and meet up with Bailey. There was no 'investigate' dialogue option, or anything that would allow the player to actually TALK TO BAILEY and learn more about what's been going on with him. Something like this would've been in ME1 or ME2 and now it feels like there's a gaping hole in ME3.
Now, Some lines of expository dialogue don't need a personalized reply or dialogue prompt, and I understand the need for certain cutscenes to move along smoothly and with some (admittedly cool) choreographed sequences, but I think they've taken it too far.
Also, In the previous games, Shepard would rarely (if ever) utter a single word without your say-so. Now, he has quippy replies and one-liners? Bleh. That's not my Shepard.
Please, PLEASE tell this shit doesn't continue for the rest of this game. If it does, it knocks my personal score for it down considerably.
I cannot stand that Shepard says stuff without prompting with a dialogue choice beforehand.
I don't usually bold text arbitrarily, but it really bothers me that I can't choose what Shepard says during a lot of scenes in which a dialogue tree would have been ideal. This was most apparent about 2 hours in when I first reach the Citadel and meet up with Bailey. There was no 'investigate' dialogue option, or anything that would allow the player to actually TALK TO BAILEY and learn more about what's been going on with him. Something like this would've been in ME1 or ME2 and now it feels like there's a gaping hole in ME3.
Now, Some lines of expository dialogue don't need a personalized reply or dialogue prompt, and I understand the need for certain cutscenes to move along smoothly and with some (admittedly cool) choreographed sequences, but I think they've taken it too far.
Also, In the previous games, Shepard would rarely (if ever) utter a single word without your say-so. Now, he has quippy replies and one-liners? Bleh. That's not my Shepard.
Please, PLEASE tell this shit doesn't continue for the rest of this game. If it does, it knocks my personal score for it down considerably.
He definitely auto responses a lot more than in the previous games, but trust me there is still plenty of investigating. For example, right after you talk to Bailey like that you can go talk to him in his C-Sec office and actually chat him up about what's been going on with plenty of "Investigate" options.
12 hours in and while it has gotten noticeably better you still do more auto talking than not. It bothers me too and honestly it's my only real complaint on the game up to this point. Everything else has been pretty good, though I have some nitpicks here and there.
But yeah the dialogue thing doesn't appear to go back to full ME1 and ME2 style. The good part about this is squad banter is vastly improved and even the auto dialogue (situations like talking to Zaeed in ME2) is more like an actual conversation between Shepard and whoever he's talking to. You just don't get to pick choices during that time.
anyway I think I'll be wrapping it up for tonight. I just put in like 6 hours straight and realized it was past 2 am![]()
He definitely auto responses a lot more than in the previous games, but trust me there is still plenty of investigating. For example, right after you talk to Bailey like that you can go talk to him in his C-Sec office and actually chat him up about what's been going on with plenty of "Investigate" options.
Quick question, didn't play any of the DLC post launch for ME2. Think I should before diving in?
Trojita said:I beat Mass Effect 2 when it came out but never played the shadow broker, mostly because I hate paying for DLC but also because I hated the fact that what I felt was an integral plot point to the game ended up as DLC. I had a relationship with Liara in the first game, but sexed Miranda in the second game, am I missing out on anything if I didn't do Shadow Broker?
Question about the Citadel in the early game
Does it open up more after the mission the council asks you to do, or is there a path/elevator I am missing somewhere? Everyone is talking about how open it is, but I am only seeing the docking bay, embassies, and hospital areas.
I beat Mass Effect 2 when it came out but never played the shadow broker, mostly because I hate paying for DLC but also because I hated the fact that what I felt was an integral plot point to the game ended up as DLC. I had a relationship with Liara in the first game, but sexed Miranda in the second game, am I missing out on anything if I didn't do Shadow Broker?
The Shadow Broker would probably explain why, I'm guessing, Liara is who she is in the beginning of 3, but aside from that, it didn't add all that much, and I doubt not playing it would effect your enjoyment of 3. My shep wasn't with her in the first game, so I don't know if that changes much (prob not). I can't say anything to any of the other dlc packs aside from Kasumi, and she's an isolated event I'm almost sure; a loyalty mission that barely added to 2 let alone the narrative as a whole.
So hows the framerate on the ps3 version? jeff on the giantbomb podcast wasnt to flattering about it.
So you can't holster your weapon. Meaning I have to spend the whole game scanning my view awkwardly around outside of combat to look around instead of moving the camera independently of my character's facing.
So you can't holster your weapon. Meaning I have to spend the whole game scanning my view awkwardly around outside of combat to look around instead of moving the camera independently of my character's facing.
Which planet do I go to to access the from ashes DLC?
Yeah, I was gonna comment on this. So dumb.
Why not just play the previous games before playing this? Just because they are more than a week old doesn't mean they suck. Seems pointless to drop right in at the end if a trilogy, there's no rush.Ah so the game is like Assassin's Creed in the sense that you would be absolutely lost if you skipped out on a game or two. I'm going to look up some plot summaries and cutscenes on YouTube later tomorrow. Thanks for answering my question![]()
Actually, ME2 loads really fast, even on my PC when it had older parts. The problem was that the loading screens always played before letting you back in. I replaced the loading screens with dummy ones and would always load almost immediately (would help in Insanity when you die and reload a lot)It's not just SSD. This game loads almost instantly for me in just about every scenario. In 2 going between floors on the Normandy would be instant but real loads would take like 20+ seconds. Now I get about 4 or 5 at most.
The "war summary" button is misleading then because it says the battle will play out with a slim chance to win (or whatever is at 50%) even though I have a full strength bar.The bar at the bottom, effective military strengt, is the deciding factor. It is calculated by your score multiplied by the galactic readiness percentage. You don't need readiness to be full.
There was an explanation to this given a while back, iirc. It boiled down to resource management, and I can't remember the exact words, but you could find it somewhere in the demo thread if you wanted. It sucks though, either way.
my shep dancing lol
there WILL be other bars/clubs, right?
Dafuq.Where's Jack after you do that mission?!? Don't tell me she doesnt join up
I smiled a bit at the Zaeed Avenger assault rifle referenceThe Garrus calibration jokes are adorable.